HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-04-10, Page 17Heritage quilt
exhibit April 11-13
Lakeshore Advance
Publication or QMI Agency:
Due to the unprecedented success of the first showcase
held in 2011, The I leritage Quilt Exhibit is returning for 3
days this April! l Ield at Trivitt Memorial Anglican Church in
Exeter, Ontario April 11, 12 and 13, this year features the
collection of Jane Egan, owner of Galt House Antiques in
Goderich Ontario. 'the exhibit will have 15 of Jane's prized
quilts on display!
Jane Egan has been collecting antique textiles for 40 years
along with mid 19th century china and furniture. In her col-
lection of over 100 quilts, there are 50 quilts from Huron
County. (See attached photo) She buys quilts that have bold
patterns, unusual colours, incredible stitching and in excel-
, condition. Ms Egan commented "you are lucky if you
get all four desired features in one quilt!" Antique quilts
are becoming harder to obtain. Ms Egan used to buy two
good quilts a week at local auctions but now says she is
lucky to find one or two quality quilts a
Besides the collection of Ms Egan, the
Heritage Quilt Exhibit will also showcase
heirloom needlework with hooked rugs
and christening dresses. The heirloom
needlework is an added feature this year
and samplers from the 1800s, petit point,
tatting, and crochet will enhance the
exhibit. An avid collector, Margot Kearney
Shown here is Crown of Thorns. it is from the 1940's and the
pattern symbolizes the cross with the crown of thorns from the
crucifixion. Jane purchased it at the Christie Antique Show and
initially the colours attracted her. "Yellow orange and red" she
explained, "don't usually don't work together but In this quilt
they do because of it's graphic appeal and unusual pattern."
it you g0:
14~ Qt Qddblt
April 11, 12, and 13, 2013
Tilvltt Memorial Anglican Church
Admission: $6
from London will display some of her
selected favourites. A tea room, mer-
chant mall and quilt appraisals will be
available throughout the three days.
Questions and call to entry fortes can
be obtained from Michele Ilaberer at
518-236-4905 or Bonnie Sitter 519-235-
Lakeshore Advance
Smartboard to Forest school thanks to Alhambra
Algarve Caravan #168 of the International Order of Alhambra donated a Smartboard to St John Fisher Catholic School in Forest
Ontario to assist the Intellectually challenged In their pursuit of learning. The device links the student's Smartboard and to the
Individual tablets to enable these students to Interact with the lesson being taught. The cost of the Smartboard was $4,900.00.
This money was raised from the profits of their annual golf tournament.
Back row I to r: GC Gerry Forster, School Principal Stephen DoGurse, PGC Peter De Vet, SD Jim De Zorzi (Region X), C Bodyguard
Jack Van Haastert, Grade 7 teacher Mr. Reeb. Front Row I to r: G Cham. Connie Burns, two Grade 7 students and Lady Noble Lisa
Finch. A formal presentation was made on April 4th.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 17
Kineto Theatre el
" lack the Giant Slayer SD "
Rating: PG
Dates: Apt 12,13,1416
Starring: Nicholas Hoult, Stanley Tucci,
Ewan McGregor
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Ik)Itl' ARIA
Learn how you can become part of the
Turtle Monitoring Program for the Port Franks Area
Please join us for an information evening:
Thursday, April 25, 2013
7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
at the Port Franks Community Centre
9997 Port Franks Road
* Light refreshments provided
Please pre -register by calling Hope
at Ausable Rayfield Conservation Authority (AKA)
519-235-2610 or toll-free 1-888-286-2610
or e-mail hbrock@abca.on.ca by April 24, 201 ;
Meeting will include:
• Information about turtle biology and Ontario's turtles stulrle.
• Information on the Port f ranks Turtle Monitoring Program
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