HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-06-11, Page 6r - " 04-33ase te. eetin Inette 9r. Chase's taeat..teete.ez Were Used, ,:,...‘ereetients aro often 8s- alSOrdiT:3 Of the liver ••1 aet•--; •te e•tel under teese condi- • tie -It • eidnes me.lieines USli- 4 , -...t mute It is because (9111))ived action on tee 1,, •••• et) end bee. le that Dr. teeneee •ateer Pile. ere so gen- t .. ...1. t:VVA VIOttst 4 .1" ..i4j-1 •C • - ilf,ITA".• re fermer. St. •nt. N.11.. writes :— "noeart ceeeneet ;ear, etta my wife ante ei e.ete. end suf- area_ meetee frote P:tinS t,1111.17,si er.1 Iter z'' 1. lee -r eta... she ems a•attee 1,i• Iter ,.1.oetor. w ' ne et:pea- -4 beeetit. etee thee e•,,ei live mega Dr. ceeetat itieetev-teee•r Pets ;ewe a-Ate:dee-ea- awe. e This gave tee &nee t„ eepinten of Pr. chase's r Pins that eve always er.098 e!`0,1 t)1.7) 'house to be ustel for ecentretentents of tee ladnees, liver ;led bowels." Dr. ethase's Kidney - Liver Pets. 25e e bee, 5 fee elem, all dater". or 1.14iam, on, 11 vti' .4 e(. Coe Limited, Toronto. SE -INTIM. GASES. --- Fearful Forees They Meet lateett Be- fore Time For Explosion. The ' shraprel 1, realty a. flying cannon which shoots its charge wbite in. flight or eeplodes on impaet. Its design involves many interesting features, as the ease must be strong enough to withstand the bursiing pressure and the streeses de:eloped in firing. The mailer rattee are now made from bar stock on auto- matic turret machines at less than the cost of the foreings previously used. The design ard making cf shrapnel ease Imee more imhind them than appeers Ort the enrface, Lor, in additior to teeing" a niece ee steel turned and bole '1 to the right dimensions, the care must have eine dal mechanieal properties. It most be able to withetend preesure of from e., 0, 00 0 to $5,U00 pounds per square ineh from tee pow- der which drives it out oi the gun, though it is teeted to 40,000 ponnete. In addition to this. it tenet /aged the charge of eepateete tn the team of the (was'''. 'hi, Law(.119.1g2 erives the head and balls out of tee ':te when uted or expleles it en impaet with the earth et.' v.7.y oa.:::".• reel:eine zub- stance. Thal c•.• l'.11rStir!Y, eharee exerts e arcetelte•• eeeeing Janet 20,1100 to 25,C00 eyee-,,,I per antere ineh, reether 1T= when ;.:10 through the rifling 01' the gun by the force beleind it tree; he etrentee. This rotation ennes the inetant the eleell begiee let elevement from the arcech of the gl."71, tine when we conelder that by fhe t' it lea; the etneele ft tettei. ete, eft:tee-A aceecite ee 1,700 feet per eveerel cen letein to :tee etne- en aeceIeratioe of 500,- 000 foot per eend is attained. Tees,pee-zee:me explain why it le rg?-S1g177r* to melee 1+0ri..,79S of eine) lea*, ee nie- •• ,. • • a e temeele s!rength of ie5enae peueen to the equare inch, an eleetie limit of 11 0,- 0 0 0 pounds .per equare inch, an elongate in teen inchee, r f 11 per cent. eta the ettiraetion of area 25 per cent. 'aughan and Tennyson. In a volume of essays on "Men and Matters' Wilfred Ward tells this story of Cardinal Vaughan and Ten- nyson: Cardinal Vaughan, then a bishop, was staying with my father at Wes- ton, and Mrs. Cameron and Tenny- son came to tea to meet him. Mrs. Cameron was, at that time, photo- graphing various people for the char- acters in the "Idylle of the King." Directly she saw leaugharas knightly face and fitre, bc allod out to Tennyson: 'Alfred, I, itrve found Sir Lancelot." Tennt eon, not eeeirg to whore elm , :leen toeee: v....tt lett ilea 15 W',1 I- nrtl t re." T., `actor vett 1 ••"""!'""i• 41'11 tTIP '0 .tp1el1y 0 .1;od t'ool ar1111,Sf (1. c '0', ;!• s.: • t• ; -I 1:: • emote eTle: Ceelt te ettele n; Na. - 1 me- T' • • t ',+ ne- _ " • ; -1" e '4 , , • ,„ 1.! . • • • < t41 i:"4', • a 1.S : • -I': t din't ttit : 01 11 rata:aped 1' nel, e.1 fete eeetion wee 1- e i v.; •.-"! -• ,". ;' vit.! t. d; 'Oa • 1* 1 .••! thee eetabl- l': ec 1 aro Of G '1"Ill 1..1(•:,'' 1,40.-- 1 • NO ALUM ?Neaten rditieuee 15.111RI3LITCST.E1-451 "aa NO, SLUMS m HEW YORK. 111.10K1.01,044. '.1.041141111. Verdict of an Expert After a Search Through the City. I have made an amazing discovery. It is the le.eltilt or tlitete days and nights et going to :nal fro In New '(i1 sometimes alone and eometinies with it wiee but not eynieal deteetive. eael the amazing anti diseencering tils- eovery Is this: There are no slums in New Yeti:. Sou eau llutl crime and erimluals; Vi u van find vice. euverty, drunken- tiese. tileease, but yen ennuot find a shun -emit elms ae blacken anti teeter 111 detwerle Genoa, Naples. Paris. London and !flatly nnother old teeth! city. The reaseu is that you enema have a slum without filth, and New York Is n dell 11 city. Neither ertme etn. mmerty nor crowds make a seem. You must have filth as well, ;eel that is what New York hasn't got. molted for it enst and west and north, from river tront to river front. Everywhere, anywhere. were crime, viva 0101111 poverty. Everywhere thieves, rogues, °Invests, men and wo- eau imitated from their .1thit1 by sin or mete suffering. mit 110 innate. Dirt. of course, is relative, lint the teuteneuts even the oel nese.: of low houses tined with tire escapee—were tiebitahlo human dwelling places. And the night going thettetive declared -be amid show 1110 nothing worse. 1 want - tel to see the retia caves where wretch- edness lay moaning on garbage heaps, ;Ile whitie garret:: where It starved. :led there were no fetid eaves. In the oill streets and the dingy eourte. of Paris you eau still find hun- dreds of them; you !rave but to walk ;leeringly through tee street of the 'Moue Gates or the street of the Iron I'm; you have Mit to go into the etiburbs flint lie outside the fortitica- Sems—fur year by year the centrifugal terve that stirs in every great ag- gleineration of human atoms has theme) Parisian 1ie1e:m(1001 into that 1:1 101 17 circureferenee. Pat in the washed and lighted on .lerworld of New York there are no :emus. There 10 net one slum that mot deservee the name. Wretched- !less- ail you please; hunger in the :Inge% and on the housetops, it may ea lea none of those gangrened holes et lilib without which no real slum een exist. 1 speak almost witb the decision of en expert, for 1 seent many years prowilegly investigating the slums thin rot and hieceen the surface of fliirepe from el,tteow to Lisbon.— Vallee Thompeou in New York Sun. THREE EMPIRES. Monarchies That Practically Sprang Into Being Overnight. Prior to Jan. 18, 1871, the German tenpire, as we know It today, bad no eeietence. Inetena it was a jurable or kingdoms, etetes, duchies, grand dnehies .and principalities, all joinea together Ity a like language and cora. mon ;Reinert] aspirations, it is true, but otherwise quite separate and distinct. Then came the historic ceremony in the Mill of 'Mirrors at Versailles. Par - Ilea just betel enptured by King of Prueset, and it was beld to be a fitting time and place to proclaim 111:n the first German emperor.- Never 4'j1311. the dawn uf history was an em- pire born more dramatically. 11y a strange irony of fate, too, its birth took place amid the ruins of the French empire, itself the creation of a day, or, rather, to be strictly accurate, of a night. Pratiee went to bed on the eveniag of Dee. 1. 1851, a republic. When it awoke next morning it was an empire. During the hours of dark- ness Paris lied been occupied by troops, and the prince -president had become Napoleon III. Equally sudden and almost as sensa- tional in its way was the birth of the modern Greek empire. After the yoke ca' the Turks had been thrown off in the war of independence the country heeame a republic. But the people soon tired of that democratic form of goeernment and promptly proceeded to assassinate their first and only pre& Went Then they met together, elect- ed a king and settled themselves down to be ruled by him in a quite orderly and contented fashion. Hige Cost of Living Again. Prosperous ex -German (on visit to fatherland)—Donner und blitzen, What are you given' us? leurty pfennig for this sausage! When I went away a few years ago I mud to pay only 20 pfennig. The Waiter—They was different sausages. The P. ex-G.—Preelsely the same. The 1,Valter—No, you're wrong there. The old ones was bigger.—New York Post. In Good Company. A contemporary wants to know what's become or the old fasbioned man who used to say, "I says, says I." •When last seen he was standing on a street corner in close conversation with the old fashioned man who says, "Sezee to me, sezee."—Cleveland Plain Dealer. • Home Secrets. Teacher—Tommy. next time you are late bring an excuse from your father. Tommy—Who? Pee Why he ain't any good at escuses; imi finds 13118 out every time.—Boeton Traneeript. Poated, "However did you hear mei (1read- ful things about Mrs. Huber?" "You forget Rho imee my derives; friend."—Pliegende — The world does lot require SO 1)10,4 to be infornted as to be reintridee.-- Hannah More, " NARROW ESCAPES Hudson Maxim Has Figured In 1 Some Perilous Incidents, LUCKY AT CHEATING DEATH. On Ono Gun Testing Occeelon a Sod- den Impulse to Run, Which He Obey- ed, Was the Means of Snving His Life—A Magazine That Got its Sec- ond Wind. One of the most -thrilling adventuees In nay experience took place at the goy- ernment proving grounds at leeway Hook, N. J., when the United States government was testing maxitulte be- fore adopting it. Near a light frame building in whieh I was filling shells with maximite, a ten inch gun was being tested. A mine ber of shots luul been fired from the big gun. Just as I had concluded my work and started for the wharf to take the government tug for New York, the elgeal was sounded for another sbot. I was walking along a stretch of rail- way track directly behind the gun. At that instant 1 remembered that several years before, when one of these guns was beiug tested, the breechlock bad blown one passed through the bombproof and killed six officers and raen, but I argued with myself that the chance was infinitely remote that the breeeblock would be blown out of the present gun on this discharge at the very instant 1 WIlS 111 rauge, but upon sudden impulse I ran with all ray might. The gun was discharged. I looked rouud just in time to see the huge breeelilork pass tbrongb a building near the one in welch I had been at work. It came up tbe track, striking and breaking oue of the rails over which I had passed. It ricocheted against the top of the old granite fort and glanced high into the air. A shower of stones and debris fell o'er a wide area ana many fragments struck the ground Close to me - I walked back to the scene of the ac- cident and found that the windows in the little building where I had been fflhing maximite shells were completely riddled with partly burned cylinders of smokeless powder that had been blown from the gun. I ewer had another curious experi- ence at Sandy Hook during some trials of the Maxim automatic machine gun, Aimee, the severe tests to which the gun was subjected was one intended to simulate what might occur in making a landing upon the seashore, where the mechanism of the gun might get filled with sand. The test is kuown as the "sand test." Tbe gun being tested at the time was of tbe kind using black gunpowder cartridges, for it was before the intro- duction of smokeless powder. There was so much energy in the recoil of the barrel that a great deal of sand could be thrown into the mechanism without interfering with the working of the gun. The commenaing officer did not ar- rive to seethe gun fired until after the board in charge had completed the test. He then appeared and deinanded that the firing should be continued for ehis benefit, The chairman of the experi- mental board demurred, saying that the gun had passed through the test admirably and that it was too bad to fire it more than was absolutely neces- sary, with its mechanism filled with sand. But the commander insisted. A schooner was approaching near the line of fire. The commander said he only wanted to see a few rounds fired and that the firing would be com- pleted before the schooner would come within range. Accordingly a belt of 833 rounds was inserted, and the firing begun. After perhaps fifty rounds were fired the command was given "Cease •firing," but the gun kept right on. It afterward proved that the trigger was blocked by sand, so that it was Impos- sible to stop the gun. The schooner came into range, and the bullets flew over and around her. My assistant, who was firing the gun, did his best to work the trigger and stop it. It did not occur to him on the instant to unlimber the gun and swing .it round so as to bring the schooner out of range. As the gun fired at the rate of 750 shots a minute the firing was all over inside half a minute. Fortunately no damage was done. •When the same gun was undergoing a and test at Annapolis, M., I came, Very near being killed by The gun had passed successfully through aeesevere sand test, but the officer in charge wanted to see wheth- er he could put enough sand into the gun to stop It. So he had the gun box filled full. Tbe gun fired about 150 rounds and then stopped, My assistant threw down the safe—that is to say, locked the trigger, so that it Could not be pulled—and began clearing the gun box. Thinking that the gun was safe, I was just about to step round in front of It. Suddenly it fired a dozen or mare shote so close to me that my Clothes were seared by the powder gases, One of the teats made at Annapolis was to fire a Maxie) gun vertically into the air. We had fired a couple of hundred shots In this manner, when something struek very near us. It then °revered to the officer in charge that what goes up must necessarily come down. Firing ceased, and we songht cover for a few minutes to avoid the leaden rath.—Iltulson Maxim in irouth's Companion. The best reinede for Weonge done AM I s be forget app.—Syr* e er. — .; ;1- 10 4 14+ 1'1 11 edet.' eet•e.e...e ee: eee 44*4*** SHEEP AND SWINE- ift Tee immure eventual:tied in the elleep pen has (1 high value. 4 1)011.t it.t it Ile too leen and use It where emu want extra good ;I: ernes. Where they have a range (and tftt' 3111 pigs should have Hi there is ee little trouble about IteePing them fenetel. Of vourse the range 10001 have feed growing on It. elatiefied profitable pets will grunt, but they do tett squeal. Young lambs will commence eat grein et two weeks old. t. ee They should he fed (Tacked corn, 01(10 3111(1 braze leeep the pigs (lean, and they • e will lie healthy. tieettatetateetteeteeaatteelettettetettelateetealea RATIONS FOR BOARS. Breeding Animals Should Be Kept In Good Condition, but Not Fat. Aftee a -boar is fully matured ids feetl slimed be so regulated that he , will always lte. in good breeding eon- ' ditIon. Ire shouta not be too fat else he will becothe sluggish and elumsy. With good pasture and forage crops 18 seasou, the amount of grain fed titled not be large, front two to four pounds of dry feed per 100 pounds live weight This amount should be luereased dnr- ing the heavy breediug season. A good ration for mature boars consists of three perte each of corn, oats and. shorts thixea with one part of meat meal or tankage. A. boar should be kept in service as long as he prove.% to be a sure, active breeder. Wbeu be begins to fail Its a Mg getter he should be replaced by a younger boar. The tusks should be re- movea before they become too long, as they are dangerous weapons. The boar mey be bele by tying a noose in one end of a small rope and slipping tbis over the upper jaw and tying the other end securely to a post.—Orange Judd Farmer.. SHELTER FOR HOGS. Provision Should Be Made to Shield , From the Hot Sun. Farmers who grow only enougt hogs l'er home use and the usual other farm needs seldom Lind that It pays to arrange special buildings and yards for then). Many times it is almost necessary to pasture some of the sows and sometimes all the pigs. But the one drawback is the building of a shelter for them during the hottest part of the day without extraordinary ex. pense. Owing to the short tircie these 'pigs are out in the field it is seldom found profitable to prepare one, yet much good pasture would be used if there were a protection. .A. very cheap, 'serviceable and quickly built kind of a shed is made of rails and straw. Eight ordinary rails, eleven feet long, were stuck in the ground in two rows about eight feet apart. Cross rails were laid eve' every pair of uprigbt ones. Then oth, er rails wore laid lengthwise of the The pork made from pastured pigs is the pork that pays. .11alf acre lots are excellent, with a house in each, the swine to be allowed to feed in a lot until it is trampled and cropped down and then kept out Of it until recovery has taken place, says Farm and Fireside. Vetere rape, clover, alfalfa, cowpeas and many other crops will in this way go much further than wheri fed continuously. A lot may be plowed and sowed while the one adjoining it is being fed. A good system is to place a house in the division . fence, with a swinging door in each end, as in illustration. With one door barred the hogs have access to but one lot, temporary shed about a foot apart This top Was covered with straw a few inches thick and several raile thrown on top of the whole thing te hold the straw down when it Was yen windy. An inexpensive but almost necessare thing in the farrowing pen is a 'railing around the outside to keep the SOWk from smothering the pigs for the firsi few days. A plank from eight te twelve imams wide Is set ten or twelve inches from the door and either nailed or staked to the outside of the pen 01 building. This leaves a protectee place under the plank where the soVi (linnet get into, but where the pigs car easily slip away when otherwise she would crush them between the wall mid herself. Young Stock on the Farm. Plenty of young stock on the farm Is tlie very best indication that the farm. er Is progressive. The man 'Mite haft pigs, calves end other young stein around him is surely looking Into the future mei providing for an incoine Yertretfter year. Vary the Stock Feeds, If you lueee several kinds' of rough feed on hand It will be a good plan to mix them up in feeding. Stook like a Change of feed as well as you do, and if their breakfast can be of one kind and their supper of another SO =Oh AROUND THE DAIRY, No man can make lt 81.1e0050 Of deirylug who does not thhe gool care of bie entree. Do not haul melte proaucte Intek to the farm from the cream- ery i0 the same cans used for de- livering Hearty eaters are most to he desired for cowe, and they nute 0511:1117 be eeleeted while .they are mires. You will find a dainty calf to be a dainty vow. Half ripenea cream datives very slowly—in other worae, the butter from It is a long time com- ing, and the yield is not so gooa as from the properly ripenea ar- ticle. Twenty Holstein cows have Produced over 857 Nunes of but- ter fat in 065 days, equivalent to to 1,01)0001313(1S Of eh nrued butter. Alfalfa is the best hay.that -can be provided rm. a dairy cow. aetatateeeetettetatt eatetatateeetat. ateatatteetat4 4*4 FARM DRAFT HORSES. —4 -- Mares of the Big Breeds Make the Most Profitable Returns. It is not difficult to show that un- der average farm conditionthe draft horse is one of the most profitable products, nad perhaps the most profit- able of all live stook to grow, says M. Watson in the National Steelman. It does not follow that one should devote all his thne to them or cover his farm alth stieh animals. He should, how- ever, keep two or more strictly first class mares. ' As a general rule, it nifty be said that one-half of the farm teams should be draft amees. one-half the farm teams are mares. and the same are properly taken care of, never again will it be necessary to buy horses for the teams and in the coin's% of time there will be horses to sell. In such a prospect the quality of dam should have careful attention, as the raising of horses is not a matter The shire breed of draft horse had its origin- in England and is ceosery related to the Cyldesdale. In recent years it has grown in favor in the United -States. Some breeders maintain that a Shire stal- lion is the' beat to mate with the common mares of the corn belt. The Shire is a little taller and heav- ier than the Clydesdale, and its walking, gait is said to be slower than that of the latter breed. The illustration, shows forequarters of a prize winning Shire mare. of months, but of years, and results are determined largely by the choice of dam and of course by proper mating. It is not supposed that the colts are raised for market, but for home use, and when thus used they will be even more profitable, not altogether In dol- lars, but largely in the pleasure of hav- • ing just what is wanted. on the Wm. Those who don't raise but buy their farm horses must pay large profits and take chances. It takes a big mare to raise big horses, and certainly she is worth her price for work and breeding if she or a gelding like her is worth a similar fig- ure for work alone. The man with the mare has an advantage over every one else in the horse business. He gets the double return on his investment. Silage For the Bull. The feeding of corn silage judicious- ly to a herd bull does not injure hlS prepotency. , It is true of corn silage as of ang other food, if the animal Is. overfed injury of one kind or another will result. Corn silage should pro- vide only a portion of the animal's ra- tion. All animals demand a certain amount of dry food daily, therefore hay should be fed in conjunction with silage for roughage. In addition to' this, especially in breeding season, the herd bull `should have a light ration Of foods conducive to the upbuilding of condition and stamina. Such foods are bran, oilmeal and ground oath. Where corn silage is fed as a small portion of the ration for the purpose of supplying sUcculence rather than fOod nutrients It is one of the most valuable feeds for all kinds of breeding animals. Sheep Pay For Care. To Secute the best returns from sheep raising it is not necessary to keep them exclusive of all other live stock, but a small flock, just whet can conveniently be teeommodated along with other farm animals and given the best of care, Horse Comfort. Xeep a good, deep, dry bed tinder the horse While he is in the stable day or night, On Sundays aspeelelly. The more he lies down the longer his legs and feet will 144 The Speed Maniac. Where'er he hies he simply flies, the duet behind him thickens; past my abode he burns the road, and kills my pup and chickens. He toots his horn as though in scorn of folks who travel slowly; like falling star his noicy ear a ttains a speed unholy. Ile does not dare for your des- pair, nor heeds your angry feelings; he scoots and rips and tears and zips, with -drunken leaps and reelings. For poor galoot who toils afoot, he does not care O stiver; he scares the mules the far- mer tools—they belt and kill the driver. Along his track, for meters back, his dead and maimed are lying; he merely sniffs at mangle(' stiffs, and still he gees' a -flying. When brought to court this measly sport is taxed a few piasters, when he should wail for years in jail for causing such disasters. Throughout the land this thing we stand we stand it 'cause we've got to and all our kicks don't serve to fix the saphead with the auto. Perhaps some time 'twill count as crime to run amuck, doggone it, along the pike, and chase and strike and maim the people On it. Walt. Mason. HEST AHD HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILII. ups. WINSLOW'S SOOT1/1110 SYRUP has been used for over SIXTY YRARS by of IdOTHARS for their CHILDREN evnien TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHS the CHILD, SOFTNS the GUMS, ALLAYS all PAIN; CORXS WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARkHCSA. It is ab. solutely harmless, Be sure and ask for “IVIrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup,,' and take no other kind. Twenty -are cents a bottle. HOMSEEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO WESTERN CANADA. The Grand Trunk Railway System issues round trip If omeseekers' tickets at very low fares from stations in Can- ada to points in Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta, and are in clfect each Tues- day until October 27th, inclusive, via Chicago, St. Paul or Dreath, and will also be on sale on certain dates via Sarnia and Northern Ne vfgation Com- pany. Through Pullmae, Tourist Sleep- ing cars are operated to Winnipeg each Tuesday, leaving Toronto 11.00 p. m. No change of cars. Reservations in Tourist Sleepers may be obtained at a nominal charge on request to any Grand Trunk ticket agent. Homeseekers' tickets are valid returning two months from date of issue. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between Winnipeg— Saskatoon—Edmonton, with excellence through service to Regina. Trains now running into Calgary. Alta., and Prince George, B. C. Get full particulars from H. B. Elliott, Town Agent for the G. T. R. atehe Times office. 11•11.1•1111•11111••••••••••••••••••••••••• Nerves Were Unstrung, WOULD ALMOST GO OUT OF HER MD. Many wornen beeome run down and worn out by household cares, and dutiesi never es 'mg, and sooner or later find - themselves with shattered nerves and weak hearts. On the first sign of any weakness of the heart or nerves you should evail yourself of a perfect cure by using Mil. burn's Heart and Nerve Pills. 1VIrs. Archie Goodine, Tilley, N.B.; writes:—" Wizen I was troubled with my heart, two years ago, I was very bad, untof m strungeymin somed.i times 1M would oUel dr v e:linwoosrte so be ou doctored myself with everything 1 could get, until at last 1 got four boxee, of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and they have cured me, I cannot speak too highly of this wonderful remedy, and will recommend it to all sufferers." 1Viiiburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50c. per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. 1Vrilburn Co., ,Limited,, Toronto, Ont. LO WEE WIN'OHABI Report for senior classes for the month of May in S. S. No. 11, Turnberry.. Those marked x have been Absent. Junior IV Total marks 095—Olive, Groves. 594. Sr. 111. Total marks 600—Violet Pearen, 582; Gertie Groves, 502; xEddie Shrigley, 189. Jun; r III. Total 400—Margaret Linklater, 286; Lottie Campbell, 254; xDonald Cleghorn. Sr. II Total 325—Tore Lockeridge, 247; Louis Darnell, 217; Gordon Mc- Gregor, 217; xMayse Hart, 88. Jr. II Total 215—Mable Kemp, 187; Dollar Pullen, 175; Myrtle Dennis, 154; Alma Lockeridge, 149; Lizzie Cruik- shank. 141; Earl Hart, 127; xRobin Campbell, xAlice Kendall,' C. J. Brock, Teacher. BC:403:1311.11.11(1. Sore Eyes. • "My daughter suriered from inflamed eyelids and eczema on her head," writes Mr. H. W. Lear, Port Pianford, Nfld. "The child was in a bee state and suf- fered greatly. The doctor failed to help her, and on recommendation of a friend, I used Dr. Chase's Ointment, which made a complete cure. With a grate- ful heart I write you this letter." •••••••=., PRINTIN AND STATIO ERN" We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple Stationery and can supply your wants in WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER. PAPETERIES, WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYIT;G CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us whey; in need of LETTER HEADS BILT. HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may require in the printing line. Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. The Times Sffice STONE BLOCK liVingharn, Ont.