HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-06-18, Page 81111 iIII iil 114 1,14 N1114. MEETTHE 11 EAL _ BRDD G SPECJALIST at R. A. Currie's Fur - 4z1,04 Friday 26th and see the Ideal Brass Beds 111111. IIli which are guaranteed Fur- niture Store Thursday evening June 25th and for a life time. The new finish is very pleasant to the eye. The blind construction making the Brass Beds very easy to clean. We will also be showing a number of iron beds in the different colors. Every article made by the Ideal Bedding Co„ Ltd., of, Toronto, are all guaranteed by Label. It will pay yoq to see Window Display R. A. CUR.RIE FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKER d Ititietitieseassaettso l'essivessitei, N011A.M itgEu;t 4 NU MINOR LOCALS. nrtrs....mayryovrens —Newbridge post office. in Howlett Anne been re -opened. —South Hemet Orangemen will eele- brate the 12th of July at Gedezich. —A. number of Winghamites wont to Godefich last Thursday night for the "Greyhound" moonlight excursion. —Mr. F. G. Sperling holds the reeord in Wingham Ode year for early sweet peas. Mr. Sengling picked bloom from tweeet pea vines on June llth. —We are tasked to state that the prizes to be &anon Dominion Day aro , as followeiseneet deeorated auto let, e'5.00; 2ne. $5.00: 3rd, eel.ee, and for cid- ationripiens, 1st, Seale; and $100, deeire to exprese to the Winelmen Fire Brigade and all who so kindly as- eisted in rendering aid clueing the tire whittle destroyed my dwelling on Friday night last, my most heartfelt, thanks. R. If. Sever. —The regular =neer meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the Commit Chamber on Thereday, June 25tb. All membere are nnemeted to be present as the program for the year is to be prepared. — Mr. Low Sam Wale, who has conduct- ed a laundry business here for the past few months, has given up besinese end left for greeneettelds and pastures new. We understand he has moved his mach- inery to Blyth, where he win open a laundry. —Do not forget to attend the Leah Social given under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the Belgrave Presbyter- ian Church on the Church grounds on Toesday, June 23rd, Refreshmente will be sold at booths on the lawn and a good programme will be rendered. Ad- mission 10 cents. NA- DRU- CO COD LIVER OIL Is one of the best Lung Builders 'I guaranteed cure or prevention for Coughs and Colds TRY IT Put up in two sizes 5oc. and $1,00 3. J. DAVI Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON CC NER DRUG STORE WINGHAM Mills, are on a trip to Ertsex, and while there ,eill attend the wedding of a niece of Mr. Mills, Miss VanEvery to Mr. Naylor. Mr. Alex; Smith, of Detroit, is a visitor in town. Miss M. Gray, of Toronto is visiting with her friend, Miss Jean McKinley. Mrs. E. G. Dymond will be "At Horne" on Tuesday, lune 28rd from four to six, at the Rectory. Mr. James Slemin left last Thursday for Pueblo, Colorado where he will visit with his sister who is seriously ill. Mrs. Dymond, who has been spending the past month at her home in Windsor, arrived in Wingham last Thuvsday with her children and her sister, Miss Lodge. Mesers. Cleo. Olver and H, B. Elliott, Wingliarn ; A. MacF,won, Bluyale; John L. Stewart, Belgrave and Thos. Gaunt, Whitechurch, are in Quebec this week attending the annual meeting of the High Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters. —The county council at its June ses- sion granted increases in salary to lir. Shaw, physician of the house of Refuge Inspector Torrance and the assistant matron, who will in future be remuner• ated as follows; Dr. Shaw, $350, In- spector Torrance, ee,e0 and the matron's 'assistant, $250. —Mr. A. Honeywell, who bas been on the C. P. R. section here for some time has been appointed sections. fore- man at Port Hope and has moved his' Family to his new home and assumed his duties. Mr. Honeywell's friends are pleased to hear of his promotion, The Hough Cup and medals will be Presentto the members of the High School football team, Ly Mr. N. R. Fiebig, of Stratford, Sec. of the West- ern Football Association, in the council chamber on Thursday evening at 8,15 p. in. Mayor Irwin will preside. All interested are invited to be present —Having just completed the erection of a new Draw Kiln we are manufacmr- ing large quantities of high grade lime and are now in a position to furnish all Western Ontario with lime drawn fresh every day, and request your pateonage. Price at the kiln, 25e per bushel. TEESWATER LIME WoRKS,, PERSONALS Mr. J. T. Larnonley of Torontois call - ng upon old friends in town. Miss May Drummond, of Toronto, is visiting her parents in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Greer, were vis- iting in Toronto for a few days. Mrs. Donald Rae is visiting this week under the parental roof at Sebringyille. Miss Duncan, of Toronto, is at present visiting at the home of Mrs. O. Gil- christ. Mrs. A. Robertson is spending a coupie of weeks in Bresseis with her daughter, Mrs. Stracham. Mr. Wesley Moore, of Clinton, Was in town on Wednesday of last week, being called to Bluevale on busiriess. Mies B. Anderson, of the High School Staff, is in Toronto at present, assist- ing on the Board of Examiners. Rev. E. G. Dyniond left on Teesday to attend the June session of the Synod of Huron beld in London this week. ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices Under This Head ten cents a line for first insertion; five cents for subse- quent insertions. Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's. Now's the time to buy your wall pap- er at greatly reduced prices at Knox's. Wesemen—Boardiers in private house. Apply at TIMES Ewe. STCCKERS WANTED - Pasture to let. Apply to W. Clegg, R.R. 4, Wingham. Buy your June Wedding gifts at Knox's Saturday bargain sales. Rooms To RENT over W, J. Greer's shoe store. For particulars apply to Dr, A J. Irwin. TRUNKS AND ITALISES1—B1g stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER, 1 OR SALE—A good invalid ehair, in first class condition. Apply tedBox 356, Wingliam P, O. Feu Sidee—Immediate ' possession, Cottage on nice eorner$�t Good water. Apply to A. J. Pilon. FOR SALE—A comfortable seven - roomed house, with cement cellar and coal bin, Hard and soft water, a good garden Apply to F. G. Sperling, Min- nie street or at his office, Salt Block. NOTICE —Our dental offices will Ise closed every Wednesday afternoon from May ist to October 1st. A. J. IRwJN, D.D.S G. H. Ross, D.D.S. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Maxwell and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fraser, of Leamington were guests for a few days at the home of Mrs. D. McKinley. They had been attending the meetingsgif the General Assembly at Woodstock and made the trip hers ay auto. Miss Marguerite Homuth has success- I fully passed her intermediate piano and vocal examinations, the latter with first class honors. These are the Tor- onto Conservatory examinations held at 0. L. C. Whitby, She also captured the prize for highest standing in the college. CHURCH NOTES. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Gerry and family, and Miss Carr, all cif 13russels, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Wil- lis. Mrs. AV. F. Vanstone went to London last week to meet her little grandson, Vanstone Forster, who has come from Charleston, Mo. Mrs. Lachlan Mills, who has been vieiting, her son, Mr. J. A. Mills, re- turned to her home in South Woodslee, Essex, on Wednesday. Mr. B. Hambly, of ',melon, Deputy elueerintendent ef the Metroralitan —Confirmation was held in the R. C. Church on Sunday last, Bishop Fallon of London officiated. Services, next Lord's Day in the Methodist chureh at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. when the pastor, Rev. 3. W. Hibbert will preach at both services. The sub- ject in the morning will be, "Confer- ence Echoes," while in the evening he will take for his subject, "The duty of the hour." Good music. All wel- come. Rev. G. Jewett, of Blyth, conducted both services in the Methodist Church on Sunday last, Rev, J. AV. Hibbert conducted the anniversary services in the aiethodist Church, Blyth, on Sunday last. Next Sunday morning, Mr, A. C. Biley, pastor of the Baptist Church, will preach on "Perfection vs Prin- ciples," and in the evening will take for his subject, "New Testiment Reform". —Found between Teeswater and Wingham on Monday, June 8th, a grey coat, with a mutilated note in pocket, with name signed G. F. Wright. Owner can have same by calling at the TIMES Office. There will be it celebration of the Holy Commuuion in St. Paul's Cherch next Sunday at 8.80a, na, Rev. Frank C. Harper, of Chalmer's Church, London has received it unanis mous rail to become pastor of Willis Presbyterian Church et Clinton, Some remarkable figures of the growth of the Methodist Eduction De- partment in the Twit quadrienrium were given to the London Conference, at its meeting last week, by Rev. Dr. J. W. Graintrin seeretary of education. The Life Ineura ce Co., was in town last !income from all sources he said had in - week assisting the local enent. creased iiieeele2 and now totalled $220, wears C. Adams elet A. „neaten ea 421. A. cernpaviso» of the income in the London. England spent Saturday in last three quadriennum was given as Winglmin the gueets of Mr. and Mrs, followsi: le06, $04,000; 1010, $165,000; J. Rettere, leaving on the e,e0 train for pointe met. Mrs. Scholes, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mr. C. N, Griffin this week. On Sunday evenhat she aseisted in the Methodiet Cliore'e teloir, awl PLEASANT VIEW FARM FOR SALE rendered the ROi‘il, cynd 1, Whiell WM very mull appreeiated, M. Richard Vanstene and Mies Jean Venotone were vifiting ie. Toronto and Ortkville last week, While in Oakville Miss Jean had the misfortune to break a bone in her wrist, wail() attempting Hibbert; Fin-Seey., T. W. W. Rivers; ; I leets itereelf from falling. Sunday School meretar y, David Wren; I o s Mrs .1 A. Mills, and Mester Harold! temPeraneu s"-"eretarn j. A, McKelvey, I 120 acres; 100 acres cleared, 20 acres hard wood bush; well fenced; good state cultivation; wind mill; good water; bank barn 82x52; good °et -buildings; two storey brick cottage, 11 rooms. ROBERT LEATHORN, 13luevitle, 1914, $220,000. At the end of the last quadriennum the educational aesets in colleges and other institutions totalled $3,D1)1),00. In the last four yours thiff had itieremnal to eight and it half Mil - HODS, and repeeeented 0110 third of the total Vtailtll of Methodism four ean ago. At the meeting, of the London Con- ference of the Methodist Church, officers for the Winghare District were elected a follows!. l'heirioae, Rev. J. W. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section Ea, Chap. 121 of the Revised Statutes on On tario that all persons having claims against the Estate of ;lames Angus. Deceased, who died on or about the Twenty-first day of April. A.D. 1914, at the Town of Wingliam in the County of Enron, are required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to Vanstone, ing- ham. Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors, on or before the sixth clay of July, AJ) 1514, their names and addresses, with full particu- lars of their claims in writing, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, duly verified oy a tatutory declaration. And further take notice that after the said Sixth day of July, 1914, the assets of the said estate will be distributed. by the tIxeco.- tors among the parties entitled thorto, having regard only to the elatins of which they shall then have notice, and the state will not be liable for any claims not filed at the time of the said distribution Dated at Wingliam this 8111. day of June, A.D. 1914. 11. VANSTOVE, Winglittin PO. Solicitor for the Executors. Why Not See Mrs., S. F. 6ihson & So einaltatell=aailli=511311011000OPOW 1010.1111,011.1.411eti KING BROS. ^010011.102.1210*..... INTERESTING VALUES IN SEASONABLE MER HANDISE 36 inch Haw $1.110 oar yard This is it very serviceable ma- terial for summer dressee, stands the wear and washes well. Colors tan, grey, topenhagen and black. 36 inch Black Messaline Silk $1 25 per yard A Silk we can recommend with it rich finish and very fine weave. White Cotton Voile 25c and per yard Very sheer material for cool summer wear and good washing goods. Bomar, Stripe S:lks $1 50 per yard This Silk is very fashionable for trimmings and in all shades to go with any color. PellMallS' Lisle Hosiery Black, White and Tan 251, 35c., 500, volt's These Hose are made from the finest materials in seamless style and are perfect fitting. Kayser Silk Gloves 16 Button Length $1.25 short 5Sc. The Kayser Glove is famous for its wearing and fitting qual- ities, made by the best American Glove Co, Crompton Corsets, 750 to $3.00 a pair Many. new styles for summer, wear, in low bust styles and made from fine tight weight materials. Sunnier Parasols In White, and Colors, new shapes and styles, from 50c to $5.00. Awning Dock For Verendahs 25c to $5c a yard Colors in plain stripes, red, blue brown add green. Japanese Rugs tor Verandahs Sizes Site, 6x9, Ox9, and 9x12 ft. Prices 50c, $1.00, $2,00 and$.S0 Lancaster linoleums 2, 3 and 4 yards wide, in pretty fioral and block designs, best wearing qualities and patterns. Inlaid Linoletims 2 yards wide, in block and tile patterns, suitable for kitchens, and bathrooms. Get our prices before buying. Window Shares ani Curtain Pales al all prices 161.201101111111901010M, 50,000 POUNDS WOOL WANTED Cash or Trade. Phone 71 Extra Values in Yarns, Woollen Blankets, Sheetings, Underwear, Clothing etc., in exchange for Wool. KING BROS leitibeelalielesigieleaelkelealeeeVietelaallstailaa salaieseelleiseleesesaeellsiveVaelelleeseele SI I A 11 Mrs. S. F. Gibson & Son he of the company have o4ained a w reputa- tion in this workie- Thi Neck and Goitre, Cancers, [Tumors Gall Stone, Gravel, Piles in Vont orm, internal and external. Coins nions seecess- fully and painlesely red without op- erations, Asthrn Bronchitis, Best Blood Purifier, Deafness, Ruptures, Hair Restored, unsolicited testimonies from all over the coetinent, correspon- donee invited, mail orders promptly at- tended to. Mrs, S. F. Gibson will be at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, JUNZ 25 At the VENDOME HOTEL Tees. water, JUNE 24 Send for sample box of my celebrated Pile Salve. Mrs. S. r. Gibson 81 Son Eye Specialiet 95 Norfolk St., Guelph, Ont. "Eyes Tested Free" Teacher Wanted. aOr, 1 ••••.......•••••••• Qualified teacher for School Section No. 8, East Wawanoele Duties to commence on September lat. Apply, J. W. BONE, 1 stating salary and experience to • Belgreve, Ont, MAKE YOUR COWS PAY If you are a Western Ontario farmer you can find a ready market in London, the - natural railway centre, for ALL YOUR CREAM The inereasing demand for our butter permits us to draw cream for a radius of 150 miles. If you are in that area it will pay you to ship to us. We sup- ply cans and pay express charges. Highest Market Payments Made Prices, Weekly. Write S1LVERWOODS, Limited , LONDON .CANADA et yourcans at Wilford's Produce House ! wxlIGHAM. ONTARIO For the jU ne ride In our North Window we are showing some very dainty creations in the very newest of. fashionable footwear These are very suitable for the June I3ride and are equal in daintiness and style to anything being shown in the large city stores There is just one difference however and that is that our prices, particularly on pumps and slippers, are much lower Instead of describing these lines (which in fact space will not perrnit) we would ask every lady whether a To -Be, a Could -Be, a Would -Like -To -Be or a Does - Not -Want -To -Be bride to ' Take a Look in Our North Window Sole Agents illis & Com •=9-----°"1"*.5)Hoe ForLadies • 4,4441,,,,aeseenetetegiewassive4eseeseeeseeediewevedve4leelbsestees,alle WOOL WOOL! Large quantities of Wool WANTED Cash or Trade. Wemay the highest cash price rm. tozomalmownemommistar....1.wo!... A large range of All -Wool Sheets Blankets Yarn rnade by the best mills. Bring your Wool here and get best value for your money. A large assortment of Men's Suits 20 per cent. off regular cash price in exchange for Wool. Over 100 Snits to select from. riro Successor to T. A. Mills 11 89. WINGRA IC ONT.