HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-03-06, Page 18Wednesday, March 6, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 17
Plan for a safe March break
!leading out of town for March
Break? School may be out, but
safety is still in!'Ihe Canada Safety
Council has some tips to help you
and your fancily get ready for some
safe time off.
Prepare for takeoff
If you are planning to fly out of
town for March Break, make safety
your top consideration by check-
ing travel advisories and warnings
at www.travel.gc.ca . Adjust your
travel plans accordingly.
After selecting a vacation desti-
nation, go to your family doctor
well ahead of the departure date.
'fell your doctor where you are
going, and make sure everyone's
shots are up to date.
It is also a good idea to think
about what you will be eating and
drinking at your destination. is the
tap water safe? Or will you need to
look for bottled water? Make a list
of your food allergies, and pack
medication to treat stomach
Do your research and know
what you can and cannot take on
the plane. Good resources are your
airline's Website, and the Canadian
Air Transport Security Authority:
As for travel documents, you
should pack your passport, driver's
licence, health card, travel insur-
ance, confirmations of hotel book-
ings and, of course, your airplane
tickets. It is it good idea to photo-
copy your navel documents and
leave a Copied Sl't trucked itwitV at
home or with it trusted friend in
case you need to retrieve lost
Tell someone at home where
you are going and when you
expect to return, and figure out
is killing ash trees throughout Ontario.
Help protect our trees!
EAB has been detected in southern Ontario. The following coun-
ties are in the regulated area: Essex (1), Chatham -Kent (2), Lambton 3
Middlesex N, Elgin (5), Huron (6 , Perth7), Oxford (8
Norfolk (9), Wellington (10), Waterloo (11 Brant (12� Haldimand 13 ,
Hamilton (14) Niagara (15), Halton 16), Peel (17), Toronto(18
York (19), and Durham (20).
EAB regulated area in southern Ontario
EAB is a destructive insect that spreads to new areas when infested wood is moved.
By federal regulation, anyone moving ash tree materials or firewood out
of these 20 counties without written permission from the Canadian Food
Inspection Agency may be fined or prosecuted.
For more information, visit
or call 1-866-463-6017
,o'Canadian Food Agence canadlenno
Inspoctlon Agoncy d' nspectlon dos aliments
how to contact each other in the
event of an emergency. It is always
a good idea to have someone you
can call if you run into the
On the road
Buckle up, stay alert, and drive
defensively -- familiar messages,
but they are as important as ever
during March Break road -trips.
Keep your full attention on the
road ahead and minimize distrac-
tions by putting away your elec-
tronic devices while behind the
wheel. flan your route so you
know where you are going before
you leave home.
But don't just get in your vehicle
and drive away! (:heck fluid levels,
tire pressure and your lights,
including signals, before you leave.
1)o you need an oil change? Think
about these sorts of things and
check that your emergency kit is
stocked with essentials such as
water, food, first-aid supplies and
booster cables.
Ready to go? While you may be
in a hurry to get away, resist the
urge to speed and weave in and
out of traffic. Driving erratically
really won't get you to your desti-
nation much faster, but it does
increase your chances of being
seriously injured or killed in a
Drive sober - that includes
avoiding alcohol and impairing
drugs or predication. Make sure
you are well rested so that fatigue
does not impair your driving abili-
ties. If possible, alternate with
another driver so that everyone
gets a break and a chance to enjoy
the scenery.
I lave a safe and happy March
est en train de fuer des frenes d'un bout a I'autre de
('Ontario. Aidez-nous a proteger ces arbres!
La presence de i'agrile du frene a ate detectee dans Ie sud de ('Ontario. Cette zone
reglementee englobe les comtes suivants : Essex (1); Chatham -Kent 2); Lambton (3
Middlesex 4); Elgin (5); Huron (6); Perth (7)• Oxford (8); Norfolk (9
Wellington 16); Waterloo (11); Brant (12); Hald'imand (13)' Hamilton14
Niagara 5); Halton (16); Peel (17); Toronto (18); York (19
Durham (20).
Zone reglementee du sud de ('Ontario
la( Ilunm
10( ()nkui()
L'agrile du frene est un insecte nyyisible qui se propage dans de nouvelles
regions par le transport de bois inteste.
En vertu de reglementption federate, toute personne deplacant des produits
du frene ou du bois de chautfage e partir d ces 20 comtes, a moins de
permission ecrite de I Agence canadienne de Inspection des aliments, est
passible d'une amende ou s expose a des poursuites judiciaires.
Pour de plus amples renseignements, visitez le site
ou cornposez le 1-866-463-6017
*,Aeonco canadionno Canadian Foot
d'inapecti0n des allmenls Inapecllon Agency