HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-06-25, Page 4VOTE FOR J. G. ANDERSON THE STARTING PLACE TUE \V!.NettlAII TIRES, JUNE 25. 1914 M ABOLISH -THE -BAR. SEION — eeTiojettevate .„. ; The Rev. 1). Perrie spoke oa the suli. 1 ject of "Abolish -the -Bar" ou Sabbath ' evening /mit. Ile spoke first of the oh - lection that had been reised lie? some The greatest benefit of removing the bar -room is to the I against the pulpit speaking on the young nun who never drank. Some muy argue that they subject. rho cry was teken up, wili send off and get the whiskey; in al my years of observa "Preach the gospel, .don't preach poli - don and experience, I have never known a young man who 'dm" What was preaching the gospel? When doctrinal sermons were preach - had never taken a drink to send off and get a jug of whiskey • ed the complaint was soon made, and drink it. The young man usually learns to drink in ban, i "Preach practical sermons, don't preach rooms, where he can get a cool glass of beer, a sherry cobbler doetrine," When practical sermons or a cocktail.—Col. W. IL Osborn, U. S. Commissioner, In- were, Preached and the cap fitted too ternal Revenue. tightly the ery was again raised, "Preach the gospel." When John the Baptistcame he was a most abstemi- ous and even ascetic individual. He would not go to a social gathering or feast on any account. The poople hat- ed his cenduct, they slandered him and !said, "He bath a devil." When the San of Man came He went to social gatherings and to feasts and took His Say the Bar ,disciples to marriage festivals. But ! the people said, "He is a glutton and a , wine.bibber.' Christ suinined up the 'must go situation in the parable of the children lin the market place. There were those who compleined to their fellows and said, "we have piped unto you and ye have not danced, we have mourned un- to you and ye have not lamented." What more can we possibly do to please you?" Speaking of the question of ab- olish the bar, it was nota question of the politicians, it was our question of the churches and all christians, We had long been waiting for one or other of political parties to give us a prohibit- ory law. But the one seemed to be afraid and the other dare not. Now the leader of one of the parties has taken up the question and we are in duty bound to support him. The late Sir John A. McDonald said that when- ever the churches did their duty they would get prohibition. At the General Assembly which I attended away back in the year 1890 in the city of Ottawa the following deliverance was given: "That whilst the restrictive and pro- hibitory features of existing liquor laws are gratefully acknowledged and should be persistently utilized, it is the conviction of this Assemlby thet no legislatiou short of prohibition, rigidly enforced by the proper civil authori- ties, will ever be sufficient to free our land from the terrible evils of intem- perance, and that it is the duty of Par- liament to enact such a law. From that time down te, the present through- out nearly 25 years .we have as a church been preaching, praying and passing resolutions to have such a law. Pour thousand delegates at the Con. gress in ToroPto last year voted unani- mously for such legislation. The aboli- tion of the bar is now before the Proy. inces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, The Assembly which met at Woodstock a few days ago taking in the situation gave the following deliver- ance. "That the Aesembly express their gratification at the rapid advance of the temperance sentiment, as ehown 'come on i.ue ques ion. As a resu t we vote for a party that would tolerate the by the position of the question in the Provinces named, and urge all minis- ters and congregations in these Prov- inces and throughout the Dominion to set principle before party and te unite by vote and influence in the support of this movement for the immediate ab- olition of the open bar." No party tie should stand in the way. This is the most important question ever before the electors of the Province. Beth parties had the privilege of chobsing. One has responded to the appeal of the christian temperance forces of the country and is in all honor entitled to their support. The political parties are our servants and not our masters. Let us use them as such. The liquor traffic is an evil. Its work is evil and that continually. It must be shown no quarter. Every day and eery month that it is in operation is adding to the moral degradation and mine. destruction of human life. There has One Tried in the Fiery Furnace of been a mighty cry coming up all these the Open Bar. years from desolate homes, broken- hearted mothers and orphan children, a cry to God for relief. A cry from a The following is from a speech de- thousand youths who have been caught livered by Erastus Wiman on the trade in the snares of this horrid cursewhose the open bar. Shan we now dispose of hopes have been blighted and their pros - the old jibe that temperance men are policy years ago and • fits in nicely in pects for good in life utterly destroyed. this campaign:— NEVER TEMPERANCE VOTERS AT Once to every man and nation Comes the moment to decide HOW'TO OBTAIN In the strife of truth with falsehood For the good or evil side, Some great cause God's new Messiah Offering each the boon or blight from the political affiliations of years; Puts the goats upon the left hand but if we are to redeem our oft repeat. And the sheep upon the right, The Stomach Must he Toned and And the choice goes by forever ed word, we must now stand loyally by Strengthened Through the Blood. 'Twixt the darkness and the light, those who are prepared to give effect Hast thou chosen, oh my people The victim of indigestion who wants to the prinziples for which we have so Of this fair and happy land to eat a good meal, but who knows that long contended. Looking ever to the future suffering will follow, finds but poor.ton- In what party you will stand. solation in picking and choosing a diet. The issue is very clear. This is our , As a metter of fact you cannot get re - day of opportunity; it is also our day of lief by cuttingdown your ferld to a responsibility. "rue Temperance party In the rank and file of the Conserve- starvation basis. The stomach must be of Huron County and of Ontario, is on dye forces them are not wanting signs strengthened until you can/ eat gqqd, its trial. We can have what we want! that concience is freeing itself from nourishing food, The oniy way to strengthen the Stomach isrto enrich the the trammels of partyism. When the If the open bar remains to imperil every blood, tone up the netieles and give home it will be because Mir indifference, Evanturel sensation was at its height strength to theestoma*that will enable or our mistaken party loyalty, gives it the press recorded that the Rev. E. B, ; it to digest any kind food, is through te fresh lease of life. We have often Lanceley, pastor of the Howard Meth- VeaiLuesetotgaiDoiri,ol.Vtheisaernsitti Pink Pills. prayth ed for e destructien of the liquor odist Chureh, Toronto, took occasion to etch, red blood that reacPhess les veorytnaokre. the 29thof June let us vote say from his pulpit: gan and every nerve in the body as we pray. eigned cn behalf of the Exerutive Coin- , &ink e, A T. (*COPE% 11 esident J. A. IRWIN. Secretary, WHICH WINS? Every Christian Church Every Sabbath School Every C. E. Society Every Temperance Society Every S )cial Worker Newton W, Rovcell The Libtral Party in Ontario And alI decent citLens Including some Con. candidates Next Premier Hanna His prospective Gover-nment Prepier Whitney The Conservative Party The Liquor Traffic And tvery form of organized vice and crime. Say the Bar must Stay MANIFESTO. From the Executive of the Huron County Branch of the Dominion Alliance. Clinton, June 19, 1914. On the eve of a Provincial election, we would earnestly urge the Temper- ance electors of all parties to consider impartially the great issue now before the -people. For many years the Temperance people of the Province, irrespective of ,party, have united in urging upon the various governments in power, the en- actment of some law that would make the public bar a thing of the past, and that should effectually control the oper- ations of the Liquor traffic, and remedy its evils. This policy is now presented to the electors, and upon it we are to pronounce our verdict. A MOTHER'S PLEA. To the Editor of The Globe: May I address a few lines to the men, the vot- ers, of Toronto and of the Province? I am a widow, the mother of six boys, the eldest sixteen years old. The open bar had an irresistible temptation to the father of those boys. Struggle, strive, promise as he would, the open bar drew him in. Liquor even as a inedicine was never in our home. The open bar for al rnos t eighteen years caused distress and agony to us which no word.painter could possibly depict. Gentlemen, I have a home. I have six sons. I have no vote. The open bar robbed me of a husband, robbed my boys of a father at a time when they needed a father most, Is it any wonde that I make bold enough to come for- ward and ask the men, the Christian men, the Conservative men, to come out on June 29 and vote "abolieh the bar"? If men like the Hon. Mr. Craw - Our County of Huron, on the 29th ef lord had lived the agony of my life, is January last spoko with no equivocal it possible that they would work and shall have, in a few weeks, a barless ffi • , rney coulcf county, The question now is, shall this not. Would it be possible for men, immunity from the open bar, which we Christian men, had they lived the agony enjoy, be extended to the whole Prov- of my life, to come out and declare; "I ince. In our recent campaign several am an Orangeman first, a Conservative Local Option Municipalities joined in second and a temperance man third"? the C. T. A. campaign for the county's .Ah, I say no, no, it would not be poseible. sake. Can we not with equal generosi- Temperance would come first. Would ty unite with others in an effort to abo- any man who is a Conservative stay at lish the bar throughout Ontario? home and refuse to vote against his We would remind you that the sev. party on June 29 if he had lived my life? eral candidates seeking your votes on No, he would come out and vote "abolish the 29th of June, have had ample op- the bar," even thougb it were _against portianity to declare their attitude to- his party. Men, voters of this city and wards this policy, as definite questions Province, come out and vote "abolish bearing on this subject, have been sub- the bar," and save my six boys, and matted to each. Is it too much to ask save thousands of other boys just like the temperance elector of Huron Coun- ty to support only such candidate as has pledged himself to support the most advanced Temperance legislation? We have already shown by our votes that we are overwhelmingly opposed to A POLITICAL ELECTION. This may mean a breaking of old par- ty ties, and it is no easy matter, even temporally to disassociate ourselves GOOD DIGESTION "My father was it Tory, my grand- 1 bringing renewed health and attivity. The followinease illustrates the val. father was it Tory, my brother was a I tie of Dr. 'Wilg liams' Pink Pills in curing Tory, and every brother-in-law of l indigestion. Mrs. T. Reid, Orangeville, mine is a Tory, and I was rocked in a 'Ont., says: "I have much pleasure in Tory cradle, yet I say that Mr. Rovvell testifeing to the reliability of Dr. Win ' Hams' Pink Pills For several years I will die in his tracks and his blood I had suffeted gr:eatly from stomach will be upon us unless we Christian I trouble. Several doctors prescribed HAM MOTHERHOOD I eousness. him in his courageous stand for right- me. After every meal I would suffer , great pain, anti would often be attack - people get behind him and anpnart: for me but their tnedicine did not help Theliappinessof motherhood ist000ften ' i ed with nausea. I grew weak and had -checked became the niother's strength in t i "The Leader of the Opposition in ! almost lo4t all hope of recovery. At devotion neglects ber owtt health. rot equal to her earea, is bile her uneeltisb .: ' the Provincial Parliament is bearing ', this pipintukrekl:cilvelehtlietho tryDr.Wil. It is li fluty a husband or friend to see a. very grievous burden which Chris- : mended te tne. In therie pillS I at el)arnsi the: !-'.:1,4 f ;etgthe pure niedieinal nourish- tin° people are augmenting by their . found the right medicine, anti I am ment in leeott's Emulsion, which is not i indiffereuce, party prejudices and ' onee Irlorl in good Itealth. / have much a drug or stimulant but nehmen; con- I cold eriticism. tleasiare in sending you my testimonial I reutieted oil-foted tonic to (wall ' in the hope that it will eneourage some i Bern tlie 'Morel, ntreinelien the uerves and f suffering persons to try thio reinedy." ... . , nil tho p' 1' PhsAvimio eservwhere I Nir. James Anderson, it former well- Dr. William& Pink Pills ere eold by prewrilie tieottei Ent III sion for over. 1 n erry, died at all eiedicine dealers or will be sent by know* resident of Tur b worked, nervous, tired women; it benlds mail at Pt cents a box or six boxes for up reel holds up their Ftrength. . his home in WroXeter on Sunday last ' $3.50 by the Dr. Willianis'a Metie Co. Get Scott's, your merest drug store. ! after a long illness. [Brockviile, Ont. '1 THE DOMINION BANK SIR CUMHNS 13. OSLER, 13P PRESIDENT. W. D. MATTHEWS, VIOE•PRESIOENT• C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. This Bank Offers Farmers it complete and satisfactory banking service, Sales Notes collected on favorable terms, and advances made on such notes at reasonable rates. The Savings Department is a safe and convenient depository for your money. Interest at current rates is paid an deposits of one dollar and upwards. One dollar opens an account in the Savings Department. WINGHAM BRANCH: A. M. SCULL?, Manager. t-,m2sw„,.w.:.-....9.7,r,stramemarrer:itattztvciaranatausirsitsawisiwzgramm,ext,--sr 41411111011111110101110.01" 4soffrwymiwol*.ap..!...044i*rowomOm1Vir, netettoite. A very pleasing event took place on Thursday, June 18th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lowry, "Elmwood Horne," Belmore, when their only daughter, Agnes, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Wm. C. Nickel, of Toronto, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Nickel, of Howick. Promptly at the hour of twelve o'clock the bride entered the drawing room leaning on the arm of her father to the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march, played by her cousin. Miss Ella Paterson, of Portage la Prairie. The bride was charmingly attired in white silk crepe and carried white roses. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. R. S. Lackland. The drawing room was lavishly decorated with daisies and ferns. The bridal pair stood under a large wedding bell made of daisies After the ceremony -the iuests repaired to the dining room where lunch was served. The tables were beautifully decorated with tulle and white roses. The happy couple left in the afternoon for Toronto and the Thousand Islands. The bride's travel- ling costume was a Madonna blue serge Suit, opening over a blue crepe blouse trimmed with lace; her hat was rose straw. On their return they will take op their residence in Toronto. The numerous and costly presents give evi- dence of the high esteem in which the young couple were held. The guests included Mr. 4tnd Mrs. Nickle, sr., Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Nickel, jr.; Messrs. Robert, Thos. and Russell Nickel; Mrs. Mary Lowry, Miss Mabel McKee, Miss Jean Stewart, Rev. and Mrs. Lackland, Mrs. C. R. Garland and Miss Garland, Winnipeg; Mrs. A. J. Paterson, Miss Paterson and W. C. Lowry, Portage In Prairie; Mrs. G. IV, Lowry, Miss Margaret Law, Mr. James Nickel and Robert Law, Toronto; Miss Leta Dea- con. Ottawa. Read the Advertisements But one thing, above and beyond all the writing and talking and praying, we. would urge, that those who have_ the privilege of casting ballots do so in a way that will count for the abolition of the bar and club licenses. Writing anti talking and praying will have their place until the end of the contest, but that cannot take the place of voting. And votinghas _been, placed in the hands of men who are to determine the issue. However much has been, and will be, done in the way of speech and prayer, the thing which will decide the issue is in the power otahe men who are to east the ballots. Hence, with all earn- nestness and neelesty, we beseech every voter who reads our columns not only to speak and pray for the _success of the Rowell policy, but also to mark his ballot in its favor. This may be asking a Liberal to cast his ballot for a Con- servative; it may be asking a Conserv- ative to east his ballot for a Liberal. Be it so; the hour has struck when men who care for the best moral interests of society, who confess that the liquor traffic is Christianity's greatest menace, who know that the bar room is the tap root of the drinking, custom, if need be, should break away from traditional party lines and vote as they have talk- ed and prayed.—Canadian Baptist. NEW 1.1111TED TRAIN SERVICE between Montreal -Toronto -Detroit -Chicago via Canadian Pacific and Michigan Central Railroads vie Michigan Central Gigantic Steel Tubes betwesu Windsor awl Detroit Leaving Montreal 8,45 aan.; Toronto 0.10 p.m , arriving Detroit 12 85 aan.. Chicago 7.45 sin. daily Equal service returning TORONTO -WINNIPEG -VANCOUVER Toronto -Vancouver Express No 3 leaves Toronto 5.55 p.m. daily, Vancouver -Tor. onto 1143 a.m. deny. Manitoba Express No. T leaves Toronto daily except Sunday 10.50 p.m. arriving Winnipeg second day, Ontario Express No. 8 leaves Winnipeg 9.25 pan., and arrives Toronto daily except Tueeday% .....6,41,...0.111.R.1.11.4111”1.01110941.124104.110 11110.1.0S.501.1011. Particulars as to Rail or Ocean tickets from W A. Saaderson, town agent phone 97; Beemer, station tiecnt nhono 7; or write 2. (3. Murphy, D.P.A. C F, Ry , Toronto. •. • . ',Ord tietive.n sAt CAR • • NEtiikt Put the difference in. fthe 'bank, The saving bat:we:an Fordlcostla.nd heavy car cost is "velvets' forlthe i) prudent buyer, He knows the ta Ford not only saves him dollars , but serves him best. It's a better fl car sold at a lower pricelbackedfby isf5 , I Ford service and guarantee. Six hundred dollars is the price of the Ford run -about; the touring ear is six fifty; the town car nine hundred—f.o.b. Ford, Ont., eomplete with equipment. Get catalogue and partictilare from A. M. Crawford, agent, Wingliarn, Ont. Some of the BARGAINS , At Knox's SATURDAY . SALES 3 -stone diamond ring rag. $55,00 Saturday t -stone diamond ring reg, $ too.00 Saturday t -stone diamond ring reg. $85,00 Saturday -stone diamond ring reg. $50.09 Saturday 2cliamonds and i ruby reg. $6o.00 Saturday 5 stone whole pearl ring reg. $15.00 Saturday 5 stone whole pearl ring reg. $6.5o Saturday Solid Gold Cameo reg. $6,5q Saturday y, doz. 10 k Birthday rings reg. $3.00 Saturday Gold filled Bracelet watch reg. $12.00 Saturday Gold filled. Bracelet watch reg. $5.00 Saturday Pearl and Cameo necklet reg. $20 Saturday only 14 k pearl uecklet reg. $22 Saturday Pair io k solid gold cufflinks reg. $5 Saturday 8 day mantle clock reg. $11.00 Saturday 8 day mantle clock reg. $7.50 Saturday 8 day mantle clock reg. $6.5o Saturday Large fruit dish on silver stand, reg. $6 Saturday only Casserole reg. $6,50 Saturday • only Biscuit jar reg. $3,25 Saturday Roger fruit spoons reg. $1.5o Saturdao Rogers cold meat forks reg. $1.2 5 Saturday 39 00 79 oo 65 oo 37 oo 42 oo 9 50 , 4 25 4 25 50 7 50 2 95 12 00 14 00 3 75 7 25 5 35 4 95 3 75 4 25 2 10 85 75 These are only a few lines of bargains. Watch he win iows for 019 others. 1.1016.111r3.1201011. A. M. KNOX. 'Phone 65 Opposite National Hotel Ansamainmand imiamparassw 1 IIINCEIMINZIIMBINSIMIENIMALOW 212111MENXII eee merchants of this community influence you itelf,your "Can" ADVERTISING is the public expression of a _master's will and wish—his word of power. We Want to say this to the merchants of this community: You CAN make the public of this community buy more goods from you. You CAN teach the public new customs, riew tastes, new habits. You CAN make the publie do what it is not is in the habit of doing. Powerful and persistent advertising has revolutionized modern life. It sends people travelling. It has made them photographers, It has made the motor- car a neeessity. It makes women change the fashion of their apparel twice or thrice a year. It selects the food We eat. A NOTE TO 'THE PUBLIC Does not the publicly expressed will and wish of the shopping? Do you not go where you are guided!, Are you not very attentive and responsive to the advereze4 tisements which appear each weak in thit(colitrnns of the WINGHAM TIMES. , Shop Where You are Invited to Shop GOLDLINK No. 9500, C. It. A. Caanda, No, 11,935, 0.13„ of Great Britain, and Ireland, Enrollment No, 1.4,0 —Inspected oni approved. J. W. KING, Proprietor, Following route will be taken this season by the above horse: —MondaY—will leave his own stable, Blitsvale, to Thos. Abraham's, eon. 1, Morris, for nowt; then to Geo. War. wick's, can. 2, Morris, for night. Tuesday—To Seg. *heath -41'g, con. 4. Morrie, for noon; then to Geo. Seireine's con. T. Grey, for night, Wednesday—AVeritoon to Welter Forest'a 'on. 2, Morris, for night. Thu*Stlet—To Etna, 111410/).FI, CM. A , Murnberry, for 220021: thee to Ring Edward. Hotel stable. Wrogoter, for night. Pridat—To David Miner's, con. 1, Turnberry, for noon; then to Ws ow aer's atablo, Bluevale, and reini1ttt4 MI rho folloW• Mg Monday morning. Rn.) 2 I Oil isilimirmioineinesumemiormemirom MASCOT va. 14, O. 11 A , Canada. No. 12,243, Vol, 23, O. 43, of Great Britain and Ireland. Enrolment Mo. 1318 —Inapected and approved. J. W. ma, Proprietor. Following route will be taken this Moen loV the ab ere horse—I onday will leave Goo. T. Robetraoct'a sale stable hal proosed to $IMI. BlirCUPWS, Otile014 b 'maul' for no ,n; to his own stable, Winghant, for night. Tam. day bv Wh,7 of graVOI mai to Robt tioulto9*, coo. 10. Etst W4WAS.1111, for noon; thlti tp his own stable. Wingham, for night. Welasaday to .To Sinn's. eon. 8, Turnbscry, for noon then to Amos HoDougall'e, Wylie farm, non 0, Turnborry„ for night. Thursday to Thos. Af3. 14104%91'9, Wroleter gravel, for tioot ; thee to King EtWart Hotel stablos, Wrototor, for niglit. Frliisy to .Thi Me:laugh .011 0,)11 Turnberry, for noon; thou to .T. W IOng's. Binevale, for night. Saturday to E. 13 Jell- Bhievale rosd, for nooa; thin te ht4 ova. ewe°. Winglietn, Where he will retrialu meta the following Moiodel monint. i _ ., Bank of Hamilton Capital* Authorizea $5,000,000 Capital Paid-up, 3,000,000 Surplus — 3,750,000 SAVING, i Saving money does not indicate a miser , ly or stingy character, but rather onee.---`,- ' with self respect and foresight. , The best way is to open a Savings Ac- • count here. It is t .e safe way as well as easy and convenient. The money is . available for an emergency. C. P. SMITH, Manager Wingham, Ont / UJ , ',..- 0 e,U/gL' r — ''''''''el i • "gte, gDE.] ifi e 00-0V.- e riV": .... 1 ea' 1 -•te• --e. 41; . .....=. - jt fa ........... 0 41411111011111110101110.01" 4soffrwymiwol*.ap..!...044i*rowomOm1Vir, netettoite. A very pleasing event took place on Thursday, June 18th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lowry, "Elmwood Horne," Belmore, when their only daughter, Agnes, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Wm. C. Nickel, of Toronto, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Nickel, of Howick. Promptly at the hour of twelve o'clock the bride entered the drawing room leaning on the arm of her father to the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march, played by her cousin. Miss Ella Paterson, of Portage la Prairie. The bride was charmingly attired in white silk crepe and carried white roses. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. R. S. Lackland. The drawing room was lavishly decorated with daisies and ferns. The bridal pair stood under a large wedding bell made of daisies After the ceremony -the iuests repaired to the dining room where lunch was served. The tables were beautifully decorated with tulle and white roses. The happy couple left in the afternoon for Toronto and the Thousand Islands. The bride's travel- ling costume was a Madonna blue serge Suit, opening over a blue crepe blouse trimmed with lace; her hat was rose straw. On their return they will take op their residence in Toronto. The numerous and costly presents give evi- dence of the high esteem in which the young couple were held. The guests included Mr. 4tnd Mrs. Nickle, sr., Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Nickel, jr.; Messrs. Robert, Thos. and Russell Nickel; Mrs. Mary Lowry, Miss Mabel McKee, Miss Jean Stewart, Rev. and Mrs. Lackland, Mrs. C. R. Garland and Miss Garland, Winnipeg; Mrs. A. J. Paterson, Miss Paterson and W. C. Lowry, Portage In Prairie; Mrs. G. IV, Lowry, Miss Margaret Law, Mr. James Nickel and Robert Law, Toronto; Miss Leta Dea- con. Ottawa. Read the Advertisements But one thing, above and beyond all the writing and talking and praying, we. would urge, that those who have_ the privilege of casting ballots do so in a way that will count for the abolition of the bar and club licenses. Writing anti talking and praying will have their place until the end of the contest, but that cannot take the place of voting. And votinghas _been, placed in the hands of men who are to determine the issue. However much has been, and will be, done in the way of speech and prayer, the thing which will decide the issue is in the power otahe men who are to east the ballots. Hence, with all earn- nestness and neelesty, we beseech every voter who reads our columns not only to speak and pray for the _success of the Rowell policy, but also to mark his ballot in its favor. This may be asking a Liberal to cast his ballot for a Con- servative; it may be asking a Conserv- ative to east his ballot for a Liberal. Be it so; the hour has struck when men who care for the best moral interests of society, who confess that the liquor traffic is Christianity's greatest menace, who know that the bar room is the tap root of the drinking, custom, if need be, should break away from traditional party lines and vote as they have talk- ed and prayed.—Canadian Baptist. NEW 1.1111TED TRAIN SERVICE between Montreal -Toronto -Detroit -Chicago via Canadian Pacific and Michigan Central Railroads vie Michigan Central Gigantic Steel Tubes betwesu Windsor awl Detroit Leaving Montreal 8,45 aan.; Toronto 0.10 p.m , arriving Detroit 12 85 aan.. Chicago 7.45 sin. daily Equal service returning TORONTO -WINNIPEG -VANCOUVER Toronto -Vancouver Express No 3 leaves Toronto 5.55 p.m. daily, Vancouver -Tor. onto 1143 a.m. deny. Manitoba Express No. T leaves Toronto daily except Sunday 10.50 p.m. arriving Winnipeg second day, Ontario Express No. 8 leaves Winnipeg 9.25 pan., and arrives Toronto daily except Tueeday% .....6,41,...0.111.R.1.11.4111”1.01110941.124104.110 11110.1.0S.501.1011. Particulars as to Rail or Ocean tickets from W A. Saaderson, town agent phone 97; Beemer, station tiecnt nhono 7; or write 2. (3. Murphy, D.P.A. C F, Ry , Toronto. •. • . ',Ord tietive.n sAt CAR • • NEtiikt Put the difference in. fthe 'bank, The saving bat:we:an Fordlcostla.nd heavy car cost is "velvets' forlthe i) prudent buyer, He knows the ta Ford not only saves him dollars , but serves him best. It's a better fl car sold at a lower pricelbackedfby isf5 , I Ford service and guarantee. Six hundred dollars is the price of the Ford run -about; the touring ear is six fifty; the town car nine hundred—f.o.b. Ford, Ont., eomplete with equipment. Get catalogue and partictilare from A. M. Crawford, agent, Wingliarn, Ont. Some of the BARGAINS , At Knox's SATURDAY . SALES 3 -stone diamond ring rag. $55,00 Saturday t -stone diamond ring reg, $ too.00 Saturday t -stone diamond ring reg. $85,00 Saturday -stone diamond ring reg. $50.09 Saturday 2cliamonds and i ruby reg. $6o.00 Saturday 5 stone whole pearl ring reg. $15.00 Saturday 5 stone whole pearl ring reg. $6.5o Saturday Solid Gold Cameo reg. $6,5q Saturday y, doz. 10 k Birthday rings reg. $3.00 Saturday Gold filled Bracelet watch reg. $12.00 Saturday Gold filled. Bracelet watch reg. $5.00 Saturday Pearl and Cameo necklet reg. $20 Saturday only 14 k pearl uecklet reg. $22 Saturday Pair io k solid gold cufflinks reg. $5 Saturday 8 day mantle clock reg. $11.00 Saturday 8 day mantle clock reg. $7.50 Saturday 8 day mantle clock reg. $6.5o Saturday Large fruit dish on silver stand, reg. $6 Saturday only Casserole reg. $6,50 Saturday • only Biscuit jar reg. $3,25 Saturday Roger fruit spoons reg. $1.5o Saturdao Rogers cold meat forks reg. $1.2 5 Saturday 39 00 79 oo 65 oo 37 oo 42 oo 9 50 , 4 25 4 25 50 7 50 2 95 12 00 14 00 3 75 7 25 5 35 4 95 3 75 4 25 2 10 85 75 These are only a few lines of bargains. Watch he win iows for 019 others. 1.1016.111r3.1201011. A. M. KNOX. 'Phone 65 Opposite National Hotel Ansamainmand imiamparassw 1 IIINCEIMINZIIMBINSIMIENIMALOW 212111MENXII eee merchants of this community influence you itelf,your "Can" ADVERTISING is the public expression of a _master's will and wish—his word of power. We Want to say this to the merchants of this community: You CAN make the public of this community buy more goods from you. You CAN teach the public new customs, riew tastes, new habits. You CAN make the publie do what it is not is in the habit of doing. Powerful and persistent advertising has revolutionized modern life. It sends people travelling. It has made them photographers, It has made the motor- car a neeessity. It makes women change the fashion of their apparel twice or thrice a year. It selects the food We eat. A NOTE TO 'THE PUBLIC Does not the publicly expressed will and wish of the shopping? Do you not go where you are guided!, Are you not very attentive and responsive to the advereze4 tisements which appear each weak in thit(colitrnns of the WINGHAM TIMES. , Shop Where You are Invited to Shop GOLDLINK No. 9500, C. It. A. Caanda, No, 11,935, 0.13„ of Great Britain, and Ireland, Enrollment No, 1.4,0 —Inspected oni approved. J. W. KING, Proprietor, Following route will be taken this season by the above horse: —MondaY—will leave his own stable, Blitsvale, to Thos. Abraham's, eon. 1, Morris, for nowt; then to Geo. War. wick's, can. 2, Morris, for night. Tuesday—To Seg. *heath -41'g, con. 4. Morrie, for noon; then to Geo. Seireine's con. T. Grey, for night, Wednesday—AVeritoon to Welter Forest'a 'on. 2, Morris, for night. Thu*Stlet—To Etna, 111410/).FI, CM. A , Murnberry, for 220021: thee to Ring Edward. Hotel stable. Wrogoter, for night. Pridat—To David Miner's, con. 1, Turnberry, for noon; then to Ws ow aer's atablo, Bluevale, and reini1ttt4 MI rho folloW• Mg Monday morning. Rn.) 2 I Oil isilimirmioineinesumemiormemirom MASCOT va. 14, O. 11 A , Canada. No. 12,243, Vol, 23, O. 43, of Great Britain and Ireland. Enrolment Mo. 1318 —Inapected and approved. J. W. ma, Proprietor. Following route will be taken this Moen loV the ab ere horse—I onday will leave Goo. T. Robetraoct'a sale stable hal proosed to $IMI. BlirCUPWS, Otile014 b 'maul' for no ,n; to his own stable, Winghant, for night. Tam. day bv Wh,7 of graVOI mai to Robt tioulto9*, coo. 10. Etst W4WAS.1111, for noon; thlti tp his own stable. Wingham, for night. Welasaday to .To Sinn's. eon. 8, Turnbscry, for noon then to Amos HoDougall'e, Wylie farm, non 0, Turnborry„ for night. Thursday to Thos. Af3. 14104%91'9, Wroleter gravel, for tioot ; thee to King EtWart Hotel stablos, Wrototor, for niglit. Frliisy to .Thi Me:laugh .011 0,)11 Turnberry, for noon; thou to .T. W IOng's. Binevale, for night. Saturday to E. 13 Jell- Bhievale rosd, for nooa; thin te ht4 ova. ewe°. Winglietn, Where he will retrialu meta the following Moiodel monint.