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For Infants and Chil
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CCHTAUR COMP./pH?. HMW YORK 1:4;?\:••.
t Copyright. 1913.
W Readers of "Tarzan of the
14.pes"—there were millions of
them—have been awaiting with
teagerness "The Return of Tar-
*att." They need no introduc-
tion to the ape -man, who was
an English lord by ancestry and
an inhabitant of the treetops by
late until the same fate brought
• ?Um out and made him a civilized
man after twenty years of life
among the great apes of Africa.
Os adventures, as wonderful and
!interesting as any se? forth .in
*ords, have been the center of
Onterest in a story that is unique
In its originality.
• ' Now we have "The Return of
Tarzan," as thrilling as its fore-
runner. In it are told the fur-
ther adventures of the splendid
ape -man, Olzo at last wins his
way to the e;d9 of his true love
:after facin". countless perils by
,la4 and s x
• 4
zaever,read re Tartan of the
. Apes" needs no invitation to
peruse this story. Others are
warned that after fay read this
. sequel to "Tarzan of the Apes"
.:they won't be satisfied until they
have read that story also. •
WINOtiAg IIMF,S, JUNE 4,1914
other swarthy plotter had entered and •
was Alluding behind the vottitt's Chtltr
W1illaln saw til in turf) and glonee fur-
tively ;liana the room, but Ills eyes Ohl
not it for a sullivient time upon the
mirror to note the refieetion of Ter
zan's wntehful eyes. Stealthily the
man wItluirew something from his
poeitet. Taman could not ilisvern what
the object wes, for the 1111111'N. hand
covered. it.
SloWly the hand approaehed tile
count, and then,very deftly, the thiug
'that was In It was transferred to the
count's pocket.
7.'he play went on for some ten min-
utes after this until the count won a
considerable wager from him who had
last joined the game, and then Targau
saw the fellow haft of the count'S
chair nod his head to his confederate.
Instantly the player arose and pointed
a finger at the count
"Bad I known that monsieur was a
by W. G Chapman professional card shorn 1 bad not been
so ready to be drawn into the gatne,''
a very faithful and loyal wife, but as he said.
she had had nothing whatever to do • Instantly the count and the two oth-
with the selection of a husband It Is el, players were upon their feet.
not at all unlikely that she was not Coude's face went white.
.wildly and passionately in love with the
one that fate and her titled Russian fa-
ther had selected for her. However,
simply because she was surprised into
a tiny exclamation of approval at sight
of a splendid yoting stranger it must
not be inferred therefrom that her
thoughts were in any way disloyal to
her spoueee She merely admired, as
she might have admired a particularly
fine specimen of any species. Further-
more, the young man was unquestion-
ably good to look at.
As her furtive glance rested upon •VI shall gladly apologize, but before I
ids profile, he rose to leave the deck. .210 SO first let monsietIr comt.e. QX" .
The Countess de Coude beckoned to a plain the extra cards vvitich 1 saw him
drop into his side pocket."
passing steward.
And then the man whom Tarzan had
"Who is that gentleinan?" she asked.
seen drep them there turned to sneak
"Ile is bouked, madame, as M. Tar -
from the room, but found the exit ber-
m of Africa," replied the steward.
"Rather a large estate," thought the
girl, hut now her interest was still fur-
ther aroused.
As Tarzan walked slowly toward the
smoking room he came unexpectedlY
upon two men whispering excitedly
just without. Be would have vouch-
safed them not even a pfissing thought
but for the strangely guilty glance that
one of tbem shot in his direction.
Tarzan entered the smoking room ,
and sought a chair a little apart from
the others who were there. He felt in
no mood for conversation, and as he
HIPPO his absinth he let his mind run
rather sorrowfully over the past few
weeks of his life. Time and again be
had wondered if he had acted wisely ,
In renouncing his birthright to a man I
to whom be owed nothing. It is true
that he liked Clayton, but -ah, but
that was not the question. It was not
for William Cecil Clayton, Lord Grey.
stoke, that he had denied his birth. it
was for the woman whom both he and
Clayton loved and whom a strange
freak of fate had given to Clayton in-
stead of to him.
That she loved htm made the thing count. The cards are in his pocket. I scoundrel,' rauivitch. Olga, 1 eannot
1 myself saw them'placed there." • endure his persecution much longer -
doubly difficult to bear. yet he knew ll turned in surprise toward th4 • n
that be could have done nothing less
than he did do that night within the new speaker to behold a very well
.Acenot even for you. Sooner or later
I sll haturn him th
bver to the auori-
built young man urging a resisting tis."
little railway station in the far Wis.
consin woods. To hi';' her happiness captive toward them by the scruff of "Oh, no, Raoul:" cried the countess,
was the tirst consideration of all, and his neck. sinking to her knees before him as he
his brief experience with civilization aXcyis, a conspiracy:" cried De Coude sat with hwirklit head upon a divan.
and civilized men 'had taught him that. "There are no cards in my "Do Apent
o not d:, it eember your prom -
without. money and -position life to coati" And with that he ran hill hand ise to me. Pei: me, Raoul, that you
most ofthem was unendurable. into his pocket. As he did so tense si- will not de. that. bo not even threaten
Jane Porter had been born to both, lence reigned in the little group. The him, Raoul."
and bad Tarzan taken them, away count went dead white, and then very I cannot understand. He has for -
from her future husband it would Slowly he withdrew his hand, and in felted all claim upon your love, loyalty
doubtless have plunged her Into a life it were three cards. and respect. He is a menace to your
of raisery and torture. That she would• He looked at them in mute and hor- life and honor and to the life and honor
have spurned Clayton once he had rifled surprise, and slowly the red of of your husband. 1 trust that you may
been stripped of both his title and his .mortification suffused his face. Etn
_ never regret chnploning him."
estates never for once occured to Tar- pressions of pity tend contempt tinged "I do not champion 1)10), Raoul," she
zan, for he credited to others the same 'the features of those who looked OA Interrupted vehemently. "1 believe that
honest loyalty that was so inherent a at the death of a man's honor. I hate him as much as you do, but -
quality in himself. Nor in this tn-• "It is a conspiracy, monsieur." It oh, Raoul, blood is thicker than water."
"I should today have liked to sam-
stauce had he erred. was the gray eyed stranger who spoke.
Tarzan's thoughts drifted from the ,"Gentlemen," he continued, "monsieur ple the consistency of ills," growled
past to the future. He tried to look le &trate did not know that those cards De Coude grimly. "The two deliberate -
forward with pleasurable sentations to were in his pocket. This person whom ly attempted to besmirch my honor,
his return to the jungle of his birth I just intercepted in an "effort to es- Olga." And then he told her of all that the mutineers of the Arrow; ;Ile "eel
cape placed the cards there" • had happened in
mid boyhood, the cruel, fierce jungle the stnoking room .
I Late the following afternoon Rokorf ellionge 10 (Ilea eve
ty iit the muck ,.:,1.•11
In which he bad spent twenty of his De Conde had glanced from Texzatt
" On the Liner.
! 6 6 A.GNIPIQUIll" ejaculated the
Countess. de Conde beneatli
her breath.
"ph?" questioned the
-e ount, turning toward his young wife.
• "What is It that is magnificent?"
.1And the count bent his eyes in various
directions in quest of the object of her
• "Oh, nothing at all, my dear!" re-
iplied the countess, a slight flush mo-
mentarily coloring her already pink
• cheek. "I was but recalling with ad-
'aniration those stupendous skyscrapers,
s they call them, of New York." And
l'the fair countess settled herself more
.comfortably in her steamer chair and
•'resumed the magazine which "nothing
• at all" had caused her to let fall upon
her lap.
' Her husband again buried himself
In his book, but not without a mild
.wondertnent that three days out from
IleIew York his countess should sudden -
She Let Her Eyes Wander Slyly to the
Figure of a Tall Young Man.
tly have realized an atitniratiOn for the
Neu buildings she had but recently
•Characterized as horrid.
PreSently the count put deem his
book. "It is very tiresome. Olga," he
Wald. "I think that I Shall hunt Up
..some others who may be equally bored
Ad see if we cannot find enough for a
'llatne of eards."
"YOu are not very gallant, my hue
band," replied the young woman, Mil.
ing, "but as 1 ant equally bored 1 ean
forgiVe you. ad and play at your tire-
.itoMe old cards, then, it yon will."
When he had gone she let her eyes.
'wander slyly to the filmed Of
Young Men stretched lazily in a chair
hot far distant.
"Magniiignel" she breathed (Mee
The Countess Olga de Conde was
itwetityi lisr husband forty. She wag
"What do you mean, sir?" he cried.
"Do you know to whom you speak?"
"I know that I speak for the last
time to one who clients at cards," re.
plied the fellow.
The count leaned across the table
and struck the man full in the mouth
with his open palm, and then the oth-
ers closed in between them.
"There is some mistake, sir," cried
one of the other players. "Why, this
Kgeilht de Cony f France,"
"If f am mistaken, said the accuser,
red by a tall, gray eyed stranger.
With a low oath he seised Tarzan to
push him to one side. The ape -man
but smiled as he twisted the big fel-
low about and, grasping him by the
collar of his coat, escorted him back
to the table, struggling, cursing and
striking in futile remonstrance. It
was Nikolas Rokoff's first experience
with the muscles that had brought
their savage owner victorious through
encounters with Sabo; the tiger;
Numa, the lion, and Terkoz, the great
bull ape.
The man who hail necused De Coude
and the two others who had been play-
ing stood lookingexpectantly at the
"You have but to slip sone hand in
the count's coat pocket," said the ac-
cuser. And then as the others hesi-
tated to do so, "Come; I shall do it
myself if no other will," and he step-
ped forward toward the count.
"No, monsieur," said De Coude; "I
will submit to a search only at the
hands of a gentleman."
"It is unnecessary to search the
Ea VERY ONE Appreciates
/Ed the importance of pure
food. All appreciate the
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You can aid the pure food
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time aid yourself. How?
Merely by buying articles
that are of known purity and
Hoye can you know these ar-
tides? By watching the ad-
vertising columns in this pa-
per and in other papers. Man-
ufacturers who advertise
have confidence in their goods
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ucts known. Makers of sub-
stitutes and "just -as -goods"
uweally hide behind anonym-
ity or use a meaningless fivm
name or brand.
Tere can wae no better
guarantee of the purity and
merit of an article thanethe
fact that it is widely adver-
aid‘Tiallifitel Were Standing' on deck •
at a point which Was temporarily de.
serted, As Worsen came upon tbera
they were In heated argument with a
woman. Varzau. noted that site wad
richly appareled and that her slender,
well modeled figure denoted youth, but
80 she was heavily Veiled he could not
dIseern her features.
• The men were standing on either
side of. her, and the backs of all were
tetvard Target), so that be was quita
• elose to theta without their being
aware of his peeseuce. Ile entleed Mitt
Militia seemed to be threatening, tile
woman plinullog. but they spoke in tt
strange tongue, and be could only guess
from appearances that the girl wus
As the opeonan hesitated the man
eelzed the women roughly by, the
wrist, twistiug It 21.8 though to wring
promise from her through torture.
(Tel tre, (1 21 tiedtetelel cliiIntsgisw‘sv t‘gnigi 1)1(1)11;,devlei Itstlos870011:81-
ly (trotted, to ineet the cold, gray eyes
of the stranger who hod thwarted 111411
on the' previous day.
'"i'ltis is my answer to your nate,
monsieur," saki Ter/.an In n low voree.
And be hurled the fellow from him
with Such force Met Itokoff lunged
sprawling ngainst tee reit,'
"Name of a name:" shrieted !token'.
"Pig. but you shall die for (Ids:" And,
springing to Ids feet. Ile rosiitql upon
Taman, tnggIng the meanwhile (i)
draw a revolver front his hip povact.
The girl 81)111 1111 bait 311 Winn".
. "Slli012151" she etqed. "Do not -oh.
do not do that: (meet, monsieur, fly,
or he will surely kW you:" But in
sten tl of 11 yl ng Ta rza 11 11 (1 va need to
meet the fellow; "Do not melte a foul
a Yourself, monsieur." he sai(1.
tit lest seeceeded in drawing
the revelver Ile deliberetely talstei
it to 'Plaza it's bleast and pelted the
trigger, The ben !ie.!. see wet, 11 rutii„
will not again Interfere In affairs that do
not concern you I shall drcp the matter.
Otherwise -but I am sure that you will
soe the wisdorn of adopting the course 1.
eliggest. Very respectfully,
Nllio LAS ROKorB,.
TarZtin permitted a grin) smile to
play about his lips for a moment, then
he promptly dropped the matter from
les mind and went to bed.
I 71 If nearby whit; the Countess de
conde was speaking Ca her hueband.
."Why so grave, my dear Raoul?" she
asked. "You have been as glum as •
could be all evening. What worries
tifteeas. is on boa.-€, ;:ess
sI:' exclaimed. 7..tv. it
Is impossib:•., :anon!. It 61,11MA Mc
Nikolas is untitArrest In 4t11tokr.s.-.7.•••
"So 1 tholight myseit Until 1 sr.*
him today -him and that othe-
etier oil aft elepfy tletteilev; 6.1;67;
man's hand shot aut like the bead of
an angry* python. there tees 0 quiet:
tt.rench, and 1 lie revolver sailed far
out across the ship's rail and dropped
into the Atlantie.
For a moment the Iwo men stood
there facing one another. Itokoff had
regained ids selr posseesioM lie was
the first to speak.
"Twice now has monsieur seen fit to
interfere in :natters widen do not (q)11 -
2e111 him. It' 11101)SIV111' (101.14 not know
who Nikolas itokolf Is, 11118 met piece
of effrontery wilt Ittsure that mousietir
later has good reason • to remember
"That you nre 9 cotrard and a semni-
drel. monsieur," replied 'Pa 1.50 th. "is
all that I care to know of you," Ana
he turned to ask the girl it' the man
had hurt her, but she tied disappeared.
Then, without eve!l it glance toward
[Wittig and les eonipaulon. he contin-
ued his stroll Oulu.: the Orel:.
'I'arzan could not hut wonder whet
manner of eonepirney wee on foot or
whet the scheme or the two men
might be. On the weine Ws Huger he
had noticed a ring a peculiar work-
Innnship, Ere (tet eyeliner! to note the
ringers of the women pest:miners he
came upon thereafter that he might
discover the Identity or ber whom Ito.
koff was persecuting.
Forging Bonds of Hate and-
ARZAN hatl sought his (leek
chair, where he sat spectilat-
lug on `Ilse nanternsis In
stances 09 huntan cruelty, self
isliness and spite that hail fallen it, Ids
lot to witness 811100 that day 111 the Ina
gie four years shop that Ii ey es i14:41
first fallen upon 11 /Inman wing mine
thou hirnself--the sleet:, 14141441; K nma
go, whose swift • speer had that fin:,
found the vitals or the vent
she ape, and rotated the yiititli Tn: .. tii,i
of the only mother Ire 'hurl ever
Ile recalled the tourdet
the rat faced Snipes: ow
of Professor Porter 211t1 1)18 pari.s.
twenty-two years. But who or what"
of all the- myriad jungle life would ' ,..., ,
"Mon Dieu, Nikolas Rokoal" he
there be to welcomek
his return? Not, aLek" "r°11?'
one. Only Tauter, the elephant, could Then he turned to his accuser and
he call friend. The others would hunt eyed him intently for a moment.
him or flee from him as had been their ' ; "And you, monsieur, I did not rec..
way in the past. ognize you without your beard. It
Not even the apes of ins ewe tribe quite disguises you, Paulvitch. I see
would extend the hand oe fellowship it ail now. It is quite clear, gentle
(0 him* Men." He turned to Tarzan.
If' civilization had done nothing else "No, my friend," said the count
for Tarzan of the Apes it lied to some hastily. "It is a personal matter, and I
-mer%04)illglhi distinguish her words. im, HiTorato 111u, 111.4 nr, -.1,,,,,,,, lotta enough to
OW (ems of the west 440.7-t 4.01"11Y li," beard the woman's voice, level but
teni tu the civitized world "No, Nikolas," she was saying; "it is
• : „ , „
Ps! 45A git-in......d e.,344 ' "Aion -Leo." ,,,,e P-01110,1.!1",,1 -",t useless. Threaten as you will, I shall
HW4,11i Illos Ilre "II 111""' vlivallug. 1111110"r neer accede to your deniands."
nis„ e, -. i fielding, oloi ,lit 1" 11110:8 Tarzan saw Rokoff turn and nod to
• ...,e, • . • -eels to bit' itittglo "."1"" Paulviteli, who sprang quickly toward
-.''• 2 ..e- le Posesse 111111!"Y l" 11111. the doorway of the cabin, rushing in
ere -mina te peels u yes 01 past Rokoll, who held the door open
for him. Then the latter stepped
quickly out. The door closed. Tarzan
heard the click of the lock as Petti-
s:11Pk terned it flew tam:Irish% rto-
Jon lunsivs 01 thy eivii whn:11.
iffiti approached eleng uib deck did
not see him, tied as they passed Taman
caught enough of their conversation to
cause ,hini to fall In behind them to
follow and learn whnt deviltry they
were up to, I•le hadreCognlzed the
voice as that of Rokoff and had seen '
that his CO1110111013 111I5 Paulviteh.
7.'11mm had overheard but a few
words: "And if she screams you may
choke her until"- rie kept the two
men in sight as they walked briskly
now along the (leek. To the smoking
room be followed them, but they mere-
ly halted at the doorway long enough
npparently to assure themselves that
one whose whereabouts they wished
to establish was within.
Then they proceeded directly to the
first tease eabins upon the promenade
deck. Here Taman found greater dif-
• fieulty in owing detection, but he
managed to do so successfully, As
they halted before one ot' the polished
hardwood doors Taman slipped ,Into
the shadow of a passageway not a doz-
en feet from them.
To their knock a woman's voice ask;
ed 111 French, "Who is it?"
"It is I, Olga-Nikolas," was the ,an-
swer In Rokoff's now familiar guttural.
"May I come in?"
"Why do you not cease persecuting
me, Nikolas?" came the voice of the
WW1= from beyond the tbin panel.
"I have never •harnied you."
"Come, come, Olga," urged the man
In propitiatory tones, "I but task a half
dozen words witla you. I shall not
,harm you nor shall t enter your *cabin,
but I cannot shout my message through
the door."
Taman beard the catch click as it
,was released from the inside. Rokoff
'was standing directly in front of the
door. Paulvitch had flattened himself
against the paneled wall of the corri-
dor beyond. The door opened. Rokog
half entered the room and stood with
his back against the door, speaking in
a low whisper to the woman, whom
1Tarzan could not see. Then Tarzan
extent taught him to crave the society 1 be that you will lot it drop. It IS 44001
of his own kind and to feel with genu- sufficient that I have been exonerated
ine pleasure the congenial warmth of from the charge. The less we have to PE SYRUP
companionship. And in the write ratio :do with such fellows the better. But,
to him. It Was difficult to hungine a great kindness you have done me? to: d ,U.141.0 tbZ,r,.. A CEIr ser
had it made any other life distasteful monsieur, how can I thank you for the' :e,7411.0,,re,lekeseltel ,
world Without a friend -without a liv- Permit me to Offer you my card."
Ing thing wile spoke the new tongues Taman had released Rokoff, who,
which Tar= bed learned to love to with his confederate, Paulvitch, had
. well. And so it was that Tarzan look- hastened from the smoking room. Just
ed with little relish upon the future be as he was leaving, Rokore turned to
had Mapped out for himself.
Tomah. "Monsieur Will have ample
As he sat Musing over his cigarette opportunity te regret his interference
his eyes fell ripen a mirror before Mtn in the affairs of others."
and in it be saw reflected n table tit Tarzan smiled, and thefi, bowing to
Which fem. men sat at cards. Present- the count, handed hum his own card.
IY one of them rase to eave and then The Count read, "yean. C. Tarzan,
another approached, 011d Tarzen eould rAfrique."
see that he conrteously offered to flit ...Monsieur Taman," he said, "may
the vsteant chair that the game might Indeed wish that he had never be -
not be interrupted, tle was the small- Mended tne, for 1 can assure him that
er of the two Whom Taman had seen he has wen the enmity of two of the
whispering just outside the smoking most unmitigated scoundrels in all &t-
ram% •rope."
Aside from the man tvho had but That night as Taman entered his
just entered the g[inie, Tarzan knew cabin he found a folded note Upon the
the name of but one of the other piny- floor that had eVidently been pushed
ers. It Was he vvho 8(11 opposite (he beneath the door. He opened it and
neW player, Cottut Raeul de Coach?,
had :
Winlin overettentive steward
TarrnroToulattestuou did not r
the passage, describing Ithrt its a man not have done the thins you did today.
high in the Official family of the French am wining to believet that you a oted (11
,• noranee and withouany intention to of-
minister of war. ' fend a stranger. For this reason ehan
Suddenly Tarzan's Attention witS riV- I gladly permit you to offer en apology, and
IUI pointed out OS one of the eelebrities of the gra, y yam, a me ar you 1,,to I
eted At the pletur In the gloss. trbe reeelvhat Y,bur wapiti,* that you
Ob;ainate cottchs and tolds yield to
4.11! greatful, seething and healing power
t Dr. Wood'3 Norway Pine Syrup, and
itir the racking., peristent cough, often
dimsent in consumptive. CaSeS, it will be
tound exceedingly beneficial And 'pleasant
•..) 181147,, The use of it IS 'generally in-
:liar:tad wlicr.,ver r.yniptorns of throet,
00 lung trolthze; appear, but vlpecially
.0 with 1;11 p.:.rsoli; of a onaumptive
c,e carr1.11 tendency, an its provit
Larittive vptudily remove the
danger, .atal o. -.tore the throat and lungs
W a slitnit liliiy rtnte if used in titnrs.
'.dr. i.W0t ratio ;ion, Vt.ittngt.t Cove
4101,4, Nji.,7 7- 1 )'awe had 00-
0414n 11-,! .14;. '1'' 'd' Norway 1,1110
tlyriip,. cot', etio INA it 11 certainly
11 good s cati81,1z. Ab -et a yea. :lee I
coet.r.te!c() a 714v,t.e s421:1 1z.4 c41
tliyLui'' kit (13.1 3" a verY ‘Yeqk
mete. rae c reeied to. terrth)y,
8114 I w.ls in t.'n14.1.:1, W.:11 It friend, Mi.
viqc:13irc t) Dt. V.,700:1":4
rine1;•>ro;i gt.t a bottle, r.nd
I'te!oce 1 Ivel it 16:..1; 6*.(.. -.6t 1 lottiti
I ut.t.d 1 6.t.tiv., 1.4 7
1;•431.J.N.1 l'l' 1 1,21.13121 11,1 AVittlinit
Vrice, Inc.; fanfl,:4
foiettired &ally by The T. .1.1ilhara Co.,
Limited, Teroete, Cet.
,.It I:, n #ltty mold, an
1(10)1 11 11'l)) 111, and Taman of the Apes
11•118 11 tool 111 rt.tioloic,, tile t
and the ha iquiw,e, tit 11114 jungle to
collie into It."
Pretwittly as lie sat there the till.
den teP 11 ng eame over tam Ow eyes '
were watehing num twelilitil Turzatt
wheeled about $o quickly that the eyes ,
01 the young woman who had been
SI) rreptitiously regarding him had twt
eveu time to t11011 Iter toe the gray
Itoyueist of the ape.rnan shot en inquiring
straiget into them. Then as they
fell Tarzula saw a feint wave of critn-
son creep swiftly over the tiow half
averted face.
He smiled to himself at the result
of his very uncivilized and ungallant
action, fo'r ha bad net lowered his own
eyes when they .met those of the
young woman. She Was very young
and equally good to look upon. Far-
ther, there was something rather fa -
miller about her that set Taman to
wondering where he had seen her be- 1
fore. As she walked away she raised
one hand to the black, waving mass at
the nape Of her neck, and Tarzan saw
'upon a finger of this hand the ring of
strange workman*hip that he had seen
upon the linger of the Veiled woman a
short time before.
After dinner that evening Tarzan
lolled lazily by the forward reit wateh- ,!
leg the play of the Moonlight 'upon the '
gently roillng waters, tie was half ;
111(14011 by a daviL so that two Men ;
To Suffer From
Lt takes a person who has had and is
embjeet to headache to describe the suffer -
me which attends ft. The dull throbbing,
te intense pain, sometimes in one part
et the head, sometimes in another, and
then again over the whole head, varying
te its severity by the cause whieh
,m, purely nallentes that there is
i.11.1; amiss 12.1111 the system. The
:.• 1 1: 11110(170i, :,lood Bitters reaelles
.t • . the (1tail.lc. is due to its ptecess
t,,•'.Fttafteutly curing the
• Areon. Ave. East, Cale
v. • e.aieest " l•et 0,ree ywrs 1 was
tht. whit,inc IieadaItts,
and sores en
Lc.e.l. till at last a
4. i 'Burdock 1311 Dittos.
:tric,s, and my 4.:1ia 1; as
01 lAby's, :1 I have
rot:1714,d .with 11 84.140)228,
ootl titters i! 441ctured
kat' remained standing before the dOor,
with head bent, as t0tigh to catch the
words of the two Within, A. nasty,
smile curled his bearded lip.
Taman could hear the woman's
voice commanding the fellow to leave
her cabin. "I shall send for my hus-
band," she cried. "He will show you
no mercy."
Panivitch's sneering laugh came
through the polished panels.
"The purser will fetch your husband.
madame," said the tnan. "In fact, that
°Meer hest already been notified that
you are enteetaining a men ,other than
your litieband behind the locked door
of your cabin."
"Bali:" cried Die woman. "'lly bus-
bancl will know:"
• "Most aesurectly your husbnud wilt
know, lint the purAer will not, nor will
the newspaper men wit() shall In some
inysteritais way hear or it on our land-
"Alexis Petilvitch," came the wom-
an's volee. cold and fearless, "you are
n coward, and when I whisper a cer-
, tofu name in your ear you will think
better of your dem:Inds upon me and
your thrents ngainst me." And tbere
came a moment's silence in which
l Taman could imagine the woman lean-
ing toward the scoundrel and whisper-
ing the thing she bad hinted at into his
ear -only a moment of silence and
then a startled oath from the man, the
scuffling of feet, a woman's screatn--,
and silence.
But scarcely had the cry ceased be,
fore the ape -man had leaped from hie
• hiding place. Itottoff started to run,
1 but Taman grasped him by the collar
. and dragged Wee back. Neither spoke,
for both felt instiectively that murder
was being done in that room, and Tar-
zan was confident that Rokoff had had
no intention that his confederate
should go that far. He felt that the
man's aims were deeper than that -
deeper and even more sinister than.
brutal, cold blooded murder.
Without hesitating to question those
within the ape -man threw his giant
shoulder against the frail panel, and
In a shower of splintered wood he en-
tered the cabbie dragging Rottog after
t'Te be eor.tinetell
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
Can quickly be overcome by
Purely vegetable
-at 5112013' and
seedy on the
liver. Cute
ness, and Indigestion. They de their duly.
Small Pal„ Small Dose, Small Nati.
Genuine mastbeat Signature