Lakeshore Advance, 2013-03-20, Page 1818 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Ellison Travel going places for 33 years
Creating memories
that Dist
Lynda HIllman-Rapley
Traveling is not what it used to he
and Doug Ellison should know, for the
past 33 years he has gone from type-
writers to computers, from local cli-
ents to clients across the country.
Ellison had been teaching at South
1lur'on high school for 14 years (with
one year in 'Toronto). Ile thought he
might like to do something else and
partnered with London's Jack Small of
Small World 'Travel with a satellite
shop in Exeter. When the London
store closets, Ellison changed the
name to Ellison 'Travel and off he
went ---to the hugely successful busi-
ness he has today.
'Ihe Ellison name goes a long way in
this area. They have always contrib-
uted to the community causes in a big
way. In 1982 Ellison organized the first
'ferry Fox Run in Exeter where Ellison
Travel &'Tours' employees from coast
to coast laced up to Join the run, all
with the common goal to "stake can-
cer history'. This local business has
contributed to thousands of local
cause's and events and for the past
17 -years they have had their own golf
tournament to raise dollars for causes
that have touched their family and the
communities. if you are a secondary
school student who has travelled on
an Ellison 'Travel & 'Tours school trip
and etre graduating from secondary
school in Spring 2013, your photogra-
phy skills will give you an opportunity
to win scholarship.
Ellison remembers how it was in the
beginning, opening under his own
name St. Patrick's Day 1'180. There
were typewriters, a small computer
and they hand wrote the contracts. If
they were handling a group trip they
would spend a couple months in con-
tact, mostly through the snail -mail
process to tie up the incidentals for a
trip. Now, in today's technological
world, it takes about 4(3 -hours. 1 le says
many people think technology has
hurt the travel agency world, but in
fact, it has helped them. "'Thanks to
the Internet, we are better equipped
to work with people overseas, from all
circles of the world," he explains.
Ellison dot's about 500 group trips a
year, as well as the single trips and that
equals about 25,000 people.
(Even with the uncertain economy,
and 2008-2009 was a great example of
bad- Ellison says people categorize
luxuries. 'They may not he able to buy
a house or a car- but they can usually
afford to go on vacation.)
With their 75 plus employees, Elli-
son has knowledgeable people who
keep pace with up-to-the-minute
changes of travel. "Sonne people travel
only once a year -our staff does this
every day. 1)1higs change and we keep
Our Weekly Deadlines are as follows:
Friday @ 2:00 pm
Office Hours: Mon. & Fri. - 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Tuesday - CLOSED
Wed. & Thurs. 9 am - 4pm
58 Ontario St. S, Grand Bend
PH: 519-238-5383
lakesh rs dvance@sunr edia.c
3,111 Muir:, . S K.11n
Lynda Hillman -Replay
Doug Ellison speaks to the Grand Bend Chamber of Commerce.
Lynda Hillman-Rapley
Doug Ellison touring around town in his flashy car.
Spring Suits
Prom Dresses
Sizes 2 - 22
Thurs. Fri. Sat.
11 am - 4pm
21 Main St., Grand Bend
up," ht' said. As an example ht' said
the changes to the passports is some•
thing they encourage, as many people
don't know there are different dates of
expiration depending on the country.
With the new ten-year passport- it
gives it far better flexibility for
Ellison says regulations change and
even luggage fees can be an added
stress for travelers, and his staff stays
current, checking all the time. Elision
has clients across Canada (Marcie
Ellison- Ou1erbridge is the Western
Canada VP for Ellison Travel with all
office in Vancouver) and, technology
is a plus.
Ellison said one of the biggest mis-
conceptions is that hooking a trial on
the Internet is better than booking
through an agency. "It really is not,'
he says, adding the prices are pretty
much the saltie and you get better
communication working with an
agent. Staying current, LIlsion has
added the 01)11011 to book on line- a
more convenient way to travel with
the bonds of having experienced
agents there for you if there is an
(roup travel, individual travel and
business travel all work together and
support each other. 1Vitl their part-
nership with Carlson Wagonlit Travel,
the world's most prominent corporate
travel management company, Ellison
is able to provide clients with world-
wide networking opportunities. 'Hwy
have strong working relationships
with music groups, schools, seniors
groups and community organizations.
Agents can assist you with air, train,
car and hotel bookings plus ensure
you have the necessary insurance
when travelling abroad. 'This year with
the work to rule at the school trips
have been limited, but thanks to some
teachers and parents, students have
been able to participate.
What began as a satellite branch fol
a London company has nate' been
transformed to offices in (,oderich
and Exeter, Monne offices in Sarnia,
Toronto and London as well as 111e
Vancouver office. \Vith group, vaca
tion a1111 corporate travel, Illis colli
pang has it all.
Ryon go:
I\ lain Street Exeter I'Ilolle: 519-235
2000 or 1 1100-'265-70'2'2
111 Victoria Street South (odericll,
ON. N 7 A:il1a Phone: 519-524-11692 or
1117 7 1147-1272
:30:3 267 West Esplanade, North
Vancouver, 13(:. V7M 1A5 Thane: 604
9113-247() or 1 11(16-9133 2471)
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()11'11 Ma11dav 1:I'idav 11::1110tH
5301,11 1 t vvnings and Saturdays by
/\1/1)01 11(111 Closed Statutory
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