HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-03-13, Page 2'2 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Council want upper tier action for Port Franks cell issues
Lynda HIIIman-Rapley
Port Drunks resident I .:un ren Maurizio
come to council ht hopes of clarifying the
hell) needed by this municipality to mike
Port Drunks safer for those suffering limn
electromagnetic sensitivities. Before
beginning her delegation, Maul izio asked
that all cell phones be turned off as she
was "stlfferirtg"
Members of the Port Franks community
have been delegating with council since
they first learned a cell tower was bring
erected near a marina.
Resident Wendy I soy walked to Ottawa
to raise iawill'l'llt'SS about the objections of
some residents to cell phone towers being
built near their honors.
"Cell towers ill's' a source of involun-
tary exposure to a type of electromag-
netic radiation referred to as microwave
radiation," 1 loy said In it press release.
"And not one single Canadian has a say
in whether or not you live next to a
tower" 1 soy is it founding member of the
Lakeshore Coalition, formed this year to
oppose plans for nets cell phom' towers
in and around Port Franks.
Concern over where towers are
planned caused Lambton Shores coun-
c11 10 enact its own "protocol" about
where they're built. Control rests coni
pletely with Industry Canada.
(:ell towers ale WHIN' the jurisdiction
of the federal government and one of the
constants of this issue has been the com-
munication with MP Bev Shipley. Lamb -
ton Shores stuff has also been attempting
communication with the Ministry of
Municipal Affairs with no response.
Before the tower was l'l)11at11itil'll ('01111
ciI did what they could to have it moved
or to work with Industry Canada to hell)
those with health effects- but the tower
went up. 111 February Lambton Shores
I )(ptlty N'layor 1?Iizabeth I )avis I )agg said
she wants to see council take action, ask-
ing for the municipality to conduct a sur-
vey to ser how sonny people in Pori
Hanks would support a beige zone that
is an arra where there is a limited amount
of electromagnetic waves. She also asked
stall to figure out how much it would cost
to hardwire Internet and phone service
to the marina in Port Franks for emer-
gency use and that this information be
sent out to the residents of )'ort Franks
for their input on the matter.
In it report from Senior Planner Paul
Richardson, it was also established from
the solicitor that, Municipalities cannot
regulate the placement of cell towers. 'I hat
is a federal responsibility.
• Municipalities cannot (generally) regu-
late the use of personal property.
• Municipalities cannot regulate the
ownership or use of wireless devices.
That is also fedentl responsibility.
• Municipalities cannot refuse to grant
building permits where the proposed
building or structure complies with
all applicable laws.
• Municipalities can restrict their
own communications (to land lines)
hut cannot prevent others from
using wireless frequencies. Restric-
tions on wireless use by staff will
have to take competing interests
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Lauroen Maurizio at Lambton Shores council meeting
(such as safety) into account.
At last week's delegation with
Maurizio, council member John
Russell said he has supported
going to the Feds from the begin-
ning and that hN supports this
group. l le said he has 00 problem
polling the people of Port Franks
and acknowledged a "Beige Zone"
dues not exist in Canada. 111' said
they have to get the feds attention
but having said that they "could
legally give them the finger" "Let's
Lynda Hillman-Rapley
deal with Monte (MPP Monte
McNaughton), let's advocate- this
is a health concern." 11e suggested
they deal with McNaughton and
MP Bev Shipley in 0 "polite way':
Council member Doug Bonesteel
said they received an excellent
report limn staff and that they need
to contact AM() and say, "Where
are you'?" I le suggested they put a
resource link on the municipal web
site asking people if they support
the municipality pursuing a "Beige
').one" Council member Martis)
Underwood asked if they have the
authority and could they enforce.
Ile was told no. "'I hen what the hell
are we doing it for?" he asked.
Council ineinher Lurie Scott said
many of her constituents won't
understand what they are talking
about- she said if they poll there
needs to be some clarity.
Davis- 1)agg said they have a
role of advocacy and they could
do 0 concise -one page summary
that is readable and available.
Council member Doug Bones -
teel agreed with Maurizio stating
instead of using the terns Beige
Zone- to use the terns ERRA- as
people will understand that tern'
better. Mayor Bill Weber askec,
about the time line of this report
and Russell said the tower is up
and they can't stop it. Council
member Dave Maguire asked
how they could have a "Beige
Zone" if the tower was already
up. Russell said no one said they
d.ic1 not want the tower- they
merely objected to the location.
In a recorded vote, mayor Bill
Weber and council member Doug
Cook said no to the polling resi-
dents. Cook said it was redundant
and they were putting staff through
extra work.
Step one - appoint an Integrity Commlssloner
Lynda HIIIman-Rapley
Lambton Shores council wants
to t'stilblish all acceptable level of
ethical behaviour, to ensure respect
for the integrity of the corporation,
so they are planning on bringing in
the Integrity Commission.
in late May they approved a by-
law to "Establish Roles and
Responsibilities for Council to pro-
mote Accountability and'I'ranspar-
ency in Municipal Governance':
'I he goal was to establish a stand-
ardized and acceptable level of
ethical behaviour for the members
of Council to ensure respect for the
integrity of the Corporation and to
ensure the trust (tithe public.
in addition to guidelines For
expected behaviors, the by-law
Included information on dealing
with perceived "breaches" of
Code of Conduct on both an
informal and formai basis. The
by-law further notes that if both
the informal or formal processes
were unsuccessful, the next step
would be to refer issues / com-
plaints to an integrity Commis-
sioner, who would complete an
independent and impartial
review of the complaint.
In order to process complaints
fairly and equitably and to pro-
ceed with the next step in the
appointment of the integrity
Commissioner, it was necessary
for Council to determine 0 for-
mal complaint process and the
functions to be assigned to the
Integrity Commissioner.
It wits council member Doug
lionesteel who brought 111)0111 the
complaint in May 2012 and asked
that they bring in an Integrity
Commission. 11e advised that
"With the comments and con-
cerns raised 1'ecently on (a)tllll'il's
conduct and the need to restore
the public's confidence in its
Municipal Council he, as empow-
ered under the Municipal Act,
would like to retain an integrity
Commission to investigate com-
plaints against Council's code of
conduct to determine if there ha'' -
been leaks and if so to Ileal wit
thesis" A motion was carried ied that'
stated, "That Council retain 1111
Integrity Commissioner under
the Municipal Act to start an
investigation to determine if alle-
gations against Council has any
Bonesteel said the report
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