HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-02-13, Page 11e
$53,000 short -fall for United Way: can help
Lynda Hillman-Rapley
Lakeshore Advance
The United Way of Perth-
lluron improves lives and builds
strong local communities by
bringing change where it is
needed most. In our work we
lead in many ways - as a funder,
partner, convener, advocate and
researcher for more than 50
agencies, programs, and
Executive Director Ryan Erb
says one in three Perth-Iluron
residents utilize at least one of
e associated agencies, pro -
rams or projects, making the
United Way of Perth -Huron
important to all. That is over
45,000 people and by improving
the lives of these people, we see a
ripple effect, improving the lives
of tunny more. As Executive
Director, Erb says in his role he
represents United Way Perth-
Iluron and its core values as he
communicates with the munici-
pal, organizational, and non-
profit leaders of the community.
"Within the United Way 1 super-
vise, mentor, and encourage our
staff and agency leaders to do the
best work they can do. 1n the
community I share the core mes-
saging of United Way and ask cit-
izens to join us in improving lives
in our community," he says. Many
people have no idea what the
United Way does and Erb agrees
saying, "People are often una-
ware of the scope of our efforts
and how they affect each local
community in our catchments of
Perth and 1-luron. For example,
the numbers bear out that 1 in 3
people in our communities are
receiving a service related to our
funded agencies, programs or
rojects. While people usually
low that we raise a lot of money
and give out, they don't normally
understand who receives it, and,
the divisions, and projects we run
ourselves." United Ways mantra
is Change starts here and Erb says
that message "change starts here"
is twofold, "first change starts
here with you, whether you are a
donor, volunteer, or someone
who is sharing your story, you are
supporting United Way's goal of
improving lives and building
strong local communities. Sec-
ondly, change is the root of our
organization; because we are
good at fundraising, advocacy,
and supporting agencies, we are
able to make positive change for
our communities. So yes, change
starts here with United Way."
In Huron County they support
211 (a Division of United Way of
Perth -Huron), Big Brothers Big
Sisters of North Huron (a Mem-
ber Agency), Big Brothers Big Sis-
ters of South Huron (a Member
Lakeshore Advance
Ryan Erb
Agency), (:NIB (a Member
Agency), Central Huron Public
School student led initiatives
(grants), Emily Murphy Centre (a
Member Agency), Epilepsy
Huron Perth (a Member
Agency), Foundation for Enrich-
ing Education Perth Huron
(grant), Family Services Perth-
IIuron (a Member
Agency), Huron County Food
Bank Distribution Centre (a
Member Agency), Iluron 1los-
pic:e Volunteer Service (a Mem-
ber Agency), 1 luron Safe !tomes
For Youth (a Member
Agency), 1 luron Women's Shel-
ter (a Member Agency), John
1loward Society of London &
District (a Member
Agency), ONE Care glome and
Community Support Services (a
Member Agency), Partners in
Employment (a Member
Agency), PF Solutions (a Project
of United Way of Perth -
Huron), Social Research and
Planning Council (a Division of
United Way of Perth -I iuron), The
United Centre (a Division of
United Way of Perth-
( luron), Youth United Council (a
Division of United Way of Perth -
['mon), Volunteer Portal (a Divi-
sion of United Way of Perth-
Iluron, VON Perth Huron (a
Member Agency). "We also lead
research projects through our
Social Research and Planning
Council. Our most recent have
been the Transportation Study
and Addiction and Gambling
Report. Currently we are produc-
ing a report on Violence against
Women. 'These reports bring
service providers together and
provide recommendations for
improvements to programming
and services in both Huron and
Perth Counties;' says Erb.
'(hew are three plain ways peo-
ple can get involved: give, volun-
teer, and act. Give: We are an
agency who raises funds and
allocates them to agencies,
protects, and programs. We care-
fully choose our goal in direct
relation to the requests for
support from the agencies we
fund. When you choose to give to
United Way Perth -I luron you can
he assured that this money goes
back into your local community.
Many of our recipients are
dependent on our funding for the
survival of their agencies, because
they do not have the staff or
resources to run effective fund-
raising campaigns; our campaign
allows them to focus on running
their programs, not raising
money. Volunteer: We rely on
over 600 volunteers for all the
work we do. We are always look-
ing for people to help with events,
lead aspects of our campaign,
and to have a voice on our com-
mittees and shape the focus of
United Way and its future alloca-
tions and projects. Act: We are so
thankful when people share the
stories of United Way and how it
has helped changed their life or
the life of someone they know.
Often these people become advo-
cates for united Way and host
events, become dedicated
donors, and/or give back by
Lakeshore Advance
Dave Brown
Erb says they want you to know
that this year we currently have a
$53,000 gap between their goal of
$1,082,012 and what they are
expecting to receive. "We are
going through tough economic
times, and it is in these times the
agencies most need our funding.
We have extended our campaign
until February 20th, 2013 in the
hopes that we will be able to
bring that extra amount.
If you can help, please give a
little bit more so that we can give
funding where it is needed most.
We will do a presentation at your
workplace, club, or organization
if you are considering a work-
place campaign or hosting an
event. You can also make an indi-
vidual donation at perthhuron.
unitedway.ca or by calling 1-877-
Dave Brown, Executive Direc-
tor for The United Way of Sarnia-
Lainhton says this agency is very impor-
tant to the southern part of this
community. "We are the second largest
fancier of community programs and
services; second only to the Govern-
ment. 'Ihere are a number of programs
that would simply not exist if it weren't
for the United Way," he says adding,
"Our funded programs address root
causes and focus on prevention where
possible. Without the work of our
funded agencies, kids will drop out of
school in higher numbers, crime would
increase, and more youth will make
more poor decisions."
Brown says all of their funded pro-
grams have measureable results. Agen-
cies will do follow up with their clients as
well as their families to ensure the goals
and objectives of the programs are being
met and to see where programs can be
improved. We have an "Agency Profile
on our website that list the outcomes
and objectives of each of our funded
programs. www.theunitedway.on.ca
"I think people in our community are
starting to know more about the United
Way. People are asking questions and
thanks to all the media in our commu-
nity, our message is getting out. We are
doing more and more employee presen-
tations. 1 believe the more people know
about the United Way of Sarnia -Lamb -
ton, the more likely they will
Most people get involved at their
workplace; either as a canvasser, (Cam-
paign team member), or volunteer at
their employers' special events; maybe
organizing a BBQ, 50/50 draw, etc. "We
also have had some people reach us
through our website to get involved,"
said Brown. Ile suggests you check out
their website, or perhaps even download
their (phone (Pad app. "'Pons of infor-
mation about our agencies, their alloca-
tions, 111) coming events; even our most
recent campaign videos. Search United
Way on the T1'unes store, or visit the
website for more information."
The Sarnia agency services all of
1.ambton County, but only as far north
as the Greenway just north of the Pinery
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