HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-03-27, Page 66 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, March 27, 2013
LAMBTON SHORES: Should group be boaters or voters
Lynda HIIIman-Rapley
Lakeshore Advance
Council will be establishing a
harbour -working group as a
forum for stakeholder engage-
ment regarding harbour opera-
tions. While councilor Dave
Maguire feels members should
be the boaters, councilor Doug
Bonesteel feels the members
should be voters- those people
who are paying taxes to this
municipality. (rand Bend had a
hrhour committee for many
years up until amalgamation and
a Harbour Commission for the
new municipality had been dis-
cussed during the transition
years- but this did not
At the January 14, meeting
Council considered a report
regarding the harbour depth
maintenance program. While
Grand Bend harbour
deliberating on the report coun-
cil discussed the advantages of
this group. in a report from Brent
Kittmer, Director of Community
Lynda Hillman-Rapley Lakeshore Advance
Services explained composition
is expected to be elected officials
and public stakeholders as vot-
ing members as noted in the
The Municipality of Lambtori Shores
A weekly Update on the Municipal Events in your Community
Administration Department - 7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, Ontario NON 1JO
Tel: 1-877-786-2335, 519-786-2335 Fax. 519-786-2135, Email administration@ lambtonshores ca
Visit our Web Site at www.lambtonshores.ca
The Municipality, acting on concerns from local residents, is proposing the installation of a stop sign on
Meadowlilly Crescent for traffic turning onto Morrywood Drive. Input is being sought from residents on the
proposed changes. Any comments, questions, or concerns with this proposal can be directed to Mr. Brent
Kittmer, Director of Community Services.
Municipality of Lambton Shores
9575 Port Franks Road,Thodford, ON NOM 2N0
Email: works(hunbtonshores.c;a Phone: 519-243-1400
row II�V°
Please be advised that the Council
meetings in April will continue to be
held at tho Thedford Village
Complex, and will be hold. the
evenings of MONDAY, APRIL 8 and
MONDAY, APRIL 22 & the afternoon
Starting in May all Council and Committee
meetings will be held in Thomas Hall at the
Legacy Centre in Thedford.
Thursday, May 2nd and Thursday May 16th
Committee o1 Adjustment Meeting: Thursday, May 23rd
Lambton Shores Flre Board Meeting: Thursday, May 30th
Please consult the municipal wobsito for stat
Please check the Municipal wnbslto (i1
yQbLbC,IunktQ11 t1QIQ$&41 for additional & updatod information
Reminder to dog owners:
A big part of being a responsible pet owner is
ensuring you comply with the Dog Control By-law.
Lambton Shores requires that all dogs be leashed
when not on the owners' property and that all pet
owners follow "stoop and scoop" practices. Failure
to comply with the Dog Control By-law
requirements is an offence and could result in a
fine of $101.00
The Municipality of
Lambton Shores is seeking
individuals interested in
serving on the Harbours
Committee. The goal is to
meet on a regular basis to
share ideas and best practices to help guide the
Municipality of Lambton Shores in developing a
harbour strategy to determine short and long term
goals to enhance the harbour areas of Port Franks
and Grand Bond, and upstream in tho Ausable Cut
for the public and various stakeholders.
Council is seeking 6 people with equal
representation of each of the stakeholder areas
(Grand Bend Harbour, Port Franks Harbour, and
upstream Ausable Cut). Applicants should have
knowledge, experience, and expertise related to
recreational boating and harbour operations.
If you are interested in participating, application
forms are available on the municipal wobsito:
www.lambtonshores.ca. Application forms are also
available by contacting any ono of the Municipal
Submission details are available on the form, and
applications aro to be submitted by April 19, 2013
See separate ad for C.A.O.
Employment Position
draft 'Perms of Reference. Staff will pro-
vide administrative support as
noted, hut will not be formal members
of the committee. This includes the
Mayor as ex -officio, and the Ward 1,
(1)ave Maguire) Ward 3 (Louie Scott),
and Ward 7( John Russell) representa-
tives as those Councillors representing
the geographic areas directly affected by
1 larbour operations.
Kittmer suggested the members could
be include individuals who own prop-
erty fronting one of the two harbours,
recreational boaters who dock within
the harbours, representatives of a boat-
ing club, and owners of private busi-
nesses who have an interest in
harbour operations.
In the case of the Economic Develop-
ment Committee that was recently
formed, public membership was
restricted to Lambton Shores property
owners. Staff didn't feel this is applica-
ble for the ilarhours Committee as
many of the dockers are not prop-
erty owners its Lambton Shores. Kittmer
said limiting membership to property
owners only would eliminate' this pool
of potential experts and stakeholders
from applying for committee member-
ship. Maguire thought this was the way
to go but Bonesteel felt that the mem-
bers should be taxpayers here.
(rand Bend I larbour is self-sustain-
ing through dockage, launch ramp and
gas dock operations.
The primary purpose of the group
is to brainstorm ideas to illlpt'OVe the
municipal harbours and if it very large
group of stakeholders participates
orderly sharing of ideas may be chal-
lenging. Also, the harbour business
units are funded from a limited resource
pool, and a large group may result in a
tense atmosphere if conflicting interests
or territorial bias emerges during dis-
cussion of the allocation of these limited
resources. Meetings will he open to the
public and the mandate for the commit-
tee will he a forum stakeholder engage-
ment and communication. They can
meet 00 a regular basis to share ideas
and hest practices to help guide Lamb -
ton Shores in developing a har-
hour strategy to determine short and
long -terns goals to enhance the harbour
areas of Port Franks and Grand fiend fol 4)
the public and various stakeholders.
Topics for review can include
- Review scope of short and long term
harbour plans.
- Developing overarching principles
to guide the evolution of the harbours.
- Developing partnerships and col-
laborative approaches to issue
- Stakeholder engagement.
- Needs Ovations harbour users.
- Seasonal and transient docking
- Annual dredging program.
- Response to low water conditions.
the advertisement jiff this committee
111 00 this page o/' this week's Lakeshore
.471t'((/1Cl' 07 tile' Living in 1.(11111)10,1 Shore's
Lynda Hillman -Replay l akrshoir Adv.w
Art appreciation
Artist Josy Britton's piece was selected for the Larnbton Shores municipal art
collection. Council agroed to a challenge put out by councilor John Russell last April
that a piece of art from the Paint Ontario show and sale be chosen each year with
an annual $500.00 limit. Shown here mayor Bill Weber and Ginger Weber admire
the selection that Weber said was difficult to make with all the incredible pieces to
choose from.