HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-06-25, Page 5THE 'WIN(' IIAN1 TIMES, JUNE 2 1911
53 Men's Spring and Summer Suits on Sale
, this week. The regular prices -of these Suits were
I$20.00, $21.00 and $22.00. They are stricily high
grade. Were made with the best of trimming,
20th Century make, in Navy and Black Cheviots,
1 ' Navy and fancy Worsteds and Tweeds.
I The new „aw Hats are here atid are {
going like hot cakes. We have
I a Hat for every face.
I Summer Underwear
We have everything you can ask for
1 Summer Shirts,
1 Collars, Ties,
Etc. Etc. 1
MacDonald Block Opp. Bank of Commmerne I
. noils
Wortal aemelifireslassisreaseWeresoloollfraleftentaserilUaleseelanpaieslieoftanaols
in fact Everything a Man Wears.
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Ladies' Wash Dresses in the newest patterns in
Gingharns and Prints, sizes 32, 34, 36, 40, 42,
44. Made to
.00 to
fit. Prices _ 4.5o
Children's Dresses In plain white Lawn and Voile,
sizes 6 years to 16 years. neatly trimmed with
Satin Ribbon A- 1 •
i- viecourn Prices'
at -
Children's Rompers. Ask to see our assortment
in good washable materials in plain White,
Plain Blue, and all fancy patterns. All
sizes, price
each - _ 5o and 7 5 cents
Kiddies straw Hats in fine straws
the newest shapes at _ oc eac
Ladies Towelling Hats in Plain White, For all
Occasions at 5o cents each
'Phone 70.
• i.-)/
will be a big day pulling the strings at
Jewellery Store
Keep your eye on the windows and be
sure and have a pull,
esliel• •••,,•evt•-.
lir 1..t
ftl. 10
'0-• !iii
'.4.•*.— —•:70,.*
• -.p •
E w;11 sell on July 1st only, Dia-
mond Rings and Diamond Pins,
at Cost. A large and well -as-
sorted stock to choose from. This is a
great chance to purchase Diamonds.
The Great Watch Doctor
.vkli -7- sommr,
Come to the big celebration in Wing -
ham on Dominion Day. All the public
School children from the cotintry or
village schools are invited to take part
in tlie parade at 9 a.m. Read all about
it on page 1.
Miss Emma O'Donnell is visiting at
the home of Mr. Daniel O'Callahan.
Miss Pearl Webster is home for the
holidays from Toronto, where she has
been attending school.
Quite a number took in the garden
party held on thp lawn of Mr. Wm,
Thompson; they report a good time and
a large crowd notwithstanding the cool
Miss Gertie Aitcheson entertained a
number of her schoolmates Saturday
afternoon, on the occasion of her
Come to the big celebration in Wing -
ham on Dominion Day. All the public
school children from the country and
village schools are invited to take part
in the parade at 9 a.m. Read all about
it on page 1.
There died at her home in Morris on
Tuesday of last week, after an illness
extending over some months, Saran A.
Dougan, beloved wife of Mr. Wm. G.
Hoy. The deceased lady was born at
Moore's Falls, New York in the year
1865 and was married to her now bereft
husband twenty-fiva years ago last
September. About eleven years ago
the family moved from the States and
settled on lot 15, non 10, Morris where
they have since resided. In religion the
late Mrs. Hoy was a Methodist. She
was the mother of two children, Wil-
liam, of Morris, and Alice Mabel, at
home. Besides the immediate family,
there is left to mourn her loss. three
brothers, namely: -Thomas Dougan, of
Morris; William, of Moore's Falls, N.
Y.; and Edward, of Wellesley, Mass.
Come to the big celebration in Wing -
ham on Dominion Day. All the public
school children from the country and
village schools are invited to take part
in the parade at 9 a.m. Read all about
it on page I.
One of those happy events which oc-
cur in the lives of but few, was the cel-
ebration at their home on Monday of
the 50th anniversary of the marriage of
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Holladay. Fifty
years ago on that date they drove to
Blyth in a lumber waggon and had the
ceremony performed by the Rev. John
Stewart, pastor of the Presbyterian
church there. On Monday, 50 years
later they had the pleasure of going to
Blyth in Mr. P. W. Scott's auto, whete
they met at the home of Dr. Allison
and had their photos taken, the party
consisting of Mr, and Mrs. Holliday,
Mr, and Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Alli-
son, all of whom were present at the
wedding fifty years ago. Among thole
still living and who were'present at the
wedding, besides the above named, were
Mr. and Mrs. Finlay Anderson, of East
Wawanosh. After their marriage Mr.
and Mrs. Halliday resided for a, time
near Galt, returning to Morris over :30
years past and it few years ago moved
to Belgrave where they have sinee re -
Send J. G. Anderson to the Legisla-
ture as supporterof Newton W. Rowell.
(To late for last week)
Come to the big celebration in Wing -
ham on Dominion Day. All the pt.blic
school children from the country and
village schools are invited to take part
in the parade at 9 a.m. Read all about
it on page I.
Mr, John Eagleson, sr. is in the Wing-,
ham Hospital, where he has undergone
an operation of a serious nature, He
is progressing favorably and hopes to
be soon at his home again.
Mr. John Mowbray and -daughter,
Mrs. J. W. Leggatt, paid a visit to
friends at Teeswater at the -week end,
last week.
Mr. Roy Patton, the G. T. R. Station
Agent here, returned home on Wednes-
day last week after a three weeks' most
enjoyable trip through the West. Dur-
ing his trip he visitedChicago, St. Paul,
Minneopolis, Winnipeg, Calgary, Ed-
monton, Vancouver, B. C., and Victoria,
B. C. Roy likes the West pretty well
but he says that old Ontario is plenty
good enough for him yet.
Rev. Andrew Henderson, of Aipling,
Sask., and brother of the late H. D.
Henderson is visiting Mrs. H. D. Hen-
derson and other relatives here. The
Rev. gentleman is a Moderator of the
Saskatchewan Presbytery and is return-
ing from the Assembly held in Wood-
Dr. Jamieson has his Weather Eye
peeled these days on the auto cars with
the intention of being the possessor of
one of the finqst. His choice seems to
be the "Ford't and we opine his choice
is a good one. It is only a matter of a
small test of time until we'll hear the
Honk, Honk, of his new machine.
The Ladies' Missionary Society held
their final series of sewing days for
this season, last week. They wound up
the good work by sending a good supply
of useful articles to head quarters,
Toronto, after which they indulged
themselves to a dainty tea. One lone-
some "lie -male" was slotted in their
midst, but he had his inerve•with him.
Mr. Alex,,Emerson, of East Wawa -
nosh is building a fine new barn. Mr.
Mowbray has completed the concrete
foundation and floors and the timber
will soon be ready for being put up.
Mr. George Wade], of Culross, is
building a new barn, Mr. Robt. Mow-
bray has the contract for the cement
work and will scon have that part com-
p feted.
Our mail carrier, Mr. Chas. Rintord
bought a cracker jack of a road horse
ast week and is making all kinds of
good time on his route. It takes a 2 10
stepper to give Charlie the dust.
A big fish -our voting "Isaac Wel-
ton", (leorge Rintoul captured the
biggest fish of the season one day la:ft
week. It was a red fin and tipped the
beam at 6 pounds plump.
Rev. Andrew Henderson will ocenpy ;
the pulpit in the Presbyterian Chureh
next Sabbath evening.
The beef ring is again in operation ;
here. They started the good work last
week with a large membership and look f W
forward to a satisfactory season's re- ! ood and El'
Mirelitmseen Vitcla,14ay next when her
daughter Pearl will be joined in the
Holy Bonds to ItIr. James Middleton,
Mrs, John Walters left last weok for
it visit to her sister, who is ill at Great
Palls, Montana.
Mrs. Wrn. Beecr oftleft last week for
a visit to her son at Edmonton, Alta.
It seems that this little burg has its
light fingered Gentry in its midst. Last
week Mr, Ken Paterson, merchant miss-
ed it sum of money from his till some-
thing over $20.00, After a little in-
vestigation the guilty person was traced.
A part of the money was returned but
no proceedings have as yet been taken
to punish the thief.
Mrs. David Chainney missed it valuable
ring and the missing article was traced
to the same source and the ring return-
There are some 6ildren in the village
who apparently do not attend school and
who should be. It is up to the proper
authorities to take a hand in and investi-
gate this state of affairs as it is very
important. Get busy.
The outlook for a splendid harvest is
very promising around this section and
the husbandman is in a most congenial
mood these days. Everything is in a
very healthy and growing condition.
The Rifle Association had a good turn
out at the ranges on Saturday last, a big
bunch of crack shooters being on hand
contesting for the Dominion Salver.
Mr. John Martin of Cobalt fame who
is now looking after his big farm here,
paid a two weeks visit to Toronto and re-
turned home on Saturday evening.
The musical feature of last week was
a concert given by "the talent" last
Saturday evening in the church shed.
The boys rendered some fine selectioni.
The Carnet, Harmonica, C300ertina
and other instrurents in the hands of
some good talent produced some good
music, whilst some excellent solos, duets
and choruses were rendered by some
well trained voices. A jolly good time
was had by the boys.
Come to the big celebration in Wing -
ham on Dominion Day. All the public
school children from the country and
village schools are invited to take part
in the parade at 9 a.m. Read all about
it on page 1.
Brussels and Wroxeter played foot-
ball on Friday night, Brussels won by
a score of 3-0, which makes them win-
ners of their district. They now go up
against Listowel, who are the winners
in their group. Wiil Haines, of Wing -
ham, refereed the game to the satis-
faction of both teams.
Come to the big celebration in Wing -
ham on Dominion Day. All the public
school children from the country and
village schools are invited to take part
in the parade at 9 a.m. Read all about
it on page 1.
,Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Woods have
the sympathy of the community in the
death of their little daughter, Agnes
Evelyn, who passed away on 'Wednes-
day, June 17th at the age of six and a
half months. The funeral took place
on Friday to the Wingham cemetery
and was eoncincted by the Rev, Craw-
ford Tait, of Bluevale.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Woods, of Win-
terbourne, Ont., attended the funeral.
Death also visited the home of Mr.
and Mrs, John Henry, of Harriston,
and formerly of Turnberry, and took
from it their infant daughter, aged ten
months, on Wednesday, Jane 17th.
Mrs. Henry is a sister of Mr. Samuel
Woods, and will be remembered by
many in these parts who will sympa-
thize with them in their bereavement.
A very pretty wedding was celebrated
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Casemore in the township of Howiek, on
Wednesday, June 10th, when their
daughter, Imam was married to Lloyd
Henning of Turnberry. The bride was
given away by her father. She wore
a very pretty costume of white silk
embroidered voile trimmed with plauen
guipure insertion and satin. The cere-
mony was conducted in the presence of
the ine.mbers of both families by the
Rev. It. S. Laekland, of Wroxeter.
The many useful and costly presents
testify to the esteem in which the young
couple are held. Their many friends
wish them every happiness and success
in their new home.
=es -r—st-r—s esergese-e-s--e-e
or Lehiph
Mr. Lloyd R. Fox, who has been re- LOWES1' PRICE
lieving as the G. T. It. agent here the ;
Past three weeks, left last week for
Sarnia where he will do it like service IR. Canteion
for the agent there.
A quiet little Wedding will take place OVPI(11 van./
at the beautiful home of Mrs, Jane Dominion Express Co.'s Office
•Mans Wear
Headquarters for
pz ial Values in
Mc: i's and Boys"
Ready.. to - wear
mer sale of cloth-
ing is notvon and
you can count on
Big Savings o n
I'vlen's Suits, ,
Boys' Suits and
Pants, Men's
Pants and Rain- ;
coats, Boys Wash
Suits and all lines
of Men's and
Boys' Wear.
Bargain Price on
Men's Suits. good
strong wearing Suits, cheap at $10, our price for
this line while they last $6,98.
$10 will buy a fancy Tweed or Worstead Suit tail-
ored in the very latest style, worth more money.
Men's fine Worsted and Serge Suits, navy or
black, special cut prices at $12,00 to $15.00,
Overalls. We handle the best makes. See our
"Fast Mail- Brand of Overal's and Smocks, guaran-
teed against rips, prices are $1.00 and $1.25.
Suits for the boys, all sizes from the smallest to
the largest size at Money Saving Prices. Every
Suit well tailored, made to give excellent wear, some
low priced Suits selling at $3.50 and $4.50 and a
useful premium with each SUit.
3 Boys' Summer Jerseys in Navy, Cardinal, White
or Green with long or short sleeves,
Boys' Wash Suits made of Galitea or Stripe Lin-
ens, Sailor Blouse, or Norfolk. special at 1.00,
Straw Hats in a great variety of styles now in
stock. See the new Sailor at 50c to $1.00.
tifICIPA 4,11
:rya cc
E. Isaid & Co.
Take notice that a by-law for raising
$10,060 under the provisions of the Tile
Drainage Act will be taken into con-
sideration by the Municipal Connell of
the Township of Turriberry at Bluevale
on Tuesday, 30th day of June, 1014, at
the hour of .t o'clock in the afternoon.
P. Powiatz, Clerk.
Via all steamship lines, outward or
prepaid from the Old Couutry.
Lowest quotations current for rates
or tickets by any route. Apply
Times Office, Winghara
Day Fares
Between all Stations in (la:nada east of Port
Dotroit tit41 Fort Huron,
130tial0, Black noelt. ;Niagara Falls and 1^
000s on Bridge, N.Y
Single Fare-Goed going and returning
July let.
Fare end One -Third -Good going July
1, Return limit July 2.
Vound. trio tie.brt, to 1 oints in Wt,torn t,
whs. via, :-.t. -nul., Duluth or :,:ir0i0 Alla .p. orth-
clay until 0 idnir 2Ttli, 1%o:tisk-N., at very leo,-
: tries7nvig •t Comonvy, 00 silo Paoh Tiws•
f.,i11 ,t,.,
Full partioulArm rind 1,10.rs'ation4 from R.
0. a. m' it: r. -0.) vo. P,..;•:•.0,,•,.. an 1. r...1't.,•* •
eig..nt, Ph. 00 4. W'. F. tit.'Itt.+U,1/2.:g, Kt tion A gen r. eltoite tO,
..••••••...*. •
is the Sincerest
We are the sole
agents in Wingham
for the D.L. &W
Coal Co.'s Scranton
Coal. Any other
dealers offering this
coal for. sale are
merely offering an
Everything in the fuel line
, for summer or winter burning
Dealer in
4 1,,51IMS WIIICO YOU snouLn HAVE 4
enry T. Thomson
wrhe Vouse of 44itality"
ef`ree Dolivdry Phone 0
rat Service,'