The Wingham Times, 1914-06-18, Page 7WINGITAM TIMES, JUNE 18., 1914
the whole story."Sow he threatens to
telt the count if I do not do just as ha
wishes me to."
Tarzan laughed. "You are still but
a little girl. The story that you have
told inc cannot reflect in any way upon
yam reputation, and were you not a
little girl at heart you would know it.
Go to your husband tonight and tell
him the whole story litst as you have
told it to we. ,Unless 1 ow lunch Eats-
sc, III lily
Copyright. 1913. by W. G. Chapman
tsinde nim several raontns prror In the
!Matter of the finger prints. Having
heard Tarzan'S story, he assured him.
that no harm would cone to him from
the police as a result of his night's ad -
On their return to D'Arnot's apart-
ments the lieutenant found a letter
awaiting laid) from an English friend,
WflUam Cecil Clayton, Lord Greys
Stoke. The two had maintained a cor-
respondence since the birth of their
friendship on that ill fated' expedition
search of Jane Porter after her
theft by Terkoz, the bull ape, from
whom she had been rescued by Tar-
'TIey are to be married in London
fin about two months," said D'Arnot
as he completed his perusal of the let-
ter. Tatman did not need to be told
who was meant by "they." He made
no reply, but he was very quiet and
:thoughtful during the balance of the
• day.
That evening they attended the
opera. Tarzan's mind was still occu-
pied by hia gloomy thoughts. He paid
little or no attention to what was
:transpiring upon the stage. Instead, He would have killed mehad you not
,The, brutes!" shuttered Tarzan.
naught but a sad, sweet voice ac-
he saw only the lovely vision of a
:beautiful American girl and heard W by do you not turn the scoundrels
Inowledging that his love was return-
ed. And she was to marry another!
He shook himself to be rid of his un-
welcome thoughts, and at the same in-
stant he felt eyes upon, him. With the
'instinct that was his by virtue of train-
ing he looked up squarely into the
eyes that were looking at him to find
'stint they were shining from the smil-
ing face of Olga, Countess de Coude.
As Taman returned her bow he was
• .positive that there was an invitation
in her looks almost a plea.
The next intermission found him be-
•Iside her in her box.
* "I have so much wished to see you," -she was saying. "It has troubled me
not a little to think that after the serv-
ices you rendered to both my husband
and myself sno adequate explanation
was ever naade you of what must have
•seemed ingratitude on our part in not
taking the necessary steps to prevent a
repetition of the attacks upon us by
.those two men."
"You wrong me," replied Tarzan.
• "My thoughts of you have been only
.the most pleasant. You must not feel
• that any explanation is due me. Have
they annoyed you further?" •
"They never cease," she replied sad-
ly. "1 feel that I must tell some one,
and I do not know another who so de-
serves an explanation as you. You
must permit me to do so. It may be
,of service to you, for I know Nikolas
Rokoff quite well enough to be posttive that you have not seen the last of sition for him in the secre sm. ce. had been. From a vague fear her
—him. He will find some means to be "There hare been ;nails, terrible
mind was transferred to a very tang's
crimes laid at Nikolas' door, but he
ble one. It may be, too, that con -
has always managed to escape punish- licience helped to enlarge it out of all
mut. O. Into he has accomplished it •
wiff sop at nothing to procure this in-
formation. The affair on the liner -I
mean the matter of the card game -
was for the purpose of blackmailing
the knowledge they seek from my hus-
"Had he been convicted of cheating
at cards his career would have been
blighted. He would have had to leave
the war department. He would have
been socially estracized. They intend-
ed to hold this club over him -the price
of an avowal on their part that the
count was but the victim of the plot
of enemies who wished to besmirch his
name was to have been the papers
they seek.
"You thwarted them in this. Then
they concocted the scheme whereby
my reputation was to be the price in-
stead of the count's. Was it not too
horrible? But I happened to know
something of M, Paulvitch that would
send him to the gallows iu Russia if
it were known by the police of St. Pe-
tersburg. I dared him to carry out his
plan and then I leaned toward him
and whispered a name in his ear. Like
that" -and she' snapped her fingers -
"he flew at tny throat as a madman.
over to the authorities? They should
make quick work of them."
,She hesitated for a moment before
"There are two reasons," she said
finally. "One pf them it is that keeps
the vomit from doing that very thing.
The other, my real reason for fearing
expose thetn, I have never told -
sly Itoltoff and I know it. I wonder
Ity it is that I went to tell you the
thing that I have not dared tell even
'Cele es se
Sho Found ,Herself Face to
Nikolas Rokoff,
taken he will laugh at you for your
fears and take immediate steps to put
that precious brother of yours in pris-
on, where he belongs."
"I only wish that I dared," she said,
"but I am afraid."
As Tarzan was leaving her a short
time later he wondered a little at the
clinging pressure of her hand at part-
ing and the firm insistence with which
she exacted a promise from him that
he would call again on the morrow.
As the countess turned back into the
room after Tarzan's departure she
found herself face to face with Niko-
his Rokoff.
"How long have you been here?" she
cried, shrinking away from him.
"Since before your lover came," he
answered with a nasty leer.
"Stop!" she commanded. "How dare
you say such a thing to me -your sis-
"Well, my dear Olga; If he is not
Mr lover accept my apologies, but it
Face With
is no fault of yours that he is not."
to my husbend. I believe that you , ---- — -- — - •
would unaerstane and that you could I The woman put her hands to bee
tell me the right course to follow. i ears.
helleve that you Would not judge meI "I will not listen. You are wicked
too harshly." i to say such things as that. No matter
"I fear. that I should prove a very What you may threaten me with, you
poor judge, madame," Tarzan replied, know that I am a good woman. • After
'for it' you had been guilty 'of murder tonight you will not dare to annoy me,
Lor I shall tell Raoul all. He will un-
grateful to have met so sweet a fate."
1 should say that the victim should be .
derstand, and then, , M. Nikolas, .be -
"Oh. dear, no," she expostulated. "It , ;ware!"
is not so terrible as that. But first let ' "You shall tell him nothing," said
me tell you the reason the emit has Rolroff. "I have this affair now, and
for not prosecuting these men; them if ;with the help of one oe your servants
I can hold my courage, I shall tell you Whom I may trust it will lack nothing
the real reason that I dare not. The in the telling when the time comes
first is that Nikolas Rokoff is my broth- that the details of the sworn evidence
er. We
shall be poured into your husband's
been ' a bad man since I can remember.
ears. The other affair served its pur-
are Russians. Nikolas has
. Ile was cashiered from the Russian pose well. We now have something
army, in which he held it captaincy. tangible to work on, Olga. A real af-
There was a terrible scandal for a fair -and you a trusted wife. Shame,
time, but after awhile it was partially Olga!" And the brute laughed.
forgotten and my father obtained a , So the countess told her count notla-
hag, and matters were worse than they
yevenged 'Open you. I cannot tell you
..tere, but tomorrow I shall be at home
to M. Turzan at 5."
by trumped up evidence
"It will be an eternity until tomer- dence convicting his
row at 5," he said as he bade her good viptims. of treason against the czar, CHAPT.ER V.
and the Russian police, who are al -
A Plot Against a Woman.
From a "corner or the theater Rokoff
and Paulvitch saw AL Tarzan in the
box of. the Countess de Coude, and
both men smiled.
At 4:30 the following afternoon a
swarthy, bearded man rang the bell at
the servants' entrance of the palace of
the Count de Conde. The footman who
•,operied the door raised his eyebrows in
'recognition as he saw Who steed With-
out A low conversation passed be-
tween the two.
At first the footman demurred from
* -Setae Proposition that the bearded one
.made, but an instant later something
passed from the hat& of the caller to
.the hand of the servant. Then the lat-
ter turned and led the visitor by a
roundabout way to a little curtained
.alcove off the npartment in which the
,tounteSS was wont to sere tea of an it 15 in my nea
afternoon. later. I was educated in a convent. ,Tarzan knew that he was a Russian
A half hour later Tarzan was usher- While there I met a man whom I sup- 00 there had been added to his hatred
.ed, into the room, and presently his posed to be a gentleMan. I knew lit- for the a great fear that he
hostess entered, smiling, and with outs tie or nothing, about men and less would expose him. Be was but wait-
atretched hands. about love. I got it into my foolish 'ing now Until the moment yeas pro-
itious for a master stroke. uef tishtness of the chest, removes
ways only too ready o a g
this nature upon any and all, have Olt a month Tarzan was a regu-
accepted his version and exonerated lar and very welcome devotee
at the shrine of the beautiful
"Have not his attempted crimes . Countess de Cowie. Often he
against you and your husband forfeit- met other members of the select little
ed whatever rights the bonds of kin- eoterie that dropped in for tea of an
ship might have accorded him?" asked afternoon. More often Olga found de-
Tarzan. "The fact that you are his 'vice's that would give her an hour of
sister has not deterred him from seek- ,Tarzan alone. She grew to speculate
Ing to besmirch your honor. You owe 'Much upon the strange force which
him no loyalty, madame." seemed to attract her toward the gray
"Ab, but there is that other reason. eyed stranger. Sbe did not Wish to
If I owe him tio loyalty, though he be Imre him, nor did she Wish hie love.
my brother, I cannot so easily disavow. He was honorable and chivalrous. She
the fear I hold him in because of a Nees not afraid of him. That she cOuld
certain episode in my life of which he trust him she had felt instinctively
is cognizant from the first.
"I might as well tell you all," she From a distance Rokoff had watched
resumed after a pause, "for I see that this growing intimacy with Malicious
rt to t on sooner or glee. Ever since he bad learned that
WOMEN spend more mon-
TY ey than men, and they
spend it wiser. They not only
buy most of the artieles used
in the home, but they also
buy for their children and of-
ten for their men folks.
Women also read the ad-
•-i•ertisernents more than men
do. 'This makes them better
and safer buyers than men.
They have equipped them-
selves with the knowledge
that makes them effective.
They know the best stores,
the best merchandise, the
best values. By reading the
advertisements women are
enabled to shop more eco-
nomically, to make the mon-
ey go farther.
handed the note to a footman. "This
Is for the Count de Conde, It is very
urgent. You must see that it is plaoed
In his howls at onee," awl he aminesl
o pies° of silver into the willing hand
of the servant Then he returned to
his quarters.
A mmuent later De Coude was apol-
ogizing to his host as he tom open the
envelope. What he read left his face
white and ids hand trerabling:
M. le Count de Coude -One who wishes
to Frivo the honor of your name takes Olio
means to warn you that the sanctity of
your home is this minute in jeopardy.
A certain man who for months has been
a constant visitor there during your ab-
• settee is now with your wife. If you go
at once to your countess' boudoir you will
find them together, A FRIEND.
Twenty minutes after Paulvitch bad
called Tarzan, Rokoff obtained a con-
nection with Olga's private line, Her
maid answered the telephone, which
was in the countess' boudoir.
"But madame has retired," said ttin
maid in answer to Itokoff's request to
speak will; her.
"This Is a very urgent message for
the countess' ears alone," replied Ito-
koff. "Tell her that she must arise
and slip sosnething about her and come
to the telephone. I shall call up again
In five minutes." Then be hung up his
receiver. A moment later Paulvitch
"The count has the message?" asked
"He shonicl be on his way to his
home by now," replied Paulvitch.
"Good: My lady will be sitting in
her boudoir, very much in negligee,
about now. In a minute the faithful
Jacques will escort M. Tarzan into her
presence without announcing him. The
count will break in upon a very pretty
love scene in about Ofteen minutes
from now. I think we have planned
marvelously, iny dear Alexis. Let us
go out and drink to the very good
health of M. Tarzan in some of old*
Plancon's unparalleled absinth, not for-
getting that the Count de Conde is one
of the best swordsmen in Paris and
by far the best shot in all France."
When Tarzan reached Olga's Jacques
was awaiting him at the entrance.
"This way, monsieur," he said and
led the way up the broad tnarble stair-
case. In another moment he had open-
ed a door and, drawing aside a heavy
curtain, obsequiously bowed Tarzan
- —
circumstantial evidence of a compro-
mising position.
For days they watched the papers as
well as the movements of De Coude
and Tarzan. At length they were re-
warded. A morning paper made brief
mention of ti smoker that was to be
given on the following evening by the
German ambassador. De Coude's name
was among those of the invited guests.
If he attended this meant that he
would be abseut from his home until
after midnight.
On the night of the banquet Paul-
vitch waited at the curb before the res-
sidence of the ambassador, where he
could scan the face of each guest that
arrived. He had not long to svait be-
fore De Conde descended from his car
and passed him. That was enough.
Paulvitch hastened back to his quer-
instant he realized a part of the truth. e e
ters, where Rokoff awaited him. There rier might shake a rat.
"Then you did not send for me,
they waited until- after 11, 'then Paul- Frantically she tore at Ills great
viteh took down the receiver of their Olga?" hands. "Mother of God:" she cried.
"Send for you at this time of night?
:telephone. He called the number of
Jean, do you think that I am quite "You are killing him, you are killing
the apartments of Lieutenant D'A.rnot.
mad?" him: Oh, Jean, you are killing my
; "M. Tarzan? "Francois telephoned me to come at husband:"
"Ale yes, monsieur, this is Francois
once; that you were in trouble and Turztin was deaf with rage. Sudden -
the service of the Countess de wanted me." ly he hurled the body to the floor, and,
• "Francois? Who in the world is placing his foot upon the upturned
Coude. Possibly monsieur does poor
. ..... . -
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Tarzan's arms and tne ape -man turned.
just in time to svard with his arm a
terrible blow that De Conde bad aimed
at his bead. Once, twice, three times
the beavy stick fell with lightning
into a dimly lighted apartment. Then rapidity and each blow aided in the
Jacques vanished. transition of the ape -man back to the
saw Olga seated before a little desk With the low; guttural smut of the
on which stood her telephone. She was bull ape he sprang for the Frenclinattn.
tapping impatiently upon tbe polished
Across the room from him Taman ' Primordial.
The great stick was torn from his
"Olga," be said, "what is wrong obeastliti11411
surface of the desk. She had not ghlaadspbeaennd
Inbartoeihtewno(l)na, two
heard him enter.
?,, as the now infuriated beast charged
for his adversary's throat.
1 Olga de Cowie stood it horrified spec- .
She turned toward him with a little
cry of alarm.
tater. to the terrible sceue which en -
"jean!" she cried. "What are you
sued during the next brief moment,
doing here? Who admitted you?
then she sprang to where Tarzan was
What does it mean?"
mut•clering her husband -choking the
Tarzan was thunderstruck, but iii an
Francoie the honor to recall him -yes?
i "Yes, monsieur. I have a message, Ii'l,•,ancols?"
He said that he was in your serv-
'an urgent message from the countess. ice. He spoke as though I should re -
'She asks that you hasten to her at call the fact." ,
once -she is in trouble, monsieur." "There is no one by that name In my
1 Paulvitch hung up the receiver and employ. Some one has played a joke
turned to grin at Rokoff. upon you, Jean," and Olga laughed.
t "It will take him thirty minutes to get sI fear that it may be a most sinister
there. If you reach the German am- sone,' Olga," he replied. "There is
bassador's in fifteen De Coude should ''
more back of it than humor." •
arrive nt his home in about forty-five "What do you mean? You do not
minutes. It all depends upon whether think that" -
the fool Will remain fifteen minutes "Where is the count?" be inter -
after he finds that a trick has been
played Upon him, but unless I am miss rupted.
"Al- the German ambassador's."
breast, raised. Ills bend. Then through
the palace of the Count Coude rang
the awesome challenge of the bull ape
that has made a kill. From cellar to
attic the horrid sound searched out the
servants and left them blanched and
trembling. The woman in the room
sank to her knees beside the body of
her husband and prayed.
Slowly the red mist faded from be- '
fore Tarzan's eyes. Things began to
take form -he was regaining the per-
spective of civilized nian. His eyes fell
upon the figure of the kneeling woman.
"Olga," he whispered. She looked up,
'taken Olga will be loath to let him go
"This is another move by your esti- expecting' to see the tnaniaeal light of
In so short a time as that Here is
mabie brother. Tomorrow the count murder in the eyes above her. Instead
the note for De Coude. Hasten!" will hear of it. He will question the sbe saw horror and contrition.
' Paulvitch lost no time in reaching the servants. Everything will point to- "Oh, Jean!" she cried. "See whatyou
German nmbassader's.,_ At the dom...:219
to what Itokoff wishes the count to have done. Ile was my husband. I
think." loved him, and you have killed him."
"The scoundrel!" cried Olga. She Very gently Tarzan raised the limp
had artSen and come close to Tarzan, form of the Count de Conde and bore
where she stood looking up into his it to a couch. Then he put his ear to
face, She was very frightened. In the man's breast.
her eyes was an expression that the "Some brandy, Olga," be said.
ifx 0 s .1 A 11 N i 171. h 1 hunter sees in those of a poor, terri- She brought it, and together they
fied doe --puzzled, questioning,. Her forced it between his lips. Presently
I°. look, her attitude, her words were elo- a faint gasp came from the white lips.
quent of the age old appeal of defense- The head turned, and Do Conde
less woman to her natural protector- groaned.
fith That Dry Ti'ek- man. Tarzan took one of the warm "He will not die," said Tarzan.
little bands in his own strong one. "Thank Godl"
ling Sensation in The act was (mite involuntary and al- "Why did you do it, Jean?"
- most equally so was the instinct of asked,
the Throat. protection that threw a sheltering arm -
The result was electrical. Never be- HAD 1
— around the girl's shoulders.
fore bad he been so close to her. In
A bad coegh, accompanied by that
startled guilt they looked suddenly into
Iistressing, tickling sensation in the
•'iroat is most aggravating.
Dr. Wood's Norway Pitte Syrup heals
.he mucous surfaces, relieves oppression
each other's eyes and where Olga de
Conde should have been stt•onrshe
was werik, or site crept closer Into the
man's arms and clasped her own about
his neck. And Tat•znn of the Apes?
For t fesv nsOtnents they Spoke of head that I loved this man, and at MI, P reetimulated mucous or phlegiu, metes ne took het into his mighty itrtns and
h hiM Tarzan was nearer to contentmel wen the most obstinate and distress:lig covered her lips with kisses.
led than he had been since the peace an Raoul de Loud° made hunted ex- I
the opera, of the teples that Were then urgent request I ran away wit
coughs, securing sleep and rest nt night,
ewes to his host after he had read the
note handed him by the ambassador's
butler. Never afterward could he re.
call the nature of the excuses he made.
lilVerything was quite it blur to him
up to the time that he stood on the
threshold of his own home. Then he
became very cool, moving quietly and
with eaution. For some inexplicable
reason Jacques had the door open be- •
fore be was halfway to the steps. It
did not Strike him at the time as being
Untisual, though afterward he remark-
ed it.
Very softly be tiptoed up the stairs
and along the gallery to the tioor of
hiS Wife's boudoir. In his hand was a
heavy walking stick -In his heart mur-
0Iga was the first to see him. With
a horrified shrieltItte tore herself from,
Occupying the attention of Paris, of the We were o
nave ueen pleasure of renewing their brief ac- "I Was with him just three hours-- tranquillity of his jungle had been
(Plaintance which had had Its ineerition all in the daytime end in pnblie plades broken in upon by the advent of the
'under such ofifi cfrcumstauces, and this I ----railroad stations and upon It train. marooned Porter party.
brosight them to the subject that was When we reached out destination, SometiMes D'Arnot accompanied him
IIPPertn0St iri the minds Of both. Where We Were to have been married, On his visits to the De Coude honle, for
"You nsust have wondered," said the two officers stepped up to my escort as he had long known both Olga and the
'countess finally, "what the object of 'aceddescended from the train rind count Occasionally De Conde drop-
Itokefes persecution could be. It le plhiM under arrest They took ped in, hnt the muititudinouS Realm:
'Very simple. The Count IS intrusted me also, but when I had told my story Of bis official position and the never
With many of the vital secrets of the they did not detain me, other than to ending &man& of politics kept him
Send me beck to the eonvent under the from home usually until late at night.
h Rokoff spied Upon Tarzan almost
Islinistry of War. Ile often has in hie
•possession papers that foreign powers
,twould give a fortune to possess-se-
cretS of State that their agents Would
commit minter and worse than rout -
der to learii.
"There is !Mel a Matter now in his
‘,possession that would make the fame
land forttine of any Russian WhO Could
'41"ftlige it to hie government. Rokoff
:apt paulvitcb to. Russian_ SPIO,Ss„
care of a matron. It Sethne
men who had wooed Me was no gen- censtantly, Waiting for the time that
tieman at all, but a deserter from the he should call at the De Conde palate
army as well as it fugitive from civil at night, but in this he was doomed to
justice. He had a polio record in ,disappointMent.
nearly every country in Europe. • Finding that it seemed impossible to
"The matter was bushed up by the trap Tame through any voluntary act
authorities of the convent. Not even of his own, Rokoff and Paulvite.h put
my parents knew of it. But Nikohni their heads together to hatch a plan
met the man afterward and learned 'that Would trail the apkraan in all the
net only ro the sufferer, but to °there
whose rest weirld otherwise he brolien.
Mrs. Duel Menhir% Basswood Ridge,
N.B., writese---"Juit it few lines to let
yen knew t Dr. Wood's Norway
Pin, i Syrup for me. I took a severe
cold, eceehed detest all night with
that dey, t. ihig 'enation in my throat.
The first bet& did me so much good,
I thought I would try it second one, which
I am pleased to say remitted in a' complete
cure. 1 can strongly recommend it to
any one euffering front a tough or any
throat irritation,"
The price of Dr, Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup is Ine. it bottle; the large
family size, Me
It is put up in a yellow wrapper;
three pine trees the track mark, and is
manufactured only by The T. Milburn
-Cos Limited, Toronto, Ont.
For Over
Ten Ven645.
Weakening the Itody will never remove
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trary, all efforts eimuld ler to maintain
and increase the strength.
Burdock Mood Bitters will do thie,
and at the smile time enable you to
partake of all the 'Meat:some food re-
quired, without fear of any unpleasant
after results.
Mr. Henry P. V, Staretteville,
N.B., writes: --"I have hem trouble:1
with Indigestion for more than ten year;
tried several doeteie, end different
medicinee, but all wit .out stir:mess.
Having heard of the many cures effected
by Burdock Blood Bite ss, 1 decided
to give it a trial. 1 Ineve taken one
bottle, and I feel that 'I am eurcd at
last. I can now do the sante hard work
I could before I was taLea eiek."
Burdock Blood Beene is manufac-
tured only by The T. Milburn Co.,
Litnitcd„ !tomato, Ont.
She Tore Herself From Tarzan's Arms.
"I do not know. He struck me, and I
went mad. I have seen the apes of my
tribe do the same thing, I have never
told you my story, Olga, It would have
been better had you known it-thist
might not have happened. I never saw
my father. The only mother I ever
knew was a ferocious she ape. T,'util
was fifteen I had never seen a human
being. I was twenty before I saw a
will& luau. A little mote than a year
ago I was a naked beast of prey in Ma
African jungle. Do not. judge the too
harshly. Two years 15 too short a tirae
in whieh to attetnpt to work the change
in an individual that it has taken count-
less ages to accomplish in tile white
re be temtinuedt
• r
The Army of
Is Growing Smaller Every Day,
responsible -they not
only give relieftheyprmanently
cure Constipa-
tion. Mil.
lions use
them for
stir 18 * ndigestion, Sick Headache, Seam Skim
Small Pill, Small Doge, Small Prices
Genuine must bear Signature