HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-05-22, Page 22 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, May 22, 2013 Lambton Shores declares they are not willing hosts of IWTs Lynda Hillman-Rapley QMI Agency (riving up is not an option, was what Grand Beni resident Roy Merkley told council when he asked that Lambton Shores declare to the province that 'we are not it willing host for indus- trial wind turbines. "'Ihe debate over tht' prolifera- tion of industrial wind turbines in our 111'Ovince has been going on for over 3 years and it is evident that the present provincial gov- ernment refuses to listen to any credible evidence that dors not support their commitment to introduce the high number of wind energy contracts throughout rural Ontario. They seen) to be ramming their agenda forward, no natter what, offering the same old misguided rhetoric to support their actions. "If one takes lin' time to investi- gate the historically high degree of opposition to these turbines both here in Ontario and elsewhere in the world you \votild find a multi- tude of sound reasoning showing that a serious mistake is being made by our current provincial government. 'The opposition party has tried many times to introduce some tempering of the wind tur- bine policies but to no avail." Ile told council since premier Kathleen Wynne recently sug- gested that she was no longer willing to force municipalities to accept wind turbines if they did not want them, many municipali- ties have already declared to the province that they are not a will- ing host to these 1W'I's. "Thus, I an) asking the Lambton Shores Municipal council to join these other municipalities in declaring that we are not a willing host for industrial wind turbine installations within our commu- nity." ile said there are many municipalities who have done this. "It would seen) logical that since this council has already requested a moratorium 00 any additional turbines until proper health studies have beer) completed that it would go hand in hand to also declare that we are not a willing host at this time." Merkley said he is very skepti cal if these declarations of unwill 1ngnl'ss will have any real affect, "hut I believe that we are required to at least try if we believe we are doing the right thing. it can send a strong message." Basically this is a moral issue at this point wit) so many doubts and concerns about the health and safety issues as well as other negative effects on the rural Pupa, lation, it is wise to exercise cau tion and attempt to protect the health and 'well being' of all Lambton Shores residents. In a debate councilor Martin Underwood said the farmers had a right to sign the leases and he felt the agricultural aspect of the municipality, meaning it is their job to protect all their assets. Councilor Doug lionesteel said this was a democratic notion they were staking not one against tur- bines but where they are being placed. Councilor John Russell said ht' agreed they should not be a willing host until they know the health, safety and land value facts. Council voted with Merklev's request to declare they are not a willing host for industrial \vine turbines. Underwood voted against and Deputy mayor Eliza- beth Davis- I)agg declared a conflict. Compensation for the Integrity Commissioner does not come cheap Lynda HIIIman-Rapley QMI Agency Council agreed to the conditions for the new Integrity Commissioner. The agreement maps out what he is going to do and what it will cost tax payers. vivo complain to the iC it will cost the complainant $100- and this is so they can sift out the frivolous complaints. 'ihe Municipality will pay the Com- missioner a retention fee of $2,000.00 plus 1ISI' per annum for each year of the Term, payable upon execution of the agreement, and each successive anniversary date in 2014, and 2015. The Municipality will pay the Commis- sioner $ 150.00 an hour MUNICIPALITY OF BLUEWATER S l D• H V. *NSM( SWI'2Y ltACN010 NOTICE All Hensall Landfill Users (Ward of Hensall) The Hensall Landfill will cease operation as of June 4, 2013 for public drop-off. Dumping of waste at this location after June 4, 2013 is strictly prohibited. After June 4, 2013 all landfill waste from tho Municipality of Bluewater (excluding the Ward of Bayfield) is to be dropped off at: The Stanley Landfill Site 38594 Miil Road, west of Varna. Public Open Days: 1s` & 3`d Mondays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 2nd & 4t1i Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Those wishing further information may contact: Dave Koster Municipality of Bluewater 14 Mill Avenue, PO Box 250 Zurich, ON NOM 2T0 (phone) 519-236-4351 ext. 221 (fax) 519-236-4329 d.kg.stoi@townjAuoyiator.gn cg for investigative and advisory services performed plus 1151', to be billed monthly. Fees for training and work- shops will be billed at a flat rate of $ 300.00 for a 3 hour 1/2 day, and $ 550.0 for a full 6 hour day. Preparatory work for the train- ing session may be billed at a rate of $ 100.00 per hour, depending on the complexity of the training, and this charge will he negotiated with the Municipality prior to ('O1))nen'ement. In addition, the Municipality will reimburse the Commis- sioner for mileage with Lamb - ton Shores that is reasonably necessary to perforin the Com- missioner's Duties. In the agreement tht' munici- pality agrees that: a) Particulars of travel within the Municipality shall not he disclosed to the Municipality by the Commissioner Bin' believes that doing so may compromise confidentiality of a complainant Or participant in an investigation; 1)) Mileage for reasonable travel to and from Lambton Shores is to be capped at the rate of $0.55/km; and, c) The Munit'ipality also agrees to reimburse the Com- missioner for reasonable accommodations in Lambton Shores, and provide the Com- missioner with a per dies) of $75.00 to cover miscellaneous expenses, including meals, per- taining to each night of accom- modation in Lampton Shores related to such overnight visits provided that said accommmola- tion is deemed necessary and is authorized in advance by the C.A.O. Finally, the Municipality shall reimburse the Commis- sioner for reasonable long distance telephone charges, fax expenses and photocopying \vhile in the performance of his Duties. Should the Commissioner require a meeting space in Lambton Shores during the course of an investigation, the Municipality will provide such space in a Municipal facility on an as needed and as available basis. in arranging for such space, the Municipality will he mindful of the importance of confidentiality. For greater cer- tainty, the Commissioner 111a\' request space 11) another Municipal facility where the space offered could, in the opinion of the Commissioners, give rise to confidentiality concerns. 'Ihe agreement in its entirety ran be checked out at http: / ' www.lanbtonshores.ca/Docs Egendaforl`layl61h2()13.pdf Council denies financing for cash in lieu fee Lynda Hillman-Rapley QMI Agency Council denied Smackwa- ter Jack's request for financ- ing their cash in lieu fees. homes In your area will be given the opportu ,pity of having an INTERLOCK' aluminum roofi system installed on their home at a very reason able cost. Your home can be a show place in your neighbourhood and we will make it worth your while if we can use your home. 1-866-601-736 Ontario f In a letter to council owner Brad Oke asked if he could he granted the option of financing the cost of "in lieu of park ing" fee over a three year period and be reimbursed the one- time payment of $46,0011 that has been already paid. "Asian) sure council can appreciate that there aal't' considerable expenses associated with the start up of a busi- ness and these funds would assist in off setting recent renovation expenses to our patio area,' he said Council said no in a unanimous vote.