HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-06-18, Page 3The Gold Dust Twins' Philosophy E were amused to hear the praise a grocer paid to Gold Dust ways. Of all the many cleaniq "stunts", he picked the Gold Dust Twins at once, find,' he chuckled, "that they do the work of many more than TWO. At House -Cleaning Time the sarne. Some seem no sooner bought. "With Gold Dust, all my people state, the work of cleaning house goes great. It does so many clever tasks; it does, in fact, whatever asked. From kitchen, through and through, to hall; upstairs and down, the porch and all. Wirer. •••••••••••••.•••••••••••••• ever dust and dirt collect, it has a marvelous effect. "My customers are 'mostly wives, who have to bargain all their lives; each penny of the household fund, is counted, and the wasteful shunned. For instance, take the cleaning game; Not all the cleansers work to merely rub for naught, and some give out, ••••••••••ml•••••••• "A 'Home, Sweet Home' is one, I say, wherein the Gold Dust fellows play. Their work is fun to them. They start at dawn, with some magician's art and with the sinking of the sun the last mean job of work is done. "Oh yes, I like to recommend, a product that will prove a friend. Each Gold Dust customer declares that glass and cutlery and stairs, and floors and dishes and the rest are cleaned by using it -the best. If dirt be numbered with your sins, my preachment is 444-1-1414141***1.11*-44144azateaa++4.a. ..a.a+++.1.4.44144136,745:4444.444.4..a4.- a. a, '1'._ a. 4 iThe Times „... 4. + + e'. sb + 4. eit ,e+ 4. Clubbing List! + 4, 4. . 4. .................... 4. + _ 4. 4. 4. t: Time and Saturday Globe . • • 6 4. + ,4. * Times and Daily Globe * ,a- Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star.... 4. -a Times and Toronto Weekly Sun a 4. 4, ..a Times and Toronto Daily Star + -a ... • 9 • • 4 + Times and Toronio Daily News.. 4. ra+ * , Times and Daily Mail and tnipire. + ...r. Times and Weekly Mail and Empire a. a• tTimes and Farmers' Advocate ... .• ............ f , 6 Times and Canadian Farm (weekly) 10 '' Times and Farm and Dairy + i Times Daily , Advertiser • • 0 • • • • • • • TigleS and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press. and 4. ' *1 1.90 3.75 1.85 1,70 2.30 2.80 '4.50 1.60 2,35 1,60 1.80 1.60 2.85 ot . Times and London AdVert160 iser .(weekly). 44, Times and London Daily Free Press Morning • 4.444 Edition Evening Edition ...• • Times and M.ontreal Daily Witnes Times and Montreal Weekly Witness Times and World Wide...-. . Times and Western Home Monthly, Winnipeg„ Times and Presbyterian Times and Westminster Times, Presbyterian and Westminster TiMea and Toronto Saturday Night ........ Times and Busy Man's Magazine. , ..... Times and. Home Journal, Toronto Times and Youth's Con3panion Times and Northern Messenger.. Times and Daily World ..... .......... Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly). Times and Canadian Pictorial. Times and Lippincott's Magazine Times and Woman's Home Companion. Times and Delineator Times and Cosmopolitan Times and Strand Times and Success. Times and McClure's Magazine............. Times and Munsey's Magazine Times and Designer Times and Everybody's 3.50 2.90 3.50 1 2.25 1.60 2.25 2.25 3.25 3.40 2.50 1.75 2,90 1.35 3,10 2.90 1.60 3.15 2.60 2,40 2.30 2.50 2,45 2.60 2,55 1.85 2.40 4. t These orices are for addresses in Canada or Great.* .**Britain. + :. + $ The above publications may be obtained by Times* 1, *subscribers in any combination, the price for any publica-* --"-- '4 don I eing the figure given above less $1.00 representing: , ?, the p. ice of The Times. For instance: • 4> Q N> 81,90 4. 4, The Times and Saturday Globe • • The Farmer's Advocate ($2.35 less $1.00). 1.35 • 4, • .V • a $3.25 • a • :making the price of the three papers $3.25. • • • • • The Times and the Weekly Sun. , . $1,70 • • • • The Toronto Daily Star ($2,301ess $1,00).. 1,30 • • • • The Saturday Globe ($1,90 less 61.00) 90 • • • • • • $3,90 • tn ,_ e , • 0 Tour papers for $3.9o. * A. 0 "F 4. +, If the publicat on you• Want is not in above • lit et: + +us know. Nilr '.n supply almost any well-known Cana- dian or American publication. These prices are strictly': %cash in advance : Send subscriptions by post office or eXpress order to it The Times Office 4. 4. 4. Stone Block 4. i - WINGHAM ONTARIO lefielelet+.+44eIeltie****++.te ;eel** eess+,+oetteeftetegeleleibwiliftefti 4,1 • THE WINGUAll MIES, JUNE 18J 1914 A MODEL, MAIDEN. A girl's education is most incomplete unless she has learned: Ta sew. To cook, To mend. To be gentle, To value time. To dress neatly. To keep a secret. To avoid idleneas. To be self-reliant. To darn stockings. To respect old age. Tiel make good bread. To keep a house tidy. To be above gossiping. To make home happy. To control her temper. To take care of the sick. To take care of the baby. To sweep down cobwebs. To marry a man for his worth. To read the very best of books. To take plenty of active exercise. To be a helpmate to her husband. To keep clear of trashy literature. To be light-hearted and fleet -footed. To be a womanly woman under all circumstances. Uses a Soap." Soap bought in quantities, a box or two at a time perhaps, has chance to dry before it is used and will thus go much further than soap that is used when only recently made. Sometimes bits of soap are thrown in- to the boiler on washing day. These do not always entirely dissolve and are likely to be lost. If the small bits are placed, ingtead, in a cheesecloth bag, what is not dissolved will be on hand for next time. This practice of some housekeepers of dissolving their laundry soap before placing it in the water:is the best as this does away with bits of soap that might cling to the linen and cause a scorched place. This dissolved soap, or soap jelly is excellent for washing flannels and colored materials. An excellent soap solution for house- cleaning purposes can,be made by dis- solving two ounces of shaved soap in two quarts of water, using left over bits in this way. After this is removed from the fire add two tablespoons of gtrong ammonialtThis can be kept in- definitely if placed in bottles and cork- ed. DR. A. W. CHASE'S CATARRH POWDER Cu is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower, llea6 the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops drop. pings in the throat and permanent- ly cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. 25c. a box; lolower free. Accept no substitutes. All dealers or Edmonton. Batts & CO. Limited, Toronto. AWAY OUT IN THE COUNTRY. Away out in the country, where there is no ceaseless roar, Where it's eight miles to the railroad and it's three miles te the store, There is hope and there is pleasure and perhaps some maiffen there Has contrived to make somebody think her fairest of the fair. Away out in the country, where the fragrant lilacs blow There are people who have• never seen a moving picture show; But they may not need your pity, though • the thrills they have are few; They may go to bed untroubled by such cares as come to you.,., ••••• Away out in the country, where the woods are full of song And the hens are cackling loudly and few men are going wrong, There are people who are never filled with fear or discontent When the grocer wants his money or it's time to pay the renti Away out in the country, where no mobs disturb the peace There are people who are happy, though their neighbors' gains increase, There are men and there are women who believe that life is sweet, Though they aren't busy spending all on what they wear and eat. E.Le' --S. E. Kiser. THE?,WESTERN FAIR SEPT. 11th to e'arAa 19th. r The management of the Western Fair London, Ontario, are sending out this week: thousands of their Prize Lists, Maps, Hangers, etc. Although they were unfortnnate in the 'loss of -their offices by fire, other quarters have been promptly secured and the work of pre- paring for the great Exhibition will be carried on with greater zeal than ever. $1500.00 in cash has been added to the Prize Lists:this year, thus making it very attractive, especially for Live Stock Breeders and Exhibitors. Sev- eral new sections have been added es- pecially in the Horse Deparbrient which should bring a large exhibit. Prize L;sts, Entry Forms and all in- formation regarding the Exhibition will be promptly given on application to the Secretary, A. M. Hunt, Lo»don, On- tario. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Dean the Signature Of tete. • 144 LEMONADE. •••••••••• It is a helpful, soothing drink, when flies are had and days aro hot; and whether it is white or pink it always seems to hit the spot. I drink it with the lovely dames where. drugstore clinks take in the kale; I drink it at the base- ball games, at home I sip it by the pail. Of all soft drinks it ia the best, and every learned physician knows; it al- ways soothes my savage breast, and gives my war -bike soul repose. It takes the fungus from my tongue, and kills the toadstools in my throat; and I feel brave and gey and young, when all m'y innards are afloat; when they're afloat in lemonade, rny head is clears my nerve is strong; 1 face my duties unafraid, and put up hay the whole day long. And when the cool, grey morning breaks, I do not see, beside my bed, a bunch of hydra-headed snakes with pea-green antlers on each head. I rise refreshed so full of vim, andof aggressive•strength so full, that when I've scng my morn- ing hymn, I go outdoors and whip a bull. Walt. Mason. THE DUTY OF METHODISTS. (The Christian Guardian.) In the present Ontario election tteere can be no legitimate doubt as to which way the liquor trade vvill vote. It is generally recognized, we think, that the liquor trade will vote solidly against Mr. Rowell. There may be a few ex- ceptions, although we confess we have heard of none; but we are reasonably certain, unless all signs fail, that Mr. Rowell will poll very few liquor votes. The organized liquor trade, with all the wealth it can command, with its mil- lions of dollars, invested in breweries, distillers, liquor shops and liquor -selling hotels, will be thrown into the scale against the rrian .who has dared to pledge himself to "abolish the bar." As to this fact we do not think there can Ise any reasonable doubt. eiWhat will Methodism do? Here we have a political leader, a weil-known Methodist worker, who has taken his political life in his hand, and, at the call of the Churthes themselves, has thrown down the gauntlet to this im- mensely wealthy and tremendously powerful traffic. Shall we stand by him or not? The politicians, who know something of human nature, have no doubt of the result in the case, i.e., if the Churches do not give Mr. Rowell most unexpected and unprecedented support. The World of Toronto de- clares that "Mr. Rowell loses at least as many Liberal votes over this issue as he gains Conservative," and probab- ly most politicians will agree with this statement and some Liberals are joining with Conservatives in declaring that Mr. Rowel/ has made a mistake. But if there is any mistake the Churches, and not Mr. Rowell, have made it. We long ago voted out the bar, so far .as great temperance gath- ings and strong resolutions from all kinds of Church assemblies could do it, and the question is whether now, when our votes will count, we are prepared to say at the polls what we have been saying for years in our churches and our prayers. The chief issue in this campaign is not the Hydro -electric, nor workmen's compensation, nor the development of New Ontario; neither is it Sir James Whitney nor Mr. Rowell; -it is simply the issue to which the temperance forces in Ontario committed themselves years ago -the abolition of the licensed bor. It is useless, and worse than use- less, to argue that the shops will be left, for we know, and the liquor men know, that the vote which blots out the bar will not long allow the shops to survive. We can afford possibly to forget par ties and to forget men, but we cannot afford to forget this one supreme issue, and if any temperance voter is in doubt as to his duty we would suggest that he ask himself on which side the bar- room and its habitues, and the whole liquor trade in general, are ranging themselves. We venture to say that it is not on the side of the abolition of the bar. Can we afford to vote on the same side as the distillers, the brewers and the liquor -sellers? We do not think we can. HOUSEHOLD HELPS. When incandescent mantles are used the ceilings immediately above often beeorne blackened, while the rest re- mains quite clean. If whitewashed, the place can be cleaned by being rubbed over with a mixture of starch and water of the consistency of cream. A soft flannel cloth may be used. When quite dry spread a newspaper under- neath, and gently rub off the starch. The black stain will come with it. To keep a coffee-pot sweet put a tablespoon of baking soda into it. Fill it two-thirds full of water and let it boil for an hour. Then rinse very tho- roughly. If this is dorm about once a week, the pot will always smell fresh and clean. A good remedy for a cough is to put a lemort into balling water. l3oil it for a quarter of an hour. Then press out the tallp into a jar, removing the pips, and mix it very thoroughly with a quar- ter of a pound of honey. Take a tea- spoonful tybeti required. TORTURED WITH RHEUMATISM Could Not talk, Until "Fruit - a -lives" Completely Cured Him CHATTIAIVI, ONT., April 3rd. 1913. "I mu a veteran of the Crimean War and the Indian 'Mutiny, volunteering from the Royal Artillery into the Royal Engineers, and served under Lord Roberts during the Indian Mutiny, and am a pensioner of the British Govern- ment. Fierce hand-to-hand fighting and continual exposure, left nee a great suf- ferer from Rheumatism, so omen so that my legs swelled uponalting it impossible for me to walk. My bowels were so cons- tipated that I only had one passage a week until I got to using "Fruit-a-eives''. They cured me of both the Rheumatism and Constipatiot. In my regular employ- ment, I walk thirty miles a day and enjoy perfect health. No more Rheumatism or Constipation. You are at perfect lib- erty to peblish this letter if it will be advantageous to "Fruit-a-tives". GORGE WALKER Don't suffer with Rizeirmatism, Sciatica, Lumbago or Neuralgia all this winter. Take "Fruit-a-tives ' now and be free of pain. eoc a box, 6 for ite..eo or trial size, es. At all dealers or sent' on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited. Ottawa. THE HUMAN ELEMENT. (Toronto Star.) The Massey Hall meeting on Thursday evening has probably led to the revision and modification of some prophecies as to the election of June 20. Prophecies as to elections ,are admittedly risky. We must admit that we were surprised by the Ontario wave which defeated reciprocity and swept the Laurier Gov- ernment out of power in 1911, One of our consolations is that some of our Conservative eriends were equally sur- prised. On the night before the election a Conservative of immense experience and tried sagacity said in private con- versation that he expected that the Government would have a majority of twenty-five, None of us, perhaps, realizes just what goes on in the mind and heart of the voter who, on election day, stands in the little screened -off compartment, absolutely free to judge and record his judgment free from coaxing, persuasion, personal influence of all kinds -in- fluenced by nothing except what has appealed to his reason, his heart, and his conscience. What will th it man do on Monday, June the twenty-ninth? Take the case of a temperance advocate, who for many years has been pleading with public men of both parties to abolish the bar. At last a leader comes forward who says definitely.that that is his policy, his in- tention -that he is in public life for that purpose. Here is the chance of a life- time for a temperance advocate -a chance which may not come again. For if a clean, honest, earnest man who comes forward with this as his chief aim is defeated, what will be the effect upon other public men? Naturally they will consider public opinion. If they are not as enthusiastic about temperance re- form as Mr. Rowell they will say: "Why should I sacrifice myself for something which the people do not want?" Tens of thousands or electors will be faced on electioe day with the possibil- ity of defeating -perhaps forever- a measure for which they have worked and hoped for a life -time. Who can prophesy what they will do? What ex- pert in the handling of votes can analyze the minceend the heart of these voters and say precisely what they will 'think and feel in the little screened -off room on the 29th of June, and where they will mark the cross on the ballot? We are face to face with a great human pro- blem, in which th ose who know. the human heart can help us more than the electioneering experts. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR1A Skin Trouble on the Scalp Skin Dried and Cracked and Hair Fell Oute,eCurcd by Dr. Chase's Oint- ment. Eczema is amaoying ancl distressing at any time, but doubly so when it gets into the scalp and causes the hair to fall out. Here is a grateful letter from a lady who was cured by using Dr. Chase's Ointment. Mrs. Hector Currie, Tohermory, Ont., writest--"I was cured of a dis- rtgreeetio skin disease or the scalp by using Dr. Chase's ointment. The trouble started with itching and pain In the seedy, thC skin would get dry and emelt, and at tittles would bleed, and the hair woula lan out, 1 tried three doetors without benefit, and sue - II red for three years. Reading in tbe Milian:le about Dr. Chase's Ointment, T. began its eve, and am now com- pletely eured. The hair has grown agate, and T am as well as I ever was. You are at liberty to use this letter, for 1 am geed to recommend SO OX. tellent a treatmeut." Dr. Chase's tnettment has no rival a3a cure for itching elan disease, A ik4107' BREAKING ICE BARRIERS. Dynamite and Little Tugs Lead the Assault on the Croat: Lakes. Up De oer great Mires wittier Wilde, those sratere 10 0 Narrow(' grip for several months, eubstalitlitlly puttleg an end to well nigh all tradle, Out even SO, it Is the releshm of certain ot the big cur ferry rite:me-vs to maintoln seal ethIng of au a ppro xi ai te se lied tile, However, every uow and then the gathering ice packs catch and bold them despite the best the steitmers eau do, awl it le only by using dynamite that they thee emceed in breaking through these frigla barriers. Occie atonally it is a veritable battle be - Moen titanic forces, und it takes cour- age for, officers and crew to maintain the struggle. Success is not alwaYs the fruit of these strenuous efforts. because It is still fresh in the minds 01 many bow gallant Captain McLeod ane thirty others perished aboard the Marquette when that ship foundered In December, 1009. Wnat strikes one most forcibly, if he has seen winter conditions upon the geeat lakes, is the manner ip which little tugs are marl to break a passage clear for large steamers when their big kin are quite incapable of working their own way through the ice, not- withstanding their greater bulk and far more powerful engines. The secret Iles in the fact that the tugs are able to roll about after poking their noses Into the floe, and in this manner they attack the ice in a direction where it Is least capable of offering etrective resistance. Instead of assaulting the ice edge on where it is supported by hundreds of yards -if not, indeed, by several miles of solid pack -the small craft bear down upon a thickness of so many incites, and by sheer weight and the rapid shifting of this by a rocking motion, they force It asunder. The big steamers upon the great lakes, especially the large car ferries, could do this very thing for themselves, and do it upon a greater scale, if they could be given the needful rolling mo- tion, but the difflculty lies ill finding a way to effect this.-Technieal World Magazine. FICKLE FORTUNE. Romance of a Discredited Gold and Copper Mine. When the great mineral wealth of this nation has been finally developed a chronicler will write the "American Arabian Nights of Mining." One of the tales, all of which will be true, will run somewhat as follows: Once upon Retinae tlaere was a poor inan of the name of Billy Harris, who lived at Spokane, Wash. He was a horseman, among other miscellaneous activities, and had acquired a consid- erable block of stock in a certain Lerol Mining company, having taken most of it in payment from those who owed him money and who had no other as- sets more tangible. This stock had kicked about without a sponsor for two years and was nominally quoted at around 10 cents a share. One day a friend came along with a handsome stallion, and 1311Iy lookedeap- on the animal with covetous eyes. Dick- ering began and ended by his paying over $5,000 of the stock for the stallion. The seller, on sober reflection, became dissatisfied with his bargala and brought suit to recover the horse. He wY. with a sigh, took back hiosn'Sd B taonk canildl bade the animal a fond farewell. Eighteen mouths later Billy sold the same stock for $250,000 and the re- mainder of bis bolding,s for as much again. The Leroi mine was taken over by Whitaker Wright and an English syndicate and produced $40,000,000 in gold and copper. It is not on record what the original owner of the stallion said or thought -and perhaps it is just as well. -Wall Street Journal. Example of British Humor, The late Lord Salisbury had a pretty wit. At the beginning of the South .African war both his private secre- taries volunteered, and they were fol- lowed, says the London Express, by the Duke of Norfolk, who asked to be allowed to resign his post of postmas- ter general and go to the front. "I suppose you may," said Lord Salis- bury, "but I do hope Cross won't want to go." Lord Crops was then lord privy seal and was nearly eighty! They Learn Early. Bessie was sitting on the hotel ver- anda one afternoon when another child, gaudily dressed, began to parade up and down before her, flirting her fan and swishing her skirts airily. Bessie stood it as long as she could, but finally burst out: "Dresses an' fans does not make ladies." "But they helps," the other flung back over her shoulder as Oho saun- tered away. -Delineator. Source of His Love. "Do you like your new mamma, Eters "Yes; I like her awful much." "That fs nice. Do you like het be- cause she is pretty?" "No. I like her 'cause i.,broke her nicest vase yesterday and she blanaed It on the maid," -judge. Getting It AIL "Whet can I bring you today, 'sir?' 41 hardly know. The doctor says I must have carbohydrates and proteids, and 1 watt something nitrogenous, I think." "Yes, Sir. now about an order of hash?" -Pittsburgh Post, Persistent Girl. • Ethel -Have you heatal of leek's an. • gagement to nteatior/ liarald-aDet not Then Jack has finally suc- ceeded? Dtbel-No, Succumbed, --Lon don Tatier - BURIED UNDER PAPERS. ••"•1..,•••••••••••••• *Amnon Litter end Fire. Llf• In DO Q4ulnirey'a'sPreteWs exiirivaviL paQ4 mrift grew out or the morbid value he tlet upon papers and their not being di* turbed. Ile was in the habit et name. mulating these until, itt bis owse, words, he was "snowed up." MILO meant that 'when mattere reached WW1 an extremity that there was 110E a square inch of room on the tabie to set a cup upon and 00 00ss1bilits el 1.Paiiillg his bed for the weight of pa- pers gathered there; no enuir wieletz eould be used for •its legitimate pur- pose, and the track from the door to the fireplace, always kept open (iota tbe last, was completely obliterated iso that he bad not even place in. which to set his foot -then De Quincey Mee - ed the door upon his paper treasures and turned elsewhere. At Ms deitta there were at least a half dozen siteh places "papered" by him and being maintained at no small expense. Such a thing had been experienced as his actually "paperieg" bis family out or house, but in later years his daughters !earned how to guard agaiveteuch a contingency. De Quiticey uenally vent the even- ings with bis family. wife looked for- ward to these houre with much pleas- ure. Them the arrivalor the newspa- per be would render the news in his own quaint manner, questioning the various thembers of the group about bim and illuminating the various sub- jects touehed upon with a wealth ot memories, good stories or human ei- periences until the happiest now of real conversation sprang from tbe cir- cumstances of the moment. Ile was not a tranqtelizing compan- ion for nervous persons to live with, as those nights were the exceptions on Willeh he did not set fire to something. lt was a common occurrence for one of his daughters to lOok up from her work.and to say casually, "Papa, Your hair is on firer to which be would re- spond casually, "Is it, my love?" and a band rubbing out the blaze was all the notice taken. On one occasion, when, the maid rushed in to announce that Mr. de Quincey's room was on fire, he hasteu- ed to the rescue of his already "snow- ed up" apartment, refusing all sug- gestions that:water be poured upon his treasured papers. Armed with a heavy rug he disappeared into the burning room determined to conquer without water or perish in the atteropt, while the members of his affrighted household trembled for his safety out- side the door, locked to prevent the abhorred water from being poured in. Presently, after occasional bursts of smoke and a very strong' smell of fire, all were assured that the danger was over, the victor emerged triumphant- ly from his fight with the flames, and the dreaded element having been sub- due dfor the evening all retired in a state of thankfulness. -Prom Caroline Ticknor's "Hawthorne and His Pub- lisher." Fully Explained. "When and why did James G. Blaine get his sobriquet, the Plumed' Knight?" asked the Boston Globe man, who needn't think everybody has forgotten that Blaine was a candidate for the Republican nomination for president in 1816 and that Colonel Robert G. Inger- soll in placing his name before the na- tional convention Munched the sobri- quet thus: "Like an armed warrior, like a plumed knight, James G. Blaine marched down the halls of the Amere, can congress and threw his shining lance full and fair against the brazen forehead of every defamer of this country and maligner of its hewer." (Business of looking wise and patting ourself on the cheste-Manchester Union. Woes of an Old Time Writer. High among unconventional writers stands William Prynne, a Loudon Jour- nalise in the days when there were no journals, days when a bulky pamphlet took the place of a letter to one's fa- vorite newspaper. Prynne published about 200 of such pamphlets and Is said to have averaged a sheet of print a day throughout lais life. And he worked in a guilt cap coming over his eyes to shield them from the light and stuck at his table all day, being served with a roll and a pot of beer every three hours. And he reaped the re- ward of hie literary efforts In the branding and pillory and ear cropping that every political writer risked in that age. Honesty In Golf. The sooner a boy, or a man for that matter, learns to live up to the motto "Honesty is the best policy" In golf; as in other things, the better for him. There is no garae which gives a com- petitor a better opportunity to cheat. But for that very reason there is no game in which the cheat, when dis- covered, as it usually is sooner or tater, is looked upon with greater contempt. -Francis Ouinaet in St. Nicholas. Complicated. "You must stop worrying and take a holiday," said the SLUM practitioner. "My dear doctor," replied the irrita- ble patient, "it I could get My strain tlito a thane that would permit ale te take a holiday I'd be so relieved that 'wouldn't need one." -London Opinion. Not Duo Vet, "Does your wife ever nag you?" ask.. al the first walking gentleman. "No," answoed the second. "We've only been married a year. She Calid it toe -ring tio far." --Cleveland Plain Dealer. Imaginary evils soon become rood ales b1 fuduig1 refiectiona on them, •.