HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-02-13, Page 7Wednesday, February 13, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 7
Fighting forces of nature in the Great Lakes
Uenliiil; wiili
Lynda HIllman-Rapley
Lakeshore Advance
Brent Kittmer, Lnmbton
Shores Director of Community
Services apologized to council
for not having exact costs for the
local harbours, but did want
them to be aware of the chal-
lenges they are facing with the
historic low water issues.
"'she current low water condi-
1 In Lake Huron has resulted
it ower than normal water
level in the (rand Bend har-
bour. As a result, the water level
in the Middle of the river at the
municipal boat !Munch is to the
point where large vessels will
not be able to safely launch (a
minimum requirement of 4 feet
of depth is needed for large ves-
sels). In addition, staff has
r'ece'ived reports from boaters
that they had issues hitting the
bottom at the municipal gas
docks during the 2012 boating
season," he explained.
To correct this Issue staff is
proposing to perforin spot
dredging in the harbour at
the location of the municipal
launch ramp, and the munici-
pal gas dock. Should this work
not be completed, it is expected
that the municipal boat launch
will not be operable during the
2013 boating season for large
vessels unless the water level in
tile river rises before the start of
the season. Unfortunately the
U.S. Artily Corps of Engineers is
forecasting that the water level
will to continue to decrease
throughout the spring.
' esently, the operating
bl ; t (foes not include funds
fo is work as it is not a regu-
lar occurrence for the Grand
Bend Harbour, and this work
was not forecasted as
needed when the budget was
prepared In October 2012.
Additional dredging in the har-
bour should be cost shared with
the other benefitting users so
that the financial burden is not
fully borne by the municipality.
In this instance, the municipal-
ity is the primary benefactor of
the work in these specific loca-
tions as revenue is collected for
boat launch use, and the gas
docks are a part of the core
marina operations. As a result,
the costs of this proposed work
should be borne fully by 141111h-
1011 Short's.
hittlnt'r said a portion of the
spot dredging work proposed
for the Grand (Bend harbour
qualifies for funding from the
(1 (11'a1 1) t'pal'1111('111 UI
Fisheries and Oceans as the
location of the dredging will he
on Federal lands. Staff has con-
tacted the l)1O and they will
cost share the work completed
on Federal property on a 50/50
basis to a maximum Fed-
eral contribution of $40,000,
1)FO already contributes to the
dredging work completed for
the harbour mouth, and have
indicated that they will consider
funding the contract amend-
ment with Mitoi works to bring
their total contribution to
$28,403 111 2013. This would
leave approximately $1 1,500 in
1)1:0 funds available for spot
dredging work; however the
municipality must match the
I)FO funds.
"The challenge is to find the
necessary municipal funding to
complete the work in 2013, and
several considerations can be
made. First, the operating
budget for the Port Franks 11ar-
hour includes $44,433 for spot
dredging. The actual cost
incurred each year fluctuates
dependent upon the amount of
dredging that is required to be
completed once the harbour
soundine.s have been
I)t'rforml'll. Should the actual
cost of spot dredging in Port
Franks he less than the $44,433
that is budgeted any leftover
funds could be reallocated to
the (;rand Bend work. Any
remaining costs could then he
funded from reserve, and funds
could be included 111 the 2014 to
repay the reserve," he. said
"Alternatively, Council could
consider amending the operat-
ing budget to include funds
for this work on an emergency
basis similar to the $100,000
dredging approved for the
Port Franks ice management
work. The challenge with this
approach is that a budget for
the work will not he known until
dredging quantities can I)t' esti-
in ated when sounding of
the harbour is completed. "
Kinsler also suggested coun-
cil could consider increasing
the Iaunclt ramp fee to generate
revenue to offset the cost of any
dredging work should it be
approved. The current fee
schedule sets a variety of fees
including single launch, com-
mercial users, and season's
Grand Bend and Port Franks
in 2012 launch ramp fees generated
$22,135.79 in revenue to help offset the
operating costs of the Grand Bend
!fathom. 'Ihc primary consideration to
be made is what the demand elasticity
is for use of the launch ramp in rela-
tion to price. Presently there is
no information available in this regard,
but it is possible that launch ramp
usage may decrease in response to a
price increase thus negatively affecting
revenue. Conversely, Grand Bend is a
primary boating location and there
may lie no effect on demand
in response to a marginal price
Councilor Doug Bonesteel said they
were caught between a rock and a hard
place and (1i(1 not want to drive har-
bour business away. Kittmer said a
price increase may deter business and
they (11(I not want to have a reputation
of having an in-opratable boat launch.
Councilor Martin Underwood said
maybe it is time to look at long terns
and they have to deckle if fort Franks
and Grand Bend are still viable har-
bours instead of pouring millions of
dollars to dredging. 1 le said maybe in a
decade things will be different. Mayor
Bill Weber said the trend is usually two
years. Kittmer said they are fighting
forces of nature, "we will have to work
with what we have," he said. Councilor
Lorie Scott said they have to slake sure
the people know they are concerned
and looking at all the options. Kittmer
was asked if $10,000 was enough to do
the job and he said it was plenty. Scott
wanted to add $15,000 to that amount
but Kittmer said the $10,000 would
work and if they found that levels only
three feet, he WO(1l(1 come back and
recommend they do nothing.
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