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Lakeshore Advance, 2013-04-03, Page 4
Wednesday, April 3, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 3 Windsteals the focus of Wyvisit o Clinton Melissa Murray to taking on ht'r role as Minister of Agriculture7, ak i OMI Agency and Food and she hopes to shine light on that part of the economy. Ns. Wind blew the focus of the Premier's visit to "[Agriculture' is critical to the health of the ..us avi Clinton away from agriculture. province and that's why I'm here and that's �' ' r'a' ' S T O P Ahola 80 anti -wind turbine protestors Tined why I inn the Minister of -Agriculture and Food WIND the entrances to the REACT I centre in Clinton as well as being the Premier. I committed to SCAM on March 26, waiting for Premier Kathleen taking on this role during the leadership Wynne's arrival at the Huron agri-summit because I really believe that it is important for hosted by the I luron Chamber of commerce. us to shine a Tight 00 the importance of this While outside, protestors were chanting part Of the economy," she said. "stop the turbines" and declaring I luron "I want everyone in the government, I want County an unwilling host, inside the Premier everyone across the province to understand was talking about her commitment to change that agriculture is not just part of who we are, when it comes to wind turbine projects in it's not just our roots, but it's also vital to how Ontario. we build the economy going forward" Wynne also highlighted the recent reintro- v duction of the local food act into the Ontario legislature and the announcement she made that morning about a $10 million partnership to provide risk management solutions to the My approach is to find Ontario beef industry to help stabilize market commonround. It's to find after the industry is affected by factors that are g beyond the control of farmers. common purpose, to work in "My approach is to find common ground. partnership " It's to find common purpose, to work in part- nership," said the Premier. After Wynne's talk about agriculture, she -- Premier Kathleen Wynne asked Central Huron's Mayor Iinm Ginn to assemble three representatives from the "I'm just aware that there are people out- protestors to sit down during a private meet - side who are angry and I want you to know ing to follow the Chamber's event. When it that I did talk to a couple of the folks as I was was announced outside, protestors argued coming in and I have met with a lot of people about which three would represent the cause, who are concerned about wind turbines and finally agreeing that President of Bluewater the placement of wind turbines. It's some- Against'11mrbines, Dave Griffiths, Iiuron East Iiuron Chamber members. band-aid solution to repair the number of thing the Minister of Energy is working on - Against 'Turbines member Tom Melody and What surprised Griffiths most about the votes that was lost by the liberal government how we can have a better process and how we member of the Ontario Registered Wind Tur- meeting was Wynne's comment that as during the last election, which ousted Agri - can work with willing hosts. I just want to bine Working Group I.orrie Gillis be the three many people are for turbines as against cultural Minister Carol Mitchell. acknowledge that because it's very much to engage in the conversation. them. Griffiths said in I luron County, his "This is the same old government," said present," she said. Wynne met with the representatives for group's surveys show up to 90 per cent of Griffiths adding, "I'm not hopeful at all." While addressing the crowd inside the about half an hour after going table to table to people are against industrial wind turbines. REACH Centre Wynne said she is committed hear about concerns in agriculture from the Ile called her appearance in Clinton it The Wind Turbines! Melissa Murray OMI Agency A group of about 80 protesters gathered outside the REACH Centre in Clinton awaiting Premier Kathleen Wynne's arrival at the Huron agri-summit on March 26. Melissa Murray OMI Agency Premier Kathleen Wynne hears concems about agriculture from Chamber members after her address. THIS MONTH IN LAMBTON TN CCns4 , ton% Oudot Av NI I Nu tan MMi d l intact, Cw+ry Cool mN n smut won ti room $100162.329 782.329 n loondrO G.ag 2013 TN NW okras KS CM Sid 1. N rise,! km Wake) est *i Niro an nous n la. ores ,r 1 11% Pouliot d atiustounts won made U 8t' onotO Us rev d 2 00%. {n wast I F*awry s Salt tun* Rations eras%, *n}y 311. 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L OFFICE OF THE COUNTY WARDEN 789 Broadway Street, Box 3000 Wytlmng, ON NON 1TO Te1le one: 519-845.0801 AToll Free:1.888.324.6912 ,',w.,1,,,, Fax: 519-845-3160 ©fir LAMB TON www,lambtononline.cf (:an,W 0 growing 0 /nnotutitr