HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-04-03, Page 1918 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Interest in Nature Day Camp prompts Ausable Bayfield Conservation to add second week
Early public interest in a summer nature day camp has been
so great that the week is fully booked and Ausable Hayfield
Conservation is adding a second week for children who
couldn't be registered in the first week of camp, the local
organization announced.
Parents and guardians can now register their sons and
daughters, aged 6 to 9, for the second week of Summer Nature
I)ay Camp. The second week of the conservation education
program is to take place at Morrison I)am Conservation Area,
east of Exeter, on August 12 - 16. ('lhe July 22 26 week of day
camps is fully booked as registrations came faster than ever
this year.) "We continue to be thrilled by the enthusiasm par-
ents and guardians have shown for this nature education expe-
rience, said Denise Iszczuk, Conservation Education
'l\vo years ago, Ausable Hayfield Conservation Authority
(ARCA) wasn't sure there were enough registrants te keep the
Calllp going but parents an(1 businesses in the community
then stepped forward to keep the program alive and it has
been more successful than ever since then. individual donors
and businesses are also showing their support for the nature
day camp to keep it going and to keep the fee for campers as
low as possible. Local residents are invited to contact Ausable
Hayfield Conservation if they are interested in snaking a
Children aren't spending enough time in the outdoors play-
ing and learning, according to recent research, and Sumner
Nature I)ay (;amp is one way to address this nature deficit and
the need to be active, Iszczuk said. 'Ihe camp gives local chil-
dren active outdoor conservation education and activities
imparted by experienced, full -tinge education staff with knowl-
edge of the local environment. "Children attending this camp
get an experience that C'an't be equaled by a computer, smart
phone, or television," Iszczuk said. "'There is no computer
application that can deliver the excitement of catching as fish,
frog or crayfish, and there is no phone app that is equal to see-
ing and listening to wildlife in their natural setting, no compu-
ter program that delivers the experience of getting your hands
dirty or smelling pine needles with new friends in the out-
doors, and no game console that gives a child the enjoyment of
building small temporary shelters in the woods"
Full-time, experienced, environmental educators offer the
Sumner Nature Day (sump learning activities. Ausable Hay-
field Conservation makes sure there is at least one instructor
for every ten students so week two of the camp is limited to a
maximum m of 20 registrants.
The camp runs at Morrison Dam Conservation Area, at
71108 Morrison line, near Exeter, from Monday, August 12 to
Friday, August 16, 2013 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.sn. daily. Early drop-
off and late pick-up is available. The fee is $160 per week per
child for parents and guardians who register before June 6. 'the
fee is $170 after the early -bird date.
The Summer Nature 1)ay (:amp includes daily nature -
themed activities, games, stories, and crafts. Afternoon snacks
and Juice are provided. Registration is necessary as space is
limited, according to organizers.
Parents and guardians, who would like to register their chil-
dren in Summer Nature 1)ay (:amp at Morrison 1)anl Conser-
vation Area, are encourage(( 10 call 519-235-2610 or toll-free
1,080-206-2610 or e (tis/c/uk(&ahcaa.on.ca or itfo(uPahca.
Visit abca.on.ca for more information on Summer Nature
1)ay Camp at Morrison Dam Conservation Area.
Highway 21 at
k* Ausable ('u1
rchPastor Doug Watson
Sunday, April 7th
10:30 a.m.
Worship and Sunday School
(nursery provided)
kidz Club: Bible stories, .songs, fun games
and more, SK - Cr 6, 6:45 - 8 p.m., on the
second Wednesday of each month
Mid -week service
Wednesday 7:00 p.m.
Church Service
Rejoice Together
Zurich Mennonite Church
17818 Lunch ncnvill Kd , West ill /lu►rh
KIngsfleld Pastor: Ken (atle�
/.M(' Pastor: Tom hues
Sunday, April 7
9:30 a.m.
Worship Gathering
Pastor Tom Roes
11:00 a.m. Sunday School
Everyone Welcome
11wy. 21, North of Grand [lend
Email: st.johns(rt'hay.nct
NOLICAN CHURCH Web: www.stjohnsgraandbcnd.ca
St. Anne's, Port Franks:
Sunday, April 7
Second Sunday of Easter
8:30 a.ni.
Deacon's Mass
Rev. Andrew Wilson
St. John's By -The -lake:
Sunday, April 7
Second Sunday of Easter
10:00 a.m.
Deacon's Mass
Rev. Andrew Wilson
"A Community of Faith to ('all Home"
The Reverend Father cirayhaaine R. Bowcott
St. Peter's 1 altheran Church (El Ain
Zurich. Ont. �
Rev. Nadine Sehio'der-Klan/
thganist Mrs. ('hit iinc Eagleson
Secretary Jennifer Sehellsohmer. Oftil.'e 519.2.16.4691
Sunday, April 7
Second Sunday of Easter with
Holy Communion
Service 10:00 am.
Sunday School 10:15 am.
Coffee Hour at 11:00 am
We the l e••ple 'F I I'r(rr'r we r.rlled. by the vat r,N (;,.,1,
to be a Welt arnnK .( .. ,u..hrlyln, ,,./IV.'.,,ur,•n. Kr.n, s,,, ul
A+uhthnvlq/,(lw•p..lrl,(/Ilk #wi,Q,leg (t.,vu,lvrrrrrwv.1 the NIYGI
Grand Bend Church of (3(x1
Colli(' worship with 14S
1Iwy 81 and ( Jill Road I'hone 519-238-2142
Sunday April 7
Speaker: Stan DesJardine
9. 10 10 11) alit, Sm►lkly School I.0 All Age,
11) 10 11 04) a n, (hltee'rum'
11 iN) a in Worship Service
Conte Join our Youth (:roup for ages 11-18
at 6:45 p.m. Sunday Evenings
Illesday 1 10 p m. Bible stud
Wednesday 1 t1) p in Prayer .' Bible Stud
wtvw.grundbendchurchofgod.org f l
Grand Bend United Church
Main Street at Queen 519.238-2402
Minister Rev. harry 1)isher
Organist: Elva MrIntytt
www.grundtvend- f;reenwaypextun
April 7
11:00 a.m.
Easter 11
Rev. Harry 1)ishcr
Sermon: "A Very Present
Help in '('rouble"
All Welcome
Baha'i Faith
"messed ell'(' .Sll('Ji (J.s /u.'/ / / ,Si
le Ilse' ('(►1'(I a/'and
i('llcie ' Melly, (111(1 tire fl'e'e'
from (Jllillt(►.v'it(' anti /Wired"
from the Huhn 'i Writings
1' .a information n lnl local 411iidten's Classes
and the Junaa''oath Iingx►%seirn'nt 4'n,l;tu11
call 510 2.48-8092 or \'i'.It these well sites'.
w'ww.l'a .bahui.org
Zion Lutheran Church LC -C
f 148 Frederick St., Dashwood
Rev. John E. 'I'remhulak
Sunday, April 7
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:00 a.n). Adult Bible ('las`
11:00 a.m. Family Worship
Everyone Welcome
www.hay/act/-buil bill (Iv hay .net
crotatively proclaiming CIMIST without compromise
Sunday Aural 7. 2013
9:40 a.m. Sunday School with classes for all ages
10:50 am Morning Worship
Tested by Fire
1 Peter 1:6-9
6 pm Haiti Mission Team Report
Corner of Prince and Wellington Streets, Forest
519-786-3480 www.farestbaptlat
We welcome everyone of all ages to join usll