HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-02-06, Page 1110 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, February 6, 2013 Snowmobile trails being patrolled by OPP OPP The 1luron County OPP Detachment had officers patrolling snowmobile trails for the first tinge in 2013 this past weekend in I luron County. Officers reported three Reduce impaired Driving Everywhere (R.l.l).E.) checkpoints were set up at stra- tegic locations. Officers checked over 200 snow machine operators at these check- points. While the majority of the opera- tors were following the rules, officers did identify some offences. Three operators failed to have current trail permits, three operators failed to have insurance cards, one operator failed to wear a helmet and one driver was found to be driving while disqualified. On a positive note, no alcohol related offences wen' observed. iluron OPP officers are also investigating a single machine snowmobile collision that occurred on Sunday, January 27 shortly after 1:00 p.m. A 24 year old male driver from Central Huron sustained non -life threatening injuries while operating on a trail near Clinton. Snownuobiling is one of the joys of a Canadian winter; however, not taking the necessary precautions can quickly result in tragedy. Huron OPP will continue their snow machine patrols throughout the season and would like to remind riders of these important tips that will help make your ride safe. Obey speed limits and road/trail signs and always drive within your ability. the maximum trail speed is 50 km/h. Reduce your speed when driving at night ane( watch for fences, guide wires and other objects that can be difficult to spot at night. The Choice is Clear Mark Neilnrich Lifetime WATER PRODUCTS CANADA INC. Mark Heimrich & Associates • Since 1986 Drinking Water Systems & Complete Water Treatment • Distillers • Reverse Osmosis • Ultra Violet • Softeners • Iron & Sulphur Filters • Chlorine Filters & More! BBB \\ \\ ;Ilcrrc 5 1 O MOO \ I I BOO- It) -O 20 1' 1 On Drinking Water Systems, Water Softeners j 1 & Whole I Iouse Chlorine (Carbon) Filters (Qtkr rood limn .Jan. 23 - Feb. 28, 2013) mai mmi mi Nom mei WM Mill OMB 8m11 OEN moi mmi mot ono nom am FREE INSTALLATION• 1 — ............ — — Avoid driving on frozen lakes, ponds, and rivers. If it can't he avoided, check ice conditions beforehand. Wear a buoyant snowmobile suit and carry ice picks. 11'11 somelxxly you are going out for a ride. Tell them your route, description Of your snowmobile and your expected time of return. Avoid travelling alone. Always be prepared for the unexpected. Carry a charged cell phone if possibly. Never drive while intoxicated. Alcohol, illegal drugs and even some prescription drugs can slow down your reaction time and affect your ability to make good decisions. Never ride on private property without the permission of the landowner. l :ably a winter safety survival kit. ( 0 throw rope, ice picks, first aid kit, waterproof Matches with lire starter, whistle, energy bars, outer, survival blankets, 0 knife or multi -tool and nylon rope. if convicted of impaired driving on a snow machine, you will lose your driving privileges for all types of vehicles, including motor vehicles. SIu vIn (bile operators are obli gated to carry documents ‘vith thele when operating a 00001 led Snow vehicle. .\ driV('r's licence or motorized SI111W vehicle operator's license, vehicle registration and proof of insurance must be pro vided upon demand of a police officer. Remember, if you ride on trails operated by the Ontario l:edera- 111111 of Snowmobile (lobs (()1:S(;) and you fail to have a valid trail permit you are subject to a $2.10 fine. '1 be I halm County OPP I )etach n)ent wishes all snowmobile enthusiasts a safe and enjoyable 2013 Season. 1'01 ttlrtlll'1Illlt)rllhl tion on safe snowMobiling and where to ride, contact the ( )nt;uio Federation 01 tinownulbile flubs at lvww.ofsc.on.ca Ontario Landowners Association creates action plan to respond to OSPCA Act Susan Hundertmark The Huron Expositor An action plan, which involves lobbying politicians and gathering support from agricultural 1)1ganizations, has come out of an Ontal io Landowners' sleeting attended by 3(X) people in (Brussels Ic'r,'mtly to discuss the Ontario Society for the Prevention of ('ruelty to Animals. A press release from 01 „A president 'Ton) Black outlines the current problems of the OSP( Act as giving police powers to 0 private corporate charity, no government accountability, over sight or 11011 Spar encv, giving opportunity for abuse of authority, myga lively impacting the agricultural industry, failing to provide guidelines for definitions of terms and bring able to overrule veterinarian opinion and diagnosis. 'I be meeting in Brussels brought together a panel of s1x'akers, including a Perth County hog producer who was charged with causing distress to an animal after he tried to take five pigs with hernias to be slaughtered for his family frt'ezer. As a result of the meeting, the OLA has deckled to lobby provincial members of parliament to immediately ;amend the ( )til'(:,\ Act, lobby Agriculture and 1(1101 otg,nintlions to sup►putr1 amendments to the l )Sl'('.\ ,Act and seek 011 im .estigation into the duties, p)I.ctices, education and 110i11ing of all inspet•tols. As well, the ( plans 0) establish 0 peer review 1)001(1 1011n various produce) and hret'tter groups with the input Ind 501)1)1)1 t 01 vett'! inaI ton organisations, wog k to better educate (111101) neighbours about 1101 mal 1011)1 pr0ctice with 1esp)ect to animal husband`. and encutu;tge individuals 11 raise aware 'less through their own networks on the importance of amending the OSPCA Act. "As 0 result oldie trnvn hall meeting, rural ( )nlal io is united in their fight against the injustices imposed on their gamily 1,11105 due 10 111e abuse of power through the existing l )SI'(:A Act," says Black in his pass release. Cindy Mover, president of the 1 !aeon Perth (11 .A, says her membership will meet in late February to discuss the action plan of the provincial organization. "We haven't got a local plan yet that will he out first priority during out next meeting on I:eh. 21," she says. 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