HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-06-11, Page 5or figNsioNitieNis 41.00,10640#4.614•11.4"ehrhar hnoift.owN‘`,..evyryprool,0%, r 1 MEN'S SPHCIAL 011.161101111•0111•111111.11.1111•••••1111. 53 Men's Spring and Summer Suits on Sale this week. The regular prices of these Suits were $20.00, $21.00 and $22.00. They are stricily high grade. Were made with the best of trimming, 20th Century make, in NaVy and Black Cheviots, Navy and fancy Worsteds and Tweeds. STEP IN AND SEE THEM SALE PRICE ,$16.00 1 NEW STRAW 1 The new Straw Hats are here and are going like hot cakes. We have a Hat for every face. Summer U nderwear We have'everything you can ask for Summer Shirts, Socks, Ties, Etc. Collars, • Etc. in fact Everything a Man Wears. THE CLOTHIER MacDonald Block Opp. Bank of Commmerce =0, -tiffil11111111111111 a •An Invitation You are invited to inspect the new models and samples in fiRT CLTHE CVc7K upoos LUENI 1.1MITC01 for Spring and Summer R.S.V.P. C011 Ai; WINGHAM - ONTARIO tiq 1 THE WINGRA11 HAM, JUNE 11, 1914 ...............rommomrsmosonowommommorompamoommo ;1,,,IY3a4./VreiPAW:krtWaNP.:2=5'--"44 KEEP YOUR EYE ON Patterson's Jewelery Store Window for a pull at the strings on Saturday, June 6th Saturd 1Y, Jane 13th Saturday, June 20th Saturday, June 27th OR June Wetiiiing hilts We have the goods this year. See our Silver Deposit, Silverware, Cut Glass, Pearl Goods, Lucky Wedding Rings, Pearl Rings We have the largest stock of Diamond Rings in this part of the country to choose from. q••• W. G. PATTERSON The Great Watch Doctor WINGHAIVI ONTARIO ,y0 maw 4%.71mAIMMIEM SaSfAr NERVOUS CHILDREN. The Trouble is Often Really St. Vitus Dance—Do Not Neglect It. Many a child has been called awk- ward, has been, punished in school for not keeping still or for dropping things, when the trouble was really St. Vitus dance. This disease may appear at any age, but is most common between the ages of six and fourteen years. It is caused by thin blood which fails to carry sufficient nourishment to the nerves, and the child becomes restless and twitching of the muscles and jerk- ing of the limbs and body follow. In severe cases the child is unable to hold anything or feed itself. St. Vttus dance is cured by building up the LiYood. The most successful treatment ifr to remove the child from all mental; excitement, stop school work and giverbr. Williams' Pink Pills. These Pills rinew the blood supply, strengt en thejterves, and re- store the child to perf4t healtIa. Here is proof of theii pow if to cure. Mrs. Geo. A. MacDo aldi;Sarrington, N.S., says: "My son As attacked by St. Vitus dance; at the outset his muscles would twitch and his step was weak and jerky. We called in a doctor who treated him, but nothwithstanding he continued to grow worse and at last grew so bad that he could not hold a cup in his hand, and his speech became rather indistinct. At this juncture I saw in a paper the cure of a boy from 'Aimilar trouble through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills We at once sent for a supply, and in a few weeks after he began their use there was consider- able improvement, and it was not long after this before he was completely cured, and has never had a symptom of the trouble since. .1 am convinced that there is no medicine like Dr. Williams' Pinlc Pills for the cure of St. Vitus dance. If your dealer does not keep Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills you can get them by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 4;2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. .13E:LGRAVIc Mr. ang Mrs. Robt. Maguire left on Tuesday for a trip through the West. They expect to go as far as Edmonton where they will visit relatives. . • Miss Grace Ferguson, having recent- ly graduated at Niagara Falls, Ont. General Hospital, taking honors on all the subjects examined in, has, owing to her high standing, received the lucre - t ve apPointment of head nurse in the hospital. An old and highly esteemed resident imo.' this village passed away on Saturday night last in the person of Charles Mc- fal C:ea, in his 75th year Mr. McCrea II h td been in poor health for some time, M i Further particulars concerning this worthy pionner are not so hand for this Oissutei. 10 Monday, June 15th, A. and Mrs. On will celebrate the fiftieth an- , ; niversary of their marriage. Their I family will be present, those who are in the West returning home. The par- ticulars of the auspicious event, which will be crowned with glory and honor, will appear later. The annual picnic of the Farmers' Club and Women's Institute will be held Tuesday, .Tune 16th on 0. W. , Wilkinson's river flats, or what is I known as the Women's Institute picnic grounds as this organization was the ; i fir.it publie body to discover this desir- able location for picnics. Program of' foot races for young and old is on the i ;list, also athletic games. A base ball match will be contested between a sel- ect team chosen from Wawanosh by John McCallum and .trom Morris by Nelson Iliggins. Refreshrnent booth on the CO ground. Proceeds will go to the bene- fit of the Club. CM. 11=i11•1111•1100...ir MOIURIS Alex. McDonald of the 2nd line Morris, visited with his brother, Archie McDonald, of Algoma, formerly of the lst line of Morris. Many old Morris friends will be glad to hear Mr. Mc- Donald is enjoying fairly good health, although at the advanced age of 81 years. Duff & Stewart, Bluevale, have con- tract for new bridge on lst line. Miss Imlay, teacher cf No. 5 scbooi has been re-engaged for another year by the Trustees. We are pleased to know that Mrs. George Kelly, 8th line, is home from the Clinton hospital and her numerous friends trust she will soon regain her old time goad health, We are glad tosee Gilbert Spier able to be about after the serious accident that befell him in the West, when he was so sariously burned, and hope he will soon be as well as ever. A good job has been done in the way of grading on Cloakey's sicleroad from the 5th to 6th lines. Grader was direct- ed by John Kelly, and was drawn by George Joedan's traction engine. The same machinery is being utilized to grade on the same sideroad from 3rd to 4th line. A bee was held by W. C. Cunning- ham, 7th line, hauling stbne far the stable, for the addition to his barn of 20x48 feet. The timber is ready and work will be pushed along. Mr. Cun- ningham has sold the house on the Kelly farm to Wm. McCracken, 5th line. The latter will take -it down and use material in rebuilding on his farm. wissr w.a.wNA.oszt. Council met on May 26th as per last adjournment; members all present. Reeve Murray in the chair. The mem- bers having taken the necessary declar- ation constituting a court of revision of the assessment roll the one appeal of G. Wilson against an assessment of $300 was heard on oath and appeal sustained. Motion by Calms. Naylor and Purdon, that assessment roll as revised be re- ceived and that G. Webb, assesssor be paid his salary. Carried. Motion by Couns. Johnston and Nay- lor, that Road Division No. 28 shall in- clude portion of side road, now open be- tween lots 18 and 19, eon. 4.—Carried. Motion by Coons. Mallough and John- ston, that hydro -electric communication be laid over and that clerk write to that effect.—Carried. Communication received from the minister of public works re Sec, 3 of the Building Trades Protection Act, Chap. 7. 8. 0. 1911 (L. George V). Motion of Comm Johnston and Pur - don, that clerk write department of public works as to the working of this act in a rural municipality, also as to the payment of inspectors and by whom paid.—Carried, By-law No. 4, 1914, was read three times and passed on motion bv Cons, Naylor and Johnston, anthorizing reeve and treasurer tO borrow sufficient funds for areent expenses during the year. Accounts amounting to $14(.20 were passed and paid on motion by Conns. Purdon and Mallough. Since the above date the adjusted as- sessments of the Young drain award have been received from the township engibeer, V. M. Roberts, and eouncil will meet on June 81h at 10 a. ni, as an adjourned court of revision and for general business. W. A. W11,5011, Clerk. "tzo B AS S. ibk. M AL OLISH 0 best Vet for brightness. At All Grocers. 4 t•q-ree'ee-:::..;•resropieee-X4.4' TU &sin MILL The Salem Methddist church will hold a garden party, Monday, June 15th, on the lawn Of Mr. Melvin Willis, 6th eon. The music will be supplied by Mr. MacMoran and daughter, of Luck - now, Tea will be served from 6.30 to 8,30 p.m.- Admission, adults 25c.; children 1,5c, Everybody welcome. trorancE. Mr. Andrew Shiell is engaged with Mr. Francis Doyle for a short time. Mr. John Martin is on a business trip to Cobalt and other places. On Wednesday, June 3rd. Mr. James Barber and Miss Ida Sherwood, of Ash- field, were married in the presence of about forty guests. Mr. and Mrs. Barber will reside on their farm on the twelfth concession. We wish them suc- cess and happiness. Coulter Bros. are busy cutting wood in this locality. Mr. Souter Taylor purchased a fine team of horses from Mr. Harry Mc- Gee lately. Mr. John Mason has purchased a fine new buggy lately. Mrs, Durnin and daughter, of St. Helens, are spending a few days with Mr. John Jamieson. Robert H. Jupp, County Engineeer for Simcoe, was instantly killed at Nicolston by falling through a hole in a new bridge.. Rev. E. E. Braithwaite, Ma., Ph D., Dean of theUniversity of Calgary, and former pastor of Northern Congregat- ional Church, Toronto, was appointed President of Western University, Lon- don, Ont. Fire destroyed twenty-five fine busi- ness buildings and residences at Powas- san, 2 a.m. Saturday, the damage being estimoted at about $300,000. L ITU ST60.1s.. .m.M.RKETS Toronto,June 8. —Trade was good and active to -day, and with a light run of cattle offering, prices for choice medi- um weight butcher were from 10c to 15c higher than last week. Heavy weight steers were not so much in demand as the lighter class, but prices for these held good and firm. Stocker trade continues quiet, with very little enquiry from farmers. Calves, good veal, were steady to firm. Sheer; and lambs steady. Hogs were quoted 10c lower than last week, though a few small lots of good shop hogs sold at last week's prices. Union Stock Yards—Receipts were 85 cars, with 1,649 cattle, 107 calves 2,120 hogs, and 292 sheep and lambs. Export $8 00 $ 8 05 Butcher cattle choice 8 25 8 50 do medium.. .„ 8 00 815 Butcher cows choice... . 6 25 7 25 do medium 6 00 6 30 do common 4 50 5 50 do bulls ... ' .. '7 00 7 50 Feeders Stockers do medium..., do light Canners and cutters Milkers, choice Springers ....... ... Common and medium.. Lambs . 8 50 9 00 Light ewes ..... 6 25 7 25 o bucks..............4 50 6 50 Hogs fed and watered 8 00 do f,o.b ..... . . 7 65 Calves . 13 00 10 50 '750 790 725 750 7 00 7 35 . 2 50 4 00 CI merely oliering 6 50 - 7 25 111 1SARO'S aMn 3 Wear Store Headquarters for Speeial Values in Men's and i3oys' Ready - to - wear clothingOursurn- mer sale of cloth- ing is now on anti you can count on Big Savings o n Men's Suits, g Boys' Suits and Pants, Men's? Pants and Rain- coats, Boys Wash Suits and all lines of Men's and Boys' Wear. Bargain Price on Men's Suits, good L strong wearing Suits, eleap at $10, our price for this:line while they $6.98. $10 will buy a fancy Tweed Worstead Suit tail- ored in the very latest style, wcrth more money. Men's fine Worsted and Serge Suits, navy or 'black, ,special cut prices at $12,00 to $15.00, Overalls. We handle the best makes. See our "Fast Mail- Brand of Overal s and St -flocks, guaran- teed against rips, prices are $1.0) and $1.25. Suits for the boys, all sizes from the smallest to the largest size at Mcney Saving Prices. Every Suit well tailored, made to give.excelient wear, scme low priced Suits selling at $3,50 and $4.50 and a useful premium with each Suit. 3 Boys' .Sumrner Jerseys in Navy, Cardinal, White or Green with long or short sleeves. Boys' Wash Suits made of Galitea or Stripe Lin- ens, Sailor Blouse, or Norfolk, special at 1.00, Straw Hats in a great variety of styles now in stock. See the new Sailor at 50c to $1.00. 1 IgEILILICiii rult4mrmy rIgiurfIGnill mrSiatatrialer "'"Illfaff. )4iV A 1. E. Isard 82 Co. BARGAIN StORES, WINGHAM NOTICE OF MEETING TO CONSIDER BY-LAW. Take notice that a by-law for raising $10,000 under the provisions of the Tile Drainage Act taken into con- sideration by the Municipal Council of j the Township of Turnberry at Bluevale on Tuesday, 20th day of June, 1914, at ; the hour of •1- o'clock in the afte.rnoon. ; P. Pow1:11,, Clerk. OCEAN TICKETS Via ail steamship lines, outward or prepaid from the Old Country. Lowest quotations current for rates or tickets by any route. Apply H. B. E,LLIOTT T.imes Office, Wirigharn is the Sincerest Flattery! We are the sole , agents in Wingham for the D.L. W Coal Co.'s Scranton Coal. Any other "`r• • dealers of -tering this ,coal for sale are ... 768 gg gg HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS imitation. 35 00 45 00 VS'I.N(311.4M KV:POUTS, Wingham, May 20, 1018 Flour per 100Ibs ...... ...2 70 to 3 10 Fall wheat .. .........1 00 to 1 00 Oats 0 40 to 0 40 Barley .0 52 to 0 52 Peas .0 90 to 0 00 Butter dairy 0 25 to 0 25 Eggs per claz Woad per c.)rd Hay per ion ...... s • • ouncl. trip ticket,: to poin in Manit ibtt, A 1- '1)(1.41 nnd Sa•ltst chewan (Thic te:o. st Drauth, or:q4arnia, and 1%.Tortip,rn Navigation npauy on 4nte oacli Tttes lay taint Oct. 27, Inclusive, at low in Es Through Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars to WINNIPEG on above dates, leaving Toronto 11 p.m. No changct of cars. RETURN LIMIT, TWO rIONTIIS The Grand Trunk Pacifiz. Railway is the shortest and quickest route between Winnipeg -,asbatoon -Echnonten. excellent nrough service to Regina. Trains now running into Calgary. 9 2 t1 0 18 to 0 18 ; Fall par tionlars at; d rasa •vatiott f rotti B. Ii.'LLIOTT,' Town Pnss H. 5 o 3 00TicItet A gut Phone .1. W. W.:4M AN ; Sta. 17 7 17 70 Hogs ....... 10 to 9 101 Scranton or Lehigh HARD, BRIGHT AND CLEAN Wood and Ming LOWHSr PRIG'E8 R. J. Cantelon OFFICE WITIi Dominion Express Co.'s Office Everything in the fuel line for summer or winter burning J. A. McLEAN Dealer ia LUMBER, COAL, WOOD epozikoWAstmAtiesomwersr~~01P0 • SPECIAL LINES IN SWEET CAKES 1 1 1 .4111.11Tale IN THIS LINE WE ARE SPECIALINZ PIG 16/0•••••1 4 LINES WJICU YO 3 f;11*0ULD HAVE 4 STRAWBERRIES PINEAPPLES GREEN DEANS TOMATOES -_zsesssz sosesetossesimssene. ‘1,10110511611101111MIM INVIIMMUSWIN Henry T. Thomson "The House of uality" Wrree Delivery Phone 9 Vast Servite.. 010~0,040Pomesesowts04001011