HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-05-22, Page 3Wednesday, May 22, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 3 Chamber supports Lambton Shores efforts CONTINUED FROM > PAGE 1 to Council by Lambton Shores Municipal staff. "The Chamber's Board of Directors expresses concern over a recent anony- mous petition circulating through Grand Bend and cautions local business owners in accepting the petition's contents at face value. We encourage Members to educate themselves on the current system in place and to understand the democratic proc- ess at the Municipal level through which Municipal staff provides Council with research and options and in turn Council provide staff with decisions and direc- tions," signed by the Chamber president Glen Baillie and vice Mark Lewis. The document explained that parking requirements apply to every business and residence in Lambton Shores - seasonal or year-round. The quantity of parking spots required differs based on the type of commercial activity and type of residence. "'Ihe Lambton Shores Zoning Bylaw 1 of 2003 - pages 66 through 72 - outlines the quantity of parking spots required for each business and residence type. For example, a "retirement home" is required to have one parking spot per three beds; a convenience store is required to have one parking spot per 20 square metres of gross floor area; a golf course is required to have eight parking spots per tee; a hotel is required to have one parking spot per bed and one parking spot per 20 square metres of communal eating and entertainment area; a restaurant is required to have one parking spot per 4 square metres of floor area used by the public and devoted exclusively to public use, including out- door seating areas; a retail store is required to have one parking spot per 37 square metres of ground floor area. The Zoning Bylaw acknowledges that not all business locations have enough physical space to install the required number of parking spots. This situation gparises most often when a new business is enovating an older building that was used for a different purpose than that of the new business - such as when a restau- rant is going into a retail space or when a business is expanding the physical space devoted to commercial activity - such as when a hotel changes a physical area of its property into patio space" Cash -in -Lieu Exceptions Support Busi- ness Growth The Zoning Bylaw enables the change in building use or expansion of use by per- mitting the business to contribute money towards the development of a parking spot on Municipal property - this is the "cash -in -lieu" system. The business makes a payment to the Municipality based on the adjusted required quantity of parking spots (in Grand Bend $1,000; in Forest $200). The "cash -in -lieu" system supports business growth by enabling a business to comply with the Zoning Bylaw in a cost effective means, as the business owner does not need to purchase additional property for the sole purpose of installing parking spots and is not prevented froln changing a building's use or expanding the cotnmercial use of the current lot size. AT ISSUE On February 22, 2011, Council permit- ted a commercial change of use at 29 Main Street West, Grand Bend, which raised the issue of Cash -in -Lieu parking payments being applied equally to all businesses. The Main Street West building use changed from a small multi -cottage rental business to a sit-down restaurant with outdoor patio space; Under the Zoning Bylaw, the new owner/occupant (Sun- baked Cafes) was required to provide 32 additional parking spots and if an excep- tion to the Zoning Bylaw was needed, then a Cash -in -Lieu payment covering the additional parking spots would be required. Sunbaked Cafe appealed to Council to waive the cash -in -lieu parking requirement for a number of reasons, including the close proximity of a Munici- pal parking lot and that the outdoor patio area would account for the majority of res- taurant patrons (i.e. 45 people) and would be seasonal. MORE TO CONSIDER At the time of Council's decision, they were also reviewing various reports from Senior Planner Patti Richardson regarding parking options and how other munici- palities handle similar situations. In some municipalities downtown core businesses are exernpt from the requirement of pro- viding parking spots or cash -in -lieu alter- natives. This special handling of down- town core businesses then raises the question of what is the definition of "Your Full Servke Home & Garden Centre' • Carden & Landscaping Supplies Asphalt Paving • Retaining Walls Concrete • Fencing • Trees • Irrigation FREE QUOTES 645 166 Bennett St. E.. Goderllch f www 1rtsl.l fdsc,if)inq "downtown core" and how does this apply to Grand Bend? At one Council Meeting, Chamber Pres- ident Glen Baillie summarized (in part) some of the feedback garnered at the Chamber's Parking Summit held August 2011: "In broad terns, the Chamber supports pay in lieu so long as the rates are not egre- gious and the money goes directly to pro- viding parking spaces in the immediate community. Correctly done, the money is reasonably well spent, and the business that pays gets an asset that provides value at the time of sale. 11- the fees are elimi- nated, the business which has paid sees their asset value eliminated as veli:" ROLE OF MUNICIPAL STAFF "Municipal staff are directed by Council to do the "leg work" in researching various subjects and issues and providing reports that at tittles include summaries of other municipalities' decisions on similar issues, benchmarking from other locales, lists of options to consider and context for cur- rent decisions based on our Municipal collective past," said the report adding, "Council meetings are the correct and appropriate venue for council to review and discuss staff reports and for staff to engage Council in discussion and to receive direction from Council. " Anonymous Petition & Letter to the Chamber's Board of Directors 'Ihe report explained to their members that a recent anonymous petition SIMON DFSJARDiNE CFP, CLU, RHU, EPC Certified Financial Planner, Chartered lift ('ndvrwn er 519-238-6399 55 Ontario St. N. Grand Bend • Investment Funds • RRSP's • Insurance • Mortgages "In Rutinett Sancti Year 1000, Our panto" It your surerst,„ circulating in Lambton Shores, with focus on garnering Grand Bend's business community support especially of the seasonal businesses, implies that Council acknowledge that at "one time there was plenty of parking" and that "seasonal businesses" con tribute year-round to the Municipality and in fact "generate tour isle" to the area, but that they cannot afford tt) ope'rate` year round due to "lack of traffic and tourism in the winter months': The letter to Lambton Shores businesses stated.,." that "coon cal immediately set'k staff, which can +ppr'ciate the unique cont mitments it takes to operate businesses in !Ambient Shores" and that staff "respect(s) and appreciate. 'seasonal businesses' contra billion to Lambton Shores': "the heads of the (rand Bend Chamber stated, "'lhe petition quotes Senior Planner Patti Richardson out of context and in fact, the quotation does nothing to undermhu' either staff or Council's role in the democratic process of reviewing infornua tion or engaging in discussion:' Additionally, they said the Board of Directors of the (land Bend & Area ('hamper of Cotirriwt'ce received a cent cont. slxnhdence that requests the Chamber "express your displeasure to the municipality and Council with Nis. Richardson's comments': BOARD OF DIRECTORS STATEMENT "After reviewing the Zoning Bylaw 1 of 2003, the Council Agenda package' of May 2, 2013 and the various parking and cash in lieu rt ports of Senior Planner Patti Richardson, as well as the petition, the [loan! of Directors is in full support of 1 iunhton Shores Council and staff Mot is in reviewing parking and cash in -lieu alternatives from other jurisdictions in an effort to arrive at a made -in -Grind Bend parking solution) that is fair and equity bit' to all businesses, regardless of their period of operation (i.e, seasonal versus year -mond).' "'Ilse Board encourages the business community to attend a Chamber Metubet (enentI Meeting on downtown development issues, including parking lout cash in Iieu al a to he 11100)1111(1(1 location and elate tentatively scheduled for mill August, 1)etails of this Member's Meeting will be announced in the corning weeks as they art' confirmed. " Grand Bend Community Foundation "Annual (:elebration" Guest Speakers A Number of Community Members will speak on the Topic "Visions for Grand Bond" Other Highlights: • PrasonUalon of our annual ralxtrt by• Uur Chew 1 tin i'omt • Recognition of our attiring Directors ▪ Particpate by sharinfl your Vision on nor Hlacktxinrde ur ;Thal 0 vuur vision with us on lino at hltp.Nguttlut.cont!WUIL'UbLiWell Saturday, May 25, 2013 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Community Room Grand Bents Community Heuldl Centre 69 Main St. E. Grand Bend light refreshments and an opportunity hr (hal wdh members, %hare your mann And help us build of our wonderful (rmm(umly Please 11)11( us I Bring a blend - all air welcome Please send regrets only to David Campbell Phone S194311190 or •-mall at ibtffIDhsy.nln Hos.luatulben%k iiiuuuuit)louln4uuu..a