HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-04-03, Page 10Wednesday, AprII 3, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 9 ABCA watershed report card shows some improvement but region is still a poor student of healthy ecosystems For more information about the ABCA watershed report card go to www.abca.on.ca on the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority's website Susan Hundertmark QM! Agency While some small gains have been made over the past five years, the Ausable Bayfield watershed still has quite a bit of remedial work to (10 before it can he consid- ered a good student of healthy ecosystems. Mari Veliz, of the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority, presented the sec- ond report card for the watershed at a public meet- ing in Exeter last week, giv- ing the region a C overall in surface water quality, a I) overall in forest conditions and an F overall in wetland cover. "The grades suggest we need improvement and the most important thing to (10 is to take action as individuals and communities," she said. "However, some of the mon- itoring shows that change is possible and can be meas- ured. So, we need to con- tinue to look for opportuni- ties, even small ones." She said the plain reason for the report card is to deter- mine how healthy our water- sheds are and to determine if the water is "drinkable, jwimable and fishable." -1 "Monitoring is very impor- tant because. It drive's educa- tion and community involve- ment," she said. "It can he' used to see if we're making a difference, what else we can he doing and whether we have been doing the right things" lhe ABCA broke down the entire watershed into 15 neighbourhood creeks and gave each section a grade as well. The Bayfield Headwa- ters, which begin near Dub- lin and travel through Sea - forth and into Clinton received a C in surface water quality, a I) in forest cover and an F in wetland cover. The Main Hayfield water- shed, which covers the region from Vanestra to Clin- ton and over to Hayfield, received a 11 in surface water quality, a C in forest condi- tions and an 1) in wetland cover while the Bannock- burn watershed, which cov- ers the region south of Vnnastra into Brucefiel(1, Varna, Kipper dow11 101 S1111 1111d and Zurich, received a (: in surface water quality, a I) in forest cover and an Fin wetland cover. Measuring levels of phos- phorus, E. coli 811(1 benthic invertebrates (little creatures that live on the bottom of riv- ers), the conservation authority found measurable reductions in phosphorus and E. coli levels in Bannock- burn and Main Hayfield. Veliz said high levels of phos- phorus result in algae blooms. "So there is some room for optimism," she said, adding that the process doesn't allow them to determine why those improvements were made. An A grade in forest cover would Ille'.IIt 35 per cent of the region is forested but in r 1'. 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In the Bannockburn region, forest cover is 10.8 per cent, up from 9.6 per cent in 2007 while forest interior is 1.4 per cent, up from one per cent in 2007. Veliz pointed out that wetland cover is very poor throughout the watershed, except for the Black Creek region where the 1 lay Swamp is located south of I len- sall and Zurich. Main Bayfield is one of four regions to receive a 1) in wetland cover with 5.5 per cent. An A grade in wetland cover is 11.5 per cent. Wetland cover in the Bayfield head- waters is 1.3 per cent while in Bannock- burn, wetland cover is 1.4 per cent. "There is room 10 enhance wetlands in strategic locations in many areas across the watershed," said Veliz. Veliz said the overall message is not new with many actions 1180 could Ile taken to improve the health of the local environment. 'Those actions include planting a lot more trees, especially on non-productive land, inspecting and pumping out your septic system every three to five years, creating wetlands to maintain a water balance during wet and dry periods, reducing the amount of household chemicals you use and store like antifreeze, paint, lawn chemi- cals, detergents and cleaners, ensure your manure storage facilities are Susan Hundertmark OMI Agency Mari Veliz, Healthy Watersheds Coordinator for the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority, presents the 2013 Watershed Report Card In Exeter last week. adequate, controlling soil erosion and applying nutrients ,e1 rates and tinges 111111 optimize plant uptake. "1Vhat's really important is t0 look at our own properties and take responsi- March 29 — April 28 ENERGY SAVINGS See today's insert for details hydr L one hility for our own actions," she said. More information about the ABCA watershed report card can be found at www.ahca.on.ca on the Ausahle Bay- field Conservation Authority's website. NOW OPEN r uits esses ers - 22 Thurs. Fri. Sat. 11 am - 4pm 21 Main St., Grand Bend