Lakeshore Advance, 2013-02-20, Page 5Wednesday, February 20, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 5
Com unity
letters to the editor
In the February 13th Lakeshore
Advance it was mentioned there
would be a $30 fee for those who
wanted to advertise in the Chamber
of Commerce Visitor's Guide.
Manager Susan Mills explained fur-
ther that the $30 listing fee is the cost
for it 1101 -Forest Iii business or non -
Chamber business to be listed in the
new Geo -Street project launching in a 10
0c( le of months.
/ranch, Geo -Street will include
al t'orest BIA and (rand Bend & Area
Chamber members. Their automatic
inclusion is part of the services pur-
chased with their pay111t'11t to the BIA
or Chamber. It is anticipated other
businesses not affiliated with either
the RIA or Chamber will want to par-
ticipate and they art' invited to (10 so
for a $30 listing fee.
Geo -Street is a mobile device ready
web -slapping module, whereby base
Google neaps are overlaid with cate-
gorized, slapped local businesses,
attractions, events, parks and much
The user can turn "layers" off or on
depending on their. information
For example, a tourist in the area
slight be looking for the 1 lomemade
Music lass Festival - they could turn
off all but the "events" layer and get
turd -by -tarn directions to the
Advertising in the annual visitor
guide is Open t0 all businesses in
Lanlhton Shores. The cost ranges from
$1 10 to $595 (+ I IS'l') depending on
the size of ad. Advertising opportuni-
ties are promoted through email noti-
fications to Chamber members,
through an independent sales repre-
sentative, online through the Cham-
ber's website (G riandBen d'Touris111
coni), electronically through cable
channel advertising and in print
advertising in the Lakeshore Advance,
Tinges Advocate, Parkhill Gazette and
Forest Standard.
As part of our new working relation-
ship with the Forest IIIA, a special dis-
count was offered to RIA businesses
as an incentive to be part of the 2013
guide. 'There are 90 local advertisers
in this year's guide.
Want to know more about the
Chamber's tourism services? Visit
What is endamame?
Bluewater Biz
Mark Cassidy
A boy says to his Mom I'm really hungry how do I
enlarge the font 00 my alphabet soup?
Want the amazing answer to this and other tasty ques-
tions about your food? No problem. lust come out to the
local food presentation on 'Thursday February 28. You will
also learn bite sized nuggets of information such as: Where
is I3luewater's organic egg grading station? What is
endamame? Should 1 take food supplements or eat nutri-
ent dense food? I low do you get your vegan roommate to
stop eating your garbanzo beans? What do Kale and Choc-
olate have in common? Who doesn't like bacon? Which
Bluewater restaurants serve locally grown food? Who is
Gays Creutzberg? Was the apple Eve gave to Adam organic?
Why do half of us hate Brussels Sprouts? What do you get
when you combine protein fiber essential fatty acids anti-
oxidants amino acids vitamins and minerals? My cat ate
my chia pet plant should l be worried?
Come early and bring a carload of neighbours. February
28. 2 pin at the Zurich Arena Auditorium OK 7 pm at the
Bayfield Arena Auditorium. Admission is free. No really.
For more information please call Mark Cassidy at the
Municipal office 519-236-4329.
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Send your eye questions to Dr. Laura
Lear roc Laura:
Marie: Why do 1 need regular eye exams? 1 can
see well and 1 have no eye pain.
Thank you for your excellent question. The
most important aspect of an eye exam is to ensure
there are no eye diseases that could impair your
sight and quality of life.
It is important to be seen on a regular basis to
compare differences in vision and eye health and
understand why these changes are occurring.
Without good eve health you may experience
unnecessary loss of vision Tater in life.
For instance, Glaucoma (the number one lead-
ing cause of blindness itt the world) has no symp-
toms. Regular eye exams allow the tracking of
changes in eye health, eye pressure, diseases and
sight. It is similar to a freckle 011 your arm, your
Physician documents the size, shape and color of
the freckle so next visit it can be compared to see
if any changes have occurred and if so, further
testing is done.
Licensed Optometrists are required to check all
aspects of the eye, document and cotnpare every-
thing at each visit including, yes, a freckle in the
eye, it's location, depth, size, shape and color etc.
Regular eye exams and eye education are
important aspects of maintaining your quality of
life and are covered by ()I11P for those ages
between 6 months to 20 years and 65 and older
on a yearly basis. For those ages between 20-64
years it is recommended you see a licensed
Optometrist every two years or as recommended
by your eye care professional.
Dr. Laura MacDonald
Grand Bend Optometry Clinic
We welcome next months question to or lakeshore.advance@sun-
Grand Bend Area Health Services Foundation
Board names new Chairman
I)r. Bruce 1lough's term as Chairman of the
Grand Bent Area 1lealth Services Foundation
ended recently, and the Foundation's hoard
named flank Winters as his replacement. Pat Bill-
ington Was hassled as the Vice Chairman and Art
Smith -Windsor as the Treasurer.
Ihe board is vety grateful to Dr. lough for his lead-
ership in recent years. 1 le will continue as a director.
'l'he 1 lealth Services Foundation supports the
Grand Bend and Area Community I lealth Center
through fund-raising and donations.
It was established in 2000,
and it still owns and man-
ages the Gill Road Medical
Building and property.
For information concern
ing bequests, donations, the
Memorial Donor Wall, or to
express an interest in joining
the Board contact Susan Cordell at 519-238- 1556
ext 268, or 1 Tank Winters at 519-238-5419.
Hank Winters
Every 40 minutes, the Make -A -Wish
Foundation' grants the wish of a child with a
life-threatening medical condition being
a vetennanan for day, having a computer
to stay l unnected or going anywhere their
imagination takes them. loin in our mission
to create lasting
hope, strength and Joy.
Visit www.swo.makeawish (a today
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