HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-06-11, Page 44 THE WINGIIAM TIMES, JUNE 11, 1914 ESTAIII.4ir81,151.3 187'4 Tilt WINfiliAM TIMES. see. seigegOre, Pontaisrica Asn Peortueoa THURSDA.Y, JUNE 11, 1914 CAMPAIGN NOTES. vim of Ontario." No reservation of club licenses in that. —Stratford Beacon. "The question will be asked why Bruce is selected out of so many coun- ties where readjustment is necessary, it will be asked also if the Government has faith in itself, or if Conservatives are losing faith in their own cause, when they have recourse to the butch- ers cleave and the axe. Bruce and the double-barrelled seats in Toronto are signs of decadence which all true friends of the Whitney Government will heart- ily regret."—Toronto World (Conserva- tive). Electors of North Huron can do good service in electing Mr. Anderson and give the Government a lesson. The Liberals of the province might have preferred to allow the Tory Gov- ernment all the rope it needed to hang itself between now and the end of 1915, as they plainly saw that the longer the Whitney outfit lasted the farther they were drifting away from the people. But the Government having decided that it could not afford to put off the evil day longer, it has decided to take the fatal plunge, trusting to fate to se - Pure a victory before the people have had time to find out all its rascalities. But the Liberal party is ready and ea- ger to meet the Tories at the time of their own choosing. This is made evi- dent by the optimistic ring of Mr. N. W. Roilell's nomination speech at Wood- stock on Saturday. The Liberal leader in his address there spoke with confid- ence of the outcome of the appeal to the people. He showed the many in- stances in which the Government failed to measure up to the expectations of the 4lectors, and reiterated in plain and terse language his policy of the abolit- ion of thebar. But this is enter one plank in the special reform policy of the corn- ing premier.—Harnilton Times. In Ontario the voice of protest has been silenced by means of a voting ma- jority. Campaign contributions under questionable conditions were received on behalf of the Government, but they could not be inquired into by reason of the Crushing vote of the majority. The Government escaped not on its merits, but by reason of the goodwill of its friends. Public confidence has been shaken by the failere of the Attorney - General's department to take action in cases where duty appeared plain. The allegation that political favorites can go far without fear of Government in- terference looks as though justified by what occurs. The Attorney -General is a believer tn the masterly policy of inactivity.— Ottawa Free Press. The Government supporters are find- ing out that this is a real contest in North Huron, judging from the low, dirty and mean stories in circulation in regard to J. G. Anderson, the Liberal candidate. They were started too soon and will not serve as good a vote catchers. . The Walkerton Association of Baptist churches, in session at Goderich last week, strongly endorsed the policy of Mr. Rowell, Perusal of Sir James Whitney's elect- ion manifesto does not disclose any very urgent reason for the somewhat pre- cipitate appeal which the Government is making to the electorate. Indeed the only excuse of any magnitude that can be discerned for an election this month is that figuratively and literally it is splendid weather for it. -Toronto Tele- gram, Conservative. Rev. Dr. Carman, general superin- tendent of the Methodist Church, ad- dressing the London Conference in Sar- nia one day last week said in part:— "I think that now a testing time has come and our people will be brought to earnest examination, and I want them to approach it intelligently. On the temperance issue I would be positively with a brother proposing advance on temperance grounds. This is a matter I allude to with delicacy. There are men of positive views on both sides in your circuits. What little influence a man has he might exert quietly, but as for me, I keep my head level, and do my duty." These remarks of the man who has been termed "the pope of the Methodist church" were greeted with spontaneous and prolonged ap- plause. Mr. Musgrove complains because his opponent Mr. Anderson is note resident of the riding. This is, of course, a serious offence for the Liberals, but Conservatives can do the same thing and not one word of protest from Mr. Musgrove. Here are of few Conser- vative offenders:—Sir James Whitney is a resident of Toronto and contests Dundas; Mr. Schofield resides in Toronto and is running in South Wellington; Dr: Paul Poisson, of Chatham is contesting North Essex. This list could be con- tinued, but enough has been given to show the absurdity of Mr. Musgrove's argument. Vote Anderson for North Huron. -I, C. J. Doughty, nominee of the Conservative party in the Riverdale riding, do hereby pledge myself to work and talk on the public platform from now until June 20, 1914, for the policy commonly known as `Abolish the bar,' which is proposed to abolish the con- sumption of liquor in all barrooms, hotels and clubs in the Provinee of On- tario " This makes the second straight Conservative candidate who is behind Mr. Rowell's policy. Electors of North Huron should vote for J. G. Ander- son and place him behind Mr. Rowell n the rext Legislature. That M. Rowell has been misrepre- sented in regard to his abolish -the -bar I`Olit';.l.:WA' t!ear at Wooestock. It has been said that he would leave the licenees to clubs. This is part of what he said: "If the people of this province waet the bar to go and will send to the Legislature men who will support rno in doing it, in tee first Legislature that nmete after the election. an act will be pessel wiping out every tier it the pro- P.V11 1 rA211 "3 '\ 1:ere are tones people who still resort fe drugged pills Of alcoholic eyrupe to over:eller coIds, 71ervottones; Or general eestelity, aud who 1snow that the pure, unadulterated nourishment in Scott'a Emulsion is eminently better, but refrain from tahing it because they fear it may lead to exceseive fat or obeeity. This is a mietaken idea, because acottes linittleitet first ettength the body be fore Ylakitlf4 th•&::. Its Mood -forming proper- tieseel uature th throw off eickziess by buil:Thee health from ihs. very eource, and flesh i3 formed only by its eontumed use. Avoid Alcoholic stibstitutes for SCOTT'S. MR. MUSGROVE'S ADDRESS. and W. II. Kerr were aleo asked to I speak. The Liberals of Huron are in good fettle for the Provincial contest' and with three good candidates will give them hearty support during the cam- paign. 1,17 ff LTEttoolcon Rev. Jas. W. Penrose, pastor of the Methodist Church, returned from Sar- nia Tuesday where he has been the past week attending Conference. Mr. Thos. Penrose's many friends will regret to hear that he is seriously ill with tonsilitis, but hope to soon see him on deck again. Mr, D. C. Taylor of Lucknow occupied the pulpit in the Methodist Church in the absence of its pastor on Sunday. He preached a very telling sermon. Miss Annie Henderson of Belgrave is visiting friends in this vicinity. Miss Ruby Nixon, of Lucknow, re- turned to her home after spending a couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. Ken Patterson, Mrs. R. J. Cuyler, we are pleased to hear is again convalesent after a week's illness. Miss Cassie McDonald of Lucknow, a former teacher here, spent Empire day with Mrs. K. Patterson. Mr. Roy Patton, our efficient station master is expected home this week. Mr. Miles McMillan, our hustling cattle man took a joy ride on Monday with his friend, Mr. David Faulkner, to Wingham. Mack thinks the auto is a dandy way of getting around the country. Look out for his new machine in the near future. Mr. John Gillespie accompanied the Liberal candidate for the Local Legis- lature, Mr. George Anderson, on an election campaign through East Wawa - nosh last week. Rev. J. Ure Stewart and Mrs. Stewart paid a visit to Goderich last week. Mr. David Kennedy on the boundary had a very successful barn raising last Wednesday when about two hundred of the staunch young yeomen of the neighborhood and a goodly bunch of the "Boys" from Wingham and Luck - now who whirred up in about a score of autos, to lend a helping hand. The barreis 50x60 with concrete foundation and will be a substantial structure. Messrs. Tom Gaunt and Tom Moore were elected Captains and after sides had been chosen they went to it with a will and before 6 o'clock everything was in shape for the covering a couple of what might have been serious accidents occur - ed. Mr. Kenneily's son, Peter, met with a mishap by havinghis foot crush- ed and was knocked out for the time being.. Then Captain Gaunt took a header from a height of nearly twenty feet. He landed on his feet and severely injured his ankle but the doughty Captain was no sooner down than he was up to his post again and cheering his men on, but the short de- lay gave the other side a slight lead and they finished first by a small margin. Cheers then went up for Ca Moore and his team, when the boysVave the loosing side a thriller which heartened everybody. An adjournment was then made to the "Banquet Hall" where a bountiful supper had been spread by the ladies of the section and which won the hearts of the big crowd that sat down to it, for it was a regal feast and it goes without saying that full justice was done to it and a vote of thanks heartily tendered to the fair dames who took a part in its preparation. A most enjoyable few houes was then spent be the young people, of course the fair maids took an active part in this, and games and sports of various kinds was indulged in until every person was satisfied with the good time they had. Then, after wishing Mr. andML's. Ken- nedy a kind good night, everybody soughttheir homes for a well earned night's repose. The butter factory these days is go- ing it full steam ahead. Mr. Allie Mor- rison, the competent butter maker aril his assistant, Charley Gillespie, are kept hard at it every day, turning out over 2000 pounds of a choice good ar.;ele The Rifle Association will hold their regular shoot at the Ranges on Satur- day next. This will be the second com- petition for the Do minion Salvor. At the same time there will be a team pick- ed to compete at the Huron County Rifle Tournament to be held at Point Farm on June 17th. A big turn out is looked for on Saturday. Miss Marjorie Gordon, who has had charge of the choir as leader and or- ganist of the Presbyterian church in preparing them for the special Jubilee services has acquitted herself so satis- factory that the board of managers has appointed her as leader and organist. Miss Gordon has woe the well deserved honor and will no doubt make an effi- cient and painstaking leader and organist. The Young people especially, but young and old alike of the congregation of the Methodist Church anticipate a royal good time at their garden party to be held on the beautiful grounds of the Methodist parsonage on June 24th. President McLaughlin, after a few Everybcdy, along with their unclee, remarks, called upon 3. G. Anderson, of their eousins, and their aunts will be Lucknow, Liberal nominee in North welcome. Don't forget the date. Huron, who made friends for himself What with a Lawn Tennis and and tho cause of Liberalism by his ing Club a splendid green, a eracker practical speech. It was clear-cut, jack of a baseball team, the sports are deliberate and business -like and was putting in a good time every evening after their day's work is done. Wingharn, June 8, 1914. To the Editor of the Times. Dear Sir,— Would it not be in the interests of Liberalism and the Rowell policy for you to publish in your next issue, Mr. Musgrove's address to the electors in full? Surely nothing so utterly beneath the dignity of a candidate for the Leg- islature was ever placed before the electors of any constituency in Canada. There are only two points in it. The first is a whine because his opponent is Mr. J. G. Anderson, of Lucknow, whom Mr. Musgrove helped to gerrymander out of his riding of South Bruce. Mr. Musgrove well knows that Mr. Ander- son resides nine or ten miles from the nearest point of the present riding of South Bruce, that he was born and raised in North Huron, and that he cir- culates thousands of dollars among North Huron farmers. -It ill becomes Mr. Musgrove to raise the parrot cry of non-resident candidate, as he once ran under similar conditions himself. The second roint in his address is an appeal to the base and sordid in human nature. It means 'vote for Musgrove or you will get nothing from the Govern- ment.' Here are the words need, "The Government of Sir James Whitney will, beyond a doubt, be again returned to power, and it is quite reasonable to sup- pose that a supporter of that Govern- ment, and one in friendly relations with it, should be able to render more efficient service than a member of the Opposition, who has no interests in Huron, and who would naturally work in the interests of his own county." Was ever before so weak and childish an appeal made to an intelligent people? It is utterly unworthy of Mr. Musgrove. Not a word about the great moral and social issues before the people, nothing but an attempt to stir up sectionalism, and an effort to introduce into Ontario the worst features of Yankee "pork barrel" politics. Fair minded , Conservatives realize that this address of Mr. Musgrove's is a sad mistake, and many Liberals who are his personal friends are sorry that he stooped so low. INDEPENDENT. EAST HURON LIBERALS. The annual meeting of East Huron Liberals for the Commons convened in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Tuesday. June 2nd. Alex. McLaughlin, President, occupied the chair. After the minutes were read and adopted and Treasurer's report was presented general business was transacted. Officers for the past year were re- elected as follows:—President, Alex. McLaughlin; lst Vice -President, Wm. Elston; 2nd Vice -President, Jno Gilles- pie; Secretary -Treasurer, M. Black; Auditor, W. M. Sinclair. Chairmen of Municipalities are: — Howick, Jno. Ilenneberg; Wroxeter, Jno. Douglas; Turnberry, R. S. Muir; Wingham, Richard Clegg; East Wawa - nosh, B. H. Taylor; Blyth, Jas. Mc - Murchie; Morris, Peter McNabb; Brus- sels, P. Scott; Grey, Neil McNair. List of polling sub -division chairmen was revised and as far as preliminary work is concerned are in battle array whenever Election day bobe round. In t he meantime the proposed redistribution leaves the geographical lay -out a trifle in doubt. 1 THE DOMINION BANK SIR EDMUND 8, OSLER M.P., PRESIDENT, W. D. MATTHEWS, VIOE•PRESIDENT, O. A. BOGERT, General Manager.. Tru gt Funds Should Be Deposited In a Savings Account in The Dominion Bank. Such funds are safely protected, and earn interest at highest current rates. When payments are made, particulars of each transaction may be noted on the cheque Issued, which in turn becomes a reeeipl or voucher when cancelled by the hank. WINGHAM RANCH:BA. M. SCULLY, Manager. heartily received. A. Hislop, .. . =MR, PI Ghi,IM....S.M.••••••••••1 CANADIAN PACIFIC I IMPROVED TRAIN SERVICE EffectivE. May 31s4 NEW LIMITED TRAINS "THE CANADIAN" Via Can. Pac. Ry. and Michigan Central Ry. Through Michigan Central Tunnel via Windsor, Ontario. Bank of Hamilton Capital Authorized $5,000,000 Capital Paid-up, 3,000,000 Surplus - - - 3,750,000 BUSINESS TRAINING. Many men have fallen short of business success because as they grew in experi- • ence, they neglected to cultivate habits or economy. Every young man should keep a Savings Account, because personal economies trains the mind to use capital wisely in business. Start now. C. P. SMITH, Manager Wingham, Ontr i"--. 1 I k It's the most talked of car in the world. Sterling merit has sold it to over 530,00 people of every nation the world over. Ford ser- vice and guaranteeare both in- cluded in the price. This means a lot to any auto buyer. Six hundred dollars is the price of the Ford run -about; the touring car is six fifty; the town car nine hundred—f.o.b. Ford, Ont., complete with equipment. Get catalogue and particulars from A. M. Crawford, agent, Winghain, Ont. .. . =MR, PI Ghi,IM....S.M.••••••••••1 CANADIAN PACIFIC I IMPROVED TRAIN SERVICE EffectivE. May 31s4 NEW LIMITED TRAINS "THE CANADIAN" Via Can. Pac. Ry. and Michigan Central Ry. Through Michigan Central Tunnel via Windsor, Ontario. ------„e WESTBOUND DAILY EASTERN, TIME ' Leave Montreal (Windsor St Depot) 8.45 a.m. Arrive 'Peron( o 5.40 pan. Leave Toronto 0.10 p m. Leave Loudon 0.33 p.m Arrive Detroit (Michigan Cen- tral Depot) 12 85 a.m. CENTRAL TIME Leave Detroit (Michigan Oen- tral Depot) 11.65 p.m: Arri ye Chicago (Central Star tion). 7.45 a m. Only One Night on the Solid Electric -lighted Trains with vation Cars, Standard and Tourise Sleepers tween Montreal and Chicago in each Standard Sleeping Cars will also onto, Detroit and Chicago.via Canadian roads through Michigan Central Tunnel Westbound and No. 20 Eastbound, EASTBOUND DAILY CENTRAL TINE Leave Chicago (Central ;: ta- tion 030 a in. Arrive Detroit (Michigan Cen- tral Depot) 8 55 p,m. EASTERN ME Leave Detroit (Michigan Cen- trai Depot) 505 p.m. Leave London 8.03 p m. Arrive Toronto 11.20 pan. Leave Toronto 11.40 p.m, Arrive Montreal ( Windsor St Depot) 855 pan. Road in Each Direction Buffet -Library -Compartment -Obser- and First-class Coaches be- direction. be operated between Montreal. Tor- Pacific and Michigan Cenrral Rail- via Windsor on Trains No. 21, . Particulars from W. A. SANDERSON, Town Ticket Agent, 'Phone MURPHY, Dis. Passr. Agent, Corner King and Yonge 1 47, J. H. BEEMER, Station Agent, 'Pone 7, or write M. G. Streets, Toronto, Ontario. THE TIMES FOR 500. TILL DEC. 31 ••••••••••81•110.0.1••••••111111.61.4.1•••••••••••MIX1.0.. 411111.11011111..••••••11.1•104.0111114401•11.1•11•1111.0.1•11111001.10 Some of the BARGAINS At Knox's SATURDAY SALES 3 -stone diamond ring reg, $55,00 Saturday r -stone diamond ring reg. $roo.00 Saturday r_stone diamond ring reg. $85.00 Saturday r -stone diamond ring reg. $5o.o9 Saturday 2 diamonds and r ruby reg. $6o oo Saturday 5 stone whole pearl ring reg, $r5.00 Saturday 5 stone whole pearl ring reg. $6.5o Saturday Solid Gold Cameo reg. $6.5o Saturday 34 doz. ro k Birthday rings reg. $3,00 Saturday Gold filled Bracelet watch reg. $12.00 Saturday Gold filled Bracelet watch reg. $5.00 Saturday Pearl and Cameo necklet reg. $20 Saturday r only 14 k pea.r1 uecklet reg. $22 Saturday Pair ro k solid gold cuff links reg. $5 Saturday 8 day mantle clock reg. $r I.00 Saturday 8 day mantle clock reg. $7.50 Saturday 8 day mantle clock reg. $6,5o Saturday Large fruit dish on silver stand, reg. $6 Saturday only Casserole reg. $6.5o Saturday r only Biscuit jar reg. $3.25 Saturday Roger fruit spoons reg. $1.5o Saturdao Rogers cold meat forks reg. $1.25 Saturday $39 00 79 oo 65 oo 37 oo 42 00 9 50 4 25 4 25 50 7 so 2 95. 12 00 oo 3 75 7 25 5 35 4 95 3 75 4 25 ro 85 75 14 These are only a few lines of bargains. Watch he win lo Ars for the o:hers‘ 11.1••••••••••••••••1•2•••••••••••••• 4•••10 A. M. KNOX. 'Phone 65 Opposite National Hotel •••••=••=1•01.••••••••• 101111•111111111 Debts and Debtors If we give a merchant our custom. we have a right to expect him to advertise ---to tell us weekly in the columns of the WING - HAM TIMES what he has for us. Adver- tising is shop news, designed to inform us, save our time, and bring to our attention desirable merchandise. Every retailer who is alive to the interests of his custom- ers has a message—often many messages—for his custom- ers concerning new goods, special offerings, and things that we ought to know about. Customers and non -custom- ers will be attentive and responsive to these messages, if they are delivered every week in the form of advertise- ments in the WINGHAM TIMES. The way to get more business is to ask for it. ' A WORD TO MERCHANTS Would YOU buy much more regularly fromfirms that never solicit your trade? Do you not say—"The firm that wants my business must come after it?" Yet some of you say, in effect, to your customers— "We're here. If you want our goods, come and get them but don't expect us to go after you." It's a poor rule that doesn't work both ways. Shop Where You are Invited to Shop GOLDLINK No. 9000, C. IL A, Canada. No, 14,035, C. 6,, of Great Britain and Ireland. Enrollment No. 1830.—Inspectod and approved, J. W. KING, Proprietor. Following route -will 1m taken tbis seagon by tho above horse :—Monday—will leave his own stable,Elm:Nate, to Thos. A braham's, con. 1, Morris, for noon; then to Gen. War- wick's, eon. 2. Morris, for MOIL Tuesclay—To Jos, ,herlden's, con. 4, Morns, for noon; then to Geo. l'arlane's, 00h. 7, Groy, for night. Wednesday—AY ternoon to Walter Forest's eon. 2, Morris, for night. Thursday—To Beni, Ilislop`s, eon, A , Turnberre, far noott ; then to Xing Edward Hotel stable, wroxete a for night, Friday—To David Miller's, con. 1, Turnberry, for noon; then to his owner's stable, Bluevale, and remain until the follow- ing Monday morning. READ rtnlikovenris!ilviggrs MASCOT No. 4698, Vol, 14, C. FL A , Canada. No. 12,243, Vol. 20, C. B. of Great Britain and Ireland. Enrolment No. 1348—Inspected and approyed. J. W. KING, Propeletor. Following route will be take his season by the above herse:—Monday Will leave Goo. T. Robotrsou's tode stable and proceed to Smug. Borchelt's, Culross boundary for noon; thence to hig own stable, Wingham, for night. Tues- day by way of gravel road. to RObt Coultesh con. 10, East Wawanorsh for noon ; then to hit, evve. atable, Wingbarn, for night. Weduesciai to .To. Smith's, non. 8, Turnberry, for boon; then to James McDougall's, Wylie farm, eon Turnberry, for bight. Thursday to Thos. Mc - Michael's, Wroxeter gravel, for noon; then to King Edward Hotel stables, Wroxeter, for night. Friday to John MeNaughton's, con. 2, Turnberry, for noon; then to J. W Bluevale, for night. Saturday to Er 13 Jen. Bluovale road, for noon; then to his ovv?) stable, Wingham, where he will remain wail the folloWing Monday morning. t • THt UNIVERSAL CAR It's the most talked of car in the world. Sterling merit has sold it to over 530,00 people of every nation the world over. Ford ser- vice and guaranteeare both in- cluded in the price. This means a lot to any auto buyer. Six hundred dollars is the price of the Ford run -about; the touring car is six fifty; the town car nine hundred—f.o.b. Ford, Ont., complete with equipment. Get catalogue and particulars from A. M. Crawford, agent, Winghain, Ont. THE TIMES FOR 500. TILL DEC. 31 ••••••••••81•110.0.1••••••111111.61.4.1•••••••••••MIX1.0.. 411111.11011111..••••••11.1•104.0111114401•11.1•11•1111.0.1•11111001.10 Some of the BARGAINS At Knox's SATURDAY SALES 3 -stone diamond ring reg, $55,00 Saturday r -stone diamond ring reg. $roo.00 Saturday r_stone diamond ring reg. $85.00 Saturday r -stone diamond ring reg. $5o.o9 Saturday 2 diamonds and r ruby reg. $6o oo Saturday 5 stone whole pearl ring reg, $r5.00 Saturday 5 stone whole pearl ring reg. $6.5o Saturday Solid Gold Cameo reg. $6.5o Saturday 34 doz. ro k Birthday rings reg. $3,00 Saturday Gold filled Bracelet watch reg. $12.00 Saturday Gold filled Bracelet watch reg. $5.00 Saturday Pearl and Cameo necklet reg. $20 Saturday r only 14 k pea.r1 uecklet reg. $22 Saturday Pair ro k solid gold cuff links reg. $5 Saturday 8 day mantle clock reg. $r I.00 Saturday 8 day mantle clock reg. $7.50 Saturday 8 day mantle clock reg. $6,5o Saturday Large fruit dish on silver stand, reg. $6 Saturday only Casserole reg. $6.5o Saturday r only Biscuit jar reg. $3.25 Saturday Roger fruit spoons reg. $1.5o Saturdao Rogers cold meat forks reg. $1.25 Saturday $39 00 79 oo 65 oo 37 oo 42 00 9 50 4 25 4 25 50 7 so 2 95. 12 00 oo 3 75 7 25 5 35 4 95 3 75 4 25 ro 85 75 14 These are only a few lines of bargains. Watch he win lo Ars for the o:hers‘ 11.1••••••••••••••••1•2•••••••••••••• 4•••10 A. M. KNOX. 'Phone 65 Opposite National Hotel •••••=••=1•01.••••••••• 101111•111111111 Debts and Debtors If we give a merchant our custom. we have a right to expect him to advertise ---to tell us weekly in the columns of the WING - HAM TIMES what he has for us. Adver- tising is shop news, designed to inform us, save our time, and bring to our attention desirable merchandise. Every retailer who is alive to the interests of his custom- ers has a message—often many messages—for his custom- ers concerning new goods, special offerings, and things that we ought to know about. Customers and non -custom- ers will be attentive and responsive to these messages, if they are delivered every week in the form of advertise- ments in the WINGHAM TIMES. The way to get more business is to ask for it. ' A WORD TO MERCHANTS Would YOU buy much more regularly fromfirms that never solicit your trade? Do you not say—"The firm that wants my business must come after it?" Yet some of you say, in effect, to your customers— "We're here. If you want our goods, come and get them but don't expect us to go after you." It's a poor rule that doesn't work both ways. Shop Where You are Invited to Shop GOLDLINK No. 9000, C. IL A, Canada. No, 14,035, C. 6,, of Great Britain and Ireland. Enrollment No. 1830.—Inspectod and approved, J. W. KING, Proprietor. Following route -will 1m taken tbis seagon by tho above horse :—Monday—will leave his own stable,Elm:Nate, to Thos. A braham's, con. 1, Morris, for noon; then to Gen. War- wick's, eon. 2. Morris, for MOIL Tuesclay—To Jos, ,herlden's, con. 4, Morns, for noon; then to Geo. l'arlane's, 00h. 7, Groy, for night. Wednesday—AY ternoon to Walter Forest's eon. 2, Morris, for night. Thursday—To Beni, Ilislop`s, eon, A , Turnberre, far noott ; then to Xing Edward Hotel stable, wroxete a for night, Friday—To David Miller's, con. 1, Turnberry, for noon; then to his owner's stable, Bluevale, and remain until the follow- ing Monday morning. READ rtnlikovenris!ilviggrs MASCOT No. 4698, Vol, 14, C. FL A , Canada. No. 12,243, Vol. 20, C. B. of Great Britain and Ireland. Enrolment No. 1348—Inspected and approyed. J. W. KING, Propeletor. Following route will be take his season by the above herse:—Monday Will leave Goo. T. Robotrsou's tode stable and proceed to Smug. Borchelt's, Culross boundary for noon; thence to hig own stable, Wingham, for night. Tues- day by way of gravel road. to RObt Coultesh con. 10, East Wawanorsh for noon ; then to hit, evve. atable, Wingbarn, for night. Weduesciai to .To. Smith's, non. 8, Turnberry, for boon; then to James McDougall's, Wylie farm, eon Turnberry, for bight. Thursday to Thos. Mc - Michael's, Wroxeter gravel, for noon; then to King Edward Hotel stables, Wroxeter, for night. Friday to John MeNaughton's, con. 2, Turnberry, for noon; then to J. W Bluevale, for night. Saturday to Er 13 Jen. Bluovale road, for noon; then to his ovv?) stable, Wingham, where he will remain wail the folloWing Monday morning.