HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-04-10, Page 66 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Turbine fire cause still undetermined
Gerard Creme
QMI Agency
A early morning fire at an
industrial wind turbine off Golf
Course Road l'uesday, April 2, is
currently under investigation by
Capital Power.
At around 1 a.m. April 2, the fire
department responded to a tur-
bine on fire at Golf Course Road
near Loyal Line. the root cause is
under investigation, however the
fire had bunted itself out by 3 a.m.
according to 1)an 1layden of Capi-
tal Power.
'ihe turbine blades and nacelle
(the square box off the blade that
houses the generator) were
severely damaged in the fire.
However, many of the hydraulic
hoses remain intact, the rubber
burnt but the braiding holding
"Personally, I'm surprised the
damage isn't worse," I layden said.
The Municipality of Lantbtol) S
"We don't have quantities yet, but
the majority of gear and hydraulic
oil remains up there. file investi-
gation will continue and give us
more clear details over the next
few days."
The Ministry of the Environ-
ment was on site the day after the
fire to investigate for oil spills,
though none were found. Debris
from the blade itself was found
downwind of the turbine. Larger
pieces (about the size of this
A weekly Update on the Municipal Events In your Community
Administration Department - 7883 Mlelecon Parkway, Forest, Ontario NON 1)0
Tel. 1.877.786.2335, 519.786-2335 Fax 519-786-2135 Email edmmistratanalemblontores ca Visit our Web Site M www timbtonshores ca
Grand Bend Waste
Collection Days
Please note, effective May 6th. 2013, the Grand
Bend area residents that currently receive waste
services on Fridays will have wasto collection on
Tuesdays. Bluowater Recycling will maintain a
partial route on Friday to service the Grand
Bend Maln Street that requires twice a week
collection. For more information please visit
Municipality of Lambton Shores
2013 Capital Program
The Municipality of Lambton Shores requires
the services of a prequalified company for tho
above noted project This project entails all
things necossary for the construction of an
asphalt side walk in Grand Bend on the west
side of Highway #21 from the No Frills Location
to Merrywood Drive (565 m approximately).
The municipality is hosting a pre-bid meeting
on April 8, 2013 at 9:OOam In the No Frills
Parking lot. Contractors interested In bidding
the work aro requested to attend this mooting
to review the details of the project prior to the
tender being lot.
All questions should be directed to Mr. Allan
Little, Construction Supervisor, 519-243-1400
Brant Klttmer, P.Eng.,
Director of Community Services
The Municipality of Lambton Shores
will be holding a public mooting on
Thursday, May 2, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.
to present proposed amendments to the
Building Permit Fees
Information on the proposed changes is
available at any of the 3 municipal offices, or
by entailing clerks@lambtonshores ca
Municipality of Lambton Shores
RE: LOCATION: north of Main Street, East ,Grand Band
APPLICANT: Rice Development Company Inc.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Registered Plan25M-42
Please bo advised that the Council of the Munlapality of Lambton Shores at their APRIL
32. 2011 mooting will consider passing an amending by-law to remove the Holding 12
(H12) Zone from lands located in Plan 25M-42 (soo attached map) and located on the
north side of Main Street East to allow tho lands to bo developed as sot out in
Registered 25M-42 and Zoning By-law 1 of 2003 The Holding 12 (H12) Zone requires
that prior to the Holding Zone being removed the following conditions bo met
I) A subdivision agreement has boon entered into with the Municipality of
Lambton Shores, and
II) That the Municipality of 1 ambton Shores is satisfied that sufficient
sanitary sewage treatment capacity is available in the municipal
sanitary treatment faullty and such capacity has boon allocated by
the Municipality to develop the lands
Tho Subdivider. the Rice Development Company Inc , have entered Into a subdMslon
agreement with tho Municipality for the lands and the Municipality has asskgnod 140 m'
of sewage capacity to the lands. which should be sufficient to allow the whole of Plan
25M-42 to develop
11 you have any questions, ptooso contact Patti Richardson. Sonlor Planner at (519) 7titi•
2335 or Email: prichardson4 larnbtonshoms.ca
MAtwe .-, •.
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at;# ha.
t - At.
f1111rces .'
Please bo advised that the Council meetings in Apnt
will centilitre to bo held al the Thedlord ViNago
Complex, and will bo held. the evening of MONDAY,
APRIL 22 and tho afternoon of TUESDAY APRIL 16.
Starting in May all Council and Committee meetings will be
held in Thomas Hall at the Legacy Ct.Qtrc in Thedf4L/
MAY, 2013 COUNCIL MEETINGS - Thursday, May 2nd and Thursday
May 16th
Committee of Adjustment Meeting: Thursday. May 23rd
Lambton Shores Fin Board Meeting: Thursday, May 30th
Please consult the noun c pal wobsMe for steel tires
rebate check r.e M..nkpal wehtae a waw.lainbkMoissrs re lot anditon l A
ulxdated Information
The Lambton Shores' Volunteer Fire Department, 1 west ars
seeking application from probationary or firefighter applicants
Preference will be given to Biose applicants with hammy and certification in
CPN, First Aid, and D or 07 driver's license certification would be air asset
Applications and a lob deecnplion can be picked up at the Munic.pahty of
Lambton Shores Forest Administration Office located upstairs at The Shores
Recreation Centre, 788.1 Amlelecom Parkway
Interested candidates are asked M submit an application and resume by
hand or mail, including relevant experience by 4 30 p m , A4.nl 3011. 2013 to
Ms Janet Ferguson. Acting Chief Administrative Officer
Municipality of Lambton Shores
1883 Anntolecom Parkway,
Forest, Ontario NON 1J0
newspaper) were found within 200
meters, however smaller pieces were
located up to 4(X) meters away. All pieces
were found In the salve field as the tur-
bine and cleanup clews have been comb-
ing for debris. As of Friday, about 10 gar-
bage hags full have been found.
"The waste is being sorted and dis-
posed of appropriately," 1 layden said.
"'Ihe blade material is landfill acceptable
however, we will ensure it is disposed of
properly following Io('aI regulations.
The turbine is part of the Kingsbridge 1
project occupying Inttch of the Ashfield-
Colborne-Wawanosh landscape.
layden said the fire is extremely rare -
the incident is the first of its kind in
However, priorities are to ensure
employe(' and public the safety, make
stere the damage is contained to the tur-
bine site.
Later Tuesday, 1layden went to A(:W
Council to inform then( of the details, and
on April 4, inet with 1 lun)n County Emer-
gency Response Committee meeting.
11e has been in touch with municipal,
federal and provincial government
"We're trying to be open and in touch
with people," 1 layden said. "If they have
any questions, please let us know.
A third -party investigator from Den-
mark will he corning to inspect the site.
The turbine is a Vestal VAI) I.RMW
model, which houses three computers
from top to bottom. The base computer
has been removed for analysis, and I lay -
den noted as soon (15 the turbine's com-
puter detected a problem, it shut itself
down and stopped turning as well as dis-
conn('cte'(1 from the i)Ower grid.
"Basically, the turbine was running.
Something went vn)ng inside the turbine
and instantly when the computer recog-
nized a problem it was shut (town;" he
Sensors on the door at the turbine
show no exit or only the night of the fire.
While the fire has created a flurry of
speculation,1 layden said as a community
member it means a lot to make sure the
facts are clear.
Damage estimates are expected to
come within the next week, however they
were unavailable as of press time.
Huron man victim of double homicide
QMi Agency
A loving dad who moved from Huron
County mere weeks ago to be closer to
his children in London was identified
'l'uesday as the second victim of a grisly
double homicide discovered by police.
It ,1. Itati, 31, was as tradesman who
friends say had been the subject of a
missing -person search since late Febru-
ary and whose body was found in an
apartment in London's Oakridge neigh-
bourhood last weekend.
"R,1. was i1 good guy and his entire
heart and soul was devoted to his kids,"
said 1)an Blake, a Seaforth renovator who
employed Raiz.
According to friends, the Clinton -area
native had been back 11Oi01' in 1ltiron
County for about six months before mov-
ing to London in mid-February to be
closer to his two children, believed to be
a boy and girl.
1 lis online footprint tells the salve tale,
with Katz himself writing in February
about his excitement to he heading to the
city: "Moving day ... such awesome
1V('atlne'I',' he wrote on Feb. 20.
But it's what he didn't write that makes
friends' blood run cold: Following that
post, one of several that Week, Raiz didn't
slake another comment o11 I'ace'book.
Friends didn't heat' from 111111.'Ihe police
were asking around about 111111 by early
"1 le sort of just went Oldie map them,"
said lifelong friend Lee I )it'bold,
Now, friends and family are seeking
details about the stunning reality: Ratz
and 50 -year old Keith David Wilkey were
found in an apartment at t15 Fiddler's
Green Rd. last weekend. A elan, 38, is
charged in both deaths.
'Though Ratz struggled to keep a job, it
was largely because of his lrnlgh around
the -edge's personality, not anything more
serious, says another long-time friend
who last saw itatz. in February.
"1 le (could come across as) very
aggressive, but he %vasn't that kind of per -
5o11. I ll' WAIS just perceived that way,' said
Norman Bradshaw, who hung out with
his pal a day before he moved to
"1 Il' was so excited:.
That's reelected in a 1acebook post
dated Feb. 15, in which Rat-, celebrated
securing "four drywall contracts" in Lon-
don and getting set to enjoy his daugh-
ter's fourth birthday that weekend.
Jason Cleveland, 38, is charged with
two counts of second-degree murder,
committing an indignity to a body and
an unrelated charge of fraud of more
than $5,000. 1 I made his first court
appearance 'lliesday,
i le had lived in the apartment at 81
Fiddler's Green Rd. where the bodies of
Rat- and Walkey were found.
Cleveland, who stood calmly in court
111 a short -sleeve shirt that exposed heav-
ily taatoed arias, %vial next appear by video
link on April 25.1 le remains in custody.
Justice of the Peace Calvin Hurst
ordered Cleveland not associate with a
long list of names read out by assistant
Crown attorney Peter Hollings.
Cleveland was convicted Of man -
slaughter in the Mauch 21103 killing of his
former business partner, Mark Masotti,
who was beaten to death with a hammer
and buried in a barn near Lambeth.
Cleveland pleaded guilty in 2005 and
was sentenced to six years in prison. 'Ihe
summer before his conviction he lived 111
a downtown (rand Rend shack where he
was considered a "handl-man" doing
small construction jobs.
IYif11 f ilex trona London Free 't' f ere ss