HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-03-27, Page 101 0 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, march 27, 2013 ■ OPP REPORT traffic stop leads to drive under suspension charges On Monday, March 11, at 8:411 p.n. a thrum OPP officer stopped a black lord pickup truck on London Road for failing to have a working licence plate lamp. Upon speaking with the driver the officer determined the driver held a suspended driver's licence. As a result, a 48 -year old man from South 1 luron was charged with two counts of Driving While Suspended. 1 le has a court date sched- uled for Provincial Offences Court - (;oderich on May 7. OVERNIGHT'I1IE17S FROM VEHICLES 1 luron OPP officers have investigated three thefts from vehicles over the last couple nights. A Dodge Ram pickup that was parked on Picton Street Fast in Goderich was entered during the early morning hours of March i 1, 2(13. A green gyne hag containing purple run- ning shoes and some vehicle documents were stolen. A Toyota Echo parked on Algonquin Drive in South Huron was entered during the early morning hours of March 12. A black "'FOM 'I'OM" GPS system was stolen. A Dodge Caravan parked on York Crescent in 1 lensall was entered during the early morn- ing hours on March 12. A Magellan GPS sys- tem, black MP3 player and a Washington Cap- itals necklace were. stolen. These, rimes of opportunity could have been prevented by utilizing a simple proactive crime prevention technique - Locking the Door. As the temperature rises so do the number of thefts from vehicles. Criminals are out walking around looking for easy targets. Please do your part to prevent a crime by lock- ing your vehicle doors. Any person with information regarding this incident should immediately contact the I luron ()PP at 1-888-310-1122 or (519) 524- 8314. Should you wish to remain anonymous, you may call Crime Stoppers at 1 -800 -222 -PIPS (8477), where you may be eligible to receive a cash reward of up to $2,000. VANDAL DAMAGES CRUISER A Huron ()PP cruiser was the target of a mischief this past weekend. While OPP officers were completing foot patrols inside the I lensall arena somebody was outside tearing both antennas off the rear of the cruiser. This crime took place between 12:30 a.m. and 1:45 a.m. on March 9. At this point no witnesses have come forward to assist police in the investigation. Any person with information regarding this incident should immediately contact the Huron OPP at 1-888-310-1122 or (519) 524- 8314 Should you wish to remain anonymous, you may call Crime Stoppers at 1 -800 -222 -TIPS (8477), where you may he eligible to receive a cash reward of up to $2,000. WHAT'S HAPPENING? If your non-profit group or organization would like to list their event on this page please contact Cindy Maxfield at the Grand fiend Community Health Centre 238-2362 or fax 238-6478 by the third Monday of the month prior to the event being held. Our thanks to the advertisers who made this page possible. 65 Main St. E., Grand Bend 238-8540 FREE PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY What's Happening April 2013 April 2nd "Healthy lifestyle Exercise in Port Franks" FREE: Line dancing starts at 8:30 followed by Grand Bend Area CHC Exercise program from 9.111 a.m. Port Franks Community ('entre. Every Tuesday and Thursday April 3rd "Savannah Strollers Pinery Park Walking Group" every Wednesday we meet in the Lantbton Heritage Museum parking lot by 9:30 a.m.. Everyone welcome! Free admission into the park .Check the wehsite at www.pinerypark.on.ca. Contact Cindy Maxfield 519-238-1556 ext. 231 Get Rld of It With the Classifieds! Find buyers for your unwanted items with a classified ad. CaII Today! ADVERTISE IN THIS SPACE FOR ONLY s35.00 per month Call Neil or Mark for more details 519-238-5383 Wails April 3rd "(.rand Bend Golden Agers" (irand Bend Legion. 12:30 Shuffleboard Mondays 10-12, Thursdays 9-11. Euchre every Wednesday 1:30pn► April 4th "Healthy Lifestyle Exercise and Gentle Exercise ('lasses Grand Bend CHC.."' 9:(X) a.m. and I0:30am in the Community Room at the Grand Bend Area ('H('. Please firing clean running shoes and wear comfy clothes. April 5th "Chronic Pain Management Support Group" This 7 week program ntns Fridays 10-12 noon in the Community Room at the Grand Bend Area Community Health ('entre. A gentle exercise program starts each session followed by speakers on stress management, coping with sleep issues, predications etc. Contact Mickey Durbin Social Worker at 519-238-1556 ext. 223. April 7th "Sunset Cinema" presents "Argo" Drama and recent Oscar Winner 7:31) pm in the Community roost at the Grand Bend Area ('fl('. Everyone Welcome. April 8th "Alzheimer Caregiver Support" 7 p.m. Grand Bend Area ('li('. Group program that provides education and support to caregivers. Please contact the Alzheimer's Society of Huron at I -8(X)-561-5012 for details. April 8th "Mental Health Caregiver Support GBA('H(' Ilensall site" 1-3 pm contact Social Worker Lise Callahan at 519-238-1556 ext 230 for details April 9th "Grand Bend Women's Proteus Meeting" Grand Bend Legion 9:30 am . Topic: Your ('hub, Your Voice, Your Future. April 9th "Eating Disorders education Evening" I)o you or someone you know have an eating disorder? Please join us for this great evening of discussion and education at the Grand (lend Area ('H(' 69 Main St Fast in the ('onimunity Room at 6:30 p.m. Call Maria Moore RN to register 519-196-0117. April I Ith "Good Tyme ('ountry Jamboree" Legacy ('entre "l'hedford, 1-3:30 put Fun Friendship and Dancing. Please bring cookies to share, donations at the door for School programs and Contact house. ('all 519-243-2297 for details. April 16th "Port Franks harden flub" general meeting 7:30 pm Port Franks Community ('entre. Guest speaker Owen Williams Chair of the Ontario Invasive Council will speak on How Gardeners help to Control Invasive Plants. Refreshments and door prices. Everyone welcome. 5I9• 243- 1818 April 18th "Grand Bend Women's Institute" Grand Bend Adult Day ('entre. 12:00 Pot Luck Lunch and Annual General meeting. April 23rd "Euchre -a -rani►" Port Franks ('otnpiunity ('entre. Registration 9 am , coffee and treats, Games start sharp at 10 am. Lunch is included for $7.00 per person. Fvcryone welcome. ('all 519-243-3844 or 519-243-1126. Sponsored by the Port Franks Seniors. April 24th "Httron Country Playhouse Guild" will hold their monthly luncheon meeting at Hessenland. This will he our annual planning meting. Registration 12 12: i0.('all Marguerite 519-238-2331. April 241h "Men ('an Cook" Grand Bend Area (1I(' 10-2 pm. Contact Shelley Snider 519-296-0117 for details. Everyone welcome. Small Aim II 25111 fee to cover cost of food. "Blood Pressure ('Iinic" (rand Bend ('1 K' Adult I)ay Wing. 2-4 p.m. Everyone welcome! April 29th "(:rand (tend & Area Horticultural Society Meeting" Grand Bend Legion. Topic (',race Ikkker, ('.1.8. on Garden Styles. FINANCIAL PLANNING BRIAN HALL, CLU RHU Certified Financial Planner Chartered Financial Consultant 519-238-8892 45 Ontario St. N. Grand Bend ENTHUSIASM... SERVICE... SOLUTIONS. "Oyer 29 years experience in helping to plan bright futures" Waypoint Financial Ally G roup Inc. CB Grand Bend Area Community Health Centre Primary Care Health Promotion Programs 69 Main St. E Grand Bend For information call 519-238-1556 ext. 231 LON(; I,c1,ST MOM REPAIR `ERVIl'h: Repairing All Major Brands of Appliances josh Alexander 519-262-2728 519-262-3654 1-888-836-4478 l lensall, On