HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-05-08, Page 6Lakeview Ave to be referred to 2014 budget consideratlons
Lynda Hillman-Rapley
Lakeshore Advance
Lakeview Avenue in Southcott
Pines came back to council last
week with the decision to snake it
it tor) priority in the 2014 roads
Staff put forward a surface
treatment of tar and chip in the
2012 capital budget, and Council
approved this project. And that is
where the issues begin.
In February 2011 this council
approved a road needs study
prepared by McCormicj Rankin
to be used as a guide for future
road planning and budget-
ing. The Community Services
Department oversees approxi-
mately 700 kin of municipal -
owned roads (300 km paved and
400 km gravel), approximately 45
bridges and numerous road cul-
verts. After a Southcott Pines
meeting in 2012, the concerns of
their roads came back to council
and it was agreed to do the tar
and chip (Sept -2012-12-0904-26
Moved by: Councillor Rcmlesteel
Seconded by: Councillor Maguire
That the "Liquid Road" surface
treatment be approved on a trial
basis (for use without precedent)
for Lakeview Avenue as part of
the 2012 Tar and Chip program.
At the May 2nd meeting Hon-
esteel said they tried it and it did
not work. Ile said that ward has a
big tax base and they "blew it"
and need to make it right. Under-
wood said they have a road needs
study and roads are budgeted
and asked why this road was
coning up now. "Why is this
coming up ahead of everything
else?" he asked.
In August 2012 a number of
municipal roads received a sur-
face treatment of tar and chip on
the roadway. 'Ihe purpose of sur-
face treatment is to extend the
useful life of a roadway before a
full reconstruction oldie road is
completed. Roads that received
surface treatment include
Lakeview Avenue (South •
cott Pines), Gordon Road, por-
tions of Lakeview !Liven Drive,
Vance Drive (full subdivision),
Glendale Drive (full subdivision),
Cedar Point bine (full subdivi-
sion), and Klondyke Road.
Since the completion of the
work complaints have been
received regarding the fin •
ished product from residents
located along Lakeview Avenue
and Vance Drive.
The surface treatment on
Lakeview Avenue was completed
at a tender price of $25,98,1,00
(less 11ST). Residents provided
feedback that they are not satis
fled with the smoothness of
roadway noting that they believe
the roadway is not suitable for its
secondary function of use for
recreation purposes (i.e. biking,
rollerblading, and walking), and
that depressions remain in the
roadway. Several residents have
indicated that they will be satis-
fied with nothing other than a
surface with an equal sur-
face smoothness to an asphalt
road. The municipality
responded to this feedback
by approving $12,654 to apply a
proprietary coating to the road to
improve surface smoothness
(Liquid Road). This coating was
not effective, and staff have also
received complaints regarding
various drainage issues related to
Lakeview Avenue.
The surface treatment on
Vance 1)rive wits completed at a
tender price of $42,076.00 (less
115'1'), Residents have provided
feedback that they are not satis
Pied with the resulting roadway
noting that depressions remain
in the roadway.
Community Services staff have
kept a close eye on both of these
locations, and have said likely
causes and lessons Il'a11)l'd art',
"1Vhen the surface treatment
was completed a period of rain
i1111)ediatt'Iy tullowed. Thih
affected the effective knitting ul
the aggregate on the road
way. 'Illy major issue is that there
is no formal drainage system in
the subdivision to carry water
away, which 15 l'l)I11111011 in the
lakeshore subdivisions and Port
Franks. Depressions in the road
collect water in rain and melt
events, but even if these depres-
sions are filled there will still be
a water issue, Fixing the depres
sions will get the water off the
road and onto private property
because there is no existing for •
mal storm collection system. „
Kintner said the best solution
for this issue is to undertake a
drainage study for each of the
lakeshore subdivisions and Port
Franks, and begin planning
to retrofit the roadways with for-
mal drainage. 'Ibis is a very costly
capital undertaking.
Reviewing the situation Kitt
iner said the surface treatment of
the roadways was completed in
August, after the hot summer
season.1111. binding process for
tar and chip benefits from
40 The Municipality of Lambton Shores
A weekly Update on the Municipal Events In your Community
Adminrstrabon Department - 7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest. Ontario NON 1..10
Tel 1.877.786-2335, 519-786-2335 Fax 519-786-2135 Finall admkwstratron(ptamblonshores ca Visit our Web Site 41 www lanibkrnshorns ca
Rotary Civic Square Splash Pad
Tho Municipality of 1 ambton Shores is seeking proposals for the
design, supply and Installation of a splash pad and aN associated
equipment at the Rotary Civic Square (intersection of Victoria
Street and Rotary Way, Forest, ON)
A mandatory site visit will be held May 3, 2013 at 900 a in
Questions and comments related to the RFP should be dreclad to
Mr Allan t retie. Construction Supervisor (519-243-1400)
Interested suppliers may obtain the proposal documents ()oboe at
Nip Avow lambtonshoros ca/fMtvliwalgovommenVcaprtnlpmnnc Is
fendersiondrfps him
rho closing dale for submissions Is May 10, 2013 A 11:00 am,
with a public opening 10 follow Only bidden names will be released
upon opening
Brant Klttmar, P,Eng.
Director of Community Services
f he Munk -4414 o1 l ambton Shxxes is seeking crop, sous for redesigning and
rejuvenating the lamblorn Slxres webstlo by implementing a new content
management system, redesigning templates and reorganizing content
Interested contractors may obtain the RI P documents ovolmo
http /Mww IamMornshorus caMmrolocalgove nnrnntkapanlpnyrret terxlorsarxl
'fps htm
The closing date for tubrnrs8xrns Is May 15, 2013 ® 11:00 am. with a public
opening to know
For questions regarding the lender. please contact Ma. Janet Ferguson Acting
Chief Administrative Officer at 519 2.)88481 or jterguson(pinmblornhorea ca
It " , I i .j i ,
the increased summer traffic, the sum-
mer heat, and is best completed in
the first few weeks of lune. The tender
was not let for the work until after the
2012 capital budget was passed. As a
result the municipality of this late ten
Bering the municipality was fit later into
the contractor's construction schedule.
A solution for that is that staff will seek
pre budget approval to tender surface
treatment work in future years to ensure
that work can be completed at the start
ul the summer construction season.
Kiltn)er sa1's the municipality's con
structinn standards did not Include a
detailed surface pi(pat adon require
Iment p1 int to the application of the sur
Face treatment. The solution there is
• O.P.P. Report
that Community Services has updated
its construction standards to reflect cur-
rent hest practices.
"Direction is required from Council
regarding how they wish to proceed
with the public's concern for each of
11)t'se roadways. At present there art. not
any funds in the capital plan to con)
plete this work in 2013, nor are their suf-
ficient funds in the roadways
reserve fund to complete the work. If
any work is to be completed in 2013 the
approved capital plan will need to be re
prioritized for 2013 and it's likely there
will he an impact to the projects planned
for 201-1 and beyond." Said Kittlner.
Council agreed to refer this road to the
201.1 budget.
Turkey hunting season
comes with reminders
In this first week of Spring 'Turkey
hunting season, La1111)101) Ontario Pro-
vincial Police (()1'I') is reminding hunt-
ers of their obligations to seek permis-
sion slum property owners before doing
any hunting on private property.
Entering premises when prohibited,
engaging in prohibited activity on
premises, and fail to leave premises
%viten directed, are examples (tithe. pos-
sible charges one could face. Fines start
at $65 with a maximum line of $2000
tinder the Provincial Offences Act,
Additionally, under the Dish and
1Vilellife Conservation Act ;t person tries
passing for the purpose 1)1111111011g can
be at rested and receive a fine starting at
1 hunters can visit the Mhlistr•y of Nat-
ural Resources web site for more infor-
mation about hunting: www.nlflr.gov.
1'ott may obtain further information
a bo at I11t 1:is11 and Wil (111fe
Conservation Act and regulations at
Lambton County Ontario Provincial
Police (()PP) is investigating a theft of
wood and a cash box that occurred on
April 27, 2013 around 8:00 p.m, in the
9000 block of Lakeshore Road.
'11)e suspects first attended tl)1' area at
around 4:00 p.m. and then returned at
around 8:00 p.m. when they stole wood
811(18 cash box valued at over $100.
The suspect vehicle is described as
being a two -toned maroon and light
coloured Ford pickup truck. The sus-
pects are described as being in their
twenties with thin builds and dark hair.
They were wearing hall hats. Anyone
with information is asked to please con-
tact the Lambton County OP1' or (:rime
Lynda HIliman-Rapley l akeshorn Advance
Sweet sounds of music
Tho South Huron band Joined musician �
Eats and Boats
South band Joined musician Clara Stegall at Aunt Gussles during Arts,
Eats Boats