The Wingham Times, 1914-06-04, Page 4TUE WiNGIRM TIMES, JUNE 4, 1914
WINfiliAn TIMES. 11
Ai.,1410*rn, Pratasuna arm nnomMteit
J. G. Anderson will make a good
representative for North Huron.
B sure men o co
and make itAnderson, M. P. P. • the Government, such as the denial of
reform, and other measures of real
social reform, a genuine policy for
settlement a .N eW, Ontario, the re•onn
ganization of the Departments of Agri-
culture and Edueation in the ioterests
of progress and efficiency, the creation
of a Department of Labor, the condem-
nation of the inexcusable delay in bring-
ing down a workmen's coinpensation
bill and other measures in the interests
of the workers, and stopping of wes•e-
ful and extravagant expenditure such
as the new Government House, and the
refusal to recognize just claims of wo-
t nsideratioo at the hands of
June 29th. is election ay. e
that riding until the last vote is polled.
Each, in his own way, is an export in
the pine of polities, and although Mr.
AluogroVe has carried the riding with
safe majorities, a strong opponont has,
to say the least, a "fighting chance." ;
' Especially is this true in view of the ex-
, isting uusettling of public opinion over
the temperance question.
1 The eainpaign will be fought with , a
. very ditTerent weapon -a on either side.
Both ore men of recognized ability and '
good character, and both will apply good
1 business methods to the con0,uct-nf the
' campaign. Mr. Musgrove is one of the
i best platform men in his party and
I when the house is in session, takes a
, leading part in the debates. He koows
' the ridiug well, and has a complete or-
I Against these qualities and advan-
tages, Mr. Anderson will match unusual
! skill as a personal canvasser. His ro-
bust, eheerful nature, hearty hand -shake
and beaming smile put him in a class al-
most by himself, when it comes to a
personal interview. Though not in
° Mr. Musgrove's doss as an orator, Mr.
, Anderson has developed fair ability as a
speaker and, like his opponent, isthor-
oughly conversant with provincial af-
fairs. Both candidates will be able to
give practically all their time to work-
ing the constituency, so that North
Huron will not want for politics during
the coming weeks.'
for North Huron. 1 the municipal franchise to married
North Perth Liberals have Selected ' women. We welcome the judgment of
Mr. R. S. Robertson, of Stratford as1
the country on these and other living
their candidate in the election for the I shall take an early oppor-
Legislative Assembly.
: tunity of dealing with these issues at
At a meeting of the Toronto East greater length. All over the country
- the young mon in favor of progresn are
District of the Toronto Conference of
the Methodist Church, a resolution ap-
proving the policy of the Liberal party
in Ontario was adopted.
The Conservative Government gerry-
mended j. O. Anderson out of South
Bruce. The eleetore of North Huron fore the country. We await with coll-
een teach the Whitney Government a fidence its judgment."
rallying to our side.
"In all parts of the Province we find
temperance Conservatives who are put-
ting their convietions before party and
are pledging support to our poliey,
'abolish the bar.' The issue is now be -
lesson by electing Mr. Anderson on the
29th of June.
A number of Conservative candidates
do not reside in the ridings in which
they seek election. Mr. Anderson
surely has the same privelege. He will
make a good representative and Leader
Rowell would be pleased to have him
in the Parliament.
The following resolution was passed
by Toronto Central District of the
Methodist Church:-''Tbis meeting
places itself on record as in favor of the
total suppression of the liquor traffic,
as far as the laws of this Province in
its relations to the Dominion will allow,
and it calls upon all its members and
adherents to support by their votes and
influence the cauiidates and the party
that will un Iertake to give the largest
possible measure for the attainment of
this end."
The talk of keeping, the liquor ques-
tion out of politics is stuff and ncn- going to the country at this time, but
sense. Because it is in politics now, thintention of the Government in this
every license inspector and cense . com-
ti direction.j
rames.Whitney and the differ-
pointee. And there is a certain amount was complicated by the illness
nussioner in the country is a political ap-
enees that existed in the Cabinet regard -
e• the stecession to the Premiership.
of patronage in the license administra- in
In the absence of es
tion. The men who get contracts from Sir Jamduring
the hotels these days are usually fast
in the faith. And a Government de-
rives a large part of its very necessary
revenue through the proper manipula-
tion of licenses, and by the money ob-
tained through the drunkenness of sons
and fathers, The whole system is in-
iquitous. Anyone who touches it be-
comes tainted with it. Wipe it out. -
London Advertiser.
When the Ontario Government in-
creases the tax on insurance companies
it should not fail to remember that tax-
ing insurance companies is only another
method of taxing those who insure. In
other words, the careful, provident
man, who, with his family, will never
be an expanse to the community, is
asked to pay what the improvident man
does not pay. When taxes are increas-
ed on life or fire insurance companies
the ultimate consumer has to pay the
bill. It does not come out of the com-
pany; it "Ines out °f those who insure' the convention was tendered to Mr. W.
Increase the expense of operation and proudfoot, K.
"A roclamation has been issued
dissolving the Legislature. Nom -
nations for a new Legislature will take
place on the 22nd of June and elections
on the 29th. The Government having
received information that the voters'
lists will be ready, the uncertainty
which has delayed action in this matter
is removed, and writs will be issued in
a day or two, in accordance with the
The thirteenth Legislature of Ontario
has sat for only three sessions. It was
elected on December 11, 1911, and by
limitations of time it woull not expire
until December Ilth, 1915, about eigh-
teen months hence. The redistribution
or partial redistribution of seats in the
Province is more or less an excuse for
Mothers if your baby, uffers from
constipation, if his littl stomach or
bowels are out of order, ve him Baby's
Own Tablets. They le er fail to give
relief and an occasionpti dose will banish
constipation aqd keg!) the stomach and
bowels in perfecVorder. Concerning
the Tablets, gro...2 J. H. Gagon, St,
Simon, Que., writes: "I cannot recom-
mend Baby's Own Tablets too highly as
a cure fon constipation as 1 have found
them the very best medicine in the
world for this trouble." The Tablets
are sold by medicine dealers or by mail
at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
The-anembers of the Bible Class of St.
Andrew's Presbyterian Church held a
very successful social evening in the
the past session the Ministers gave a lecture room of the church on Monday
pledge to the members that there
eventhe enair the following officers were
June. There were many who did not evening. With Mr. Peter 11. Deans in
would bean early election -probably in
elected; -President, R. J. Brooks; vice
favor this, because an election spells president, Miss Margaret McCallum;
expense, and there are not a few to
whom the sessional. indemnity is a wel-
come augmentation to the family in -
Phe decision was finally left
sec.-treas., Weir Elliott; convenor of
social conamittee, Miss Sean Vannorman;
convenot of membership committee,
Peter H. Deans; Executive committee,
Stu EMAllttO CALER M.P., PRESIOENT, W. D. mAritisivs, ViCia-PRESMENY.
C. A. BOGERT, General Manager..
Tru St Funds Should Be Deposited
In a Savings Account In The Dominion Bank. Such funds are
safely protected, and earn interest at highest current rates.
When payments are made, particulars of each transaction may
be noted on the cheque Isseed, which in turn becomes a receipt
or voucher when cancelled by the bank.
with the Ministers. The choice between the above officers and Chas. E. McLean
a spring and a fall election was in -favor and Jas. A. Cummtngs; Pianist, Miss
of the spring. and ail efforts were put Eva Gracey. A pleasing feature of the
forward to that end.
evening was the presentation of a
beautiful club bag to the esteemed
teacher of the class, Rev. D. Perrie.
CENTRE HURON LIBERALS. The address was read by Mr. Ewing
The convention for the centre riding
of Huron for the selection of a candidate
fcr the Provincial Legislature was held
at Seaforth last week. There was a
good attendance, every rnuncipality in
the riding being represented. The
following is a copy of the address: -
To Mr.Perrie, our Bible Clas.s Leader:
hearty and unaitimous nomination of We, the members of yonriBible Cia.s, are
assembled. here to convey our sincere graa aide
to you as leader of our eiass and to express cur
deep appreciation. of the services Too have
rendered us throughout the year.
Oar Bible Class is most fortunate inhering
in you one of the finest biblical scholars in this
part of Ontario. We have derived the great-
est from your wide knowledge of the
Scriptures andyour able expt*Ition of them.
Too many a us are apt to read the Scriptures
in a thoughtless, indifferent spirit. So num-
erous are the problems whiich tax our minds in
our every -day life, that we are all too ready to
shirk the problems winch the Greatest Book
of all presents. But you have s.tirred up a feel -
and the presentation made by Mr. R. J.
Brooks. Mr. Perrie in a short address
thanked the members of the class for
their gift and kind remembrance to
him. Before the close of the meeting
ice cream and cake were served. The
the present repre-
up go the rates. This
is as sure 85 sentative. No othernanae wasmention-
"eggs is eggs."
That the electors of North Bruce Mr. Proudfoot accepted the lumina-
thorougbly appreciate the blow below , tion in a lengthy speech, in which he
the belt, given them in the recent fully explainted the policy of the Liber -
gerrymander, and are fully prepared to , als and his own conduct in the Legis -
hurl the Government's ineult back in its lature. His remarks were frequently
teeth, was shown at Wiarton in a striking interrupted by applause. Addresses tregmektAgem:"etretItigiyoireleVamern:mYtTletyi
manner, when Mr. McDonald, of Claes- were also delivered by Mr. Thomas Me- corners of ourinimis and. made us sce how much
ley, who was unanimously nomiaated, Milian of Hullett, Mr. W. H. Kerr of Ilelter it Ili have:le:I listonmpe welthozgamigehatt,
repeatedly forced to stop his address i, Brussels, and Dr. Shaw of Clinton. ze t as tit- urn cki, 1
cities. after hts first wash for years.. discovers '
RESOLCTIONS OP ENDORS.A.TION. that after all it is plea antes to rpe clean than
dirty: so we, under your guidance. have found
for minutes ata time. while the audience
stood and cheered and cheered again. 1 out that it really is pleasanter to read Oar ,
Though placed with a handicap of nearly . rti:te- : with inthsight .andt tn..o,nghtfulness than
The following resolutions were car-
EFfectiv May 31st
Via Can. Pac. Ry. and Michigan CentrarRy.
Through Michigan Central Tunnel via Windsor, Ontario.
three hundred majority against them, f the
lied amidst enthusiasm: past. um mu, .jog- ro,.. manner o
Moved by James Smith, Clinton, We have, to'..._, appreciated your 11 ustra-
the Liberals feel confident that Mr. ' Vous. Tc.3 many lect7.rers make uf,e orinitri:z
McDonald will be elected. seconded by C. A. Laird, Goderich, tuilallPbtatiT ,71.,ricllictt Itt-aii cc, e'',..rg,T p2VA tevv: „' f. a
"That we, the delegates assembled atja-zange But year Mustraltit.9, lingee 6;,;,0,,4
: this convention. desire th express our 13-teleeicistlIgnanitl/eda'nd4ainvet'alaePetTa. 19arciovn rocregiig-ht
; entire approval of the policy and con- i (t)lir3c*°r, c, 0 la T. a -il sx" e a...
tar sal/re' than a ino-e
. eensatioual le
4 duct of ourtieader, N. W. Rowell. K. ' We h4ve espec:aEy eLloyed your allusio El
% NC.. and the Liberal party in the Legis- to Esti:re. on this hurried uge we are too . W. Rowell. 11.P.P.. had the fol- 1 ' ready to forget v,Irit "Nieuwe ti:i the past. Bat
• latureand we further approve of the wIto'noal"c•I'3%‘7•ti.,,vat•lell'elt,ellue's cja 1,1,24,1 7132g! '
owinstatement to make in reply t o , able support given by our member. Mr. 'sn't.A; ti7aer-i`or titenasta;gen It is' laird for g '
Premier Whitney'sInanifesto: Prondfoot, believing. as we do, that n. es to anoll'o whether we hive iniiiAt enjoyed,
Weeks of uncertain"1174In-
ty 11 sour reeeenees to the euly fathers, to the
this policy were adopted it would insure ;' teor7c'etr''"fteaf,e'r.,ewl'llenfTZZ!"se0w:rre .L'' laT b'1,1111
Cecis!_n the naovernment hns at :ast4 very greatly to the progress and pros- I tip with cer own Pre ahtyteriatusm tint at, any
r-unge- Prs" perity of this Province, and we pledge ratce.e. izelt.joeton,„-Lusutqn„.; awrz• Ta'rOt_n,
to take the ;
Leave Mentreal Windsor St
Depot) S.4-5 axe
Arrive Toronto , 5.40 pm.
Leave Toronto 6.I0 p tn.
Leave London 0.33 p.m
Arrive Detroit (Michigan Cen-
tral Depot) 1255 a.m.
Leave Detroit {Michigan Cen-
trot Oepoti nee p m.
Arrive Chicago (Central Eta -
tient 7.45 a m.
/i Leave Okeago (Central .ta-
‘44.On 0 80am.
z Ar*e Detroit (Michigan
tral Depot) 305 p.m:
Leave Detroit (Michigan Cen-
tro. Depot) 5 05pm.
Leave Lo- dou 8.03 p m.
Arrive Toronto 11.'20 pan.
1eave Toronto 11.40 p.m.
Arrive Montreal (Windsor St
Depot) 8.55 p.m.
Only One Night on the Road in Each Direction
Solid Electric -lighted Trains with Buffet -Library -Compartment -Obser-
vation Cars, Standard and Tourist Sleepers and First-class Coaches be-
tween islontreal and Chicago in each direction.
Standard Sleeping Cars will also be operated between Montreal. Tor-
onto, Detroit and Chicago via Canadian Pacific and Michigan Cenrral Rail-
roads through Michigan Central Tunnel via Windsor on Trains No. 21,
Westbound and No. 20 Eastbound,
tige is steadily weeeing. ar.d apptirentlan,' -urn-elves to do our utmost to return , com,:iare.3 with the giants a, ane p:ist -one or ,
, w o wia sappor la • tura .e can ef'rue. th18
" l'etter r -°W Mr. Pro:Afoot h t tin"- r
,p it Ea: your LVLsleitallts have leen stimntat,
naan otak, a, (le ean ee.- two Icene tpaley."
!i• ing not merely on the inteil:ecttial side. It wi 1
there is no 'actiflaation, tot even 'Moved by Dr. ,1. W. Shaw, Cliatort. artzinfAulteln's YGJrt; 11,rue
a 31 v;z7c.' *'''':i\t7:7:5 15 1S.E.,2Grial by P. H. Hill. Hullett, "That have %,:on a=31.cgatia impr44 'Cint us that
the 1.:-4Lk Wth're.91, T. r it f e ctir khArs r-ot end astihoer deity oci.nipa
We t.14_"' tp.'",' }Innen, convention assembled, machtees
'6,-r";i'volcitalleoY''-'iieititt'Seinel7ergetei creatures
illrepresereongone e.a. party o en.r teas t ant we have errmithing ir....ore to do t-ati
Particulars from W. A. SANDERSON, Town Ticket Agent, 'Phone
47, J. H. BEEMER, Station Agent, 'Pone 7, or write M. G.
MURPHY, Dis. Passr. Agent, Corner King and Yonge
Streets, Toronto, Ontario,
nr, r":47 desire to express 11M: anly approVal tn.flor spare nrcie ';6u have tatIontr tzt ,
hriv° tha iief S'S5ng 00IEe of the tolicv of Sir Wig id Laurier and eeTt'et',°e:;,;', ffe etelf. erree
t4''''.1.-'''' S t:'-'€'": L'.'e "-tier.' ''''''' c";53:7'g on fer l' the Liberal party in the Dominion '.° (iTi-lr,-5;i•-,i-a?7.. tt!it, iil la Ir. P0.4:-V-213;,,.iitdto:irk el
co k't7 11:e E --°r". ta;" I. Parliament L' t a" e dtr*raVera for '03 -''''''..1',-"'',,`''' ",'"1;e-'zi `"`;',...s'wenre. ,
, I 40 0,Ar E a .t9 ;:yr 3 vi.eie o ,-ec-sits. a,: a,, stay ,k,
1-tess .!zat &irk s wc,u.4be tLe
- • ---- --- tl.e sl,i',7.erlid fight being volt:pin Perlis.- rnr``..,';:i7:rt,u,;;;-;ourttaaa'n•g tee uteane/ ate1 pettta- :
.....,...A. s... • , . ',
.. r '7 r ' ' r . grade and reaetionaty legislation wiflch ts",:,•.T111.405;tbat'P , vet. ficirzetiri't hettpwnes4 tell
.„,_„ ,;-1-4 r ' ment by that party against the re'stro. '1-Yo..,`-L'''=";,S;-.;gLIIirt:P€3:112?°;sitaerimg .
, ,,,,,',:q.,..i.t4" TC,n eeve etwees renretlee as
Gwernment. tried th foree upon the; --o-non_n.o i t8 3 ..e-,, rtlati.6.:(, it. soy -
LI:: n ;••••e,,,1 aneanan ten, nutv ,,,-::.,.,s (t71 cge; , c:c:.a.r.t.ry tfar tne benent of the t2)3, act
,lleref.;_ is of ineona i-ent•,L2'''''" tO 1 ' , . .. I.. t•-•''.. '_' ,P.2.."'i ' . . ' `„, k„1, .
rr er. i thtnanten• de,.t.s. te,,) e 'Llin . ,Li ntr,....C.3_11 •
ta.,..-•;:......tin, reol tea eel- t ests." n t,T.'3'nt riv. PrCi,ablv y....J.,u. never shtmed
food tta tS,,,A's Et..,:,t,,..a 1,,F, a t-aritrIttg 1
food„ a e-a!,..:,t-c.0r,:z, a2:,2 a sst,lit'ait g
tmie ,t.:,nalote tho fononoten.
It et ottenta tha ter ..11,....00l Lee cf nett
• -anon ants-non:sea frbarneessa tnsre
quently then wLea yen that man', veee-e
woe ,..ItY;te sly to stee the svcr14
POLITICS IN NORTH HURON. i{ were the anante realm nune
'That were an e,oirciring far iti-3,) small"
t t tea raee-e8 flu.ger
ecal Invoreil and se:en.n.• nrono-.9 thott they - • n. t L. -e rcr.szr, and nuaites ot..(rt
vo,, en, 11r,'0%* .• ch,a Last week t:rn, • a. ts ci= tits!: we az
fnr as t1 V --n t ., evtr.,f.., g, 14 a mark cf
t ee it C:.1iAIy- car
on, •,)e.ronte, _it..1 i i ,, !y, nr serv,-fs t ;, th:, c-7,its3
eh.te, - tle. teeteetie . 1%TO t.e eleeeeta- Wzth A. II. Atusgrove atol 3. G. ,.1n- e'E'f' 8"*.1 1,',)2.' 4*2:.'" ' r r:24* C trr."-:"1--1'
tiftm. 'rt., I ann.:to tin. ,, ne1Jonte„ eaea I ... ' v, a tna, Z. a,,, c.,.? 1 EalSA T,.... L. -..v:*, a aton" t J
ocoaen centenning far the i'ob ofree re- 'n -en "
the aile , ee ,l . t ,, ,l,eloneiree e‘ ete. . - weitten re tielia:f f
at Isentleg l'elorthIturer: in tte.jtegleatIre. 6 Andrew's toceeettrom ehareet
learrafttl alto - l'estor- « f se'etitutes. iPeaicee telli he a. tet'etty live sttbL'et .0 eII
, D. E.,17 , VC:11=, weege tee,
It conquers distance—at lowest
cost. Think of it —thousand3 fol.
Ford owners are travelling for
less than two cents a mile. The
Ford has given the freedom of
the "open road- to the man of
moderate income.
Six hundred dollars 18 the price of the Ford
run -about; the tonring car is, six fifty; the .
town car nine hendred-Leeb. Ford, Ont.,
complete with equipment. Get catalogue and
particulate from A. M. Crawford, agent,
Wingham, Ont.
Bank of Hamilton
Capitel Authorized S5,000,0110
Capital Paid-up, 3,000,000
Surplus - - - 3,750,000
A banking institution gets strength as
much from the men whu direct its af-
fairs as from the actual capital invested
Money deposited in the Biuk of Heni'lton
guardrd by men well known for business 'in-
tegrity, for acumen -men who value security
more than high profits. To this policy is due
a Surplas which is one quarter larger that' its
Capital -the result of over 40 years conserve-
tice management
C. P. SMITH, Manager
Wingham, Ont
it ff
it j:4.
' .--
1•i. .
ne n
i _ea
e -e ltt.I
. k lii
EFfectiv May 31st
Via Can. Pac. Ry. and Michigan CentrarRy.
Through Michigan Central Tunnel via Windsor, Ontario.
three hundred majority against them, f the
lied amidst enthusiasm: past. um mu, .jog- ro,.. manner o
Moved by James Smith, Clinton, We have, to'..._, appreciated your 11 ustra-
the Liberals feel confident that Mr. ' Vous. Tc.3 many lect7.rers make uf,e orinitri:z
McDonald will be elected. seconded by C. A. Laird, Goderich, tuilallPbtatiT ,71.,ricllictt Itt-aii cc, e'',..rg,T p2VA tevv: „' f. a
"That we, the delegates assembled atja-zange But year Mustraltit.9, lingee 6;,;,0,,4
: this convention. desire th express our 13-teleeicistlIgnanitl/eda'nd4ainvet'alaePetTa. 19arciovn rocregiig-ht
; entire approval of the policy and con- i (t)lir3c*°r, c, 0 la T. a -il sx" e a...
tar sal/re' than a ino-e
. eensatioual le
4 duct of ourtieader, N. W. Rowell. K. ' We h4ve espec:aEy eLloyed your allusio El
% NC.. and the Liberal party in the Legis- to Esti:re. on this hurried uge we are too . W. Rowell. 11.P.P.. had the fol- 1 ' ready to forget v,Irit "Nieuwe ti:i the past. Bat
• latureand we further approve of the wIto'noal"c•I'3%‘7•ti.,,vat•lell'elt,ellue's cja 1,1,24,1 7132g! '
owinstatement to make in reply t o , able support given by our member. Mr. 'sn't.A; ti7aer-i`or titenasta;gen It is' laird for g '
Premier Whitney'sInanifesto: Prondfoot, believing. as we do, that n. es to anoll'o whether we hive iniiiAt enjoyed,
Weeks of uncertain"1174In-
ty 11 sour reeeenees to the euly fathers, to the
this policy were adopted it would insure ;' teor7c'etr''"fteaf,e'r.,ewl'llenfTZZ!"se0w:rre .L'' laT b'1,1111
Cecis!_n the naovernment hns at :ast4 very greatly to the progress and pros- I tip with cer own Pre ahtyteriatusm tint at, any
r-unge- Prs" perity of this Province, and we pledge ratce.e. izelt.joeton,„-Lusutqn„.; awrz• Ta'rOt_n,
to take the ;
Leave Mentreal Windsor St
Depot) S.4-5 axe
Arrive Toronto , 5.40 pm.
Leave Toronto 6.I0 p tn.
Leave London 0.33 p.m
Arrive Detroit (Michigan Cen-
tral Depot) 1255 a.m.
Leave Detroit {Michigan Cen-
trot Oepoti nee p m.
Arrive Chicago (Central Eta -
tient 7.45 a m.
/i Leave Okeago (Central .ta-
‘44.On 0 80am.
z Ar*e Detroit (Michigan
tral Depot) 305 p.m:
Leave Detroit (Michigan Cen-
tro. Depot) 5 05pm.
Leave Lo- dou 8.03 p m.
Arrive Toronto 11.'20 pan.
1eave Toronto 11.40 p.m.
Arrive Montreal (Windsor St
Depot) 8.55 p.m.
Only One Night on the Road in Each Direction
Solid Electric -lighted Trains with Buffet -Library -Compartment -Obser-
vation Cars, Standard and Tourist Sleepers and First-class Coaches be-
tween islontreal and Chicago in each direction.
Standard Sleeping Cars will also be operated between Montreal. Tor-
onto, Detroit and Chicago via Canadian Pacific and Michigan Cenrral Rail-
roads through Michigan Central Tunnel via Windsor on Trains No. 21,
Westbound and No. 20 Eastbound,
tige is steadily weeeing. ar.d apptirentlan,' -urn-elves to do our utmost to return , com,:iare.3 with the giants a, ane p:ist -one or ,
, w o wia sappor la • tura .e can ef'rue. th18
" l'etter r -°W Mr. Pro:Afoot h t tin"- r
,p it Ea: your LVLsleitallts have leen stimntat,
naan otak, a, (le ean ee.- two Icene tpaley."
!i• ing not merely on the inteil:ecttial side. It wi 1
there is no 'actiflaation, tot even 'Moved by Dr. ,1. W. Shaw, Cliatort. artzinfAulteln's YGJrt; 11,rue
a 31 v;z7c.' *'''':i\t7:7:5 15 1S.E.,2Grial by P. H. Hill. Hullett, "That have %,:on a=31.cgatia impr44 'Cint us that
the 1.:-4Lk Wth're.91, T. r it f e ctir khArs r-ot end astihoer deity oci.nipa
We t.14_"' tp.'",' }Innen, convention assembled, machtees
'6,-r";i'volcitalleoY''-'iieititt'Seinel7ergetei creatures
illrepresereongone e.a. party o en.r teas t ant we have errmithing ir....ore to do t-ati
Particulars from W. A. SANDERSON, Town Ticket Agent, 'Phone
47, J. H. BEEMER, Station Agent, 'Pone 7, or write M. G.
MURPHY, Dis. Passr. Agent, Corner King and Yonge
Streets, Toronto, Ontario,
nr, r":47 desire to express 11M: anly approVal tn.flor spare nrcie ';6u have tatIontr tzt ,
hriv° tha iief S'S5ng 00IEe of the tolicv of Sir Wig id Laurier and eeTt'et',°e:;,;', ffe etelf. erree
t4''''.1.-'''' S t:'-'€'": L'.'e "-tier.' ''''''' c";53:7'g on fer l' the Liberal party in the Dominion '.° (iTi-lr,-5;i•-,i-a?7.. tt!it, iil la Ir. P0.4:-V-213;,,.iitdto:irk el
co k't7 11:e E --°r". ta;" I. Parliament L' t a" e dtr*raVera for '03 -''''''..1',-"'',,`''' ",'"1;e-'zi `"`;',...s'wenre. ,
, I 40 0,Ar E a .t9 ;:yr 3 vi.eie o ,-ec-sits. a,: a,, stay ,k,
1-tess .!zat &irk s wc,u.4be tLe
- • ---- --- tl.e sl,i',7.erlid fight being volt:pin Perlis.- rnr``..,';:i7:rt,u,;;;-;ourttaaa'n•g tee uteane/ ate1 pettta- :
.....,...A. s... • , . ',
.. r '7 r ' ' r . grade and reaetionaty legislation wiflch ts",:,•.T111.405;tbat'P , vet. ficirzetiri't hettpwnes4 tell
.„,_„ ,;-1-4 r ' ment by that party against the re'stro. '1-Yo..,`-L'''=";,S;-.;gLIIirt:P€3:112?°;sitaerimg .
, ,,,,,',:q.,..i.t4" TC,n eeve etwees renretlee as
Gwernment. tried th foree upon the; --o-non_n.o i t8 3 ..e-,, rtlati.6.:(, it. soy -
LI:: n ;••••e,,,1 aneanan ten, nutv ,,,-::.,.,s (t71 cge; , c:c:.a.r.t.ry tfar tne benent of the t2)3, act
,lleref.;_ is of ineona i-ent•,L2'''''" tO 1 ' , . .. I.. t•-•''.. '_' ,P.2.."'i ' . . ' `„, k„1, .
rr er. i thtnanten• de,.t.s. te,,) e 'Llin . ,Li ntr,....C.3_11 •
ta.,..-•;:......tin, reol tea eel- t ests." n t,T.'3'nt riv. PrCi,ablv y....J.,u. never shtmed
food tta tS,,,A's Et..,:,t,,..a 1,,F, a t-aritrIttg 1
food„ a e-a!,..:,t-c.0r,:z, a2:,2 a sst,lit'ait g
tmie ,t.:,nalote tho fononoten.
It et ottenta tha ter ..11,....00l Lee cf nett
• -anon ants-non:sea frbarneessa tnsre
quently then wLea yen that man', veee-e
woe ,..ItY;te sly to stee the svcr14
POLITICS IN NORTH HURON. i{ were the anante realm nune
'That were an e,oirciring far iti-3,) small"
t t tea raee-e8 flu.ger
ecal Invoreil and se:en.n.• nrono-.9 thott they - • n. t L. -e rcr.szr, and nuaites ot..(rt
vo,, en, 11r,'0%* .• ch,a Last week t:rn, • a. ts ci= tits!: we az
fnr as t1 V --n t ., evtr.,f.., g, 14 a mark cf
t ee it C:.1iAIy- car
on, •,)e.ronte, _it..1 i i ,, !y, nr serv,-fs t ;, th:, c-7,its3
eh.te, - tle. teeteetie . 1%TO t.e eleeeeta- Wzth A. II. Atusgrove atol 3. G. ,.1n- e'E'f' 8"*.1 1,',)2.' 4*2:.'" ' r r:24* C trr."-:"1--1'
tiftm. 'rt., I ann.:to tin. ,, ne1Jonte„ eaea I ... ' v, a tna, Z. a,,, c.,.? 1 EalSA T,.... L. -..v:*, a aton" t J
ocoaen centenning far the i'ob ofree re- 'n -en "
the aile , ee ,l . t ,, ,l,eloneiree e‘ ete. . - weitten re tielia:f f
at Isentleg l'elorthIturer: in tte.jtegleatIre. 6 Andrew's toceeettrom ehareet
learrafttl alto - l'estor- « f se'etitutes. iPeaicee telli he a. tet'etty live sttbL'et .0 eII
, D. E.,17 , VC:11=, weege tee,
FOR 500.
1 'Phone 65 Opposite National Hotel
41111111•1111111•111111111111111 IIMIIIMMISIIIIIIMINIe
Watch the Windows for Bargains
Foolish Saving
A penny saved is not always -a penny earn-
ed. Sometimes it is two pennies lost. The
merchant who spends nothing on advertis-
ing loses much -more than he saves.
The money spent for plate glass windows is not looked on
as lost: nor is the money spent on better interior lighting.
Anything that increases favor, that adds to sales, that
multiplies customers is very properly regarded as a good
Advertising is a good investment -just as plate glass
windows are. Advertising sells more goods to more
persons than shop -windows do.
Do you resent having a merchant address his mes-
sage to you in the forrri of an advertisement in our
colunes? On the contrary, is not your impulse to
respond to his friendly overtures?
- Shop Where You are Invited to Shop
No. WOO, C. If. A. Canada.
No, 14,035, C. S„ of Greet-, Britain and Ireland,
Barbi/merit No. 1`.2,) -Insneetea ani approved.
J. W. KING, Proprietor.
Following route Will be taken thi9 seaaon
thenbove horse:-Mondav-wilt nave his
own stable. annevaie, to Thos. Abraham's,
con. mortis, for nnOni thPLI t4f Geo. War-
vriek's, e3n. 2. Morris, for night. Titesday-To
Jos. • had, n's, con. 4. Morris, for noon: then
to Ge..). Feel/tees, eon. 7, Grey, fer night,
weanez.ilay-Atternoon to Waiter Forest's
tn.e, Merris, for night. Thursday -To Benj,
fliKop's, cm. A , TtiraberrY, for noon; thrn
to King Edward 114tel stable. Wrexeter, for
right. Friday -To 1Javid 3lidirr,s, eat. 1.
Tarn* rry, for neat: then to his tvner's
star e, Bluevale„ anti remelt:tante the follow.
ing Monday Morning.
No. 403, 'Vol. 14, O. li. A ,Canada.
N. 12,243, Vol. 28, (1. S. of Great Britain and
tarolinent No. 132,1 -Inspected and approved.
J. W. KING, Proprietor.
rolicnving route Will be taken this season br
the ahtve horae :-monday will leeve Geo, de
Robetrson's sale stable and proceed to Sanfl.
BurcheIrs, Mhos's boundary for noon; thence
to hit own statue, Wingharn, fOr night. Ttiel-
day by way of gravel road. to Robt. Conites .
eon 10. East Wnwanoth for noon; then to his
own stable. Winglimn, for night. Wednesday
to ,101 Smiths,(0n 8. Tern_kerry, for noon:
then to James McDougall's, write farm con 0.
Tnrnberry, for r ight. Thursday to Thos. Me;
Michael's, Wroxeter gravel, for noon; then to
King Edward Rotel stables, Wroxeter, for
night. Friday to John ideNaughton's'(+On. 2,
'rarnberry, for noon; then to 3. VT ICing.g,
1 Bluevale, for night. Satnrdny to B. B. Jen -
kin's, Bluevals rose, for boon: then to his own
stable, Winglutin, where he win remain, until
the following Monday. morning.
It conquers distance—at lowest
cost. Think of it —thousand3 fol.
Ford owners are travelling for
less than two cents a mile. The
Ford has given the freedom of
the "open road- to the man of
moderate income.
Six hundred dollars 18 the price of the Ford
run -about; the tonring car is, six fifty; the .
town car nine hendred-Leeb. Ford, Ont.,
complete with equipment. Get catalogue and
particulate from A. M. Crawford, agent,
Wingham, Ont.
FOR 500.
1 'Phone 65 Opposite National Hotel
41111111•1111111•111111111111111 IIMIIIMMISIIIIIIMINIe
Watch the Windows for Bargains
Foolish Saving
A penny saved is not always -a penny earn-
ed. Sometimes it is two pennies lost. The
merchant who spends nothing on advertis-
ing loses much -more than he saves.
The money spent for plate glass windows is not looked on
as lost: nor is the money spent on better interior lighting.
Anything that increases favor, that adds to sales, that
multiplies customers is very properly regarded as a good
Advertising is a good investment -just as plate glass
windows are. Advertising sells more goods to more
persons than shop -windows do.
Do you resent having a merchant address his mes-
sage to you in the forrri of an advertisement in our
colunes? On the contrary, is not your impulse to
respond to his friendly overtures?
- Shop Where You are Invited to Shop
No. WOO, C. If. A. Canada.
No, 14,035, C. S„ of Greet-, Britain and Ireland,
Barbi/merit No. 1`.2,) -Insneetea ani approved.
J. W. KING, Proprietor.
Following route Will be taken thi9 seaaon
thenbove horse:-Mondav-wilt nave his
own stable. annevaie, to Thos. Abraham's,
con. mortis, for nnOni thPLI t4f Geo. War-
vriek's, e3n. 2. Morris, for night. Titesday-To
Jos. • had, n's, con. 4. Morris, for noon: then
to Ge..). Feel/tees, eon. 7, Grey, fer night,
weanez.ilay-Atternoon to Waiter Forest's
tn.e, Merris, for night. Thursday -To Benj,
fliKop's, cm. A , TtiraberrY, for noon; thrn
to King Edward 114tel stable. Wrexeter, for
right. Friday -To 1Javid 3lidirr,s, eat. 1.
Tarn* rry, for neat: then to his tvner's
star e, Bluevale„ anti remelt:tante the follow.
ing Monday Morning.
No. 403, 'Vol. 14, O. li. A ,Canada.
N. 12,243, Vol. 28, (1. S. of Great Britain and
tarolinent No. 132,1 -Inspected and approved.
J. W. KING, Proprietor.
rolicnving route Will be taken this season br
the ahtve horae :-monday will leeve Geo, de
Robetrson's sale stable and proceed to Sanfl.
BurcheIrs, Mhos's boundary for noon; thence
to hit own statue, Wingharn, fOr night. Ttiel-
day by way of gravel road. to Robt. Conites .
eon 10. East Wnwanoth for noon; then to his
own stable. Winglimn, for night. Wednesday
to ,101 Smiths,(0n 8. Tern_kerry, for noon:
then to James McDougall's, write farm con 0.
Tnrnberry, for r ight. Thursday to Thos. Me;
Michael's, Wroxeter gravel, for noon; then to
King Edward Rotel stables, Wroxeter, for
night. Friday to John ideNaughton's'(+On. 2,
'rarnberry, for noon; then to 3. VT ICing.g,
1 Bluevale, for night. Satnrdny to B. B. Jen -
kin's, Bluevals rose, for boon: then to his own
stable, Winglutin, where he win remain, until
the following Monday. morning.