HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-02-13, Page 4'. . -' ; ,\ , ' ., , l• : 1 Ir . r 4 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, February 13, 2013 www.lakeshoreadvance.com takoshoro Advance PUBLISHED WEEKLY P.O.BOX 1195 58 Ontario St., North Grand Bend ON NOM 1TO phone: 519-238-5383 fax: 519-238-5131 email: Iakeshore.advance@sunmedia.ca SUN MEDIA A Quebecor Media Company NEIL CLIFFORD Publisher/Advertising Manager neil.clifford@sunmedia.ca LYNDA HILLMAN-RAPLEY Editor lakeshore.advance@sunmedia. ca MARK STEPHEN Advertising Sales mark.stephen@sunmedia.ca JULIE HARRISON Typesetting/Classifieds lakeshore.ads®sunmedia.ca www.Iakeshoreadvance.com SUBSCRIPTION RATES ADVANCE: Regular $42.00 (40.00+2.00 GSi) Online subscriptions available—same rates Publications Mail Agreement No.40064683 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO LAKESHORE ADVANCE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT P.O.Box 1195 58 Ontario St. North Grand Bend ON NOM 1 TO For any non -deliveries or delivery concerns: phone: 519-238-5383 e-mail: lakeshore.advanceesunmedia.cs Changes of address, orders for subscriptions, and undeliverable copies (return postage guaranteed) are to be sent to Lakeshore Advance at the address indicated here. Advertising Is accepted on the condition that in the event of a typographical error, the portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertise- ment will be pad at the applicable rates. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canadian Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities. Canada AOCnaMember al Canadian eo4nn xnty Newspapea r Association end ra the ave Ontario Community Newspapers Association editorial Amalgamation dictates you pay for unwanted amenities When communities amalgamated in 2000 it was with some apprehension- some still feel it today. Small communities were being marled to their neighbours -even if they had nothing in common. Some have worked- some not so ilnuch. One plus though was that the govenunent was willing to give more infrastructure money to the new municipalities. One downside created was that you, as a taxpayer would be paying for lanae ticket items you may never use. The "area ratting" of old was now gone. in l.almbton Shores evety- one is paying for a beach development they may never use. 'They are paying for two recreation complexes some have never seen. All the people in Lambton Shores are paying for a Sarnia hospi- tal they may never step foot in. In South I Iur ni people are paying for the Crediton Spoltsplex, something they may not use and now the p10- posal for the refurbishing of a pool and arena ate on the front burner. Grand Bend north (Grand Cove and Oakwood) want no part of it. 'this just seems to be the way of life since amal- gamation. 'there is something to say for the argu- ment that these two western South Huron com- munities have seen little in added bonuses since amalgamation- but that is a story in itself. 'the arranged IInan'iage of towns and villages came with few dowries but forced adoptions of stuff some just don't want or need. 'Bien, are new roads and arenas, splash pads and water lines. 'I here ate additions to some co1lnilltlliitit's that may have never seen the light of day without amalgamation. We had little choice When it came to jumping on the amalgamation bandwagon. Municipal life became a change in the way we were governed and financed. Lots of down- load- ing to municipal levels. Premier Mike i Iarris ful- filled his tax -cut, less- government mandate as part of his Common Sense Revolution. "there have been arguments against municipal mergers- but now -13 years later- it is what it is. At the end of the day, amalgamation has survived --it was contentious in the planning stages but the conunuInities are slowly becoming large families, working together. In the end- even if there is a rink in the south you say you will never use or a pool refurbishment that will need your tax dol- lars- there is little we can do about it. Amalgama- tion may not be a match made in heaven but without it, our communities may have remained status quo with no chance for the new commu- nity centre or beach enhancement or arena com- plex etc. etc. etc. Lynda Millman-Raple y letters to the editor Forest resident has questions for council 'lb the lulifu►; About two weeks ago this paper rat lied a Messltge from the Deputy Mayor, which supposedly laid out the progress that the plesl'nt council had arhteved in flit' past hyo year.1 believe this is the accomplishment (tithe former council not the ptvsent Tilt` only thing they h;lvl` Managed to do is spend money frivolous and get them selves into a box by tit ing the (:Al) a man that could give thein good advice anti guide them through sensible anti Itt't't'SS111y projects. Al tilt' 14 Iain meeting Hwy decided to hire it consultant to aid then) in tingling a new (:AO. To me this is neon` money wasted. 'Thele was it test done recently on Alain St. S .tin' (0 the heavy truck trattig' and the deterring condition of the road. It was reported to he minor according to the experts, cot i'il hired to do the job. !tient Kinner made these findings avail able to council. 'this is not the only Mace on the 1 ligl)wity that this problem can be found, Ihelr' is a Spot 111 tt'oltt 0175 King 1.. and bttve,n 99 and 101 King F. son), trucks shake the dishes in the cupboanrt and change the position of pictures bang ing 00 the wall. A small vibration will cause siructural danulge in time. 'Itis tepott pleases council; they now have an t'xrust' to put ott Ie jhtlrs and ran spend our money, west 01 toren, btautit' Ing the lagoons. Anotht'I project to pacify a small group. In the report they 'ingot to IttrIttion that there wottlti br nerd tot parking to accommodate all the bus trill tic and the souvenir anti coffee shop! Also the grass will hiwc to be cut with hal tory i)uwelrll Imvn tractors, Stn 115 1101 (0 disturb the burls. And the deputy mayor will have to have her no smoking signs in place. l;ot to be cat hil not to cause any pollution to hat in the birds!! 'Ilii`)' are lil'tel'tllete ((1 spend o111' lax money on frivolous projects, even if ninety prevent of the taxpayers disagree. I hone wt' can atk)Itt this roun'iI for t1 next two years, brit 1 tt`al' 1vt` Indy emir,* in the Door house. At the 1.1 11111 meeting it was stated that in question period, you could only ask ahtnu 'iutt had been discussed at the meeting. 'these is censoring, but then why ask, council will just ignore you. Two t1(111(1111 atte11Vityltl' addressed them, make the statement, tltl`y Whl'1'l` elected, and this gives them the right to do as they see tit and not have to explain dull actions to anyone. Now that is arra g;utre with a capital A. The question on a► lot of peoples minds, is how many meetings at e being held outside of ('ounril chambers and where ;111d ht)W 1111111), t't)tlnlg'iII)t's 1111` in attendance? At the end of the meeting 11nderwood annrnnu'ed that be anti his partner Mr11ae would be holding an open meet ing 1in ."I. Pat mer? 1111tat does this lean'? 1 his letter is the opinion of the author. Low McGregor Forest Really? Lambton Shores 10 the i'ilitor, Lambton Shores council is on the cusp of making a decision that will attert this community for a lung Tong time and my fear is that tllt'y art' lvorkiilg with a "less is atom" philosophy that just doesn't snake sense for 1111' community. Rather than designing a facility that is capabit' otnu'eting all of tltt%sewage treatment needs for our community for the futon It is designing one that leaves half the community out, rather than designing 0 facility that can meet all of the projected needs of future gtr)wtlt it only includes a fraction of that growth, rather than maximize as much of mod vitt green technology to keep costs low and plant efficiency high, it eliminates ne'at'ly all of theta, rather than Inaximii. ing all oldie Federal and Provincial find ing available it has decided to use only a fraction of what is available. Rather than listening to the advise of its staff, It's con suiting engineers, it's financial advisor, this Council has opted to listen to the advice of 1l lieu;tl ( ;land 14,nd ;ilea si' til interest group that is committed to set vintg styptic systems its the lvily st'wagt` should be twitted in the 21st century. Really? (as my kids would say) really? 1)11 wt' believe that retaining cen(uty old septic system tecltltology is the best investment we ran make for 01 11' homes'? Ate we really convinced that investing millions of dollars on a new swage treat nu'nt facility that can only accommodate another 200 homes inakl's send' in any wary? Really? 'Ill their credit the previous council did think it through, did design a facility that was state of the 1)11, that was capable of meeting all out needs, thy utilized all of the funding available, that at the end of the day was only going to cost us less than $1'2.1)(111 month and we told them to get lust, Really? loyally? Gond Minlolly Forest LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Lakeshore Advance welcomes letters to the editor. Letters must include the writer's full name, address, daytime phone number and signa- ture (for verification. Anonymous letters will not be published. We reserve the right to edit all editorial submissions including letters for clari- fication, style and length. Letters must be signed and he in good taste and follow the laws of libel and slander. .