HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-06-18, Page 5trir jeammodensftwoosetedkloareguishoposseeVi SPECIAL LINES IN COO SWEET CAKES a y IN THIS Lin via; ADE SPECIALIAZINQ • 4 LINES WHICH YOU SHOULD HAVE 4 STRAWBERRIES PINEAPPLES GRE ZN 3EANS TOMATOES eseessamens Henry T. Thomson "The House of Quality" IIMMEree Delivery Phone 9 Fast Service.. anuitodwiltladoilisiliWookkitairadeihromoirdikambigiatarg I faseeoweivenevesteeeareeseseiet.aepateoeeeekesteva"...e.N.teoeeeiveseeektse MEN'S SLIT mexagamarietrouvrIgnomfirmmemow.•••••• SPECIAL 53 Men's Spring and Summer Suits on Sale this week. The regular prices of these Suits were $20.00,-$21.00 and $22.00. They are stricily high grade. Were made with the best of trimming, 20th Century make, in Navy and Black Cheviots, Navy and fancy Worsteds and Tweeds, STEP IN AND .SEE THEM SALE PRICE $,1 6.00 NEW STRAW HATS The new Straw Hats are here and are going like hot cakes, We have a Hat for every face. Summer Underwear We have everything you can ask for Summer Shirts, Collars, Etc. in at Everything a Man Wears. Socks, Ties, Etc. 6,JA EVIG THE CLOTHIER • MacDonald Block Opp. Bank Of Commmerce 40k, t'Lintiet 11 An Invitation You are invited to inspect the new models and samples in 611T5LVT101ES LOMITA for Spring and . Summer RSVP HANNA &CO. VVINGHAM ONTARIO ofeeeseelffennareilemiereeseieneeleeneesereesseseesieseseeimenersa=reanereameriset . 1111M7-7717.;.. r, 11;0 TiNIF,S, JUNE 18, 1914 igiNgeolzy KEEP YOUR EYE ON Patterson's Jewelery Store Window for a pull at the strings on Saturday, June 6th Satui'iy, June 13th Saturday, June 20th Saturday, June 27th OR June Wetiding Gifts See our We have the goods this year. Silver Deposit, Silverware, Cut Glass, Pearl Goods, Lucky Wedding Rings, Pearl Rings . We have the largest stock of Diamond Rings ch. in this part of the country to choose from. AM. - W. G. PATTERSON The Great Watch Doctor WINGHAM ONTARIO. rAtigtEM ... 1 6 41v,i PFRFECT HEALTH DUE TO THE BLOOD No Girl or Women Need be Con- stantly Ailing and Unhappy. Nature intended every girl and every woman to be happy, attractive, active and healthy. Yet too many of them find their lives saddened by suffering— nearly always because their blood is to blame. All those unhappy girls and women with colorless cheeks, dull skins and sunken, lustreless eyes, are in this condition because they have not enough good red blood in their veins to keep them well and in the charm of health. They suffer from depressing weariness and periodical headaches. Dark lines form under their eyes, their heart pal- pitates violently after the slightest ex- ertion, and they are often attacked with fainting spells. These are only i a few of the miseries of bloodlessness. Nothing can rescue girls and women . from the inevitable decline that follows anomie except a generous supply of I new, rich, red blood, and nothing has , ever proved so successful in creating; red, good blood as Dr Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Thousands and I thousands of girls and women owe their good health and and charming complex- , ion to the use of this medicine. Here • is one example of its power to cure. ! !Mrs. Rose Ralli, Toronto, Ont., writes: ; "For a long time I suffered with anae- mia, nervousness and general debility, 1 In fact I was beginning to feel a posi- tive wreck. I tried several medicines and emulsions. For a time I would feel , better for 'taking them and then the ef- i feet would wear off, leaving me worse I than before. The continued drain on i my health altered my appearance. I my friends telling me I had a haggard - ! and worn appearance. This naturally , did not help to improve me, as you know : no woman likes to be told she looks , "worn out." Finally Dr. Williams' I Pink Pills were suggested and my bus - 1 band got me a supply. I used them land found the result good—not only good , but the benefit lasting, and I am now enjoying perfect health, have a good 1 color and have regained my natural !buoyancy. I trust my letter of grati- tude may be the means of helping otbers ! who are suffering as I was." t New health, new strength, new vi- tality, follow the fair use of Dr. Wil - Hams' Pink Pills. irou can get them ' from your medicine dealer or by mail let 5l cents a box or six boxes3for $2.50 i from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., I Brockville, Ont. 1.1LUEVA LE, Corne to the big celebration in Wing- 1-eirn on Dominion Day. All the public school children from the country or village schools art invited to take part in the parade at 9 a. m. Read all about t on page 1. ' Rev. George Baker, -of Melbourne, a former well known Methodist pastor here, will take a superannuated rela- tien and with his family will make their home in Toronto. Old friends here wiA them a happy time in their new lication. Rev. Mr. Cooke is back from the Methodist Conference. He will be re- , moving froin Eluevale, by the close of June, his neW charge being Grand Bend, His successor here will be Rev. D. D. , Thompson, There passed away at the ho tne Of. wr nephew, Wm. Nicholson, en Wed- nesday, June 8rd, after her brief illness, ; Miss Fanny Sherk, (familiarly known as Aunt Fanny) aged 78 years and 19 days, Deceased ,who was of German parentage, was the eldest of 11 children born to Daniel and Susannah Sherk, 7 of whom (Silas, John and Moses, in the States and Reuben of 1endaiI, Mrs. 1Cosens of Trowbridge, Mrs. Fear, of Humberstone; and Mr. . Nicholson ot Winnipeg,) are still living, Nancy, Eliza and Jeremiah having died some years ago. Deceased was of a kind and inof- fensive disposition and belonged to the Mennonites. A meeting of an interesting and some- what unique character was held in the schoolhouse on Wednesday night, June 10, to consider the question of co-oper- ation between the school section, the Literary society and others interested in making the new school and grounds a social ahd recreation centre and hearty spot for the neighborhood. The meet- ing was well attended, a large number of ladies being present, and judging from the addresses given and the in- terest diwlayed the new school will be- gin its work under happier conditions than have ever been known in the past. Mr. R. N. Duff was voted to the chair, Miss Cora M. Messer was appointed secretary and among the speakers were, Mr. Robt, Black, Mr. A. MacEwen, Rev. Crawford Tate, Mr. Robt. Mus- grove and Mr. A. L. Posliff, Principal of Wingham Public School. A motion was unanimously carried authorizing the use of the new school grounds for social and recreation purposes by the community in future. The Literary Society had already paid some money down on the purchase of the oldgrounds for this purpose and the trustees were instructed to return the money on con- dition that it be used in any way the Society may prefer for the improvement or beautifying of the new grounds. A joint committee was arranged to .plan and carry out the improvements of the grounds. The committee to consist of a representative ,each of the trustee board, the ratepayers, , the Women's Institute and the Literary Society, Mr. Robt. Musgrove and Mr. George McDonald being appointed to represent the trustees and the ratepayers respec- tively. A harpy incident of the evening was the presentation by Rev. Crawford Tate on behalf of the trustees and rate -pay- ers of a football to the schoolboys apd a playground bat and ball to the girls. A bee was held recently to plow and harrow the new schoolgrounds and the men arranged that the value of their work should be expended in buying games for the children. Mr. Tate made a very pleasing address to the pupils and Cameron McDonald received the gift on behalf of the boys and Stella Elliott and Jean Black on behalf of the girls. Miss G. M. Messer replied for the scholars thanking the kind-hearted donors -for their thoughtfulness and consideration for the welfare of the children. Before the meeting closed it was de- cided to hold a celebration to commem- orate the passing of the old red school- house which is soon to be torn down after a long and honorable career. An effort will be made to have as many former teachers and pupils as possible attend the celebration and it will be in the nature of a Bluevale Old Boys' Re. Union. The event will probably occur early in July. A Committee was ap- pointed to make arrangements and the date will bo onootmood AS Soon p$ pos- sible. It will probably be near the be- ginning of July. 1,I,ITO WEL Come to the big celebration in Wing - ham on Domimon Day. All the publie school children from the country or village schools are invited to take part in the parade at 0 a. m, Read all about on page 1. After lying low for two Weeks, IListowel's firebug again got busy early to -day, and as a result, J. H. McDon- i ald's flour and feed store, A. C. Chatnp's I barber shop, D. J. Wilkes' pool room and bowling alley, and the McDonald Hall annex are in ashes. The loss will be fully $1.‘1,(10'. As a sesult of the re- appearance of the incenaiary, many are terroNstricken, as blaze after blaze has broken out, all hearing unmistakable traces of being deliberately started. On the occasion of the last bad lire, which destroyed the sash and door factory, many merchants urged that a provincial detective be ealled in, and the council took steps to do this, but it was not followed up. Now the agitation has been renewed, as many of the best businessmen fear that their stores or factories are liable to be set on fire at any time. w Lima: time u. Come to the big celebration in Wing - ham on Dominion Day. All the public school children from the country or village schools are invited to take part in the -parade at 9 a, m. Read all about it on page 1. ' Mr. Thos, Moore has now got his barn ready for the foundation. Beth Gaunt and Miss McLean of Kin - lough spent Friday evening at the form- er's uncle's, Mr. S. Garbutt. Mr. M. Ross is busy putting up a new fence on the front of his farm, Miss L. V. Gaunt, who has been visit- ing with friends spent Thursday eve- ning at Mr. George Ross'. We are sorry to hear of Mr. G. P. Davey's illness. Mr. IC. Patterson has completed the painting of Mr. B. Gaunt's new home. Strawberry season has again begun. The Wedding bells are ringing around Whi techurch. A. handsome memorial drinking foun- tain, which is being erected by the Daughters of theaEmpire in Trafalgar Park, Guelph, is now in course of construction. , L L VE $TO et, ra.A.EKETS Toronto, June 16th—Cattle receipts to -day at the Union Stock Yards were fairly small, there being only about six hundred cattle in the run. The demand for these was good, and a strong market resulted: Prices were quite as high as yester- day's, and in some cases even higher. Choicest butcher cattle sold from 88.25 to $8.60. Best cows went as high as $7.50, Bulls priced from $6.50 to $7.50. Stockers still were somewhat draggy, aud quotations were low, $7.25 'being about the average price obtained, Calves were firm, receipts in this section not being large, and prices ran from $9.50 to $10.50 for choice veal. The Sheep market was well stocked and prices inclined to ease off a little, Spring lambs sold from $0 to $8 apiece. There were only about fifteen hun- dred hogs on the market to -day, and thea sold at steady prices. Quotations were $8.10 to $8.15 off cars, $7.85 fed and watered, and $7.50 f. o. b. To -day's live stock receipts were as follows: Sixty-one car loads, comprising 58. cattle, 212 calves, 1,510 hogs and 966 sheep. Export ...... ..,.....$ 8 00 Butcher cattle choice ... 8 25 do medium 8 ou Butcher cows choice... 0 25 do medium 6 00 do common do bulls. Feeders Stockers ... 4 50 7 00 7 50 25 do medium , 7 00 do light ........ 6 50 Canners and cutters . 2 50 Milkers, choice . 75. 00 Springers 60 00 Common and medium.. 35 0.) Lambs .... ....0 . . 850 Light. ewes ..... 6 25 o bucks ... . .. . .. 4 50 6 50 Hogs fed and watered 8 00 do f.o.b..... 7 65 Calves 0 00 * 10 50 $ 8 05 8 50 8 15 7 25 6 10 5 50 7 50 7 90 7 50 7 35 7 25 4 00 en 00 85 00 45 00 9 00 7 25 ••••••,, .I.0.4,0"...,......,....M.,••••••••••••••••.... iSARD'S Moos Wear Store EIQL1C1,:luarters for Si.n:.iat Values in Men's and 13)ys' Ready to - wear clothingOarsum- mcr sale of cloth- ing is now on and you can count on Big Savings o n Men's Suits, Boys' Suits and Pants, Men's Pants and Rain- coats, Boys Wash Suits and all lines of Men's and Boys' Wear. Bargain Price on Men's Suits, go a strong Wearing Suits, cheap at this_line while they last. $6.98- $10 will buy a fancy Tweed or Worstead Suittail- ored in the very latest style, worth more money. Men's fine Worsted and Serge Suits, navy or black, special cut prices at $12,00 to $15.00, Overalls. We handle the best makes. See our "Fast Mail- Brand of Overalls and Smocks, guaran- teed against rips, prices are $1.00 and $1.25. Suits for the boys, all sizes from the smallest to the largest size at Money Saving Prices. Every Suit well tailored, made to give excellent wear, some row priced Suits selling at $3.50 and $4.50 and a useful premium with each Suit. 3 Boys' ,Summer Jerseys in Navy, Cardinal, White or Green with long or short sleeves. Boys' Wash Suits made of Galitea or Stripe Lin- ens, Sailor Blouse, or Norfolk. special at 1..00, Straw Hats in a great variety of styles now in stock. See the new Sailor at 50c to $1.00. $10, our price for . E. Isard & Co. BARGAIN STORES, WINGHAM NOTICE OF MEETING TO CONSIDER BY-LAW. Take notice that a by-law for raising $10,000 under the provisions of the Tile Drainage Act will be taken into con- sideration by the Municipal Council of is the Sincerest • • the Township of Turnberry at Bluevale on Tuesday, 30th;day of June, 1014, at the hour of 4 o'clock in the afternoon. P. PowEr-L, Clerk. Ration Flattery! OCEAN TICKETS We are the sole Via all steamship lines, outward or agents in Wingham prepaid from the Old Country. for the D.L. & W Lowest quotations current for rates or tickets by any route. Apply H. B. ELLIOTT TiLmes Office, Wingham AND:, HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS Round trip tickets to point!,itt Ma!ri!,oba, Al- herta and Sa.k.itchewan %la 0hi,o. 4t! Duluth, or:Varnia and Nor•li, rn Navie Lteol (.4 inuany on sale each lues,1,13 until 0 't. inclusive, at low fares Th h P II roug u man Tourist Slecping Cars %U.LiLdU(1tETRiP(fliT.- TA, to WINNIPEG on above dates, leaving ' Winghaim May 20, 1013 , Toronto 11 p.m. No change of C0.1.5, Flour per 100 lbs,... ...2 70 to 3 10 Fall wheat 1 00 to 1 00 Oats ..... .... 0 40 to 0 40 Barley ...... 0 52 to 0 52 Peas ` 0 90 to 0 00 Butter dairy ..... 0 25 to 0 25 Eggs per doz . 0 18 to 0 18 Wood per cord 2 25 to 3 (10 Hay per ton ...........17 70 to 17 70 Hogs ... ....... ......9 10 to 9 10 ^ COAL Sorantoh or Lehigh HARD, BEIM AND CLEAN Wood and Kindling Lowv,s,r plums R Cantelon orrIen WITH Dominion Express Co.'s Office RETURN LIMIT, TV0 rioarrns The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is tlio ; shortest and quickest route between Winr ip g - Saskatoon - Edmonton, with ! excellent through service to Regina. i Trains now running into Calgary, ruIl particulars and reservations from H. 13. ELLIOTT, Town Passenger and. Ticket I, Agent, l'hone_!1. W. r. 11171.WMAN, tion Agent..ethone 50. Coal Co.'s Scranton Coal. Any other dealers offering tins coal for sale are merely offering an imitation. Everything in the fuel line for summer or winter burnin,, J. A. MeLEAN Dealer in LUMBER. COAL, WOOD