HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-03-27, Page 3Wednesday, March 27, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 3 Farmer didn't want to cause any waves regarding waterline Lynda Hillman-Rapley Lakeshore Advance last week Lambton Shores farmer Mlke Valtkessel attended council for a public meeting regarding an Official Plan applica- tion, 111s upplicutlon was being approved of, subject to the Munic- ipality being satisfied that the sur- plus farm dwelling Is connected to the municipal water matin prior to the Official flan amendment being adopted by Council, con- sistent with the Provincial Policy Statement. Vankesse'1 said although he was tot happy about connecting, he was not going to cause waves. The dwelling has not been connected to the municipal water main. Cur- rent Official Planpolicy requires that all lots created either through the subdivision approval process or the consent (severance) proc- ess be connected to municipal water was it Is available. Municipal water is available to the lands and any approval should be conditional on the dwelling being connected to municipal water, There is nota mandatory hook- up for the agriculture population except if there Is a Planning Act application. The waterline project began in the 1 980s and the final phase began in 1990 servicing the rural (agriculture) area of the former Bosangttet 'l'ownshlp. 'There were approximately 643 properties affected by the rural waterline. At that time the municipality sent notices out to there saying "how (10 you want to pay" and 309 com- mitted. If they did not hear from them when they sent the reminder notice, they allocated It to their tax account as per the default in the notice, 'they dict not have to hook- ,�tp but they had to pay. 'That being said - In rough numbers for the affected properties that could con- nect (not including vacant land 275) there are now approximately 120 to connect in the future. Since that time, three applica- tions have come to council where development related to connec- tions to rural waterlines Was a focus, Deputy mayor Elizabeth Davls-Dagg In the fall of 2012 Planner Patti Richardson presented a report that was asked for during the consider- ation of an application submitted by Maria and'Ihedore Vanos. New lots created are required to con- nect to available municipal serv- ice's. 'Ilia( has been a section of the imminent Shores Official P1a111 since the early 2000s, At the November 5, 2012 meet- ing information was provided on the requirement for all new Tots created to connect to available municipal services and this report was recommended for Council dis- cussion and direction. M the Nov,3rd meeting Council agreed to at motion put forward by Deputy mayor Elizabeth Davis-Dagg to table the report until information from the rural residents is obtained so that all perspectives can be considered. 'then, at the December 3rd meet- ing stuff wanted some clarification and direction from Council 011 this platter. The first clarification they requested was what information was being sought from the rural residents? General information respecting the rural water main or information respecting develop- ment related connections to the rural water main? What method sloes Council want to employ together this information, a public sheeting or a notice requesting written comments? The Deputy Mayor asked that the spokespeo- ple for the rural waterline he allowed to present a delegation outline their perspective of what happened during the rural water- line process. In a second report Richardson explained, "Since connection to the rural waterline was permitted in December of 2009, 238 of the original 367 dwelling units have been connected to the rural water- line, which is a 65'X, connection rate. As well 14 properties have been subject to Planning Act appli- cations (Official Plan and 'Zoning Amendments) to allow at surplus farm dwelling to be severed from the farm. During the processing and review of the above noted applications, I (1i11 not receive any complaints from the applicants respecting the requirement to con- nect to the rural water maul. In fact, following Corned expressing concern regarding the water con- nection requirements, Mr. Vanos's agent, Mr. Walden, indicate that Mr. Vanos wanted to connect to the water line as he felt the lot Was more valuable and more attractive to wider range of prospective pur- chasers, as 44 result of being con- nected to municipal water." That second report with the request for clarification was received and filed. Davis-Dagg says there is a "group" of concerned rural water property owners that would like to bring their concerns to Council to have this condition removed. She said during the 2011 Vanoss appli- cation and again at the March 28th sheeting there are a number of public documents that state there would be no hook up to the water- line. The Lakeshore Advance requested those documents in 2011 to 110 avail and then again after the March 28th meeting but Davis-Dagg said in an e-mail the rural waterline report and support- ing documents would be presented together. Since the existing water plain hookup resolution, regarding new development, has already been passed, she would need a motion of reconsideration for any changes. Lambton County increase 2.11% in tax rate Lakeshore Advance 'Hie County of Lambton's budget for 2013 has been finalized. Lamb - ton County Council met in special session today to approve $180,782,329 in spending during 2013. The Budget requires $65,658,988 to be raised from taxa- tion, which will require an increase in tax rates of 2.11%. A number of adjustments were Slade to the original tax rate of 2.009(,, proposed in February's draft budget. Revisions include: • Spending $41,200 on initiatives regarding the live streaming of Lambton County Council meetings. 'CouncII did its homework and thoroughly reviewed the expenditures of each department." — County of Lambton Warden ')Odd Case • Spending $50,000 on at control plan for Phragnlites. • Spending $11(3,247 over two years to implement an external consultant's recommendations regarding non-union County staff compensation. "'There was great deflate from council at today's meeting," says County of Lampton Warden Todd (:ase. "Council diel its homework and thoroughly reviewed the expenditures of each department" Lambton County Council con- sidered four grant requests, approving $50,000 over three years to the Lambton Senior Citizens 1lotne Corporation for the con- struction of a new common room. Council tabled at $05,000 funding request from Lambton Elderly Outreach to finance the purchase of a replacement transportation van until a report is brought buck in early summer 2013 regarding the potential for joint partnerships and discussions with other similar groups in the region. Council voted to direct $2.8 mil- lion to reserves, bringing the Cor- poration's reserves to a total of $19.3 million at the end of 2013. Council also approved spending approximately $8 n11111on on 11 Public Works projects in 2013, committing to resurfacing por- tions of Churchill Line, Courtright Line, Berltpath Line, Greenway Road, Oil heritage Road, Nauvoo Road and Arkona Road. In other smatters, council asked staff to bring hack a report regard- ing ways to increase non -tax reve- nues, including charging admis- sion, at the new Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery. Staff also noted how's at Library branches in Shet- land, Corunna and Watford will be scaled hack, while hours at Grund Bend and Brigden will he expanded, based on volumes. '1'111. County of Lambton oper- ates a wide variety of programs and services available to the pub- lic such as land ambulance, pro- vincial offences court, three long- term care homes, 26 libraries, two museums, an art gallery, local roadways, community health serv- ices, housing services, social serv- ices, building services at1(1 plan- ning and development services. The Corporation's annual budget is $180.8 million and it employs approximately 1,180 employees across over 40 sites. For more Information about Lambton County, visit www.lamb- tononline.ca. EASTER WEEKEND SALE 3O' OFF Qt1Li March 29th -31st Including..) SEA JEWELS All Sterling Silver Jewellery TRADING COMPANY Hwy. 21, Grand Bend & Bayfield location