HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-05-15, Page 7Lakeshore Advance
Launch day A little cool, but the boats made it back into the river Saturday as the Grand Bend Yacht
Club take on another summer season of sailing.
Canada Post doing rural route safety assessments
Lynda HIIIman-Rapley
OMI Agency
Canada Post will be con-
ducting safety assessments on
roadside rural mailboxes in
this area in the next few weeks.
Mario CirceIli Communica-
tions for
Canada Post told 1 ambton
Shores they would he assess-
ing rural mailboxes on RR 1, 2,
3 & 4 'Medford, RR 1 Port
Franks. "The process involves
data gathering, followed by
physical assessments at the
rural mailboxes," he
"While the first priority for
our investigating teams is
safety, we also place a high
priority on maintaining deliv-
ery to the customer's mailbox.
When a mailbox fails a safety
assessment, the investigating
team looks for another Iota -
(ion nearby where the box can
be placed 1n(1 the rural mail
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carrier can continue delivery to that mail-
box. Only when it is not possible to find a
site that fits the safety criteria will we offer
customers other options which include;
receiving mail in a Community Mail Box
located near their homes, or choosing a
Post Office Box in a local Post Office, at
no cost to the customer."
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Wednesday, May 15, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance
Sinatra Seven at Drayton
The Songs of Sinatra, is opening this week at Drayton Festival Theatre, not
the Huron Country Playhouse as was written in the Lakeshore Advance May
8th edition. This show features the incredible talents of The Sinatra Seven, a
handsome group of tuxedo clad young crooners, who captivate audiences with
their renditions 01' Blue Eye's greatest hits. Think Jersey Boys meets I1 Diva as
these fantastic singers salute the artist who set the standard for all others to fol-
low. The Lakeshore Advance regrets the error.
County of Huron
Huron County intends to control noxious weeds along the following County roadsides under their
The Following County Road Sides South of Highway 8
Cut Line Road (Co.Rd.18), Bayfield Road (Co. Rd. 13), Mill Road (Co.Rd.3), Stafta
Road (Co. Rd. 32). Kippen Road (('o.Rd.l2) South of highway 8, Zurich-Hensall Road (Co.
Rd.84), Dashwood Road and Thames Road ( Co. Rd. 83) and Perth Line 20 West of I lighway 23,
Kirkton Road (Co. Rd. 6), Crediton Road (Co. Rd. 10), Mount Carmel Road (Co. Rd. 5) Parr Line
(Co. Rd. 31), Goshen Line (Co Rd.2), Bronson Line (Co. Rd.2), Grand Bend Line (Co.Rd.BI),
Airport Line (Co. Rd. 21). 1 tern Linc (Co. Rd. I I ).
Anyone not wishing to have the roadside adjacent to their property treated for noxious weeds
should contact Joe Kende at the Zurich Patrol Pard 519-236-4006.
The Following County Road Sides North of Highway 8, from County Road 4 East
Blyth Road (('o.Rd.25) from Blyth to Perth Road 174, London Road (('o.Rd.41 from
Blyth to Gilmour Line. Newry Road (Co.Rd.16), Amberley Road, (('o.Rd.86) from Co.Rd. 4 to
Perth Road 172, Brussels Line (Co Rd. 12) from Walton to Belmore, McNaught Line, Ethel Line
and. Molesworth Linc (Co.Rd.I9). Perth Rd.178 (Co.Rd.34). Fordwich Line (Co.Rd.30), 1lar-
riston Road (Co.Rd.87), Corrie Line and McIntosh Line (Co.Rd.28). Behnore Line (C'o.Rd.12).
I lossick-Turnherry Rd. (Co.Rd.7).
Anyone not wishing to have the roadside adjacent to their property treated for noxious weeds
should contact slim Nliddegaal at the Wroxeter Patrol lard 519-335-3531.
And 'the Following County- Road Sides North of Highway 8, and west of County Road 4
Benmiller Line & Lucknoss Line (('o.Rd. I), London Road (Colts,. 4) from Clinton to
Blyth. Base Line (('o.Rd. 8) from Clinton to Co.Rd.25, North Linc (Co.Rd. 12) from Seaford! to
('o.Rd. 25, Londesboro Road & Kinhurn Line (Co.Rd. 15), Winthrop Road (Co.Rd. 17). Belgras c
Road (Co.Rd. 20), Donnybrook Lme (Co.Rd. 22), Blyth Road (Co.Rd. 25) from Hwy. 21 To 1tl' IL.
Sharpes ('reek Line. Londesboro Road & Safford Road (Co.Rd. 31) ti.mn I k y. 21 to hes \ s.
\mberlcy Road - both sides (Co.Rd. 86) from Lucknow to ('o.Rd. 4.
lnyone not ssIshing to have the roadside adjacent to their properI treated fur noxious (seeds
should contact Bert Nliddegaal at the Auburn Patrol Pard 519-526-7231.
Note: It is the responsibility of the property owner requesting no spray to contact the County of
I luron each calendar year prior to the application of weed spray. Property owners requesting no
spray will he responsible for all noxious weeds on the road allowance adjacent to their property.
The County will he using one or a combination of the following pesticides. C'learview herbicide
Reg.#29752,Active Ingredients Mctsulfuron-Methyl and Aminopyralid (present as potassium salt).
Or Escort herbicide 60% Dry Plowable, Reg.#23005, Active ingredient: Mctsulfuron-Methyl, and
Overdrive llerbicide Reg.#30065, Active ingredients: Diflufenzopyr and Dicamha under the Pest
Control Products Act. (Canada).
Commencing May 22, 2013 weather permitting and ending June 22, 2013
For information call:
Mike Alcock
County of liuron or 1-888-853-9333
Public Works Department
1-888-524-8394 ext. 3504
DeAngclo Brothers