HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-05-08, Page 7Wednesday, May, 8, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 7 Town Hall meeting raises many concerns CONTINUED FROM > PAGE 1 "If you can't do what you are promising, just say it," said Sharon Crown, "Stop promis- ing us stuff you can't do." She was referring to Ilighway 81-21 bridge whet e residents have been told a safety railing was being installed. "You told me two years ago you would fix it," Crown said, "Does someone have to die first before you do something? A lot of elderly people in our community walk- dIe your just going to let then) gall off the bridge? "Someone is going to get hurt and everyone in this room is going to feel terrible. This is not rocket science, put the damn thing up:' Bonesteel said never in his life has he seen anything slower than negotiating with the province. "It is unbelieva- ble- mind boggling." Ile said the bridge was a logistic prob- lem. "We can't do anything about this stuff- provincial issues- we are powerless. Where are the province and the Peds- they are not here?" Ken Ready also jumped on that bandwagon saying he was told two years ago they would look into the condition of the sidewalks near the lights on the east side of Ontario Street near the municipal building and on the west side from the Gables to the Tim I lortons area. Ile saki these areas are inade- quate for wheelchairs. "Nothing has been done, are you going to fix it?" Maguire said there were sur- face issues and they would take that back to Community Services. "You told me that two years ago,' Ready said. Dinah Taylor said she has been following the cash in lieu issues and asked about the inconsistencies referring to Brad Oke not paying the $32,000 for 32 spaces at 59 Main while Matt Relouw is being asked to pay $10,000 for ten spaces on the south side. Maguire explained that at 59 Main there was a deal with Oke to use 29 Main for park- ing and that it was one of the reasons he did not have to pay. (In 2011 when this exemption occurred 59 Main was owned by MorProperties inc and 29 Main was owned by 1655659 Ontariolnc). STP Pat limy asked who would pay for the new SewageTreat- ntent Facility. Ile said he has been told that Environmental Assessment study has been charged to sewer users. Bon- esteel said, no, it has been charged to project but referred the question to Mayor Bill \Veber, tvho %vas 11) the crowd, who said there was no EA for 'Lone 3 but that the EA for Zone 4 is charged to the sewer users. Henry asked why that was because the only thing the users should he paying for is the operation- not the capi- tal project. 1 le asked if those monies wont(' goo back to the project once it is built. Weber explained council has not dis- cussed that. Secondly, I lemy wanted to know why a handful of people (approximately 3,000 Lamb - ton Shores sewer users) are paying for this capital project. "Shouldn't this be charged to total municipality as an asset not just the users?" he asked comparing this asset to arenas and roads that everyone.pays for. "You can't really cherry pick," he said adding sewer users should pay for opera- tions -"that snakes sense but why would we be requested to pay fora capital project for the whole community?" Maguire explained that sewer and water are billed in the same fashion- on a user pay system and they have not got to the point yet to decide who pays for the asset. "As of right now- sewer users pays for sewer," he said. Henry asked when they would be making a decision on who will pay and Maguire said when they get word back from Build Canada. Again referring to Weber, he said council has to look at that process as to who pays. "We had a report on that in Janu- ary but it was put on hold and council has not made that decision. Henry said he agrees with user pay but when the new system comes In the users will have to pay more and why were they (Lambton Shores) "sticking it to a small number of people?" Bonesteel said people in Zone 3 asked if there was honey for them if they had w put in a new septic system. "Would we be helping them?" he asked. I ienry asked incred- ulously, "Why they would think that?" Ile attempted to again explain to the councilor this was a municipal asset and that the only thing the users should be paying for was operations. Weber said they (council) have never talked about a deferred benefit for Lynda Hillman-Rapky Lakeshore Advance Councilor Doug Bonesteel future use. 1 ienry asked if the munici- pality is paying for only 1/3 of the costs (the Build Canada dollars will pay 2/3 of the project) did that mean the asset belongs to the 3,000 users or the whole municipality? LAKE:ViEW AVENUE A Southcott Pines man asked why their subdivision was being treated so poorly in regards to last year's tar and chip program. "(With) All the tax money being sucked out of ward 2- we should gt't nice roads. We started out with paved roads and now have gravel roads," he said. Bonesteel said council did not ask for tar and chip. Maguire said when the issue of roads first cane to council in 201 1 it was because of the repairs needed. Ile said it would cost more to patch it tip then to fix it, which was scheduled within the next six years- as was in their road needs study. 'Bus tar and chip became the solution with council agreeing to that in Sept. 2012. Maguire said the arrant concerns are a bigger issue. 'Illy roads in Southcott were deferred to the 2014 budget at the May 2nd coun- cil meeting. BY-LAW Can) 'Taylor asked about bylaw. lie said the bylaw staffers are 19-21 years old and are afraid to walk around. I le explained those hired in plan 24 are "220 pounds with shaved heads" "Can we have some of those people please?" he asked to a response of laughter. Bones- teel said Keith Crawford will be attending the Annual Gen- eral meeting and this ques- tion could be addresse(1.'Tay- lor asked if the by-law people would not already have been hired and Bonesteel said, "You can hire staff or you can replace staff so- this is going to be an ongoing issue, "this is never going to go away. Sandra Cronk asked about tendering out the by-law as was asked at a ianuary meet- ing and Bonesteel said they could address that at council. WHAT'S THE HOLDUP? Jordy Speake asked why it wawctc�urr of BLUEWATER 2001 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING ADOPTION OF THE 2013 BUDGET Tuesday May 21, 2013 in the Council Chambers at the Stanley Complex 3859413 Mill Road The budget will be reviewed at 7:30 p.n1. The draft budget is available to view 011 the web site w w w.to wn.bluc w att:1.011 :i3 or at the Municipal Office, 14 Mill Ave., Zurich C inmtaits_ lardy_ _ Slint.Io: Ansbcrth Willcrt,'I'reasurer Box 250, Zurich, NOM 2TO taken to the Municipal Office or made in person at the meeting. was taking so long to get the okays for the treatment plant. Ile asked if it was a "bunch of bump ups- that was slowing it down? Or is it because of the scope change?" 'Bus question was referred to Weber who said it was the scope change. Bonesteel said after they passed the downsize of the project there were 16 bump - up requests (where the public can voice their concerns to the province regarding the smaller size of the plant just as there were bump -tsps to the Ministry when the public thought the plant was too big). Ile said council was told Feb 16, 2012 "everything is good- no problems"-- now we hear the scope change is an issue. Lanlhton Shores, Lynda Hillman -haply lakeshore Advance Councilor Dave Maguire Lynda Hillman-Raplay 1 akeshore Advnncv Mayor Bill Weber South I luron and !3luewater were granted $149 million in 2009 for a treatment plant. It was deckled the plant was too big and a smaller sized plant was agreed upon. To receive 2/3 of the cost of the project it must be built by 2016. The decision is in the hands of Build Canada and the Minis- try of the Environment. Ernie Lewis addressed the crowd saying there has been some confusion as to lost and capacity regarding the S'I'E. Ile said the Pinery has pur- chased way more capacity than they need and that should come back to the community. CONTINUED > PAGE 22 THANK YOU... The Grand Bend Women's Institute would like to thank all those who helped snake our Spring Awakening 5 a success with their generous donations. Accents Flair Salon New Orleans Pizza Aunt Gussie's Oakwood Lakeside Spa Back n' "rime Paddington's Baillie's Picture Framing Pharnasave Beauty N'The Beach Pine Dale Motor Inn Colonial Hotel Pizza Delight Denny's Quilts and Calicos F.I.N.E. A Restaurant Robert Q Travel Grand Bend Home Schoolhouse Restaurant Hardware Sea Jewels Grapevine Sharons of 1lyde Park (irecnhucks Sobeys flair Bendr's South Iluron Veterinary Haytcr'1'urkey Farm 'I'in1 Hortons Huron Country Playhouse 111111 Fashions 1'in Stavin Road House V&S 'lenderspot It's Thyme Volunteer Fire Dept. Jerry Rader Wagner Health Marlena's Hair Styling Westland Greenhouses Marsh Store W.I. Members Mike & Terri's No Frills Thanks also to the Grand Bend Legion for the use of their hall in which to hold our event.