HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-02-27, Page 1818 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, February 27, 2013 classifiedextra.ca Canada's largest and most trusted print and online classifieds network Place it on classifiedextra.ca Phone:, -888-786-7821 Online: lakeshoreadvance,classifiedextra.ca Miscellaneous MISS PIA JANE March Madness Salo Open for tho season Friday March 1". Wed- Sun, 10arn- 4pm Port Franks 519-243-3576 Wood, Coal, Oil etc. FIREWOOD slab wood for sale. $50.00 a truck load plus trucking, approximately 8 chord. Josey Shelter Sawmill, St Augustine Lino, Lucknow ON. Phone trucker 519-440-6303 or 519-526-1127. Vans 2007 MAZDA 5, 6 pas- songor van. $9500 obo, certified 82,000 kms, automatic, loaded. Phone 519-524-6679. Apartments 1 & 2 BEDROOM apartment, 156 Main Dashwood. Newly decorated. Newly painted and hardwood floors $650.00 per month for 2 bdrm. 1 bdrm $525 first and last required. Hydro, heat and garbage in- cluded. CaII 519-238-2229 House For Sale House For Sate House For Sale Hoose For Sale Mpr DIusils Realty Inc. Brokortlgr 519-238-5100 M IIe1N81 GrandBendRealEstate.com Doug Pees 8,,k0M Ihx vtl Apartments GRAND BEND • Availablo i mnediatoly. 2 bedroom, solid pine floors, open concept, eat -in kitchen, same floor laundry, parking. $531.00 monthly. Call Craig 519-871-0725 Apartments 3 BEDROOM with 2 bathrooms $750., 2 bedroom with balcony $650., 1 bodroom with walkout patio $550. in- cludes utilitios and applinncos in Honsall. Call 519-222-2240 Apartments SPACIOUS 2 bedroom apt. for rant. Fridge, stove, recently reno- vated, largo patio, located lust north of SI Joseph on Hwy 21. $550/n+hydro. To view call Doug 519.236.7238. ST. LAWRENCE RIVER 1 '-; I N C:'. WORLD CLASS CRUISING CLOSE TO HOME! 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