Lakeshore Advance, 2013-02-13, Page 1414 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Huron East won't seek intervenor status as Next Era seeks
permission to construct transmisslon Hnes from OEB
Written and moral
support will be
offered to
municipality of Bluewater
Susan Hundertmark
NI Agency
While the Huron East won't ask for
intervenor status as Next Era goes
through its Leave to Construct process
with the Ontario Energy Board for
transmission lines connecting to the
Varna Wind project, the municipality
will offer written and moral support to
Bluewater, councillors decided at a
recent council meeting.
Bluewater requested intervenor sta-
tus on Jan. 3 with the intent to provide
evidence, cross examine witnesses and
advance arguments in the hearing of
the application to construct a transmis-
sion line but CA() Brad Knight told
luron East councillors he didn't think
it was necessary for Huron East to do
the same at their Jan. 8 meeting.
"Bluewater has their own reasons for
what they're doing. Bluewater's basi-
cally opposed to the project, period. 1
don't get that feeling from council here.
1 think the way we treated this project is
it's recognized as a permitted use," said
Knight, adding that councillors might
get a different opinion from local
Knight said he wants to provide
written comments about the location of
the transmission lines within the road
allowance, particularly the difficulties
that have arisen with hydro One in dis-
cussions about co -locating power
"What we're trying to do is we're try-
ing to provide comments to recognize
the inability to deal with Ilydro One -
their position doesn't seem reasonable
in a couple instances. 'There are things
Next Era is proposing that would
address the issues we have," Knight told
council, adding that intervenor status
won't he necessary to deal with those
Knight added that he thought an oral
hearing could result from requests by
Bluewater and other applicants for
intervenor status and if it does, he'd like
to see I luron East participate.
But, 'L' u•kersmith (;oun. Les Falconer
questioned whether Huron East
shouldn't be uniting with 13luewater,
especially concerning issues that affect
both municipalities.
"I don't know what Bluewater's think-
ing but I always thought the more in
numbers you have, the better off you
are. If Bluewater and we can get along
as two municipalities that aren't in
favour of something, we might have
more weight," he said.
Mayor Bernie MacLellan pointed out
that while Huron East has ratepayers
who aren't happy with the transmission
lines proposed for their road, the
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municipality hasn't learned of "One other major stumbling
anything Next Era is doing that Is block is they have different opin-
against the rules. ions on how it should be
"We don't have any physical resolved. If everyone had one
evidence of rules that have been opinion, at least it gives us a
broken to our knowledge," he direction we can help with. If the
said. "We do believe they have public doesn't all agree, we can't
tried to talk to Hydro One to get take sides and push a certain
some consensus but there agenda," he said. "Who decides
doesn't seem to be any coopera- which plan is the one that suits
tion there and we don't have any the majority of the people?"
power over hydro One either. Tuckersnnith Coun. Larry
People aren't happy but it McGrath said it was a shame
appears that things have been Next Era hadn't arranged a pub -
done correctly." lic meeting where all the land -
Falconer argued that if Blue- owners could sit together, listen
water is successful In getting to the various options and come
Next Era transmission lines bur- to a consensus on the most
ied in its municipality, I Iuron acceptable location for the trans -
East should make sure it's in a mission lines.
position to demand the same. "1 would not want to wake up
"1 think we should be part of in the morning and have my
an oral presentation and what- trees gone and 115 Kv line 30 feet
ever happens in Bluewater from myhouse because the gov-
should happen in I luron East. If ernment says you can do it," said
the lines are going to buried over McGrath.
there, they should he buried Sea forth Conn. Bob Fisher
herr'. I think there should be a said he wished a third party
third party deciding where these ombudsman could get involved,
lines should go," he said. requiring Next Era to sit down
MacLellan remarked that he with the landowners and work
wasn't sure all of the local rate- out a solution.
payers would agree they want MacLellan suggested finding a
the transmission lines buried, way to "piggyback" on BIuewa-
which he pointed out as another ter's submission by offering writ -
reason why the municipality ten continents and moral sup -
shouldn't get involved with port without hiring lawyers to
intervenor status. represent I heron East's interests
as an intervenor.
"If a letter of support and
moral support at the actual
meeting is beneficial to them), we
would he willing to do that pro-
vided we don't have to start hir-
ing lawyers," he said.
In a letter from Next Era's law-
yer, McCarthy'1'etrault, to the
Ontario Energy Board received
at I luron East's Jan. 22 meeting ,
no objections are voiced against
any of the applicants for inter-
venor status, including 1' a -
ter, the 1 listoric Saugeen - tis,
Nitzema Dairy, Brian and I lelen
Oldfield, J.R. McLachlan, the
(ESO, Jeff Allan and a group
intervention that includes Jeff
and Stephanie Allan, Beth
Cooper, Matt and Elaine !limey,
Chris and Angela Maloney,
Darin and Julie McKenzie, Jack
McLachlan, 'Tom Nolan, Brian
and Helen Oldfield, Gerry and
!leather Ritzema, Bill and Carol
Stephenson, Ron and Ann
Thompson, Arnold Van Milten-
burg, Ben and Nose Van Milten-
burg, Ed and Susanne Van
Miltenburg, John and Mary Van
Miltetnburg, 'luny Van Milten-
burg and Al and Francis Wynja.
The lawyer's letter does dis-
pute the requests for an oral
hearing, saying the reasons pro-
vided don't demonstrate a need
for an oral hearing.
Scam detected by citizen
I luron County OPP received a
report this week regarding
another online scam. A
Godcrich resident reported he
was selling his pickup truck on a
popular online website (KijIJi).
Ile was contacted by two
scamuners vitt text messages and
both of them wanted to imme-
diately purchase his vehicle
without inspecting the vehicle.
The seller became very suspi-
cious after learning the pur-
chasers lived out of province
and both supposedly didn't
have the time to talk over the
phone. Some red flags the seller
correctly identified as scam
warning signs were:
'The buyer wanted the vehicle
The buyer lived far away and
had no problem paying for ship-
ping expenses
They were willing to pay full
asking price.
'they were willing to purchase
without Inspecting first.
Both buyers were too busy to
talk over the phone and would
only communicate via text mes-
sage and email.
Both were going to pay for the
vehicle vitt PayPal
'The stammers will often pro-
vide some elaborate title as to
why they can't communicate
over the phone. They will send
you communication through
text messages or email advising
you the funds will be transferred
to your PayPal account. PayPal
is a secure method of transfer-
ring money however the
scamnners take advantage of
this and create fake PayPal cor-
respondence. If you don't have
a Paypal account they will
instruct you to open an account
and will provide you with a link
to do so. 'This link will undoubt-
edly take you to a spoofed
PayPal site. 'The stammers will
also provide you with genuine
looking email receipts advising
the funds have been tray •f rred
into your PayPal accost )hen
in fact there has been no such
transfer. In addition scammners
will often try to create a sense of
urgency and will report that
there has been a problem with
the transaction. They then
request funds to be wired to
rover unexpected fen's.
If you send the money, you
have been scammed. If you
ship your item before verifying
the funds in your account you
have been scammed. Don't
become a victim. It is always
best to snake transactions face
to face. If this is not possible, do
your due diligence and protect
yourself. Never wire money to
people you do not know. And
most of all, remember, "If it's too
good to be true, it likely is':