The Wingham Times, 1914-06-18, Page 14 01, rr No W. ROWELL, KoCo, IN WINGHAM OPERA HOUSE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24th AT 8 P. M. VOL. XL-Ill.—NO. 2i0 asosmassommast Lt Carlsbad Treatment At Home! Carlsbad 'Springs are the most cele-. brated in the world for Liver Troubies, Every year thousands go to the springs and are delighted with the results obtained. If you hick energy and feel depressed the chances are your liver is inactive and you need RFXALL LIVER SALTS practically the same formula as Carls- bad water. We Personally Guarantee that one or two teaspoonfuls taken before breakfast every morning for a week or ten days will put the sys- tem in splendid condition. Yucca Talcum The newest and best;:for a limited time we will give Free Face Cham- ois with every tin of Yucca Talcum. J. W. McKIBBON DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN 2 -ho Rs4„.....ccat sffirekl: 339:GEINIONZ1112161APii FREE Demonstrafion ON June 61115 1914 oP Lacquerei .... , The Household Lacquer For 1 I Refinishing Furni- ture, Linoleum, Oilcloth, etc. Free Souvenir to each lady , Free D-rawidg Book for each 1 child. er-'1-fler-g3 Raet&ThOMpS011 Hardware Merchants Phone 27 111111•020101•16.1101101 ChOstie's Grocery PHONE 59. Store opens 7 a.m. Closes 7 p.m. Agent for Fleischman's Yeast. HEINZ MUSTARD KETCHUP Tjiis is a comparitively new pro- duetion, The quality is superb, arid we think it has the flavour to com- mend itself to almost any taste. Try a bottle. The price is 25e Regular Shipmeats of StraWberries HEINZ PEA NUT BUTTER The right and only sanitary way o buy Pea -nut I3utter is in jars. It should not be exposed. Heinz have set a very high standard for their Pea -nut I3utter and it never varies, tie date 20e and 30e Each Oaileinermorliteispaiwaitifilisis Wan. Graer's Shoos and. Rubbers Wingiuun District I. 0. 0, F. The annual meeting of the Wingham Dietrict Lodge of the Independent Or- der of Oddfellows Wes held in Wingham on Thursday afternoon last with repres- entatives present from Lucknow, Bras- sels and Wingham. Mr. Peter 11, Deans, of Wingham was elected as D. D. G. M. and Mr. W. Meld, of Wing - ham as District Secretary. Model Farm Excursion. The annual Won Farrnera' Institutes Excursion to the Model Farm at Guelph will be run this year via G, T. R. on Thursday, June 18th. This is one of the popular outings of the year. Special train will leave Wingham at 7.30 a, m. and return fare is $2.05. Tickets good for return on special train leaving Guelph at 7 p. m. or on any regular train day following. Buy your tickets from II. B. Elliott, Town Agent for the G. T. R. at the TIMES office. The Celebration. An appeal to all patriotic citizens o Wingharn re the celebration on Domin ion day. The programme for the bi celebration on Dominion Day is no fully completed and will without th shadow of a doubt eclipse anything i the nature of a celebration ever put o in these parts. The committee, wh have taken the matter in hand hav done so entirely on their own responsi bility and at their own risk, They ar working tooth and nail and are spendin the price without any compensation i any shape or form and no matter wha the proceeds amount to not one can will go to any member of the commit tee or in fact to anyone excepting thes who are engaged to put on the pro gramme. In case there is a loss thi committee will have to stand pat and pay. it themselves. They therefore appeal so every citizen to lend a help ing hand to make this a banner day. Many things can be done by the citizens that will help. For instance, in the way of decorating their homes. stores, etc„ inviting your friends from other towns or villages or from the country to spend the day with you. By seeing to it that the kiddies have a little spare change for that day so that it will not be necessary for them to steal in under the eanvat. The committee needs the money and hope the parents will dis- courage the children from doing se. This advice will also apply to some who are not kiddies. There will be a grand parade at 0 a.m. which wilt start from the park and all public school children from the Wingham public school and the neighboring schools, both villages and country, are asked to join in this parade. Each child- is asked to bring a small flag and if possible it is desired that the girls be dressed in white. At the same time this is not compulsory and no girl will be excluded from the parade for the reason that she may not have a white dress. In return for this the committee have decided to allow all public school children, who take part in the possession, into the grounds (in the morning only) for the small fee of 5 cents. Agrangernents have been made for two balloon aseensions (the morning one being especially for the benefit of the children) will take place immediate- ly after the parade reaches the grounds. The Teeswater and the Wingham base- ball teams will then play, and let us state right here, that Teeswater have some ball team this year. Promptly ,at i.30 pat. the Chesley lacrosse team (the bestin northern Ontario) and the Wingham team will cross sticks. The Wingham team is without any doubt the best the town ever had and an ex- cellent article of Canada's National game is sure to result. At 8.30 Madame Dorothy De Venda will make smother balloon acsensioniand this will be follow- ed)g a baseball game that will make the audience sit up and look. The Clinton and Wingham teams will battle for the Championship of. Huron, and Dick Teske; formerly pitcher for the Brantford Canadian League team, will pitch for Clinton and our own Matt. Telfer will do the twirling for Wing - ham. The evening entertainment will begin with a eharnpionship football game (for the county championship) between the fast Brussels teatn and the Wingham team, the latter team expeet to Win and will be composed largely of the Champion Rough eup team. Then will follow a "Feast of music" by the Itincailline pipe band and the Wingharn band and the day will eonelude with a most speetaetilar and magnificent Os. play of fireworks. This display is beitg prepared by the Hatid Company of Hamilton and will surpass anything of the kind that has been seen in these parts. Boost the celebratien and help veryone to havea good time on Domini- on day. WINGRAM, ONTA.RTO TRURSDAT JUNE 18t W14 .1. G. ANDERSON Liberal Cal:sedate for North Hi ron ROWEL[. IN W1NGHAM, Newton W. Rowell, the leader of the Ontario Liberals.; will address e public meeting in the opera house, Wingham, on Wednesday evening, June 24th, in the interests of Jr. G. Anderson, the Liberal candidate for North Huron IVIr. Rowell is acknowledged to be one of the best public speakers in Canada and a large number of the electors of North Huron will take advantage of this opportunity of hearing him. Mr. Rowell has had a very successful meet- ings in different parts of Ontario. Seats will h reserved for le.dies and the publie is cordially invited to attend. Remember the date is Wednesday, June 24th. Special Couneil Meeting. A special meeting of the Town Coun- cil was held on Friday evening last with Mayor Irwin presiding and all the mem- bers present. The estimates of the various committees were adopted and the, Finance Committee instructed to examine the estimates of receipts and expenditure ad prepare a by-law fixing the rate of taxation, same to be passed at next meeting of the Council. The Electric Light and Waterworks Com- mittee was empowered to confer with the County Engineer on the matter of lowering water in race while abutments are being built for the new race bridge. Same committee was empowered to proceed with installing of meters on Water services and also amend by-law with reference to lawn water services. The Property Committee was given power to have flower beds placed in front of town „hall, The matter of advertising Wingham as a good point for industries was left with the Exe- cutive Committee. Residence Damaged. ^ Sale of Womens fords an. 1 Pumps Read our ad, on last page W. H. WILLIS & CO ...-talszammassaricinv Huron Synod. Rev. E, G. Dymond left on Tuesday to attend the session of the Synod of Huron held in London this week, No matters of a controversial nature are to he brought up, except the request of several Women's organizations that they be admitted to the vestries, and there will, undoubtedly, be a debate over this emotion.. A successor to the late Canon Haas, clerical secretary of the Synod, will be chosen. It eannot be learned as yet who he will be. County Committee Here. The County Road and BridgiCommit- tee, composed of Warden Cantelon, Clinton; Reeve Livingston, Grey; Reeve Lindsay, Hayfield; Reeve Routley, Us- isorne; Reeve Hunter, Asefield; along with Connty Clerk Lane were in town on Thursday and met the Road and Bridge Committee from Bruce County at Dickey's bridge, west of White- church. The joint committees agreed that the work of repairing the approach- es at this bridge will be proceeded with at Once. Political Meeting, A meeting in the interest of Mr. A. H, Musgrove was held in the town hall on Friday evening. last. . The Hon, L B. Lucas, Provincial Treasurer of Ont- ario, was the principal speaker, unfor. tunately, however, the fire at Mr. Saint's residence drew the attention of the majority in attendance, and the meeting was adjourned half for an hour. When the speaking was again resumed the hour was so late that the speaker did not 'receive the audience that he would otherwise have had. Married in Hamilton. A quiet, but pretty wedding took place at 3.30 p.m. Wednesday, June 3rd, at 35 Prospect St., Hamilton, the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McDougall, where the latter's sister, Miss Mae Moore, daughter of Mr, Wm. Moore was nnited in marriage to Mr. Lionel 13. Morton, of Toronto. The ceremony was performed bY Rev. Mr. James, of the Ryerson Methodist Church, Hamil- ton, and after partaking of a dainty wedding dinner, the young people left on the evening train for Detroit. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Morton will reside in Toronto. The Thum extends congratulations. On Friday evening last, at 9.30 fire Sabbath Observance. was discovery in the rear of the resi- dence of Mr. Robert Saint, Edward Street, which destroyed the kitchen and badly damage the front part of the house. How the fire originated is not known and was not discovered until too late. Mr, and Mrs. Saint had left only about half an hour before, to visit a sister living about a mile front town, and were immediately telephoned for./ The firemen were on the scene as soon as possible and although three streams of water were turned upon the burning building, very little of the household effects were saved. Mr. Saint had only a very small insurance upon the house and furnitureln the Sun Insurance Co. and as both are practically destroyed, he will be a heavy loss. We owlets - stand Mr. Saint will rebuild as soon as possible, Wingham vs Kincardine. The first league baseball game to be played in Wingham, was on Friday evening last between Kincardine and the home team. The game was called at 6 p. m. Mayor Irwin threw the first ball with the agility of an expert, fan- ning the batter, Reeve McKibbon, who failed to catch on to the eurve thrown by ourworthy Mayor. A. H, Musgrove, U. P. P„ made an efficient catcher, and caught the ball like an old titner. The Visiting team •then weft to bat, but failed to score, while the home teani Was more fortunate and seored four rens. The game was cleat, throughout , mid, although the visitors failed to score they played good ball, and wilt no doubt give cur boys a harder tun in the return 1 game, which will be nlayed in Kieeardine on July 7th. The standing of the! teams ere as follows: -- won lost 2 0 I 2 Wingham Lacktow Kineardine 0 !I I ,Teeewater 0 2 The next home earne will be played in ; the perk Oil Friday evening, June 26th, I In St. Andrew's Church on Sabbath evening last, the Rev. D. Perrie dealt with the subject of Sabbath Observance. He based his address on Romans 1, 21; "13ecause that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God." The words were spoken by Paul of the Roman world in his day. The heathen by nature knew God but did not honour or worship him as God. Therefore tneir conception of God became confused and uncertain. Theheart as the centre of their moral eonsciousness was darken- ed. Let the Sabbath be desecrated, let its rest be destroyed and the duty of worshipping and honouring God will gradually be abandoned and we are on the down grade to heathenism. Quo- tations were read from eminent states- men and jerists who spoke of the Sab- bath as "the greatest of all the institu- tions that bless the life of our land." The responsibility fortho observance of the day of rest lay very much with the churches Christians must seek to be loyal to the spirit of the day. It was to be regretted that too many in every church sought tomake it a day of pleas- ure aed thereby to hinder Christian work. Against this evil tendency a devoted band were at work in every eoegregation, caring for the Sabbath School and seeking to encourage atten- danee at the different services. Since the advent of the aetomobile, the rest - fellness of the Sabbath has been much disturbed. A time Wag whet we boast- ed of sitting under our own vine and fig tree none daring to molest or make us afraid, but often those who sit tinder the shade of the maple or verandah are enveloped in clouds of dust by a visaing auto with a furious and discourteous driver. Even by some drivers, pecks. titans are shown very little considera, tion but must clear the way with un- seemly haste when this lord of the high. way rushes fiereely on. With those who have no inteteat in the day of rest, the machine is a splendid breaker of the Sabbath peaee. "*11=reeseag'st Ontario Nations JUNE 29th, 1914 •••••10,••••••••••••••• N1. W. ROWELL, K. C., For Premier Liheral Candidates in the Three Hurons: North: J. G, ANDERSON Centre: WM, PROUDFOOT, South: E. ZELLER Grocery Business Sold. Mrs Grisdale, who has conducted a grocery store on Joeephine street, south,.for some years past, has sold the business to Mr. F. S. Ballagh, osf towel Mr. Ballagh will take possession about June 25th. Rifle Practice. Arrangements have been made with the Whitechurch Rifle Club by "B" Company of the 33rd Regiment for the ese of their range by 'members of this company for rifle practice, which will be held on Saturdar during the season, For this purpose the neceseary equip- ment ill be issued to any member ap- plying for same. te; Former Wingham Boy's Success, At the recent examinations of the British Columbia Pharmaceutical Asso- ciation held at Vancouver Mr. A. E. Cornyn, youngest son of Mr. William Cornyn of town, was head of successful candidates, Mr. Cornyn is in charge of the Prescription Department of the Poole Drug Company of Nelson, B. C. Old friends of Mr. Cornyn will be pleas- ed to hear of his success. A June Wedding. YA very pleasant event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Mitch- ell on Wednesday, June 10th, at 2 o'clock p.m., when their daughter Clara Viola, was united in marriage to Mr. Harry Walton, of Wingham,/The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. W. Hib- bert. After the congratulations a dainty lunch was served. The young couple took the 3,30 train to spend their honeymoon at Goderieh and other points. They will make their home on their re- turn with Mr. and Mrs. S. Mitchell. The Tams extends congratulations. Bluevaie Institute Meeting, The Bluevale Branch of the Women's Institute will hold their regular meeting on Wednesday, June 24th, at 2.80 p. m. at the home of Mrs, Crawford Tait. Dr. L. S. M. Hamilton, who is a grad- uate in Medicine of the University of Toronto, and has' taken a post graduate course at the Western &spite!, Toron- to, and has been engaged with the Can- adian Purity Edueation Association, and is one of their accredited lecturers, will give a lecture to the Institute. A large attendance is hoped for and a cordial invitation is extended to all the ladies of Bluevale and vicinity. .A. good pro- gramme will be given and refreshments will be served at the close of the meet- ing. 4110111.11.101.4•1•11••0•1,00.11. Si A YEAR Cardof Thank*. To the friends of Wingham, we desire to express our sincere thanks for the many expressions of kindness and sympathy, manifested in mir recent be- reavement, • Ma.,A.ND MRS, 5. BBNNETT, Promotions, The foilowing members of "B" Com- pany, 33rd Regiment' have been gazet- ted for promotion: To Sergeants, Corp'l J, Budge and Corpl A. Chaps man; to Corporals, A. Bowyer and A. Covey. The regiment will go to camp at Goderich during the month of Aug - just. ••••• Business Sold, "<, Mr, T. D, Holmes, of the Electric Shoe Repairing Shop, has sold out the Shoe Shining Department to Mr. Geo, Moir, This was necessitated by his assistant, Mr. C. Williams, securing a more lucrative position with the Gurn- ey Glove Factory, Mr. Holmes will con- tinue the shoe repairing as usual./ Final Draft of Stations. The final drafting of the Stationing Committee of the London Methodist Conference, the changes in the various pulpits in Goderieh district are as follows:- F. J. Rutherford to Benmiller pulpit; William Conway to Auburn; C. C. Kahn to Londesboro; Leroy White to Hayfield; A. W. Brown to Varna. Junior Baseball Team --The baseball team, recently formed by the Junior branch of the Brother- hood of St. Andrew, met on Friday and the following officers were elected:— Captain, H. Dear; Secretary H, Grey; Treasurer, IC, Smith. The boYs are under 16 years of age, and are anxious to meet teams of the same age from the various churches and a series of games arranged. Pretty Home Wedding. The marriage was solemnized quietly, in the presence of about thirty-five immediate friends, on Tuesday, June 16th, at eleven o'clock, of Miss Hazel Gertrude Drummond, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Drummond, to Mr. Marshall Hetherington, of Toronto, son of Mrs. Hetherington, of Thorn- bury, Ont., by the Rev, E. Gladstone Dymond, rector of St. Paul's Church. The bride, who was given away by her father, was beautifully attired in a gown of peach eolor and blue shot silk. The groom's gift to the bride was a sun- burst of pearls. The bride'e mother wore mauve silk and Mrs, Hethering- ton, mother of the groom, was gowned in Week silk brocade. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful presents which came from Edmonton, Winnipeg, Algoma, Manitoba, Detroit and Toron- to. The house was prettily decorated with roses and greenery.. Mrs. Erroll Drummond ants Miss Mae Drummond waited on the gnests at the wedding luncheon, which was served at twelve o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Hetherington left on the 2.30 train for Toeonto, where they will reside, followed by the best wishes of their many friends, the bride going away in a suit of amethyst cloth with hat to match. Miss Drummond was one of the most estimable young ladies of town and many friends will wish her and her husband many happy years together. THE VOICE OF CONSCIENCE. 41.011•11114MMORIMORM The Rev. J. 13. Mullen, who for a third of a century was minister of St Andrew's Church, Fergus, and who has lived in Elora sinee his retirement, has written to The Flora Express the following letter on putting principle before party, Mr. Mullen is well known as an ardent Conservative: - 1 was in my garden and on my knees, thinning and weeding my beets, pars nips, ete., a few days ago, midi& I began to meditate on the approaching elec- tion, when a voice seemed to say to me: "You ought to vote to abolish the bar." There was no one near but God and Conscience, and immediately 1 conferred no t with flesh and blood, but said to myself; "That is what I intend doing if spared to the 29thi" I save been fighting this debasing traffic all my life, and I would Iike to see some measure passed, before I die, that would help to wipe the stain offthis fair Province of Ontario. I would rather see this done by my own party, and I was hoping that as God has given a new lease of life to Sir 3, Whitney he might see his way clear either to remove the three-fifths handicap or do what Rowell has promised to do: abolish the bar. But we have not a hirit of anything of the kind, and therefore I am compelled to part compiles?, on the matter of 'Temper- ance, with those in power. The first vote that I ever gave in my life, for a member of Parliament was on the 21st of September, 1911, when I helped to turn out the Liberal party, and I have been glad ever sinee; and, if spared to the 29th inst., the second will be to I help put Rowell in such Et position in this Province as will eriable him to carry out his professed wish to abolish the bar, Local option, handicapped with the three•tifthS, is too slow a process, Whet we might have a Provincial measure. It demands ceaseless agitatioe end keep people always on the wreck. Let us seek a more exeellent way, "There is a tido in the affairs Of men, which, taken at the flood, leads- on to fortune." Let both Grit and Tory take this tide in the Temperance Retain at its flood, and with, if possible, greater enthusiasin than was manifested againet Retiprecity, 1 let us write upon the escutcheon of this beautiful Province: "I3ars Abolished.' Elora, June 8th, 1914. el, H. MULLAN. A vote for 3. G. Anderson, Liberal candidate for North Huron, will aasis Mr Rowell in bringing his ternpertinee policy into effect . . N ADVANCE Illustrating seven lines made by " Empress " shoe -makers. There is beauty in every line and every detail is perfected by experts. Made in Canada. We are " Empress " agents. W. J. GREER THE SHOE MAN Immediate Possession. If Desired Not often do we have an oppor- • tunity to sell a farm with the crap growing thereon, but just now we can do so. It is needless to say that this is a great adventage to the pur- chaser, as he has an almost immedi- ate return on his investment. Tbe farm contains 150 acres near to churches, school and only 6 miles from Wingham. Frame house,bank barn, cement stables, driving shed. Terms $2000 to $2500 cash, balance on mortgage. Further particulars will be given to intending purchasers by phone or at our office. We have no time however for answering questions of the information hunter. We also offer 3 acres of land near Wingham with neceFsary, buildings at a bargain. A fine home for a re- tired farmer. Don't forget a eall and inquire about Tornado Insurance. delariamMaIciel.zsgftweis Ritchie 86 Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE WINGHAP/1,11'22 WHERE TO BUY YOUR FLOUR When you want flour, corne and speak to no about it. We are millers and make a study of each kind of flour, and know which is best for each need: We have different makes— Blended Flour Quality - which is our biggest of all flours Milverton and Exeter Manitoba Wheat Flour Five Lilies Five Roses PurityRoyal Household Ontario Flour • PuteaePan—best of all Pastry. Only special prices on five bag Iota .We have a qnantity oZ choiee pota- toes on hand order now HOWSON & BROOKLEHANK Phone 40 PURE SEEDS COLLEGE AT uorm a•••11•••••••1=. ../.1•111=.11WONN.1111011•4•0•1•••••••••• 'Thousands of ambitions young ace - tale are flItit preparing in tin ir OWn henna to occupy leer nitre pe!..111f xis 414 stenographers, bookkeepers, telegraph- ers, etvil servants, in fact every sphere B119,21t.Fq At.tiVitieff. You may finish at college if yen wish. Positions guar- anteed. Bute!' college any day 'WM- vidual instruction. Bapert teachers. Thirty year's experience. Largest trainers in Canada. Seven colleges. peciol course for teaehers. Affiliated with Commercial educe tors' Association of Canaria. Summer School at the famous Spotton Business College, London. Wingham Business College eo,Spotten, W. Pr, Morse, President. Principal. '