HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-03-06, Page 76 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Paint Ontario begins this week
The Paint The 1luron Shores
art competition, exhibition and
sale was created in
1996 by Grand Bend, Ontario
artist Barry Richman. The first
show had 50 entries from 25 art-
ists, mostly local and regional.
This year there are 300 entries.
Ile says most Representational
artists don't have many
to display their work in as Targe
and prestigious a gallery as
Lampton 1leritage Museum.
"Since the first show, we have
sold over 500 pieces of original
The Municipality of Um Shores
A wookly Upciato on tho Municipal Events in your Community
Administration Department 7883 Amtelocom Parkway, Forest, Ontario NON 1,10
Tel: 1-877-786-2335, 519 786-2335 Fax: 519-786-2135, Email: administrationIambtonshores ca
Visit our Web Site at www.lambtonshoros ca
Tho Municipality of 1 anblon Shoros is inviting
prequalified contractors to submit tenders for
1 Ono Now Four Wheel Drive Rubber Tired
Diosol Powered Multi -Purpose Tractor
2. Ono Now Four Wheel novo 1 oador Backhoe
Intorostod contractors or suppliers may obtain the
RFP documnnls on line at
hltp.//www larnhtonshoros ca/1 rvinq/localgovemntent/
c:apitalprojocts tondnrsandrfps hlrn
The closing date for submissions for each RFP
listed Is March 26 2013 at 11:00 a.m.at the 1 orost
Municipal Office locatod at 7883 Amtolocom Parkway,
Forest with a public oponinq to follow
Tho Municipality of Lambton Shoros is seeking
proposals for the design, supply and installation of a
playground and all associated equipment at the
Forest Fairgrounds (45 Jefferson Strout, Forest, ON)
Interested suppliers may obtain the proposal
documents online al:
apitalprojocts,-tondersandrips. htm
Tho closing dato for submissions is March 28, 2013
CO 11:00 am. at the Forost Municipal Office (Forest
Municipal Office, 7883 Amtolocom Parkway, Forest,
ON NON IJO) with a public opening to follow. Only
bidders names will be released upon opening.
Short Term Rental
Accommodations Meeting —
Friday, March 8th
® 3:00 p.m. in tho Northville Board Room
Council Meeting — Tuesday, March 12th
00 2:00 p.m at the Thodford Village Complex
Council Meeting — Monday, March 19th at tho
Thodford \1illa1le Complex time to be determined
Grand Bend 8 Area Joint Sewage Board
Meeting — Friday, March 22nd ((i) 9 00 a n,
Croditen Community Centre
Committee of Adjustment — Thursday, March
28th qp 7:00 p.m at thy 1 hectford Vrllaye Cornplox
Please check the Municipal website
www,lambtontihoros.ca for additional and updated
Charity "donation" boxos provide residents with a
method of disposing of unwanted items free of
charge, and In an "environmentally friendly manner,
while supporting charitable organizations.
DiD YOU KNOW.... that not all donation boxes are
operated by "registered charities"?
If residents have questions as to whether or not a
community donation box supports a legitimate
charity, they aro encouraged to investigate the status
of the organization through "Charity Intelligence"
(w w charitvintellion o c,*t), or by checking the
listing on the Canada Revenue Agoncy wobstte.
(yyyyw rirc,f1C.co/charities)
Summer Students
The Municipality of I ombton Shoros is seeking
resumes for summer omploymenl fur the following
Beach Concession Operators
General Maintenance - North and South Areas
Grand Bend Beach House & Beach Am.r
Grand Bend Harbour Dock Hands
Port Franks Harbour & Maintenance Attendants
All interested persons are requested to Dither email
or mail a resume with attached cover letter stating
interested position no later than Friday, March
22nd, 2013
Summer Engineering Co-op
Under the general direction of tho Director of
Community Services, the position will take the lead
on the program to record infrastructure locations In
the field, digitize all as-bullt records, and Integrate
this information with its Geographic Information
System (GIS). Tho successful candidate wit be
enrolled In a post -secondary engineering program,
preferably in a civil or construction related
discipline. However, applicants from all disciplines
will be considered.
All Interested persons are requested to either 001011
or mall a resume with attached cover letter statin4)
Interested position no later than Monday, March
181", 2013
Send all resumes to:
Municipality of Lambton Shores
7883 Amtelocom Parkway,
Forest, ON NON IJO
Attention: Brent Klttmor, Director of Community
art ranging from $125 to $4000 per
painting," he said.
A graduate of 11.11. Beal and I)oon
School of line Arts, Barry is an accom-
plished draftsman and painter in oils
and pastels. Landscapes, rivers, lakes
and shoreline themes figure promi-
nently in his work.
Casey Lessard, Community Develop-
ment Coordinator Grand Bend Art Cen-
tre explains there are more than 120
responded, submitting more than 300
works to the 17th annual show. About
200 of those will be on display at the
Lambton Heritage Museum from March
"'This is the largest competition, exhi-
bition and sale of this calibre of original
representational art in Ontario," Rich-
man says, explaining that works must
depict a scene from Ontario.
"livery year the quality goes up, and
the decisions get harder;" says artist and
Grand Bend Art Centre founder Teresa
Marie Ieromkin, who assists with the
The Paint Ontario program is
designed to celebrate the work of repre-
sentational artists and also to enhance
and increase awareness of the beauty of
the Huron Shores tourist region from
Sarnia 10 Tobermory, 'IhIs annual com-
petition presents to the public the spirit
and beauty of this magnificent area as
portrayed by some of our finest artists,
with the work professionally displayed
in the Lambton 1leritage Museum's out-
standing Lambton Gallery just south of
Grand Bend across from Pinery Provin-
cial Park.
A Jury of professional artists chooses
which pieces will be included in the
show. A judge selects the winners of the
prizes the show has to offer, including
$2,000 for best in show, $500 for second
place, a $250 watercolour award in hon-
our of 'Wm Grossman. One work will he
purchased for inclusion in Paint
Ontario's permanent collection, and
another chosen by Lambton Shores
mayor Bill Weber for the municipality's
permanent collection, in exchange for a
$500 prize for each work.
'Ihe show and sale is a rare oppor -
nity for art lovers to access a selects
quality artwork - the show allows t -
work made using oil, watercolour,
acrylic, pencil, charcoal, pastel, and
mixed media - at
affordable prices. Sizes range from 5"
by 7" up to the show's maximum allow-
able size of 36" by 48':
"You can get a piece of art for your
wall from top-notch Canadian artists for
$125;' Richman said, noting those seek-
ing a signature piece can pay up to
$8,500 for work at the show, " About 25
per cent of these are full-time profes-
sional artists, and then another large
percentage are part-time professional
If you go:
March 9th - March 31st, 2013
Lambton Heritage Museum, Hwy. 21
Across from the Pinery Provincial Park
Open 11 a.m to 5 p.m. Daily
Barry Richman
Lynda Hillman-8epley Lakeshore Advance