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4 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesda , Ma 22, 2013
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Member 011he Canadian Communal,
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What rocks are you hiding under scumbag?
What rock are you hiding
under scumbag?
And how long do any of' you really
think it will be before you end up in a
jail cell for the killing of Tim Bosnia?
Some are calling them the KiJiji
The truth is they are not exactly
showing themselves to be master
Dim, actually.
Police were able to track down one
suspect, Dellen Millard, 27, thanks to
a similar test drive of a truck the day
before in which the unharmed tipster
recalled one of the men sporting it
tattoo that said "ambition:'
Millard was charged Wednesday
with first-degree murder in the death
of Bosma.
And Bosnia's cellphone was found
in Brantford?
Police said somebody tried to make
a body disappear by burning it
"beyond all recognition" 011 the sus-
pect's own property?
'Ihe missing truck was found in a
trailer on his mother's property?
Witless is one word that comes to
So what's the next mistake going to
Are any of you in any of those
Facebook pictures that are all over
social media?
Are those in some of the pictures
who were interviewed by police
going to keep their mouths shut like
Millard is purported to be doing by
exercising his Charter rights?
Or tell police everything they
"'Ihe smartest move is to lawyer up
and turn themselves in," said crime
specialist Ross McLean. "Sometimes
there is a race to get their side on the
story into police first because it's a
myth that criminals stick together
with 25 years on the line."
--- Joe Warmr►Iglorl QM! Agency
Make your life easier: plant a native tree!
Communities in Bloom Lambton Shores
"1 l(' 1Vi1() plants it tl't't' 1)11111ts it hope."
We all know how important trees are to
our environment. 'Busy absorb greenhouse
gases, ('I('i1(1 the ail', create oxygen, ('(1o1 our
houses, provide privacy, reduce noise, pre-
vent soil erosion, and increase property
So planting trees is i► no !trainer. But what
kind to plant?
It's best to plant native species (ones that
grow naturally 111 our area) because they're
used to the local soil and weather condi-
tions. They generally survive longer, need
Iess watering, and are more disease -resist-
ant. 111 other words, all the beauty and ben-
efits of trees with less work! (And that's
especially important if you're faced with
replacing trees lost to the Emerald Ash
When you plant it native tree, you're also
helping to provide it habitat for native birds,
animals and inserts.
The Lainhton Shores Communities in
Bloom committee, working with tree experts
and local nurseries, has selectee) three mag
nificent native trees for planting in 2013.
Several nurseries are offering a 20% dis-
count 1)I1 tilled' Heel's. 1I)ey are:
Heti Oak A magnificent tree that grows
20 to 30 metres high, prefers sun and will
grow in a variety of soils
Serviceberiy A small, multi stein tree
with white blossoms in the spring and red
berries in early seams''', prefers sun but will
tolerate full shade
Eastern hemlock A handsome ever-
green that can grow up to 30 metres high,
with long soft needles, likes moist, cool
areas, very shade tolerant
flew are some tips for planting your new
native trees:
(:all before you dig! Once you have
selected the location for your tree, be sure
to call Ontario One (:all (1 -BOO •10(1--2255)
and your other utility companies for locates
to slake sure you do not cut any utility
If the tree was grown in a container, the
root mass should he sliced vertically 2-3
times with a sharp knife.
1)ig a hole :1-5 tittles wider that the roots.
Plant the root collas' at the sated' level as
the ground if you go too deep the routs will
Fill in hole with a soil mix of 50% solids
and 50% pore space (contains water and
air). 'Ihe soil 1'h effects availability of miner-
als to the plant. Soil should not be
Water sufficiently but (10 not over water.
Make sure it is enough to replace what the
tree has used and maintaining adequate soil
moisture. Create a "water well" around the
tree to keep the water with the tree. Sur-
rounding the tree with a thick layer of shred-
ded wood mulch will also help hold the
moisture in.
'I'o learn more about planting native trees,
download the Communities in Bloom
Native Trees brochure at http://www.lanlb
1)ocs/20 13Native•I'ree11rochure.ptl1
Check out our nautical chips every
week all summer-Ald you know....
Let the Cat Out of the Bag - In the Royal Navy the punishment prescribed for most
serious crimes was flogging. This was administered by the Bosun's Mate using
a whip called a cat o' nine tails. The "cat" was kept In a leather or baize bag.
It was considered bad news Indeed when the cat was let out of the bag.
Other sources attribute the expression to the old English market scam of selling
someone a pig In a poke (bag) when the pig turned out to be a cat Instead.
Lakeshore Advance wl'I('l)Illl's Ietteis 1l) the editor. Letters must include the 1vl'itl'I''s hill nitrile, ;address, daytime phone nun)bet and siglla
tuns (for verification. Anonymous letters will not be published. We reserve the right to edit all editorial submissions including levet s lot clavi
fication, style and length. Letters must be signed and be 111 good taste and follow the laws of libel and slander.