HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-05-28, Page 84 8 PERSONALS 121r. Wm. 11/Rink was vting for a few days hi London. Mr. Smith of the Dominion Bank, visited in 13erlin. • Miss Ella Cooke viaitall with friends Whitechurch. Miss Eleanor Cornyn spent the week end at Hamilton, Mr. Wm. Maiuprize, of Acton, spent Victoria Day in town. Miss Millie Turner spent the holiday ith friends in Berlin. Mr, George Tees was home from Windsor for the holiday. Mr. Arnott Brock, of London, spent the holiday with his rnotl3er. Mr. Burkett was in Haraiiton and Toronto during the holidays. Mr. F. Eaton, of Lucknow, was in town last week on busiaess. Miss Mintie Brown spent the week end at her home in Kincardine. Mr A. D. McKenzie, of the Lucknow Sentinel, was in tiara on Friday. Mies IN innie IVIePherson spent the belidays at her home at Amherley. Mrs. George Roe visited in Toronto and Hamilton during the holidays. M. George Young, of Torohto, visit- ed his parents in town over Sunday. Miss Helen Graham and Miss Letitia Robinson spent the holiday in Blyth. Mrs. W. A. Campbell and children are spending a few weeks in Kincardine. Mrs. Arthur Ferguson visited with friends in Blyth during the holidays. Miss M. E. Tibbs visited with Mrs, L N. Crowston, of Langside over the hall - Mrs, Angus MacLeod, of Goderich, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hine- cliffe. Miss Cooper, of the High School Staff, spent the holidays at her home in Clin- ton. Mr. Henry Davis spent the weekend in Seaforth. Mrs. Davis is visiting in Toronto. Mr. J. H. Baker, of town, spent the first part of the week in London on business. Mrs. (Dr.) Redmond left for Kincar- dine yesterday to spend a month at the lakeside. Mr A. D. Cameron, Deputy Sheriff of Goderich, was in town on business last Thursday. Postmaster Kay, of Stratford, was visiting for a few days last week with Rev, Father Blair. Mr, I. J. Pattison visited for a few days with his brother, Mr. J. W. Patti- son, at Port Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Elliott and child- ren, were visiting for a few days with relatives at Markdale. Mr. Brock C. Brandon and Miss Irene Taylor of Hanover visited over Siinday at the former's home. Mrs. Henry Wheeler and Miss Mar- garet Wheeler spent the holidays in Hamilton visiting friends. Mrs. W. J. Pattlson, of Port Elgin, was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Portor, over Sunday. Miss Dorothy Heath, who has been visiting Mrs. Roe for some weeks, re- turned to her home in Hamilton recent- ly. Mr. Wm. Powell was again called to Sombre on Saturday last to the bedside of his brother, Mr. John Powell, who is dangerously 111. Mr. J. H. Young bee returned to Winnipeg, accompanied by his another, Mrs. Alex. Young, who will spend a few months in Winnipeg. Mr, C. N. Griffin and Mrs. C. P. Smith attended the funeral of the late Mr. Anthony Griffin, cousin of Mr. Griffin, at Alma on Monday last. MINOR LOCALS. 04.•••••• .444444 -Regular monthly meeting of the Town Council will be held next Monday evening. -Regular meeting of Court Maitland, Canadian Order of Foresterwill be held on Friday evening of this week. -Mrs. E. Elkington announces the marriage of her daughter, S. A. Vera, to Mr. Ernest Albert Wheeler on the 20th day of May, 1914, at Winnipeg, Mart. NencN -I am prepared to again keep Iota in the remetery in good shape at the rate of $1 per lot for the season. Orden left with John P. Groves, Town Clerk, will be given prompt attention, Robt. Doyen. -After serving for forty years as acting Poatmaster in Tiverton, J. G. McArthur, on Monday, received notiee able official appointment as Postma ster of that place. The appointment was matt through Colonel Hugh Clark, M. P. -Mr, A. M. Crawford has sold his algae, tobacco and pool room huainess ire Well as the property to Mr. Dyer, of Landon, Ohlldren Orr FOR FLETCHER'S ASTORIA TIM MOM& TIMES, MAY 28 1914 NA- rati- co COD LIVER OIL Is one of the best Lung Builders A guaranteed cure or prevention for Coughs and Colds TRY IT Put up in two sizes 5oc. and $1.00 ows.savevommemormor•m•••••••••••••.". 11•4.1.11101••••1.4111,••44.1011•1••••••••41••4 J. DAVIS Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON CORNER DRUG -STORE WINGHAM TEETHING BABIES Teething time is usually a titne of worry to mothers. It is usualWaecom- panted by nervousness, stom*tt trouble and extreme fretfulness. W"'he mother can avoid all thial; she ea •five her baby pass through the moat ngerous teeth- ing time withor&t n or crossness. Baby's Own Tab are the mother's greatest friend at this time. They sweeten the stomach, regulate the bowels, allay feverishness which usual- ly accompanies the coming of new teeth, and in this way make teething easy. The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. DLO EVALE Mr. and Mrs. H. Bosman, of Toronto, visited their son Morris this week. Mrs. Sanderson, of Toronto, was visitor in town this week. Mrs. Davey, of Listowel, spent Sun- day with her mother, Mrs. Gannett. Miss Luella Shaw was home for the holidays. Mrs. John Gannett, of Toronto, spent a few days this week with her brother, M. J. Smith. Miss Agnes Aitchison spent Sunday at Hanover. About 60 from here spent the holiday at Brussels, Miss Nellie Burgess, of Toronto, spent 'the holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, of Brussels, spent Sunday with Jas. Masters. Miss Ida Cleghorn, of Toronto, spent the holidays with her parents. Mr. A. Gray and Miss Jessie spent the holiday with Listowel friends. W. J. Duff, of St. Thomas, was home over Sunday. Mr. Philip Thomas, of Cochrane, is visiting relatives here at present. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dulmage, of Pal- merston, spent Sunday with the for- mer's sister, Mrs. Len. Ruttan. Mrs. Jermyn is at present visiting relatives at Sarnia and Glencoe. Mr. .1. J .McCracken has disposed of his driver and purchased a new Ford. John believes in being up-to-date. Mrs. R. Musgrove is visiting friends at Toronto this week, Mr. John Hall is having a well drill. - ed this week. Mr, and Mrs. R. Black visited friends at 13russels on Monday. Some fine fish were taken out of the Maitland last week. Dozens were caught, most of them weighing from three to six pounds each, The heavy rainfall Sunday night did a great deal of good to the spring crops and hay. Farmers were fearing a dry spell like last year, but they are happy now. Mrs. Robt. Hamilton visited friends at Whitechurch over Sunday. Our popular blaeksmith, Prank &Ott, spent the holidays with his brother at Seaforth who has been on the sick list during the past few weeks. Following is the list of officers of the Epworth League for this year: -Hon. Pres., Rev. Cook; Pres., Mrs. W. J. Masters; 1st Vice Pres., Mrs. 11, 11c Call; 2nd Vice Pres., G. Hall; 3rel Vice Pres., H. Sinnamon; 4th Vice Pres., Miss McCall; 5th Vice Pres., H. Chem- berlain; Seey, Wm. McGee; Treas. Miss M. McGee; Organist, Miss McCall; Asst. Organist, Mr. E. Shaw. Mr. Andrew Cloakey from Olds, Alta., is spending a fewweeks with his broth- er lames. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT RE CARDING CANADIAN PACIPIC CHANGE OP TIME, MAY 31st. •••444.4•44 In connection with the coming change of time on the Canadian Pacific Railway, effective May 31st, many improvements in train service his been made, notable among these beitig the inauguration of solid dr luxe ttains, carrying compart- ment -library -observation ear, electrie- lighted etandad sleepers, together with Standard car service between Montreal -Toronto -Detroit -Chicago, via Canadien Pacific and Michigan Central Railroad, commencing westbound May 31st and eastbound June 1st These palatial trains will be known as 4••••••••••Ol••••••I No. 19 and No. 22, the former leaving Montreal 3.45 a. in. arriving Toronto 5,40 p.m. leaving Toronto 6,10 in m, arriving London 9.15 p m. leaving Lon- don 9.23 p. m. arriving Windsor 12,10 a. in. leaving Windsor 12,25 a. m, arriv- ing Detroit 11,35 p. ra. (central time). leaving Detroit 11,55 p. m. arriving Chicago 7.45 a. m. Train No. 22 will leave Chicago 9.30 a. m. (central time) arrive Detroit 3.55 p. in. leave Detroit 5.05 p in. (eastern time) arrive Windsor 5.15 p. m. leave Windsor 5.25 p, m. arrive London 8.10 p. in. leave London 8.18 p. na, arrive Toronto 11 20 p. m. leave Toronto 11.40 p. m. arrive Montreal 9.90 a. m, These two tris will be operated through the Michigan Central tunnel between Wind- sor and Detroit. The new TorontO-Winnipeg-Vancouv- er service should be greatly appreciated by the travelling public. No. 3, now leaving Toronto 10.20 p. m. will leave at 5.40 p, m„ running through solid to Winnipeg and Vancouver, carrying only the highest elass equipmeat. New train known as No. 7, will leave Toronto 10 50 p. m., running through solid to Winnipeg, carrying .standard sleeping cars, dining car, tourist sleep- ing cars, colonist cars, first-class coach- es, etc. Equally goodservice returning from the West. Particulars from Canadian Pacific ticket Agents, or M. G. Murphy, district Passenger Agent, Toronto. , BO UN FOWLER -In Morris, on Saturday, May 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fow- ler; a daughter. FLEMING -At the Lakeview Private Hospital, Toronto, on May 2Ist, 1914, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvie A. .Fleming. for imanerdlof Wingham, a son (Walker Har- ).PATT1E-In St. Helens, on May 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pattie; a son. PURDON-In St. Helens, on May llth, to Mr. and Mrs. James Pardon; a son. HYNDMAN -In Howick, on May 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hyndrnan; daughter. MARRIED. Fixrran-HantniNorrox-In Brantford, on Tuesday, April 28th, 1914, Mr, Russel Fixter, of Wingham, to Miss Helen Herrington, of Brantford. MCOLELLAND-In Belgrave, on Satur- day, May23rd, 1914, Alexander Mc- Clelland,in , n his 46th year. . Turnberry, on Friday, May 22nd, 1914, John Rolph, in his 60th year. KION -In Turnberry, on May 16th, 1914, Elizabeth Gray, relict of the late James Kirton, aged 86 years and 7 months. McGment-In Winnineg, on May 19th, Genevie Mina IVIcGrath, daughter of Mr. Richard McGrath, of Gorrie, aged 36 years and 23 clays. BYRON-In Saskatchewan, on April 15th, 1914, James Byron, aged 74 years and 7 months, late of the 14th Con. Grey Township. ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices Ender This Head ten cents a line tor first insertion; Ave cents for subse- quent insertions. • Get Parnell's tread at Chriatie's. WANTED -Boarders in priv house. Apply at Twins Office. STOCKERS WANTED -P sture to let. Apply to W. Clegg, R 4, Wingham. Rocas TO RENT over W. J. Greer's shoe store. For partieulars apply to Dr. A J. Irwin. Car of choice seed potatoes to arrive about May 21st, grown at Caledon, Ont, Get your seed while they last, one variety only. J. A. Mills, For Wall Paper and Window Shades go to KNox's. The Cadillac Electric or hand Vacuum Cleaners to rent at Isaers. WANno-Young tidies to learn dressmaking. Apply- to Miss S. Mc- Kenzie, Frances street. -LOST -G en tlera an Pe r41?eOat on Saturday afternoon on ii.2fid between Wingham and Lucitnow. inder leave same at Hanna &,Coisstgie and receive reward. DOG LOST -Strived from the prem lees of the underiagned, on May 6th, 1914, a young vvh‘te and tan Beagle Hound, with a pieee eut of one ear. Any person knowing of his whereabouts kindly eommunicate with 0. J. STEIN - mutt. Gori. Aviator Macaulay, who recently made several flights in Toronto, was badly shaken up when he was thrown out of his aeroplane at Mitchell. 1 SPECIAL VALUES IN HOUSE FURNISHINGS Nommusommolosimponswommiamipainmen KING BROS.. Unlearns 3 & 4 Yds Wide Our Mtge of patterns are most complete in new designs of floral and blcek patterns, made by the best makers, 2rices 50e, 05e and 75e sq yd. Japanese Matting & Rugs These rugs are becoming more popular every season and are just the thing for bed- rooms 4nd verandah, made in all sizes, Prices $1. to $3 50. Lace Curtains and Scrims We are showing a big range of curtains in Scrim, Arab. Net and Nottingbatu Lace, in white and ecrue. PriceS $1.00 to V 00 pair, Fancy Colored Scrims In two tone effects 'with plain or colored border. r, Prices 15e, 25c, 350, 50c and •and 75e yard. Kairn's JnJaid Linoleum 2 Yards Wide Very pretty patterns in black, tile and oak patterns. suitable for dining rooms, kitchens and bath rooms. Quality guaranteed by roman- factur er. Prices 8I.00 and 81,25 sq. yard. Kolorfast Guaranteed Matti fig This covering is snitable for bedrooms and halls, Will stand lots of hard wear, made in green and. larown reversible patterns and guaranteed fast colors, at 50e yard, Window Shades and Curtain Poles Brass extention rods with fancy trinarnihgs and knobs, Prices 25e, 50e and75e. Window shades in plain greens and fawns with lace or insertion. Prices 50c to $1.50. Bugs, Carpets and Stair Carpets Velvet, Wilton, Brussels, Tapistry and Axminister, in all sizes. Prices $5.00 to $75. Stair Carpets In fancy patterns, with bor- der or without. 50c to 81,50 per yard. ••011111•10, PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 71 50,000 POUNDS WOOL WANTED Highest Prices, Cash or Trade. KING BROS Reduced Prices in Wall Paper and Window Shades at KNOX'S, 'MINKS AND VA.LISES:-Big stock of select from at lowest prices. W. 3. GREER. For the Newest Designs in Spring Wall Paper go to KNOX'S. PASTURE -Good pasture can be fur- nished for a number of cattle. Apply to W. J. Deyell. FOR SALE -A comfortable seven - roomed house, with cement cellar and coal bin. Hard and soft water, a good garden, Apply to P. G. Sperling, Min- nie street or at his office, Salt Block. Fon SALE -A good fruit farm in the Niagara district, Get particulars at TIMES office. NOTICE -Our dental offices will be closed every Wednesday afternoon from May lst to October ist. A. 3. lawtx, D.D.S C. H, Ross, D.D.S., NOTICE OF MEETINQ TO CONSIDER BY -1W. Take notice thatha b ataw for raising $10,000 under the o ions of the Tile Drainage Act will taken into con- sideration by the Municipal Council of the Township of Turnberry at Bluevale on Monday, 29th day of June, 1014, at the hour of 4 o'clock in the afternoon. P. POWELL, Clerk. MEETING OF HURON COM MU Y. The Council o the Corporation of the County of Hur will meet in the coun oil chamber, i the Town of Goderith on Tuesday, 0 2nd day of June next at the bourofj e'tIock. W. LANE, Clerk. Dated at Go erich, May 13th, 1914. Coal and Wood Genuine Lehigh Coal Hard, Bright and Clean Prices for present delivery are: Stove and Egg V.1411 Chestnut 7,36 Pea • 6.1.0 Connell Anthracite from ltie to 35a per ton leas, according to size. Pull supply of Hard and Soft Wood Canteion OVFICE WITH Dominion Express Co.'s Office SPRING COAL Best results have shown that when buying your spring coal, you should be sure you get Genuine Anthracite The name "Scranton - stands for all you can wish for in Coal, having the high- est analysis of Coal mined, yet selling at a price to com- pare with the lower qualities Why not have the best? Hard and Soft Slab, for summer use at lowest prices. e • J. A. McLEAN Dealer in . LUMBER, COAL, WOOD OCEAN TICKETS Via all steamship lines, outward or prepaid from the Old Couutry. Lowest quotations current for rates or tickets by any route. Apply IL B. ELLIOTT Times Office, Wingham NORTH END GROCERY Having opened a Grocery Store in the old sulto known as the North End Grocery, I solicit a fair share of the patronage of the people of Wingham and vicin- ity. We will altraya keep a Clean and fresh stock of Groceries, ett. an can assure you satisfaction. Try us with your aext order, .414. A. BELL 'Phohe 193 Cash tor Butter and tggs SelaWAWWW•eallaaVaillatIVII141141(1V4WOWS-allaa'a Two Good Lines of Cheap Shoes for Men In our South Window we are showing some very moderately priced Shoes for Men, Below are two lines that are there shown which we have in stock at all times and which are worthy of special mention. This' Gun Metal Laced Boot, (note that we have it in buttoned also), Fashionable shape and good to wear in all sizes for Men $3.50 PER PAIR This excellent Patent Colt Shoe, on the neWeat style last (slightly modified). Looks and wears almost as well as the best lines. All eizes for men 5;14 to 11, for $3.75 PER PAIR We have several other lines that are above average value. Ila Willis & Co. Sole Agents ForLadies *44$41eVivivvverewevie&444414411441Awiiivs44444444,44,4evseetiovsem) ••••1101ild••••••••=.1,1•10.0•••••• w.4.4444•4••••••••.4•4•••••••44w•4•4•44,4••44444.4 SEEDS, FLOUR AND FEEDS All kinds of seeds now in stock—Clovers of all kinds and grasses for permanent pasture, Red Clover, Alsike Clover, White Clover, Lucerne Clover, white Blossom, Bro.,: jt. Grass, Orchard Grass, Kentucky and Canadian Blue Grass, Rye Grass, etc. All high Grade Government Standard No. L Also Mangel, Carrot, Turnip seed, Early Potatoes, all 1914 seeds, a few last year Loose Mangel 'seed at 15c per lb. A Car of Hand Selected seed Corn to arrive about May 1st; all Essex Grown. I buy only the best No Failure of crop when buying from one who understands Seed Corns, Teaming, Bailey, White Cap Wisconsin No. 7. Cornptons Early and Long- fellow. Cakiwells Calf Meal, and Bibby's Cream Equiya- lant for rearing Calves without milk. Good Luck Baby Chick feed for young Chicks. Bran,Shorts, Feed Flour and Chop. FLOURS Royal Household, Robin Hood, Purity, Univers- . al and Golden City. Wheat and Oats taken in Exchange for any of the above, also Butter and Eggs at cost prices. A., NULLS Successor to T Ao NU& PtIONE 89. WINGBAIVI, ONT.