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Wednesday, February 27, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 11
Suncor going to court over wind farm setbacks
Paul Morden
QM! Agency
Suncor is taking Plympton-Wyo-
nting to court over the town's wind
turbine bylaws, including a require-
ment they be at least 2 km from
neighbouring homes.
Suncor Energy Products has a con-
tract to sell the province ent'q.,'y from
the up to 46 -turbine Cedar Point
Wild Power project it plans to build
in Plympton-Wyoming, Lantbton
Shores and Wat'wick'lliwnship.
The company launched its legal
challenge of Plympton-Wyoming's
bylaws in the Ontario Superior Court
of Justice in Sarnia at the sante time
it's working through Ontario's envi-
ronmental approval process for the
wind farm that would stretch from
(:ainlachie north to Ravenswood
"We expected this," said Plympton-
Wyoming Mayor Lonny Na1)1)eI
"We're ready_ to defend our
Ontario's Green Energy Act took
planting approvals for wind farms
out of the hands of municipal coun-
cils but Plympton-\Vyonting pressed
ahead by passing a series of bylaws to
control wind projects, including set-
ting its own 2 -kin setback.
Ontario only requires that wind
turbines he at least 550 metres from
neighbouring homes.
Suncor spokesperson Jason Vall-
iant said the company has been
working with the municipality 00 the
issue since 2(XXi.
"We hove talked to then) recently
about their bylaws and we feel that
they are its conflict with the process
that has been laid out for us by the
province," he said.
"We've tried to resolve some of tills
through dialogue and meld to identify
how this impacts not only our project
but other projects in the area and,
unfortunately, that wasn't
Valliant said going to court "wasn't
our intended route" but added, "We
thought we needed to defend what
we're doing through legal action:'
Public meetings Suncor
announced recently for its (e'dat'
Point project will he goinf' ahead,
Valliant said.
'they're scheduled for April 2, 5
p.m. to 8 p.m., at the Camlacl)ie Com-
munity Centre, April 3, 3:30 p.m. to
(i:30 p.m., at the Forest Legion, and
April 4, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., at Watford's
Centennial I ball.
'lite company has said it would like
to have provincial approvals in place
so the wind farm can be built and
operating by 2014.
"We'll continue moving forward
and see what conies of this action,'
Vaillant said.
Along with its bylaws, l'lympton-
\Vyonling council has joined several
other communities calling on the
province to halt the building of new
wind farms until their impact on
human health can be studied.
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If your non-profit group or organization would like to list their event on this page please contact
Cindy Maxfield at the (;rand Bend Community Health ('entre 238-2362 or fax 238-(1478 by the third Monday
of the month prior to the event being hell. Our thanks to the advert isers who made this page possible.
March •ITh
March •Ith
March 5111
March htli
What's Happening March 2013
"Alzheimer Caregiver Support" 7 p.111. Grand Rend Arra ('1l('. (roup program that provides education ;Incl support to
caregivers. Please contact the Alzheimer's Society of 1 a1 1-5101 5h 1-51)12_ for details.
"Healthy Lifestyle Exercise and Gentle Exercise ('lasses (rand Bend ('H("' 9:101 a.m. and 10:30an in the Community Room
at the Grand Bend Area ('H('. Please hying clean running shoes and wear comfy clothes. Please note that we may need to cancel
a few classes due to upstairs renovations. (',Il to cheek Bates.
"Healthy Lifestyle Exercise in fort Franks" FREE: line dancing stank at 8:30 followed by Grand Bt'nd Arca ('II(' Exercise
program Iion1 9- IO a.m. Port Franks Community ('entre. Every Tuesday and Thursday
"Savannah Strollers Pinery Park Walking Group" every Wednesday we meet in the I .amhton Heritage Museum parking lot by
9:30 a.m.. Everyone welcome! Free admission into the park .Visit the svehsile at www.pinrrypark.on.ca. Indoor Winter 1Valking
Program also available 9:30 am in the I.ambton 1leritage Museum. Contact Cindy Maxfield 519-238-1556 ext. 231
March 61h "(:rand Bend Golden Agers" Grand Bend Legion. 12:31) Shuffleboard Mondays 10-12. Thursdays 9-1 I . Euchre every Wednesday
I : 30pnt
March 7th "Sunset Oltenia" presents "My Week With Marilyn" 7:311 pm in the Community room at the (rand Bend Arra ('11('. An
aspiring young actor assist Marilyn Monroe during a week's filming in England. Everyone Welcome.
March 9th "Return of the Swans Festival & Paint Ontario Art competition and Sale" Lanthton heritage Museum, March 9-3Ist. Art
work, Tundra swans, Ducks Geese , Children's Activities. ('all 519-243-2600
March 11(11 "Mental Health Caregiver Support GBA('H(' Hensall site" 1-3 pin contact Social Worker I.isc Callahan at 519-238-1556 est
230 for details
March 12th
M;uch 1 211) "guide I)og Presentation" by the 1.1011s 1oundation of Canada presented by the West Coast I .Ions Club at (rand (rove Clubhouse.
Free coffer' donuts! Everyone V.elronx'!
March 14 & 28 " Good 'Tyro' Country Jamboree" Legacy ('entre Thedtord. 1.3:3ll pm Fun Friendship and Dancing. Please bring cookies to
share, donations at the door for School programs and Contact house. ('all 519-243-2297 for details.
March 191h "Grand Bend Men's Proteus" Grand Bend Legion 10 a.m. Speaker David Campbell ED of the (rand Bend Community
Foundation will highlight what the foundation does for the community.
March 191h "Life After Mental Illness' This lila) discusses hying with Schizophrenia and will he held at the Grand Bend Arra ('ommunity
health ('entre. 69 main St East. at 6:31) p.m. 10 the Community Room. Discussion and questions and answers will follow the film
with Social worker. RN and ('MI IA staff. Everyone is invited to join us tor This lire e% ening. ('all 519-238-1556 est 2311 for morn
March 19111 "Port Franks Garden Club General Meeting' Port Franks Community ('entre 7:31) p.m. Guest Speaker: Bob O'Donnell.
"l'ht' Fossil Guy", "The Wo derful World of Fossils'' Refreshments & Door Pritcs Everyone Welcome! ('all (5191243-1818 for
further info.
"Grand (tend IVornen's Probes Meeting" Grand Bend Legion 9:31) aur Speaker Casey Lessard. 'IOpic: 1.is ing and Working in
March 21st
March 25th
"(.rand Bend Women's Institute" Grand Bend Adult l)ay ('entry. 1:31) pm
"Grand Bend & Arra Horticultural Sleiety Meeting" lost Page from the Ontario (rowers Supply will speak on Eco -Products,
nematodes and mvcorrhi/.ae.
March 27th "Huron Country Playhouse Guild" will hold their monthly luncheon meeting at the Colonial. Registration 12-12:30. Glen
Baillie will he speaking about the ('handler of Commerce. ('all Marguerite 519-238-2331.
March 27th "Men Can ('sok" Grand Bend Area ('1l(' 10-2 pm. Contact Shelley Snider 519-296-0117 for details. Everyone welcome. Small
fee to cover cost of food.
March. 28th "Blood Pressure Clinic" Grand Bend ('H(' Adult I)ay Wing. 2-4 p.01. Everyone welcome!
Grand Bend Area
Community Health Centre
Primary Care
Health Promotion Programs
69 Main St. E
Grand Bend
For information call
519-238-1556 ext. 231
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