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Lakeshore Advance, 2013-02-27, Page 2
2 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, February 27, 2013 YMCA Youth Centre offers cool programs for youth Lynda Hillman-Rapley WI Agency When Jelin Maguire moved to the (;rand Bend area, she began a home daycare business because she enjoys watching children as they develop and learn about their surroundings and environment. A mother of two, she became engaged with the Grand Rend Public School's I lome and School Associa- tion. "'Phis opportunity further strengthened my passion for providing additional educational and physical activities for the youth our community.1 began to further develop my daycare activities with active programming, dress up days, baking days, theme days. 1 saw the children in the daycare respond posi- tively to these types of activities and it brought positive feed- back from their parents," says Maguire. When she saw the posting for the local YMCA position, she knew it was a natural 1 1 ATTENTION READERS Take advantage of our pricing for NAPPY NOTES Includes: Birthdays, Anniversaries Weddings, Engagements, Graduations etc. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 1111 (Name Person) (Date) Love Mom & Dad Only $18.00 Plus IIS: r. Actual Size: Pre -Payment is Required Just bring In your photo & write-up and we'll do the rest. Other Sizes & Prices available upon request. 58 Ontario St., N. Grand Bend (519) 238-5383 allowing her the opportunity to access greater resources to develop stronger programs for our youth. 'the new YMCA Youth Centre Maguire says the YMCA's ultimate goal is for children, youth and families to embrace fun, healthy habits that will become lifelong habits. "Our youth pro- grams are engaging, exciting and educa- tional, your child will get hands on expe- rience combined with meeting new friends and a fun atmosphere:' With that she says there are many new programs being offered. "We have our March Break Madness running from March 11-15 for ages 4-12. Cost is $110/week or $30/day.'Ihis excit- ing week is Jan packed with fun games, crafts, science experiments, active play both indoors and outdoors. " There are winter programs that include a basketball camp (March 18 to May 27) - ages 6-12yrs old Cost $50 for 10 weeks. It is Monday nights from 6 to Bpm at Grand Bend Public. School Gym with a focus on positioning, passing, shooting, dribbling and teaching the rules of the game. Or maybe cooking is your thing. The YMCA offers a Cooking with Kids (April 2nd to June 18) ages 6-12 yrs old Cost $60 for 12 weeks. 'this program is Tues- day nights from 6 to 7pm at the YMCA Youth Centre Kids will learn to prepare healthy snacks and meals using fresh ingredients. 'leo be adventurous trying new foods and kitchen safety are all part of this program. 'lie Canadian Safety Council Babysit- ting Course (April 3 to May 8) is being held Wednesday nights from 6-7:30 at the YMCA Youth Centre for children turning 12 within the calendar year and older. Cost $40 for 6 sessions. Partici- pants will learn age appropriate activi- ties, pmblem solving techniques and the basics of first aid 'there is also ball hockey (March 2110 May 23)for ages 6-12 yrs old on Thursday night from 6 -Bpm at the Grand Rend Public School (Gyne. This program focuses on fair play and equal playing time. learn skills on shooting, passing and other drills. At I tome Alone (May 15 and May 22) is also a helpful program for parents and children turning 10 within the calendar year and up. Itis Wednesday nights from G to Bpm (must attend both sessions) at the YMCA Youth Centre. This fun and active course helps prepare children to he at home alone and how to respond to emergencies. Maguire says the YMCA is a great tit for Grand Rend and area. "'Ihe YMCA is all about building better stronger com- munities. Not only do we offer children health and Leadership programs, also sports and play, but other community members can get involved at the Youth Centre and help to create strong, com- munity focused youth through volun- teering. Living a healthy lifestyle and to get involved in your community any way you can help through volunteering:' She says she looks forward to "creating a positive connection with our youth and our community:' "The YMCA provides our children with activities and functions that will challenge and energize our youth and provide them with positive skills so that they may he the leaders of tomorrow," she says. If you go: To register for our camps and programs they can do it online at www.ymcaswo. ca select online registration and follow the instructions, they can contact Jenn Maguire at jmaguire©rmcaswo.ca, or in person at the YMCA Youth Centre 519-238-1155. Grand Bend Art Centre hires former Strip publishes 111 Ontario Trillium foundation grant will help "take the Art Centre to the next level ; Casey says s Y Grand Bend Supported by an Ontario Trillium Foundation grant, the Gerund Rend Art Centre can grow to become one of the key arts charities in the region, new community develop- ment coordinator Casey Lessard says. The grant funds Lessard's purl -time employment for two years. The former Grand Rend Strip pub- lisher recently returned to the area after a year In Oxford, England and a year in Igalult, Nunavut. Himself a photo- graphic artist and trainer, Lessard will help connect fellow artists with art lov- ers through classes, shows and other special events. "During my time In England, 1 worked altnost exclusively promoting luxury brands and products, so 1 plan to use my experience to take the Art Cen- tre to the next level," he saki. "People are hungry to experience art in their lives and to learn from talented artists. Our local artists deserve a chance to show they can compete with the best Ontario has to offer." 'the Trillium grant includes funding for a new website, which will launch this year. Lessard and Art Centre founder Teresa Jeronikin are planning for youth and adult classes, with more details to come, and preparing for Paint Ontario, the representational art show that opens at the l.ambton 1leritage Museum March 9. sea Casey Lessard