HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-02-06, Page 76 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, February 6, 2013 Wind turbine neighbours could find tbelr land at risk: wind activlsts Heather Wright QMI Agency Lambton farmers face risks from wind turbines, even if they aren't on their land. Lambton wind activists are issuing warning landowners urging then) to investigate just how close their neighbours are placing turbines to their property. Lambton Shores is soon to be hone to two major wind projects. Suncor Energy plans to build a solar project with (i2 industrial turbines and NextEra Energy's plan has 92 turbines. Middlesex Lambton Wind Concern spokesperson Man -elle Brooks says a little known part of the regulations for turbines allows for boundary setback reductions. it basically means the giant turbines could be placed very close to the property lines of people who don't want turbines on their land. Suncor is applying for 21 boundary setback reductions and NextEra is looking for 39. "It benefits the host property owner," says Brooks. "The companies are putting the access roads close to the turbines as close to the property line as possible so they don't chop up the farmer's field." But she says in the case of a Massive failure of the turbines, they could land on the neighbour's property. "If it did fall into the neighbours prop- erty, you're going to have not only the blade length of 50 meters but you're going to potentially have another 20 meters of hub and turbine tower come crashing into your field. A hub and rotor weighs 144 tonnes...that's going to make a pretty big hole." Brooks adds the 750 litres of oil in the turbine will end up on the land, too. "'they've just contami- nated your field." But she says it may not be that dramatic. Turbines throw ice during cold weather. In Chatham -Kent, some turbine sites warn people to stay over 3011 meters away for fear of ice throws. "Any grazing animals are at risk... what if you have a snowmobile trail through your property? What it' you hike? What ifyou ski? ...What if your hush hap- pen to he tapped commercially for maple syrup? lIo v is ice throw going to affect your trees? glow The Municipality of Lambton Shores LIVING IN LAMBTON SHORES... A weekly Update on the Municipal Events in your Community Administration Department - 7883 Amtelecom Parf1way, Forest, Ontano NON 1J0 Tel 1-877-786.2335, 519-786-2335 Fax: 519-786-2135, Email: administration@lambtonshoros ca Visit our Wob Sito at www lambtonshoros.ca COUNCIL MEETING DATES - FEBRUARY 2013 Budget Meeting - Thursday, February 7, 2013 - 1:00 p.m. Regular Council Meeting - Tuesday, February 11, 2013 - 7:00 p.m. Regular Council Meeting - Tuesday, February 19, 2013 - 2:00 p.m. Fire Board - Thursday, February 21, 2013 - 7:00 p.m. - Arkona Fire Nall Committee of Adjustment - Thursday, February 28 - 7:00 p.m. ANI meetings are held at the Thedford Village Complex, unless noted otherwise. LAMBTON SHORES RESIDENTS: If you would like to subscribe to the weekly "Living in Lambton Shores" advertisement go to www.Iambtonshoros ca You will note on the bottom of the home pages for Living or Visiting you can enter your email address in order to receive this weekly ad. Economic Development Committee The Municipality of Lambton Shores is seeking individuals interested in serving on the Economic Development Committee to assist In discussions and research geared to business retention and expansion, and to encourage opportunities for employment growth in Lambton Shores and to make recommondations to Council on Economic Development Issues. Council is seeking 6 people who will represent key groups in the community, such as tourism, agriculture, youth, business, seniors, and ensure wide geographic coverage, and with oxponence In either economic development, marketing, information technology, sociology and/or municipal processes If you are interested in participating, application forms aro available on the municipal wobsitu www.lambtonshoros.callocal government/ Council. Application forms aro also available by contacting any one of oho Municipal Office. Submission details aro available on the form, and applications aro to be submitted by February 13, 2013 2013 TAX NOTICE 11`1' 11111.1 u+' . 1.1, iv,1t., t". !LINA, 1•l't` �`.tiln•,' 1',11 1'1' 11''.1,t, I+, I'I:1 .\ t 1ik)I�i.'t I` 1/411'1‘,111• t'.rit', .ut'1'1,v1 .h,v1•'. , .1 n., u' sell i.11 1 01 .Irn 1 r1+1t1,u\ . .inti 111.1\ .t' •I .11 Ih1 f\!uni, ,11,11 „ tor, ,,•• ,'t ,'r1 �'u1 in I'1','.,'n .11 ,Int ,, tht. .i t11fi, .'i.1t1 i,.'1 r1•. 1.1,1',' t,'1i1 1 1.1'1,..1•, }�� i'11 , .� .11� 1'1 .'.iti ;L1(.1 are you going to be compensated?" Middlesex Lambton Wind Concerns is holding a public meeting on the issue Friday starting at 7pn► at Kimball i tall in Forest. Brooks hopes landowners will ('O111e 0111 t0 hear whist they may face in the future. "Landowners have to realize their land is at risk and they have to fight for it...1 can show you your land is at risk ...but !can't fight on your behalf." Melting Friday 'the Middlesex-Lambton Wind Action (roup (MI.WAG) will he hosting a com- munity information evening on Friday, February 8. The topics to be discussed include Boundary Setback Reductions a term given by the wind developers to describe when a turbine is place(( closer to the property line than the required distance set out in the Environmental Act which does affect the safety and use of affected properties. This infringement by the wind devel- opers occurs in AL1. wind projects and is done without the consent of the affected landowner. Suncor reduced the boundary set- backs 21 times for the Cedar Point Project that consists of 62 turbines, while NextEra reduced the boundaries for :39 of the 92 turbines in the Jericho Project. Why is this happening? !low will this impact your land? What can you do about it? Please join us and educate yourself on your property rights! Everyone is welcome. If you go: 7:00 p.m. Kimball Hall 6276 Townsend Line Forest, Ontario windactiongroup@gmail.com Forest residents worried about tourism funding Politicians and Chamber defend the yearly grant Heather Wright the service of tourist information," he says adding that the tourist information hook the group puts out is for all of Lambton Shores. Susan Mills of (rand Bend Tourism agrees. She says this year's guide has far more information about Forest than it ever has, including local business and Some residents of Forest are wonder- attractions such as the MiloO'l'heater. ing why Lambton Shores is investing 111 "Forest is named many times in the vlsi- (rand Bend 'Tourism but not putting tors' guide," says Mills. cash into Forest's BIA. And she says the (:;rand Bend Chant - For the last two years, 1.8(11)10n her will be working with the Forest BiA Shores has given funding to (;rand Bend on a number of projects this year includ- Tourism - an arm of the Grand Bend ing a shop local promotion in the fall. Chamber of Commerce. In 2012. the Mills believes the municipality's group received just over $16,000 from money for (rand Bend tourism is well the municipality as an acknowledge- spent. "We are doing a service for the trent it is providing tourism services for area in the absence of anyone else doing the municipality. it very well,' she says. "'Ihe challenge we But at a public meeting in Forest have is that 1,ve 11ilvl' only one recently some residents voiced concern employees...and I can only spend a cer about the grant. Rick (oodhand says tail) amount of time accomplishing the Forest 131A should be on "equal tourism work...we're only scratching ground for funding. the sus face of the iceberg "'the problem is you hand the 111o11('y "\Vt' Ili1Vl' a great place 101' tourist t(1 out without doing the research and it is colue...tourism itself is a huge economic our money," he added. driver but it is completely under But Councilor Martin Underwood funded...it needs to be given the proms defended the move. -they are providing nenee we deserve."