HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-03-20, Page 5Wedneeda March 20 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 5 opinion letters to the editor The Horticultural Society continues to be active even during the winter months.... Dear Editor, 'rhe Grand Bend & Area Horticultural Society was informed of the efforts of The l labitat Stewardship Group of 1 iuron Woods at their recent General Meeting, where mem- bers and guests had the opportunity to hear of this group's response to the growing concerns about removal of natural woodland in the area. Sharon Callan, organized this group in 2012 11s 11 non-governmental organization that has pro - Iced three newsletters on species -at risk and has held 9 west speaker events, all with the goal of educating residents on the uniqueness of our natural heritage. News has spread rapidly about their initiative and recently, their group has been invited t0 apply to beC011le a collllllittt'e of council. I ler very informative presentation 011 "1 low to Create Meaningful Change" was packed with ideas 011 how to pre- serve and protect our environment. She identified the 15 neighbourhoods within "'rhe Protected Area" which sup- ports species at risk. One of their goals is to educate resi- dents 011 the uniqueness of the area and encourage living 11) harmony with nature by taking what you need and sharing the rest with nature. She noted the importance of naturalized areas Whei't' endangered species such as the common five -lined Skink can survive and thrive; '2011-2020 identified as the decade of "Biodiversity": 'Ihe group had many questions for Sharon and she stayed for the remainder of the sleeting to talk to those With specific inquiries. New Members were welcomed during the business por- tion of the sleeting, chaired by 1st Vice, Anne Wilson. Mem- bers and guests heard about the recent projects that have been completed in the community such as the North Sign and the Chamber of Commerce gardens. She informed theta (tithe new flower boxes for Optimist Park that are being made during the winter months. Planting Co -Chair, David Boyle shared the plans for the 14 gardens the 1 Iorticul - tlral Society maintains with planting day set for May 29111. Plant selection is in keeping Witt) the (Ali theme of 50 shades of pink. Anne, gave an overview of the bus trip set for July 4111. With more than half the tickets already sold, she encouraged those Who \Valltt'd to attend to get their ticket as Soon as possible, before It was too late. Sharon Callan informed the group of the opportunity to order trees in bulk through it AB(;A/(;IB initiative. Mese trees are indigenous Time for rates to go down Health & Wellness Fair 2013 CONTINUED FROM > PREVIOUS PAGE for insurance companies. Now insur- ance coillpatlies have to pass those savings on to drivers. 'Ihe provincial NDP says that Good Ontario drivers deserve a 1 5% reduc- tion in auto insurance rates, phased in gradually, over the next twelve months. This would boil clown to, on average, $226 in rate reductions for an individual Ontario driver. Bad drivers -- particularly drivers that pose a ''•reat to the safety of others --- need *see their rates increased. But most of us don't fall into that category. Ihe insurance industry has argued that fraud is driving up their costs. While this may be true, the $2 billion in industry savings from the 2010 changes to the statutory accident hen- efits have already given the industry far more room to lower premiums than future anti -fraud initiatives will. Both cost and fraud issues can be worked on at the same time. People need to see some relief now. Ontario's 9 trillion drivers are already paying the highest premiums in Canada and are receiving less and less coverage in return. It's time to put Ontario families and businesses first. Let's hope all the parties will support the NDP bill coming 01) in the legisla- ture. A bill that will force the insur- ance industry to pass on its $2 billion in statutory accident benefit savings to Ontario drivers. It's time. Willi Laurie Varna !)ear liditw; Saturday, April 6th from 10.00 AM to 4.00 PM at (he Kim- ball Ilan, 6276 Townsend Line, Forest. A year has gone by so fast and the 2013 1 lealth and Well- ness fair is approaching soon. You now have the chance to mark your calendar if you are interested ill coming out. Every year we have new exhibitors and this year wt' will have more mini treatments and new health features again. 'Ihe technology in the energy related health care is booming and different kind of equipment becomes available. One of therm will be showcased at the fair and you can hook your mini experience with it; it is called the NeuroSpa. "Ihe NeuroSpa was developed over many years of research related to the positive impacts of music on the human brain and body. 111 a 30 minute session, complete mental 811d physical synchro- nization ('80 bt' achieved. As always many 0111('1' practition- ers and vendors will he availably to inform you about your health related questions. We strive to help you live 1 lappy Naturally 1 lealthy! Modalities showcased this year are; Reflexology, Beiki, Books, Magnetic therapy, Crystals & Metaphysical stones, Cleansing Systems, Cosmetics, Mas- sage, Myomassology Massage, Lymphatic Drainage, Fitness, Vitamins & minerals, Aromatherapy, Skin Care, , Meditation, Chakra Balancing, Chiropractic, Energy medicine, Energy medicine workshops, Nutrition, Beadings, Weight Manage- ment, Custom lira's , V.O.N., Cleaning without chemicals, Vibration'I'echnology, Motivational speaking, Manicures, Food sensitivity testing, Nia Dance, sound healing, Coach- ing, etc. We hope to welcome you at the Fair. Feel free to call if you have any questions Or comments. Jose Van Haastert Co-ordinator Maalke Van Haastert Co-ordinator Jose@Innerimpact.ca 519-899-4150 and will do well in our communities. More information to be sent about how to take advantage of this great offer. Anne thanked everyone for attending and encouraged them to mark their calendars for March 25th where speaker Thin Page from Ontario Growers Supply will talk about Eco Prod- ucts, nematodes and mycorrhizae. With spring almost dere, we're planting seeds for our upcoming Membership Drive Campaign "Colne Grow with Ifs': Our 201 a goal is to reach 200 General Memberships and to introduce our new Commercial Membership to local and area businesses with a goal of 75 new Commercial Members. Membership provides residents and businesses the opportu- nity to support an organization that works hard to help make 'Ihe (rand Bend area beautiful for all to he proud of and enjoy. Please juin cls and together our Community will flour- ish. More information to tallow on activities and benefits of participation. Please visit our website at www.gardenontario. org/site.php/gben(1 and follow cls on Facebook. Dale Cristine Wilson, Director & Co -Chair Program Committee Grand Bend & Area Horticultural Society Plans are underway for 145th Hensall fair l)t'ar lalitor Calling all residents of 1 lensall and Area! Plans are underway for the 145th 1 lensall Spring Fair. The board of Directors of the 1lensall South Huron Agricultural Society are requesting the support of the com- munity in assisting us both financially and physically with the varied aspects of pursuing the Fair. We are partner- ing once again with the Royal Cana- dian Legion Br. 4611, who are offering their delicious Fish Fry on the Friday evening, with the Elimination Draw and Dance to follow. We strive to provide a fun weekend for families to learn More about our local farming area. This year we have chosen the theme, Looking Back- Celebrating our Community. We want to take a look back over the past 145 year's of both the 1lensall South 1 luron Agricultural Society and the surrounding Community. '(here are businesses in our community with long roots and We invite 111(91) to showcase their his- tory at this year's Fail'. We encourage people to volunteer their tial!' to help us work together on a fun event for our local citizens. We need helpers with single events and people to assist throughout the (lay of the Fair. 'Teenagers could earn credits towards their volunteer hours and we need help in monitoring the inflatable bouncy castles. Please contact us if you are willing to be a helper and what events you are interested in. All residents of the area are asked to make a donation to the Society 1111(1 help us flourish. All and any dona- tions are much needed and appreci- ated. if you wish to slake a financial contribution, please mail your dona- tion to the following: 1lensall South Moron Agricultural Society Box 4611 11ensa11 ON NOM I X0 LET'S MAKE CANCER HISTORY Canadian Cancer Society Societe canadit'nne du cancer For information about cancer, services or to make a donation 1.888.939.3333 • www.cancer.ca Dr. Robert Phillips and Rae Ellen, Survivor