Lakeshore Advance, 2013-03-13, Page 44: l lieehorei Advance h dI'13'2bi opinlon www.lakeshoreadvance.con1 aeshore Advance PUBLISHED WEEKLY P.O.BOX 1195 58 Ontario St., North Grand Bend ON NOM 1TO phone: 519-238-5383 tax: 519-238-5131 email: Iakeshore.advanceesunnlodla.ca SUN MEDIA A Quebecot Media Company NEIL CLIFFORD Publisher/Advertising Manager I1t11I Clltford4VS1111111edia.Ca LYNDA HILLMAN-RAPLEY Editor Iakoshoro.advanceQOsunmedia.ca MARK STEPHEN Advertising Sales mark.stophnn4ostinntodIwca JULIE HARRISON Typesetting/Classifieds Iakoshoro.ads4Usunnlodia.ca WWW.lakeshoreadvance.com SUBSCRIPTION RATES ADVANCE: Regulat $12.00 (40 00 r ? 00 GS I) Online subscriptions available same rates Publications Mall Agreement No 40064883 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO LAKESHORE ADVANCE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT PO.Box 1195 58 Ontario St. North Grand Bond ON NOM 1TO Fix any non -deliveries or delIvory concerns: phone: 519.238.5393 e -mall: lakeshorn auNanCoOsunmodka.Ca Changes of address, orders for subscriptions, and undollvon bre copies (tits n postage usuuanteed) aro to be sent to 1 MAet thole** en at the address Indicated herr. Advertising (a accepted on the cot . ttksn that In the event of a typographkal error, the portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous Item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged tax, but the balance of the advertise- ment will be paid at the appNOSbie mase. We acknowledge the flnsndell support of the (iovennnent of Canada through theCsnadtan Pettntticnl Fund (I:PF) for nue publishing activities. Canada A Idealist d IM flown Consnuend the Grey ,Q�]t� ►Mwspap'r Naoc+tl�on sea the t)narto Cc aamnt ewalppMf AeoxwMon editorial Is it really about how you play the game? tory has spread story the 1lt(li( aVes,'TV screens and newspapers. 'the Ontario Soccer Association wants local soccer clubs to stop keeping scop' of games for players under the age of 13 beginning this upcoming season. It's in an effort to teach children there is more to sports than winning and losing. it also allows thein to focus more oin skill development, passing, and physical development, the OSA claims. 'I he "no keeping score" idea is already in play in Brazil, Germany and parts of England. As a 101'111er 11)11101' soccer player myself, I immediately didn't like the idea of taking out the score for the games. At the early stages, when players are just learning the game, swarming the hall in packs and forgetting which net is there own, Of course you 1vuuIdn't keel) score. Soccer; for thein, is about team play, being active and learning the game, but as you clove alp in age it makes less sense to take out the scoring and standings of the league. Yes, the game is still about learning team play, being active and now not only learning the gams', but humming on it. Ily grade 4, players age(1 nine and ten and will play in elementary school sports including tourna- ments. If you take out the score, these toui'nai wits will have little to no purpose. You nay as well get rid of Battleship, Monopoly, Dungeons and Dragons, Mario and '1'etris because in each of these games you will some, then you lose some. Eventually, though, you get so good, you win. Nota star player by any means, 1 played centre halfback during my soc- cer years told enjoyed throw-ins more Column Melissa Murray than getting the hall passed to ale. l enjoyed the social aspects of the games and practices, I enjoyed winning and losing didn't bother n' either. Depending on the year, l could be on a team with a stacked roster and it would be unusual for my teals t0 lose, O1' the next year i ('0111(1 be on a team tliat rarely WO11 a gimme. But when you did win. (N1 the 'I he jubilation that would follow was picture worthy and that was the game we remembered. It was our tri - 1111)1)11 -- our success. Winning the games is a highlight, but working hard, knowing you did the best you could still pays off even if you lose. 1n life it's the sante. You'll interview for a job, submit a tender or push a button on a slot machine. No one wins all the time. You don't get every job you apply tin; win every contract, nor are host scooping up their coins from slot machines everyday. '1 he lesson truly is, you win some, you lose some. losing, makes you a stronger; builds character and makes better people. It helps you deal with the ups and downs of real life and teaches you to deal with pressure. 'the joy here of soccer, is that even when you lose, you have a team to support you, so what better way to learn to work hard and to learn 11181 working hard can pay off, than in a team environment, where you can also learn to be humble when you win and be gracious when you lose. I wish the USA good luck in their eX1)el'inlellt, and I tell them, you can't shelter kids forever; if you do, you're not preparing them for the failure they alight face in the bad times or the suc- cesses they might face either. It's not about if you win or lose, it's atxnit HOW you win or lose and how you play the game. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Lakeshore Advance welcomes Tetters to the editor. betters must include the writer's full name, address, daytime phone number and signature (for verification. Anonymous letters will not be published. We reserve the right to edit all editorial submissions including letters for clarification, style and length. Letters must be signed and be in good taste and follow the laws of libel and slander. MP responds to resident letter In response to a 1:11: which appeared in your February 20, 2013 edition under the headline, "(rand fiend Sewage project funding from Build- ing Canada- a farce" 1 want to thunk you for this opportunity to provide a brief response as it relates to my role as your Member of Parliament. From correspondence and calls 1 have received, it is clear there is a disagreement in Lambton Shores over the kind of project which will be built. With that understanding I want to he squall f clear that 1t is 110t Illy role as a Member of Pa lis hent to support one side or the other, or one project over another. 'these are decisions which need to he made by the Municipality of Lambton Shores by whatever means they determine best. Municipal Council is the level of government which knows and understands the current and future needs of Lambton Shores the hest. it has never been the mandate or the role of the federal government to interfere in the local decision- making process. I know both past and current members Of council understand this. I didn't interfere or try to tell council what kind of sewage treatment plant to build when it made the initial Build Canada application because It was 1)0t within my authority as a Member of Parliament. 'I his does not change because there is a local dis- agreement now. As your Member of Parliament it is nw job to support the decisions of the Municipality to the very best of my ability. 'Ihis is what i did in sup- porting the initial Build Canada application by Lambton Shores, and i was pleased the project received approval for it federal grant Of some $7.5 million. if there is to be a change in the scope of project which was initially approved for funding, it is up to the community to sort these matters out with program officials. 'Thank you for the opportunity to clarify my role in this matter. Yours telly, Bev Shipley, M South Huron Hospital Association Reaching Out to Our Community Staff of the South I luron Hospital Association and the Grand Bend Area Community 1 lealth Centre want to let everyone know how they are working together, and with other health care pro- viders, to improve the health of our population through outreach, education and collaboration. Representatives from the Speaker's Bureau are available to conte to your Community Organiza- tion, School, Church or Club to inform your members that our hospital is about More than taking care of sick people inside of its four walls. It's also about Promoting health and Preventing Disease through education and Allied 1 lealth Services so that our community members won't need to use illness services. Some available tonics are: Social issues (parenting, stressors, anxiety & depression, bully- ing),llealth Promotion, Hospital Services, infec- tion Prevention & Control, Aging at Hoole, CONTINUED > PAGE 5