HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-04-17, Page 66 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, April 17, 2013 OPP: Fraudsters continue to use old ploys and they also come up with new ones The l.anlbton County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) investigated two recent fraud complaints where one victim had several fake credit cards added to the victims list of regular payees. 13y the time the fraud had been uncovered, an approximate dollar amount of thirty thousand had been taken through these fake credit cards. Another fraud complaint came 101 in the guise of winning money through a very familiar published digest. 'rhe victim was asked to send five thousand dollars to an address in the linked States in order to process the ten million dollar winning amount. No winning money has shown to date, and the victim Is out five thousand dollars. Check your hank accounts regularly especially when doing on-line banking or purchases. Make sure the website you are doing business on, is a secure website. Don't trust letters or phone calls or emalls or any other forms of communication that ask you for money. Also, be extremely suspect of any communications that Inform you of sudden winnings. If you receive such communications and find them to be suspicious, or you find any •'1'he Municipality of I until tc)11 Shot es LIVING IN LAMBTON SHORES... A weakly Update on the Municipal hyalite in your Community Administration Dapannlell • 18113 Mdelac.xn Parkway, forest, Ontario NON 1J0 1 4177 7 48 JAI!, 519 7440.7338 Fax 519-!80.2135 Email adnumsl,m(sonOlamblonHroros ca Visit our Web Site at Now ian1110n.Mlr,,'l 1 Grand Send Waste Collection Day, Pion*o nolo, offoctive May 61h, 2013, tho Grand Bond moa tosrdunls that currently receive wade stave us on Fndrtys will have waste collection on Tuoldnys Wluowntor Rocychng will nlnbdn111 n partial routo on Friday to service Iho Grund Bond Main Strood that requires Ivrlco n wook colloctlon. For morn information please visit WWY`f.b1a.V1u PUBLIC MEETING BUILDING PERMIT FEES 1 ho Municipality of 1 llmbton Shorne well ba holding a public 11100009 00 Thursday, May 2, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. 10 prosont proposed nmorxlments to tho Building Permit Foos Information on the proposed chringo* Is avalhlblo at any of (ho 3 municipal ()Wort, or by entailing clorksOlrntbtonshores ca VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS the 1 amhkwl ShoresVokmtsm 1 its IMpnrimnnt, rorest Is seeking applications from probationary or flref111htn1 apphc.InU I'refernnco owe he given to those applicants with Darning and certification in CPR, rest Akt, and B or 07 drwsr's license cendk;ahon would be an asset Apphcalklns and a fob description can be p kiwi up al the Munkvpality o1 1 *mhton Shwas most Administration (Nike lovalet upstairs at The Shores Racteetko Centre, 7883 Anllelevorn Parkway Interested candidates are asked to submit an application and resume by haled or mail, including relevant experience by 4 30 p m , Apel 301h, 201:1 to Ms Janet herguwn, Acting Chief Administrative Officer Municipality of l anlhlon Shores 7883 Anitatecorn Parkway, forest. OnUno NON 1J0 LAMBTON SHORES COMPOST SITE HOURS OF OPERATION INTENTION TO DISPOSE OF SURPLUS LANDS Bu advised( 111a1, nt tho April 22. 2013 1)1008119, tho Council o1 trio Corporation of tho Municipality of l nmhton Shorn* will 1x, do( kiting trio following pail nl of land 'Surplus to Ihe Nood* 01 (ho Municipality' and will bo disposing 411 it in trio mn1)1101 belief below Tho unoponiel portion of tho otigina1 Hood allow,n(1) lotwuon 101S 28 and 27, Township of tlo*nnqunl (Kennedy t Inn) I lone Gordon !toad to 395 787 metres oast of Gordon Nord, n* *hewn I41I0w 1811 intention is to 11x01411190 this pnftol of land lot 11 Nll)Ilftl *171)1 parole of txlvnt° 1a11(1 that is cunnntly Ioun9 u*rx1 for tho Kennedy Road Allownnco Iiathor Information on the propos°d land dispositions is available by contacting tho Munkglal Clerk at 519.788.7335 Property to De Disposed To So Obtsln•d III i ma , -moo u7w 41 li 47. ' • 1 ;:::3 1-7--/s"-1 BALI I -II I �'1 LEAF PICK UP PROGRAM SPRING PROGRAM 2013 Lambton Sharon' Rosldonts: floss. ho .1;k 1..0.1 !hal In,Ivns 0.11m1 041(0 the street or plus In thn street nr 111, 11 H,II 11,11 h,• , olloc10d This pesos 11 111111901 (o 0011011n,um h„ y110% ,14111 111(l10xl*la 11(441 con (44I*1) (1r111n11l1) (Ntt)kms 1 towns can TNI bliagird for pk'kup by the Community Snlvlci% 1)eptulnllllll this (4409lnnl is In effect UNTIL May 31, 2013, and Is as follows 1. All Ie*vo* must b° bngglxl In clear plastic brigs 2. Each bag MUM bo laggod with 'A n garbage sticker 3. Only Mayas will be picked up, not garbage or brush pions° 4. All bags must bo placr+d at tho curb for pickup 5. Leaves will tet pk•knd up sornettnlo during the week as lime and quantity dk.trto 8 If your lanvu* urn missed please cape 519.243 1401, loll hal 1.51(6.943.14011 or the municipal orrice nearest you 111111 pickup will b° nr1Mn3et1 INVITATION TO TENDER 2013 CAPITAL PLAN — MERRYWOOD WALKWAY EXTENSION 1110 Mun11wally of 1 11nlbloo Shoran is kwitm9 pre qun1i11o(1 contractors to submit a tampers kw Ihn supply o1 all labour, eluipnlenl, nod nlntfrinls to conatnret a 1 5 m wide by 570 n1 lug walkway o*tonsion In Gland 1(01x1, c1N horn the No Frills Parking lol to Mnrrywood Drivo The work w111 int ludo Tell not exclusive to site ;anp11rntion, grading, asphalting, site ronlorntlon and all things ne4dummy 10 ('4)111(510141 cunsbucllum Inturn'lnd (11114118111 may obtain Dui lender dot moonlit nnhno WWW.iambtonshores.ca 1 h t losing data lot submissions la Apr1I 23, 2013 G 11:00 am, with 0 11111)14 11)1)11,1! 0ponu)U to follow For gllealk is regarding tin tender, please contact Mr. Allan Little (Col s11)11 lion Sup eIvlsorit)ralnage Superintendent) at 819-743.141( Brent Klnnlor, P Eng , Ouoctor o1 Cornnwnity Sorvk oi, 519 243.1400 suspicious activity with your bank account, contact the ()PP for advice and possible investigation, or contact your personal financial institution for assistance and advice. Any person with information regarding the person(s) responsible for any incident should immediately contact the Ontario Provincial Police at 1-080-310-1122 or the nearest police authority. Should you wish to remain anonymous, you may call Cringe Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), where you may be eligible to receive a cash reward of up to $2000.00. get nbne lakeshoreadvance.com Get all of your news, sports and more. Serving Grand Bend and surrounding area Lynda Hillman-WW1/Lakeshore Advance Artist Derek Culbard at his Highway 21 studio Arts, eats and beats May 4-5 Lynda Hillman-Rapley Lakeshore Advance Check out the many studios and gal- lerys dine at the many local restaurants and top off your visit with awesome music. 'There is something for everyone May 4 and 5 during the annual Arts, Eats and Rents in Grand Bend and area. The annual Grand Bend Area Studio & Gallery Tour in Grand Bend and Port Franks, Ontario, Canada features more than 34 artists working in a range of media from fine art in oils, pastels, watercolours, acrylics, glass, textiles, wood and photography. Studio tour brochures can be picked up at Grand Bend's Welcome Centre, open Monday to Friday noon to 4pm and on Saturday, May 4 from9:30ann to 1:30pm, from Baille's Picture Framing, Monday through Saturday from 9am to 4pm and from any of the tour locations, or i IYPERI.INK "http://grandbendstu- diotour.conl/wp-content/ uploads/2013/03/GrandBendStudio f- our-2013-web.pdf "download a PDF copy of the brochure now (1.7MB). Of special note, there's a 131iA1'S event being held Saturday, May 4 at The Gables featuring IIYPI;RLINK "http:// grandbendstudiotour.con/eddie-shaw- the-wolf-gang-play-grand-bend"Eddie Shaw & 'i'he Wolf Gang, legendary Chicago bluesman! Other confirmed BEADS events include classically trained cellist Olga Quintana Travieso, who will he performing at Foodies of Grand Bend on Saturday. ARTS - Artist gallery and studio loca- tions are grouped into three tour routes - Port Franks Route, Ilighway 21 Route and Grand Bend Central Route. A map showing all locations can be found on the Contact & Maps page. EATS - Several area restaurants will be geared up and ready to keep your energy levels high including Aunt Gus- sie's Country Dining, Colonial Hotel & Restaurant, F.I.N.E. A Restaurant, Grandpa Jimmy's Socttish Bakery, Oak- wood Inn Resort and Smackwater Jack's 'l'aphouse. As well, treats may be had along with musical entertainment at Foodies of Grand Rend, with guest food provider The Whole Pig. BEATS - As more musical notes are confirmed the details will be posted here. BEATS locations include Aunt Gussie's Country Dining, Foodies of Grand Bend, The Gables/Colonial I hotel & Restaurant, Grandpa Jimmy's Socttish Bakery, Oakwood inn Resort and Smackwater Jack's Taphouse. For more information, contact Bail - lie's Picture Framing at 519-238-1472 / gbaillie@isp.ca. Why not check us out On Facebook?