HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-05-15, Page 29Yvonne Reynolds explains
the journey of publishing
Lakeshore Advance
Yvonne Reynolds, Exeter was guest at
the May Grand Bend Women's Institute
book club meeting when the topic was
Canadian authors. Yvonne explained
how she started writing stories. She
told of the journey of publicizing a book
herself. The book 'Funny Farm' has
now been published and is available for
sale. Yvonne read a story from her book
which was enjoyed by the club mem-
bers present. A number of members
have had connections to farm life and
ad experienced many of the incidents.
ne stories brought back many
Also at the meeting several Canadian
authors were discussed. It is surprising
that many favourite authors were Cana-
dians. Several new titles and Canadian
authors were suggested for our reading
this summer.
'1 he next book club meeting is in June
and the books to be reviewed at this
time will be your favourite book of
2012-2013 . For more information con-
cerning The Grand Bend Wonnen,s
Institute book club contact Barb Kil-
back at 226 378 7005.
Glena ()leen, Karen Waters,
Cass Lovie, Yvonne Reynolds, Marg
I)esjardine, Marci Morton, Carolyn 1 av-
ers, Barb Kilback
Wednesday, May 15, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 29
Highway 21 at
Ausablc Cut
Pastor Doug Watson
Sunday, May 19th
10:30 a.m.
Worship and Sunday School
(nursery provided)
Kidz Club: Bible stories. songs, fun games
and more, SK - Gr 6, 6:45 - 8 p.m., on the
second Wednesday of each month
Mid -week service
Wednesday 7:00 p.m.
Church Service
Rejoice Together
Zurich Mennonite Church
37515 'lunch i ensall Rd . West of 7Auxh
Kinggstield Pastor: Ken (Iailcy
'!.M(' Pastor: 'tion Rocs
Sunday, May 19
9:30 a.ni.
Worship Gathering
MCl ("S Dave Martin
11:00 a.m. Sunday School
Everyone Welcome
Hwy. 21, North of (,rand Bend
519 -23K -24K9
Email: st.johns(ahay.net
Web: www.stjohnsgrandhend.ca
St. Anne's, Port Franks:
Sunday, May 19
The Day of Pentecost
8:30 a.m.
Deacon's Mass
Rcv. Andrew Wilson
St. John's By -The -Lake:
Sunday, May 19
The Day of Pentecost
10:00 a.m.
Deacon's Mass
Rev. Andrew Wilson
"A Community of Faith to ('all Horne"
The Reverend Father (irayhamr R. Bowcntt
St. Peter's Lutheran Church (EI.CIC)
Zurich, Ont.
Rcv. Nadine Schrader -Krum U
Organist Mrs. Christine Eagleson U
Secretary Jennifer Schclient e, er, Office 5I9-2.16-4697
Sunday, May 19
Pentecost Sunday
with Holy Communion
Service 10:00 am.
Sunday School 10:15 am.
Coffee Hour at 11:00 am
We the people 0' St !'ere, 1 are called, In the ,,carr of God.
fu he a Ict!'nung ,( +tor ,hipping congregation, ,',,'wing in
Ruthrlvlvrghthe pipe/ .( rhrlu?I I NY kilvectinrnioutv d theIUvGl
(rand Bend Church of God
Come worshil) )t'it/t us
1Iwy t31 and Gill Road Phone 519-238-2142
Sunday May 19
Speaker: T.B.A.
9:10 - 10:30 a.m. Sunday School tor All Ages
10:31) - 11:110 a.m. (\dice'lline
11:00 a m. Winship Service
Come Join our Youth Group for ages 11-18
at 6:45 p.m. Sunday Evenings
Tuesday 7:(5) p.m. Bible study
Wednesday 1:30 p.m. Prayer & Bible Study
Grand Bend United Church
Main Street at Queen 510-238.2402
Minister: Rev. Harry l)isherr,
Organist: Elva McIntyre
May 19th
11:00 a.m.
Rev. harry Dishcr
Sermon: "Morning Speech"
A!! ,f'('lc one
Baha t i Faith
"God grcnzi that du, light o/
unit' may envelop the whole
('arch, and that the seal, "the
king -/ons is God's", mu)' be
stamped upon the brow ()fall
its peoples"
from the itah(i'f Writings
For information on (oral Children's ('lays
and the Junior Youth Empowerment Program
call 519-238-8092 or visit these web sites:
Zion Lutheran Church 1.0-C
f 148 Frederick St., Dashwood
Rev. John E. Trembulak
Sunday, May 19
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:00 a.m. Adult Bible ('lass
I I :00 a.m. Family Worship
Everyone Welcome
www.hay/net/—hni bnc(Nhay.net
c.rsiotiV ly proc.lolminp CHRIST without ( omprctli,Iso
Sunday Mav 19. 2013
9:40 am - Sunday School with classes for all ages
10:50 am - Morning Worship
'The Man With One Message' Alex Craig speaking
6:00 pm— No Evening Service
Corner of Prince and Wellington Streets, Forest
519-786-3480 www.forestbaptist.ca
We welcome everyone of all ages to join us!!