HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-06-25, Page 1VOTE ANDERSON AND A 131--tRL.ESS ONTARIO
VO1:. XLIII,—NO, 2109
loorrommormit 1••••/'
A Carlsbad
At Home!
Carlsbad prings are the most cele-
brated in the world for Liver
Troubles. Every year thousands go
to the springs and are delighted with
the ,results obtained. If you lacer
energy and feel depressed the chances
are your liver is inactive and you
practically the same formula as Carls-
bad water.
We Personally Guarantee
that one or two teaspoonfuls taken
before breakfast every morning for
a week or ten days will put the sys-
tem in splendid condition,
Yucca Talcum
The newest and bestaor a limited
time we will give Free Face Cham-
ois with every tin of Yucca Talcum.
Rae &Thompson
Hardware Merchants
Phone 27
Wear Grear's Shoes and Rubbers
Lacrosie Notes,
The lacrosse club has received instrue
tions from President Stephenson of the
0.A.L.A to play with the Orangevple
team for the Championship of the two
districts, the Orangeville team being
placed in the same position as the
Wingham team in being the only team
in their district. double schedule, in
all probability, will be arranged as soon
as possible, and the lovers of the na-
tional game will be able to enjoy their
favorite sport.
Wednesday Half -Holiday.
Next week our merchants will close
heir stores on Wednesday afternoon at
one o'clock, and continue so during the
months of July and August. - This is
out of consideration for their clerks,
who need the rest in the middle of the
week during the very hot'weather, and
the merchants hope their customers
will not jeoparadize this half -holiday by
asking them to break this agreement
Our stores are blessed with courteous,
obliging clerks and they may rest assur-
ed that customers recognize this fact,
and will be the last ones to curtail their
holiday in the smallest degree.
Christie's Grocerv
Store opens 7 a,m. Closes 7 p.m.
Agent for Fleischman's Yeast.
This is a competitively new pro-
duction. The quality is superb, and
we think it has the flayour to corn
mend itself to almost any taste,
Try a bottle, The price is 2Se
Regular Shipments
The right and only sanitary way
to buy Pea -nut I3utter is in.:jars. It
sheuld not be exposed. Heinz have
att a very high standard for their
Pea -nut Butter and it never varies.
In Jars 20c and ZOc Each
The Lakeside League.
The Wingham ball team played a
schedule game in Lucknow on Thurs-
day last with the team of that town,
which resulted in a victory forthe visi-
tors of 13 to 4. Next Friday evening a
game will be played here between the
same teams, the game starting at 6
o'clock', There should be a good turn-
out, as the boys are in the lead and a
good game is assured. The standing
of the league is'as follows:
Won Lost-
Wingham 3 0
Lucknow 2 1
Kincardine 1 2
Teeswater 0 3
.For .The
Read our ad. on last page
An interesting event took place in
the council chamber of thi Town Hall
on Thursday evening last, it being the
presentation of the Hough Cup to the
High School. Mayor Irwin occupied
the chair and in a few well chosen
words congratulated the team and
school on their success in winning the
cup for which they had striven so long.
Principal Ricker also gave a short ad-
dress speaking along the line of the
proper place of sports in a school. Mr.
N. R. Fiebing, Sec. of W.F.A., acting
as its representative, spoke at some
length with regard to the Hough cup
games and after congratulating the H.
S. team because of their strong and
clean play, presented the cup to
the school through the president of the
Boys' Athletic Association, Mr. P. -
Muir, who made a vary appropriate
speech in accepting it. Medals were
also presented by Mr. Fiebing to
the members of the winning team.
These medals are given by the W.F.A.
and are much appreciated by the boys.
A 'short address of congratulation was
given by Mr F. Buchanan, of the H.S.
A pleasing feature ofethe evening was
presentation of an engraved watch fob
to Mr. Ge R. Smith, manager, by the
members of the team as a mark of
their appreciation of his work in con-
pection with the games. Thapresenta-
tion was made by Messrs. W. Buchanan
and E. Taylor.
Death of Annie M. Burgess.
There passed away at the family
residence, corper of Victoria and Frane
ces streets, on 'Sunday last, Miss Annie
Mary Burgess, second daughter of the
late Henry Burgess. The deceased
came to Wingham with the family
eleven years ago from Brussels and has
resided here ever since. She took ill
about six months ago and despite all
medical aid succumbed to the deadly
disease. She leaves one brother, Robert
of Wingham, and four sisters, Mrs. Roy
French and Mrs. James White of Tor-
onto, and Georgie and Lizzie, at home,
to mourn her loss. Deceased was b, life
long member of the Church of England,
and bore her sufferings with patience
and Christian fortitude. The funeral
took place on Wednesday and the remains
were interred in the family plot in the`
Brnssele cemetery.
Death of Adam Reid.
There passed away in Lower Wing -
ham on Wednesday, June 17th, Adam
Reid, in his 88th year. The deceased
was born in Stigo, lrelend, in 1827 and
came, to East Wawanosh early in the
50's. He.was twice married, his first
wife being Eliza Agnew, who died in
February, 1877. In 1880 he married
Mary Ann Madair, who with four sons
and four daughters survive. The child-
ren are: T. A. Reid, Owen Sound; G. A.
Reid, Toronto; John Reid, East Wawa -
nosh; Adam Reid, of Waterous, Sask.;
Mrs. J. Shiell, of Pretty Valley; Mrs.
Geo. Robinson, East Wawanosh; Mrs..
John Halpenny, Sask.; Mrs. Rev. Fin-
lay, Brownsville, Ont., and Maggie,
deceased. The funeral took place on
Friday to Deacon eemetery.
Ontario tiections
JUN 5 29th, 1914
N. W. ROWELL, K. C.,
For Premier
Liberal Candidates in the Three Hurons
'North: J. G, ANDERSON
South: E. ZELLER
June Wedding. .,
)( At the Parsonage on Saturday morn-
ing, June 20th, Runes Forest Wilson,
son of Mr. Gavin WelSon, of TUrnbeerY,
and Miss Beitannia Essia Poslifie
danghter of Mr. and Mrs.. Aaron: Pos-
liff, of Whigham, . we:melted in
marriage./ The cereni iny was per-
formed by the Rev. j. W. Hibbert,
pastor of the Methodist Church. The
yeungeouple are spending their honey-
moou in Owen Sound, and will be at
home to their many friends on and
aftee July lst, at their home in Tern -
The Nomination,
The nominations of the candidates for
the Provincial Government, Was held in
the town hall on Monday last, when A.
H. Musgrove, and Mr. J. G.
Anderson were nominated. After the
nomination addresses were delivered by
Mr. J. Bowman, M. P. of East Huron,
Messrs R.D. Cameron, of Lucknow, A.
H. Musgrove and j. G. Anderson. The
chair was taken by Mayor Irwin and the
Vali was filled to its capacity by an
enthusiastic and attentive audience.
Mr. Bowman, the first speaker, dealt
with the agrieultural improvements and
the bilingual schools, under the Whitney
administration, while Mr, Cameron,
Who followed took up the topics of tax
reform, abolition of the bar, and the
temperantie situation under the two
parties, Mr. Musgrove spoke at some
length on the development of New On-
tario, the bnildingof the Ontario No?th-
ern, and the bilingual shoo l situation iri
Nipiseing and Sudbury DiAtricts. Mr.
Aedermon dealt with the extravagance
in building the Government House in
Toronto, the temperance question and
the bilingual schools. Each speaker
was given a good reception and was
listenei to very attentively.
Mr. J. A. Irwin, Secretary of the
Huron County Temperance Association,
addressed a letter to the candidates in
the Huron ridings at the approaching
election with a request for them to
state their position in regard to the pro-
vincial aspect of the temperance ques-
tion in Ontario, and particularly asking
what their position, if elected to the
Legislature, would be in respect to the
enactment of legislaticm in harmony
with the Alliance principles and policy
Replies were received from all the
candidates except Mr. Musgrove. We
have not space for all the letters, but
give Mr. Anderson's answer hereviith :-
Luclitiow, Ont., JOne 6th, 1914.
Mr. J. A. Irevin, Clinton, Ont.,
Dear Sir, -Replying to your favor of
the 4th inst., permit me to say that my
votes in the Legislature for the past
three sessions speak for themselves. I
have supported every measure or pro-
posal which has been made that had for
its object the suppression of the Liquor
raffle. I might enumerate some of
them -I have on three occasions sup-
ported Mr. Rowell's resolution which to
me is identical with the platform of the
Alliance. I have voted for the closing
of the Bars -and shops on all public holi-
days. I have voted for the closing of
all Bars ancl Lig. nor shops from one
o'clock on Saturdays until 8 o'clock on
Monday morning. I have supported an
amendment to the License law extend-
ing the Local Option prineiple toinclude
county boundaries.. If I am elected I
am prepared to supprrt any measure
for the suppression. of the traffic no
matter from which side they may come.
My opponent has opposed all the
above attempts to minimize the evils of
the liquor traffic, and yet many Conser-
vatives who call themselves ardent tem-
perances men say that' he is just as
good or better temperance man theft I
Yours truly,
Death of Robert J. Fletity.
Tbere passed away in Wingham, at
the home of his mother, on Friday last,
Robert J. Fleuty, youngest son of the
late James Fieuty, after a short illness.
The deceased was a printer by trade,
having learned under his father, who,
for some years prior to his death, was
preprietor of the Wingham Advance.
Mr. Fieuty had been working in Arthur
prior to his corning home some weeks
ago. The deceased is survived by his
mother, one brother, W. J. Fleuty,
editor of the Oakville Record, and four
sisters, Mrs. David Hamilton, Misses
Florence, Lizzie, and Maud, of Wing -
ham, The funeral took place on Sun-
day to the Wingham cemetery, and not-
withstanding the disagreeable weather
was largely attended. The Citizens'
Band headed the procession to the
railway tracks,
Reply to Mr. Lockhart.
We have received a reply from Mr.
A. B. Carr, of Blyth, to Mr. Lockhart's
letter which appeared in our last issue.
Mr. Carr admits Mr. Lockhart's state-
ments as being correct when he asserts
that he (Carr) worked in harmony
With Mr. Lockhart to secure the election of Mr. Mitchell as a Conservative-
Temperanee candidate in West Htiron
some years ago. We have not room in
this issue for the letter in full but give
one important paragraph as fellovis:
"The point I want to come at is this,
`How can Mr. Lockhart and others of
his Conservative friends, who were very
generous in their compliments to my-
self and others for the independent
sand we took at that time, how can
they consistently withhold their sup-
port from any an who would promise
to vote for abolishing the bar from our
fair province. What does all our talk-
ing and praying amount to if we refuse
to give our support when we have the
matter in our hands. Surely it was
right for the temperanee people to sup-
port Mr. Mitchell, who, at the most,
could only give his vote on that goes -
tion, it is of far more importance to
support a man who has promised to
abolish the bar if elected to power. It
is not a question of AM the Govern-
ment has or hs not done. It is 'Do
you want the bars abolished or do you
Principle Ought To Be Put Before Party.
"Whereas the General Assembly has repeatedly deolared
for the total suppression of the liquor traffic: and whereas the
abojition of the public bar is now an issue before the electors
of the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and On-
tario; and whereas this is a great forward step in the direction
of the ultimate prohibition of the traffic; therefore, resolved
that nothing short of the complete suppression of the traffic
can satisfy the Christian conscience; that the assembly express
their gratification at the rapid advance ir temperance senti-
ment as shown by the present position of the question in the
provinces named; and urge all ministers and congregations in
these provinces and throughout the Dominion to set principle
before party and to unite by vote and influence in the support
of this movement for the immediate abolition of the open bar."
Declaration of Presbyterian General Assembly, June, 1914
nlif MON
The Bar or the Boy?
Down with rum rule!
Anderson and Abolish the bar.
The swing of victory is in the air.
Vote for .T. G. Anderson as M.P.P.
for North Huron.
j. G. Anderson is a total abstainer
and a consistent supporter of the Rowell
If abolish the bar was a good policy
on January 29th, is it not a good policy
on June 29th.
The Whitney Government kept over
four hundred bars in force by means of
the three -hs clause.
Save the boy from the bar. •Every
mother and sister should use her strong
est influence to banish the evil.
The Whitney Government opposes
the Banish -the -Bar policy, which would
Close at one sweep 1,313 bars through-
ouAt r eOtnhtetarioe.
mperance people this of
province to refuse to vote for temper-
ance simply because a political party
is in favour of it?
The Liberals are dealing withpresent
day issues. Affidavits covering past
history do not count. Mr. Anderson
has been and will continue to be a con-
sistent supporter of Mr. Row'ell's policy.
The abolition of the bar in this pro-
vince is onot to secured by resolutions
of church courts, but by ballots, proper-
ly marked, and placed in the ballot -
box. -Brantford Expositor.
When leading Conservatives concede
Rowell thirty-five or forty seats they
give evidence of shrewder judgement
than Mr. Hanna displayed when he in-
sisted on a premature dissolution. Vote
Anderson and help swell the following
behind Mr. Rowell.
It has been suggested that Ontario's
new Government House, in view of its
situation, be made over into a home for
retired railway locomotive firemen and
engineers. It is thought that with
railways, close at hand on two sides,
and with the belching chimneys of the
Don Valley Brick Company on a third,
these men would feel perfectly at home
at Government House. It has been
further suggested that this palatial
million dollar pile be made over into an
asylum for the feeble-minded, in mem-
ory of the genius who picked upon the
site, but on mature coesideration, it is
said that the lunatics would object to
the location. In any event, Sir John
Gibson is to be congratulated over the
fact that his term of office is expiring
and that he will not be obliged to live
in the place. -Toronto Saturday Night.
The Toronto News informs its read -
In the provincial elections of 1011,
seventee.n Conservatives were elected
by acclamation and no Liberals. This
time the atrennons nature of the con-
test will best be miderstoocl by the
fact that there were only three. ac-
clamations on Monday, two Conserva-
tives and one Liberal. In the case
of one Conservative, Dr. Forbes God-
frey, West York, the ac.claanatiou was
due to the ection of the ravening offi-
cer in declaring that the nomination
papers of the Liberal candidate were
filed one minute too late.
"There are two facts of the utmost
significance that seem to have escaped
general notice. The first is that the
use of French in the schools of Ontario
as a medium of communication was
never officially recognized until the
bilingual regulations of 1912 were issued.
Up to that time the school system on
paper was English, though parente
coold, if they so desired, have the sub-
ject of French taught for an hour a day.
But that was all. French was a sub-.
ject, and the teacher had to teach it
and all other subjects 'n English. Un-
fortunately the school law was not en-
forced. The inspectors were men who
belonged to an association pledged to
put French on an equality with English,
and the abuses of the system became so
apparent two years ago that definite
•limitations to the 'lee of French were
adopted. These permitted French to be
taught as a subject in every form for
One hour a day, but confined its use as
the language of instruction to the first
questions passed by the Legislature
form, Mark you, this inetruction, while
makes it desirable to consult the people.
rigid, was a big step in advance for the
But the News declares that "there is
French language, for the school law
no issue to justify a change of govern -
hitherto had made no provision for the
Inent and hardly a charge against the
use of any language of instruction but
administration which deserves consid-
English. In other words, the law had
eration." Again the question arises,
been right anethe cdorcement wrong '
why force an election on the country?
Poll your vote early next Monday foe
A vote for Anderson means a vote to
abolish 1300 bars.
The temperance Conservatives are
putting principle before party.
It is a Rowell campaign. The name
of Whitney is scarcely ever mentioned.
There is not a church in North Huron
that is not committed against the bar-
The splendid rally around Anderson
has made his opponents sit up and take
The Ottawa Citizen, Conservative,
for the first time since Confederation,
is supporting the Liberal policy.
Charles H. Green, Conservative can-
didate in West Bruce is a former well-
known resident of Wingham.
Those 1313 bars that the three-fifths
clause has saved and kept under license,
constitute a double hoo-doo number to
the Government in the present election.
The Conservatives will hold a public
meeting in the Town Hall on Friday
evening and Mr. Musgrove will be assist-
ed by an "Outsider" in the person of
W. D. McPherson, ex -el. P. P. of Tor-
The Whitney Government believes
in the Indian's theory of cutting the
dog's tail off, a piece ttt a time, so it
won't hurt so much. One session, bars
closed on Christmas day; next session,
bars closed on Good Friday. At this
rate it will take 311 years to get rid of
the bars.
Some of the cheaper whiskey' organs
pretend that Mr. Rowell keeps up the
bar at the Ontario Club! It is the On-
tario Government by whose fiat that
bar exists, not the leader of the Oppos-
ition. Mr. Rowell will end it and he
needs Anderson as member for North
Huron to assist him.
"Dr. Pyne's explanation of his vette-
face is equally inadequate. It means
that either he is ignorant of the dan-
gers of bilingualism or reckless of its
consequences. Afraid to grapple with
the question, he shifts its burden upon
the shoulders of subordinates. In that
way he fondles the hope that he may
satisfy everybody he cherishes the il-
lusion that he may realize the aspira-
tion of every petty politician -which is
to run with the hare and hunt with the
hounds." -Toronto Telegram.
Illustrating seven lines made
by " Empress " shoe -makers.
There is beauty in every line
and every detail is perfected by
experts. Made in Canada.
We are " Empress " agents.
There appears to be no limit beyond
which election rumors will not go in
the effort to damage a man or a cause.
The story is being circulated about
town and out in the Province that Mr.
Rowell "takes a drink on the quiet."
To all who know Mr. Rowell's life and
character the rumor is merely absurd.
He is a life-long total abstainer, and no
ers that Premier Whitney enjoys the insinuation of the kind against him is of
confidence of the people in a remark-
any avail. T. G. Anderson is also a
total abstainer. Vote for him and assist
able degree. Is that why he is appeal -
Mr. Rowell in bringing his policy into
ing to the people so lobg before an elec-
tion is due? Is he afraid that if he three.
waited till an election became due to The Presbyterian has this Us say of
lapse of time, the eonfidence would Mr. Rowell's policy, and the duty of
have weakened? The explanation of- the people in connection with it:-
fered by the Premier for thrusting an And now Mr. Rowell issues this chal-
election prematurely on the country is lenge: "If the organized temperance
that the importance of some of the forces of thisprovince, if the Christian
charches of Ontario really want the bar
to go, they can say so on the 29th of
June. If the bar does not go, where
does the responsibility rest?" To that
challenge there can be but One answer.
Those who helieee that the liquor traffie,
whose strongholl is the licensed bar. is
a menace and curse, those who accept,
on moral issues, the leadership of the
Christian Church, are bound to vote
only for eandidates who can be relied
upon to support sueli legislation as Mr.
Rowell has pledged himself to effect.
until two years ago, Then, on the as-
sumption that the enforcement would
be right, the law Was made wrong.
'Our second observation is. that the
privileges first eoneeded to the French
language last year hey° been greatly
extended."—Oraoge Sentinel.
The Montreal Galette (Conservative)
says quite frankly that the Government
thinks this is a good time to beat the
Opposition. The ender of the Gastte
is to be commended.
Immediate Possession
H Desired
Not often do we have an oppor-
tunity to sell a farm with the crop
growing thereon, but just now we
can do so. It is needless to sey that
this is a great adventage to the pur-
chaser, as he has an almost immedi-
ate return on his investment. The
farm contains 150 acres near to
churches, school and only 6 miles
from Wingham. Frame house,bank
barn, cement stables, driving shed.
Terms $2000 to $2500 cash, balance
on mortgage. Further particulars
will be given to intending purchasers
by phone or at our office. We have
no time however for answering
questions of the information hunter.
We also offer 3 acres of land near
Wingham with necessary buildings
(at a bargain. A fine home for a re-
tired farmer.
iDon't forget a call and inquire
about Tornado Insurance.
Ritchio 8fit Cosens
When you want flour, come and speak
to us about it. We are millers and
make a study of each kind of flour, and
know which is best for each need.
We have different makes -
Blended Plour
Quality -which is our biggest
of all flours
Milverton and Exeter
Manitoba Wheat Flour
Five Lilies Five Roses
Purity Royal Household
Ontario Flour
Put -a -.Pan -best of all Pastry.
Only special prices on five bag lots
We have a quantity 0/ choice pota-
toes on hand order now
Phone 40
I Geo, Spotton, 'W. T. Movie,
Pretiderst. Prineil al
AT 11011E
-..,-...-........ ..................-..—...........
Thousands of ambitious young Iwo-
ple are fast preparing in their own
homes to occupy lucrative positicno os
stenographers, bookkeepers, telegraph-
ers. eivil taq-cants in fart every sphero
of Bus;nf 89 ActiAles. Yon may finish
at c011age if you with. Positions guar-
anteed. Enter college any day. Ina'
vidual instruction. Expert teachers.
Thirty .year's experience. Largest
trainers in Canada. Reven colleges.
Spooial course for teachers.
4ifiliated with Commercial Educa-
tors' Association of Canada. Summer 1
ol at e famous Spotton Business
coitege, London.
Wingharn Business College