HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-05-01, Page 76 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, May 1, 2013 Grand Bend school upgraded for full day kindergarten Lynda HIIIman-Rapley It was obviously it good decision to keep the (rand Bend school open when the idea of clo- sure was on the forefront in the Tate 1990s. 'The school is now being upgraded with new class- rooms. (currently, there are 39 1:1)K students (IK/ SK) registered for September 2013. The total number of students at (rand Bend Public School for the current 2012- 1:1 year is 203 students. Lurie Vandeschoot, Planning and Reporting Officer/OnSls (;o -ordinator at 1.ambton Kent 1).S.11 said the two room port - a -par that is currently at (BPS will be replaced with two permanent classrooms. 'These class- rooms will accommodate a 1:011 Day Kindergar- ten classroom, as well as an existing classroom. (rand fiend will be offering 1:1)K beginning in the 2013-11 school year. (rand Bend's first schoolhouse was built in 11161. It was a log building near the northern entrance of the Grand (lend cemetery, under a Targe oak tree. Henry I luestun and a Mr. 1Iiunil ton were the teachers. 'There were an average of 6r1 students. On Item' 29th, 1117.1 for $50.011 it piece of land was purchased and it flame building %vas erected on this sane site, 'Then a new brick building was erected but it became apparent there were more students than spaces so the Maccabees Hall and this brick building were both used. It was 1925 when a two -acre sitewas pur- chased from Soloman Pollock and the present school was purchased. 'The new school had two classrooms, a full basement with a ftlrllilct' i111d a teahcer's room, 'The cost of erection wits $9,000 and at the time was considered one of the finest schools in Huron (county. The Municipality of Ltitii41,00 4uie LIVING IN LAMBTON SHORES... A weekly Update on the Municipal Events in your Community AdminislrsI on Department 784.1 Annteieexxi Parkway, I nu' I, Ontario NON 1 JO lel 1-A77.780-2335, 510.186.2335 Fas 519-788.2135 1111611 in11rn11f1111100 4101l1kki\MNe11 CA Visit our V'nb tido nt WAW InmbtcNlrh:,mr t n REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 2013 CAPITAL PLAN Rotary Civic Square Splash Pad The Municipality of lambton Shores is -aiming proposals posals for the design. supply and lnstahatnrn of n splash pad and all assixiatet eluipnnent al Lha Rotary Ctvtc Square (irntese-ton 01 VKtota Sheet and Rotary Way, I orest. ON A n *ndatoy site visit will M Iriki May 3. 2013 31 9 00 a in Questions and ixlmrnenls related to the RIP should he directed to Mr Allan t rain. Colnsbnxhon Supervisor (519-243-1400) Interested suppliers may obtain the pronoun ikxvnnels orllaia of http:lhwvw.lambtonstiores. caillvIngAocalgovem menticepltalproj.cts _Proposalsandrfps. htm 1 he closing date for submissions is May 10, 2013 11:00 em, wilt a putilK: opening to follow Only bidders names will be released upon opening Brent KKtmsr, P.Eng Dlredoi of t:mu m ify Se1VKes 510-243.1400 litit's' NOTICE OF A TOWN HALL MEETING Please be advise that the Councillors for Ward 1 and Ward 2 will be hosting a Town Mall meeting to discuss topics of interest to residents In the Grand Bend area of Lannblon Shores, Including the placement of beach v^!leyball nets on Main Reach, Short Terns Rental Accommodations findings, update on Grand Bend Sewage Treatment Pians, update on harbour situations, budget highlights for the area; cross walk Installations, expansion of southerly sidewalk 10 Merrywood. Date & Time: Saturday, May 4, 2013 - 10:00 a.m. to noon Location: Grand Bend Public School Gymnasium MUNICIPALITY OF LAMBTON SNORES NOTICE OF INTENT TO PASS AN AMENDING BY-LAW TO REMOVE HOLDING SYMBOL IN ZONING BY-LAW 1 OF 2003 (ZONING BY-LAW) RE: LOCATION: north of Main Street, East ,Grand Bond APPLICANT: Rice Development Company Inc LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Registered PIan25M.42 Please be advised that the Council 01 the Municipality of Lavation Shoes al their MAY 10. 2011 meeting will consider passing an amending by-law to remove the Holding 12 (412) Zone from Lands kxate d In Plan 25M-42 (see attached map) and located on the north side of Main Street East to allow the lands to be developed as set out in Registered 25M-42 and Zoning By-law 1 of 2003 The Holding 12 (112) Zone requires that prior to the Holding Zone being removed the following conditions s be mel I) A subdivision agreement has been entered into with the Municipality of ismblon Shores, and That the Municipality of l nmbton Shires Is satisfied that sufficient sanitary sewage heetnront capacity is available In the nnunkapal astutely treatment facility and such capacity has been alkx mte d by the Municipality to develop the lands 11111 Subdivider, the Rice Development Company Inc . have entered Into a subdivision agreement with the Municipality for the lards and tiro Municipality has assigned 140 nn' of sewage capacity to the lands, which should bo suffKlont to allow the whole of Plan 25M- 4210 develop If you have any questions )lease contact Patti Richardson, Senior Planner sit 519486 2335 or snub; pricherilson191amblonshores ca REMINDER: •. w 1 LrJ I) l � �[r 'f • a - i , waI Io.; tit.10 sRaa�ts�f LANIN EtlBMT O1 vim TO EMI THE HOUIMIG 11 01-12) OM :1,— Minium • (.1 -. " a MM?i • - ItEQUIST FOR PROPOSAL - Webelte Re -Development The Munldpelity of Lambton Shore. Is ...king proposals for redesigning and rejuvenating tot lemblon Shores wshaite by knpiernenhng a new e(rdent man.g.m.nt system, rsd.$)gnkng templates and reorganizing content. Interested ocrnlrecton may obtain the RFP documents on**: hap/M'ww tambfonahons owti' nplboolgo+nwfl 0t&3Wafpnyacfs t,n t rasn eps Mm The dosing date for submissions is May 11, 2012 0 11:00 am, with a public opening to Mao* Fot questions regarding the lender, pleas. contact Ms. Janet Ferguson Acting Chief Administrative Officer at 519.2311-8461 or tf.nguson(Qtamblo)shxres ce 'lht' school was wired for electricity in 1939 and water was put in two years later. The school section became it member of Stephen Township in 19411. l;ranel Bend school became part of the !Ambient County Hoard of Education in 1969. In the early Tate 1990s the threat of closure came to (rand Bents but with some futuristic and creative thinking, a committees was able to persuade the Board and municipality to move the library to a new facility and to make a community gyne and community room in an enhanced facility that would serve more than just a school. That calve to be adding some students from the Port franks area and now a Rill day kindergarten will round off the success of this school. Pinery Park introduces accessible board walk Lynda HIIIman-Rapley The Pinery Park is now the home of an accessible boardwalk. Alistair Mac- Kenzie, M.Sc, Natural 1leritage Educa- tion & Resource Management Supervi- sor brought this project to (Friends of Pinery Park in the fall of 2011. Barb Fer- ris, the Executive Director at that time, worked with her husband Ron and Alistair to design and prepare an esti- mate for the project. Pedal the Pinery, our new spring fundraiser, was the per- fect fit to raise the funds for the Acces- sible Boardwalk. 'she project includes a viewing deck, a wheelchair ramp to the beach with a couple of viewing platforms built in, it storage shed, park- ing and an all terrain wheelchair. Fun- draising was made possible t through our Spring Pedal the Pinery, Fall Road Race and a (rant from the (rand Bend (community Foundation 'The organizers say there were no real surprises along the way. "All went very well working together with the Park and Friends like' Member Peggy Smith who lead the way last year by helping us res -erect Pedal the Pinery for The Friends of Pinery Park, which will now be an annual e've'nt every Spring. Always the last Sunday in April," says Lindsey Ashworth Ducharnle before this past weekend's event. The new boardwalk was built by the Pinery Park staff lead by Ray Canadian Cancer Society Sheppard who worked tirelessly through sun, rain and wind this past month. The friends of Pinery Park started in 1989 as a group of area residents who shared both a passion and deep inter- est in Pinery Park. Aware of the increas- ing pressure on the fart' ecosystems within the park's boundaries from rec- reational activities, they recognized the need to foster and develop an appreci- ation and understanding of the park's fragile and unique environment to its ever-increasing number of users. They are it charitable organization dedicated to education, promotion, preservation and support of Pinery Provincial Park. "We have a membership and volun- teer base where people can be part of this growing organization," she says adding you can join by following the link: "http://www.pinerypark.on.ca/ pdt1)620files/giftnu'nlbership2. pdf"http://www. pinerypark.on.ca/ pdP1t)20files/ giftmenlhership'2,pdf Ashworth said they would like to thank all our valued members and vol- unteers who help with their Nature Store and Events throughout the year! "We welcome and thank our comm• ii) nity at Targe for their continued su port. Please go to our web page tb schedule of walking trails, events and fabulous info. about Pinery Park at "http://www.ITinerypark, on.ca/"www,pinerypark,on.ca" Societe canadienne du cancer LET'S MAKE CANCER HISTORY For information about cancer, services or to make a donation 1.888.939.3333 • www,cancer.ca