HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-04-17, Page 13WANTED: NetworkC LASSIFIED REACH MILLIONS OF CUSTOMERS IN ONTARIO WITH ONE EASY CALL! Your Classified Ad or Display Ad would appear in weekly newspapers each week across Ontario in urban, suburban and rural areas. For more information Call Today Toll -Free 1-888-219-2560, Email: k.magill@sympatico.ca or visit: www.OntarioClassifiedAds.com. $$$ ist, 2nd, 3rd MORTGAGES - Debt Consolidation, Refinancing, Renovations, Tax Arrears, no CMHC fees. $50K you pay $208.33/ month (OAC). No income, bad credit, power of sale stopped!! BETTER OPTION MORTGAGES, CALL TODAY Toll -Free 1-800-282-1169, www.mortgageontario.com (LIC# 10969). AS SEEN ON TV - Need a MORT- GAGE, Home Equity Loan, Butter Rate? Bad Credit, Self - Employed, Bankrupt? Been turned down? Facing Foreclosure, Power of Sale? CALL US NOW TOLL-FREE 1-877-733-4424 and speak to a licensed mortgage agent. MMAmortgages.com specializes in residential, commercial, rural, agriculture, farms, & land mortgages. Visit: www.MMAmortgages.com (Luc#12126). 1st & 2nd MORTGAGES from 2.65% VRM, 2.94% 5 YR. FIXED. All Credit Types Considered. Let us help you SAVE thousands on the right mortgage! Purchasing, Re -financing, Debt Consolidation, Home Renovations...CALL 1-800- 225-1777, www.homeguardfunding.ca (LIC #10409). Vehicle buyers are ONLY protected by OMVIC and Ontario consumer protec- tion laws when they buy from regis- tered dealers. There's no protection if you buy privately and you risk becom- ing victim of a curbsider. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint: www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800- 943-6002. LAIDLAW CARRIERS VAN DIVISION requires experienced AZ licensed drivers to run the U.S. Premium mile- age rate. Home weekly. New equip- ment. Also hiring Owner Operators. 1.800-263-8267 AZ DRIVERS - CANADA/U.S. Runs. Single, Team & Regional. Great Pay & Benefits. Your Home Time Is Our Pri- ority. CALL TODAY TOLL-FREE 1-800-665-2803. PERSONALS Being Single is No Fun...MISTY RIVER INTRODUCTIONS can find you someone to BBQ with, go to the beach with or spend this summer & your life with. CALL (519)658-4204, www.mistyriverintros.com. DATING SERVICE. Long-torm/short- term relationships, free to try! 1-877- 297-9883. Talk with single ladies. Call #7878 or 1-888-534-6984. Talk nowt 1-866-311-9640 or #5015. Meet local single ladies. 1-877-804-5381. (18+) TRUE PSYCHICS! 4 Answers call now 24/7 Toll Free 1-877.342- 3036; Mobile #4486; http://www.true psychics.ca. ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For more information contact your local newspaper. ST. L1EINC! RIVER CRUISING WORLD CLASS CRUISING CLOSE TO HOME The hassle free way to travel 3 or 6 Nights In Private Staterooms INCLUDES', • SHORE EXCURSIONS • GREAT MEALS • NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT AND MUCH MORE... StLawrenceCrulseLlnes.com TOLL-FREE 1-800-267-7868 253 Ontario Street, Kingston, Ontario (TICO # 2168740) COMING EVENTS 24th Annual HAVELOCK COUNTRY JAMBOREE - REBA, TRACE ADKINS, TRAVIS TRITT, WYNONNA & THE BIG NOISE, THE CHARLIE DANIELS BAND, KATHY MATTEA, G ORD BAMFORD, KIX BROOKS, BOBBY BARE, DALLAS S MITH, SMALL TOWN PISTOLS, TARA ORAM, JOSH THOMPSON, BOBBY WILLIS & more, OVER 25 ACTS... CANADA'S LARGEST LIVE COUNTRY MUSIC & CAMPING FESTIVAL - AUG. 15-18/13. TICKETS 1-800-539-3353, www.HavelockJamboree.com. BUY NOW & SAVE! CAREER TRAINING' .;. MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION RATED #2 for work -at-home. Train with the top-rated accredited school in Cana- da. Financing and student loans avail- able. Contact CanScribe today at 1-800-466-1535 www.canscribe.com STEEL BUILDING - BLOWOUT CLEARANCE SALE! 20X22 $4,188. 25X26 $4,799. 30X34 $6,860. 32X44 $8,795. 40X50 $12,760. 47X74 $17,888. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. www.pioneorsteel.ca STEEL BUILDINGS/METAL BUILD- INGS 60% OFFI 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x 150, 80x 100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206 www.crownsteelbuildings.ca AUTOS FOR SALAAM 100% AUTO FINANCING APPROVAL - Wo can get you approved for an automobile no matter what your circumstances are. Drive a little and save a lot. Over 300 vehicles to choose from. Apply online www.canadianautogroup.ca. CANA- DIAN AUTO GROUP INC., 250 Springbank Dr., London, ON, Toll - Free 1-888-474-8815 / 519-472-8815. WANTED: OLD TUBE AUDIO EQUIPMENT. 40 years or older. Amplifiers, Sterno, Recording and Theatre Sound Equipment. Hammond organs. Any condition, no floor model consoles. Call Toll -Free 1-800-947- 0393 / 519-853-2157. ANCIAL SERVICES MoneyProvider.com. $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660. #1 HIGH SPEED INTERNET $28.95 / Month. Absolutely no ports are blocked. Unlimited Downloading. Up to 5Mps Download and 800Kbps Upload. ORDER TODAY AT www.acanac.ca or CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-866-281-3538. SAWMILLS from only $3997 - MAKE MONEY & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills.com/4000T 1-800-566-6899 Ext:4000T. BUSINEEiS OPPS. $$$ MAKE FAST CASH - Start Your Own Business - Driveway Seal- ing Systems, Lawn Aerating Units, Possible payback in 2 weeks. For More Information CALL Today Toll -Free 1-800-465-0024. Visit: www.protectasphalt.com. GET FREE VENDING MACHINES Can Earn $100,000.00 + Per Year. All Cash -Retire in Just 3 Years. Protect- ed Territories. Full Details CALL NOW 1-866-668-6629 Website WWW.TCVEND.COM MATCO TOOLS is looking for franchi- sees in your area - Professional prod- ucts with a complete Business Sys- tem available to support you in becoming your own boss. Home - Based Business; Training & Support Programs. More information CALL 778-387-4666, www.gomatco.com. Legals Legals Legals FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER Henry Vander Burgt (orthehalf of his cpmeanv. Shan.dre Farms Ltd..) invites tenders for the purchase of its farmlands comprised of Lot 16, Concession 14, Geographic Township of Hay, Municipality of Bluewater, County of Huron, containing a house, farm buildings and 100 total acres more or Tess. • For tender forms and other particulars contact: Devereaux Murray Professional Corporation Phone: (519) 527-0850 Email: aodonnelledevereauxmurray.ca • Tender to be submitted by 12 noon on Monday, April 29, 2013 • Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted General Hell) Wanted General Helly Wanted General Heiln Wanted frEWATER The Municipality of Bluewater is currently accepting resumes for two seasonal positions within the Facilities and Recreation department. These positions will be responsible for general maintenance of public buildings and open space. The successful candidate will work 411 hours per week, including weekends. A valid class G licence is required. This position is approximately 16 weeks and the applicant must be returning to school in the tall. Resumes will be accepted until April 29, 2013 at 4:00 p.tn. Interested applicants please send your resume to: Rob Volland, utilities Superintendent 14 MiII Ave., Zurich, ON NUM 211) Fax: 519 236-4329 Email: r.volland(vtown.hluc vater.on.ca Wednesday, April 17, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 13 General Help Wanted SENIOR and Junior Sous chef positions available immediately. Min. 5 years' experi- ence, references required, salary nego- tiable. Please submit resume by email to chef 0llttleinn.com by lax 519-565-5474 or by mail or in person to 26 Main St. N, Bay- field, ON TWO Positions available. Part-time student for yard work and retail store. Driv- ers license a must. Full-time mature per- son for Landscape Retail Shop. Monday to Friday days. Please send repume to swebbandsons0hot• mail.ca The Classifieds... measuring up to your expectations one ad at a time. Restaurant/Hotel HESSENLANO Country Inn hiring exp. line cooks. Accom. avail Please email resume & roteroncos to. Iranke hossonland.com or call 519-236-7707 www.hessenland.com Cleaning LAMBTON CLEAN- ING SERVICE: steam cleaning, of carpets and upholstery. Thorough cleaning. Fast drying. Call Nils Swenson: 519-296-4721 NOW SerVICO: flooring, drywall and renova- tions. Chris Sheriff: 519-615-4721 Business Services TAX BREAKS II Income Tax Service has moved to TAX BREAKS II 90 Sarah St. Thedford, On 519-296-4738 EFiling, Bookkeeping, Personal & Business Returns, Reasonable Rates Home improvement Got your homo or cottage roady now for lho soason PAINTING - TILE WORK - PLUMBING - ELECTRICAL - REPAIRS - GENERAL MAINTENANCE Providing ovor 20 years of honosl, roliablo sorvico and roasonablo ratos CaII todayl Jay/Extra Step Maintenance (In$und) 619.569.4800 Services Offered "HONEY DO" Property Maintenance Home repairs, odd Jobs, grass cutting, trimming, snow -removal. Largo properties easily maintained. Glenn Pfaff 519-237-3835 Handyman ALL KINDS of repairs and protects. Over 20 years experience in carpentry and property maintenance. Serving Grand Bond 10 Bay- field. ayfield. Call or text Paul 519-318-2368 Connect with Ontarians extend your business reach! www.networkclassified.org