HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-05-21, Page 89 MINOR LOCALS. -Big velebratien ir Wilip;11Z1111 or 1)aminion Day -Next t,Ionday will bo i:ublie day -Victoria Day, - Get your wedding invitt.tions print -1 ed at the TfmEs place. - Huron County Council.will meet in Goclerich, on Tuesday, June 2nd. -Buy your G. T. R. tickets from II. 13, Elliott. Town Agent, at the THUS office, .-The Citizens' Band will furnish music at the Victoria Day celebration in Drayton next Monday. -The Town Hall has been renovated by a fresh coat of paint. Mr. McCowan manipulating the brush. -The lacrosse boys have now got down to hard practice, with good attend- ance, The practice nights are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. -The Bowling Lawn has been put in shape for the season and is now ready for the bowlers. The bandstand in the park has also undergone the necessary repairs. -Every Liberal in this section should attend the annual meeting of the North Huron Liberal Association in the Town Hall, Wingham, on Friday afternoon of this week. -Mr. R. Vanstone has had the ver- andah of his residence removed, and workmen are now busy erecting a neW one, which will cost in the neighbor- hood of $800. -Homeseekers' Excursions to the Canadian • West every Tuesday. Get rates and full partieulars from H. B. Elliott, Town Agent for the GT R., at the TIMES office. -An excellent article on "How we used to celebrate the Twenty-fourth in Bluevale," written by Mr. Robt. Black, is crowded out of this issue. It will appear next week. . -There passed away in Turnberry on May 13th, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Reid, age 2 months and 17 days. The little fellow contracted whooping cough and succumbed to the disease after a short illness. Mr. and Mrs. Reid have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. BRUSSELS. A. J. Lowery, who has been in poor health for the past couple of years has not been as well as usual during the past weer. Thursday of last week, Rev. Mr. Page and a company of ladies attended the Sabbath school convention at Sea - forth. The former gave an address. Eva Anderson, of Walton locality, has been very ill with pneumonia. A whopper of a turtle was captured in the Maitland River here that plump- ed down the scales at 38 ppunds. It was the snapping variety. R. Warwick took honors in his recent examinatien at the School of Practical Science, Toronto. He is home for a holiday at present, but may go out on a surveying tour. Workmen are pushing the foundation of the new Presbyterian Church, so as to be ready for the cornerstone laying ceremony on Monday afternoon, the 25th inst. Dr. MacDonald, editor of the Toronto Globe, will officiate. INDIVIDUAL FAIR PLAY. In a herd of 12 dairy cows the aver- age yield last year was 3,780 pounds of milk and 144 pounds of fat. The 10 best cows in the district averaged 6,293 pounds of milk and 221 pounds of fat while the 10 poorest gave only 2,818 pounds of milk and 107 pounds of fat. When it is seen that the difference in the average of these two groups of 10 cows 3,475 pounds of milk, while be- tween the best and poorest individual cow there was actually a difference of 43,195 pounds of milk, it is quite evident that figuring out just a cold, dead, ma- chine -like "average" is quite unsuit- able and unfair when it eomea to deal- ing with a living, nervous, sensitive cow. That difference of a01.05 between the earning power of two individual cows indicates the cow's natural rebellion against mere mechanical treatment. Being an animated and complex bundle of nerves and tissues she needs study of het particular likes and dielikes, then her best results will be cheerfully given. She is not simply one of a team, but an individual whose peculiarities are well worth studying to eneure development. The average may be esed in giving due justice to eaeli cow only when all in the herd are equally good. Jot as long as these remarkable . differences exist between individual cows, there will ekes remain the need or a record of test of feed and production of milk of each one separately. Then the herd can 1* built up on the definite system of eh one contributing a good meas- ure of profit: otherwise the deficienciee of several poor tows add to the heavy burden shouldered by the two or three star workers of the team that do make large profits. Dairy records give fair play with each cow and help in judging IndiVidual merit. a10., '111E W1NGIIAM TIMES. MAY 21 1911 • NA- DRU - CO COD I_ IVER OIL Is one of the best Lung Builders guaranteed cure or prevention for Coughs and Colds TRY IT Put up in two sizes 5oc. and .00 SUCeSSOr to A. L. HAMILTON CORNER DRUG STORE WINGHAM Ttle ONLY MEDIU% FOR TEETHING MEM& Mrs. Alcide Charland, Ste, Sophis/de Levrard, Que„ writes: "1 amywell satisfied with Baby's Own Tablet/which I used for my little one during lie teeth- ing period. I know of no offer medi- cine to equal them." Mr "; Charland's testimony is that qf thouJnds of other mothers. Once tt1e T#lets are used a mother will give n ther medicine to her little ones. T Tablets are guar- anteed to be absolutely safe and are not only good during the teething period but they cure constipation, colic, colds and simple fevers -in fact they cure all the minor ills of little ones. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. . GOVERNMENT BY CAUCUS. (Toronto Star.) If there is any doubt in the publci mind as to the ability of Sir James Whitney to resume and continue his work as PrimeMinister of Ontario, that doubt is being created by the politicians who are supposed to be Sir James Whit- ney's feeds, It is these politicians who are circulating reports of a prem- ature dissolution election to be held in the summer or early fall of this year. No public reason is assigned for the premature election. It is said that the Conservatives are anxious to go to the country under the leadership of Sir James Whitney. But what the people of Ontario are anxious to know is not who is to lead the hosts in the election, but who is to govern the Province af- terwards. The hurrying on of the election would mean that on the Conservative side, there is uncertainty as to the leader- ship. In plain words, it would mean that the name of Sir James Whitney would be used dishonestly, for election- eering purposes. If by that election- eering device, the Government could be returned, the caucus could then choose some other leader, and control the Leg- islature, furthering or opposing legis- lation according to its own pleasure and caprice. The straightforward, honest way is to hold the election at the regular time. At that time the people ought to be in. formed Who is really to be the leader of the Conservative party, so that they may choose between him and Mr. Row- ell and between the policies of the two leaders. It is not fair to ask any man, whatever his politics may be, to vote in the dark, so as to allow a group of politicians to choose any leader and carry out any policy they please. magimisionmantemm Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR.1 A DIED. REDD-In Turnherry, on May 136, Allan Stapleton Reid, infant son of Mr. and IVIrs. John H. Reid, aged 1 month and 17 days. GATN0R-In Grey township, on May 12th, Elizabeth, beloved wife of John Gaynor, aged 68 years, 2 months and 19 days. S. AIVIOTIR-In Grey township, on May 8th, 1914, Thomas St. Amour, aged 76 years and 14 days. G AND TRUNK %rem VICTORIA HOLIDAY FARES Between ell stations in Canada east of Port Arthur and to Detroit end Port Huron, Mich, Buffalo, Blaek Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge, N.Y. SINGLE FARE -Good going and re- turning May 25. FARE AND ONE -THIRD -Good going May 23-24-25, Return limit May Z. Minimum fare, 25 cents. tierth re tion' ond fuflriartieulars, from IL B. ELLIOTT. Town Pommottotor aa eleket Agent. 'Phone 4. W. P BURG, tr, Stntion Mont. 'Phone 50 Or write (3. X Horning. D.P.A., Toronto. Ont. ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c: Notices Under 71iis Head ten cents a line Lor first Insertion; five cents for 6111166- quent insertions. Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's. WANTED -Boarders in private house. Apply at TIMES Office. FOR RENT - Good comfortable house to rent. Apply to J.A. McLean. WANTED -A good girl for general housework. Apply to Mrs. J. )i. Swarts, at Queen's hotel. Rooms TO RENT over W. J, Greeris shoe store. For particulars apply to Dr. A J. Irwin. WANTED -A nurse girl, 14 or 15 years old. Apply in mornings to Mrs. E. B. Walker, Victoria s tree t. Fon SALE-Apneumatic tired buggy i as good as new, s offered for sale cheap. Apply to Dr. J. P. Kennedy Car of choice seed potatoes to arrive about May 21st, grown at Caledon, Ont, Get your seed while they last, one variety only. J. A. Mills, AUCTICN SALE or Cows -D. E. Mc- Donald & Son will hold an auction sah of cows and calves at the Queen's hotel yards on Saturday afternoon, May 23rd. There are fifteen excellent milch cows and twemy-five calves. For Wall Paper and Window Shades go to KNOX'S. , The Cadillac Electric or hand Vacuum Cleaners to rent at Isard's. NOTICE -I am prepared to again keep lots in the cemetery in good shape at the rate of $1 per lot for the season. Orders left with John F. Groves, Town Clerk, will be given prompt attention. Robt. Deyell. Reduced Prices in Wall Paper and Window Shades at KNOX'S. TRUNKS AND VALISES:-Blg stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. For the Newest Designs in Spring Wall Paper go to KNOX'S. PASTURE- Good pasture can be fur- nished for a number of cattle. Apply to W. J. Deyell. FOR SALE -A comfortable seven - roomed house, with cement cellar and coal bin. Hard and soft water, a good garden, Apply to F. G. Sperling, Min- nie street or at his office, Salt Block. FOR SALE -A good fruit farm in the Niagara district. Get particulars at TIMES office. NoricE-Our dental offices will be closed every Wednesday afternoon from May lst to October lst. A. J. 'awn:, D.D.S G. H. Ross, D.D.S. 11••••••••••••••••••=ym. MEETING OF HURON REMY COUNTY,.// The Council -of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the coun cil chamber, in the Town of Goderich on Tuesday, the 2nd day of June next at the hour of 3 o'clock. W. LANE, Clerk. Dated at Goderich, May 13th, 1914. TOWN OF W NGHAM COURT OF VISION. The firat sitting the Court of Itis vision for the reviflon of the Assess- ment Roll of the wn of Wingham for the year 1914, wi ' be held in the Coun- cil Chamber, on uesday, the 26th day of May at 7 o'cl ck p.m. All parties 4: interested will ease take notice and govern theme es aecordingly. . By order, JOHN F. GROVES, Clerk. Winghare, May 8th, 1914 Township of Turnberry. COURT REVISION The Court of milt Roll of t will be held hij Aluevale, on T May next, at ties interest and govern Turnberry, evision of the Assess- pwrithip of Turnberry te Council Chamber, esday the 26th day of o'clock, p.m. All par - will plea:* take notice ereselves accordingly. P. POWELL. Clerk, Township of Tu rnberry ay fith, 1914 1 VituM=311,==========sPOIROPSorainit KING E3R(DS. SPECIAL VALUES IN HOUSE FURNISHINGS linoleums.3 & 4 Yds Wide Our range of patterns are most complete in sew designs of floral and bkek patterns, made by the best makers. *ices 50e, 65c and 75c sq yd. Japanese Matting & Rugs These rugs are becoming more popular every season and are jest the thing fur bed- rooms and verandah, •made in all sizes. Prices SI to $'3 50. Lace Curtains and Scrims We are showing a big range of curtains in Scrim, Arab. Net and Nottingham Lace, in white and ecrue, Prices $1.00 to $7 00 pair. Fancy Colored Scrims In two tone effects with - plain or colored border. Prices 15e, 25e, 35e, 50c and and 75e yard. .11.1•11.1=.1•16. .1111, Kairn's inlaid Linoleum 2 Yards Wide Very pretty patterns in black, tile and oak patterns. suitable for dining rooms, kitchens and bath rooms. Quality guaranteed by manu- facturer. Prices $1,C0 and $1,25 sq. yard. MIERIMIRMIIMINM111!4.111111MO. Kliorfast Guaranteed Maiii3g This covering is suitable for bedrooms and balls, will stand lots of bard wear, made In green and brown, reversible patterns and guaranteed fast colors, at 50c yard. Window Shades and Curtain Poles Brass extention rods with fancy. trimmings and knobs, Prices 25c, 50e and75e. Window shades in plain greens and fawns with lace or insertion. Prices 50e to $1.50. 1•••••••••••11011..1 Rugs, Carpets and Stair Carpets Velvet, Wilton, Brussels, Tapistry and Alcroinister, in all sizes, Prices $5,00 to '475, Stair Carpets In fancy patterns, with bor- der or without. 50e to 81.50 per yard. PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 71 50,000 POUNDS WOOL WANTED Highest Prices, Cash or Trade. KING BROS A three years' commission has been given to Police Inspector Beytes to track the slayers of two explorers in northern Canada. Grasping a 2,200 volt electric wire in his hand, H. Govern, a young lad of Kingsville, escaped with but a slight burn on his hand, where -the wire had scorched it. OCEAN TICKETS Via all steamship lines, outward or prepaid from the Old Couutry. Lowest quotations current for rates or tickets by any route. Apply H. B. ELLIOTT Times Office, Wingham NORTH END GROCERY Having opened a Grocery Store in the old stand known as the North End Grocery, I solicit a fair share of the patronage of the people of Wingbam and vicin- ity. We will always keep a clean and fresh stock of Groceries, etc. and can assure you satisfaction. Try us with your next order. A. BELL 'Phone 193 Cash for Butter and Eggs Coal and Wood Clermine Lehigh Coal Hard, Bright and Clean Prices for present delivery are: Stove and Egg $7.10 Chestnut 7.35 Pea 6.10 Connell Anthracite from15c to 35c per ton less, according to site. Full supply of Hard aild Soft Wood, R. J. Cantelon OPPIOE WIT/I Dominion Express Co'* Office SPRING COAL • Best results have shown that when buying your spring coal, you should be sure you get - Genuine Anthracite The name `',Scranton" stands for all you can wish for in Coal, having the high- est analysis of Coal mined, yet selling at a price to corn - pare with the lower qualities Why not have the best? Hard and Soft Slabs for summer use at lowest prices. \, J. A. McLEAN Dealer in LUMBER, COAL, WOOD Davis Warrior Seed Potatoes These Potatoes are strongly recommended by Professor Zavitz of 0. A. C. Guelph. See report of 1912-13. Price- $1.00 per Bushel tI, W. IIONE Belgralre FOR SALE I3uggy iti therough repair Saddle and Bridle No. 5 Taylor Fireproof Safe,new Gasoline Engine, six horse power Dynamo, 80 Ode, 16 eandle power Also Bight -roomed Brick House for sale or to rent, Apply to Geo..1VicKenzie ''`114.9,1111frueleskleialeIversaaes.a.wteals.oastaaeleweiseeereretivererveyvvaa.**ealk We have an excellent selection of Children's Shoes In fact our selection is equal to that of large city stores is at the same time This cut illustrates one of the nicest and r:Tnost Popular Shoes for children. Note the open front which makes them as cool as a low ankle slipper and a support to the ankle, We have many nice lines of Slippers for children and we invite every mother to call and see assuring them that they are under no obligation to buy. Kindly Note Next Monday being Victoria Day our store will be closed. Also remember that we take Butter and Eggs in trade, and sew all rips on Shoes bought from us, free of charge. W. 11. Willis & Co. Sole Agents. zresefr smoil ForLadies 4.44,16444wi.4.44saivirsipirs44.4..,s..44...."44.4444.4,44 SEEDS, FLOUR AND FEEDS All kinds of seeds now in stock—Clovers of all kinds and grasses for permanent pasture, Red Clover, Alsike Clover, White Clover, Lucerne Clover, white Blossom, Brome Grass, Orchard Grass, Kentucky and Canadian Blue Grass, Rye Grass, etc. All high Grade Government Standard No. I. Also Mangel, Carrot, Turnip seed, Early Potatoes, all 1914 seeds, a few last year Loose Mangel seed at 15c per lb. A Car of Hand Selected seed Corn to arrive about May 1st; all Essex Grown. I buy only the best. No Failure of crop when buying from one who understands Seed Corns, Teaming, Bailey, White Cap Wisconsin No, 7. Comptons Early and Long- fellow. Caldwells Calf Meal, and Bibby's Cream Equiva- lant for rearing Calves without milk. Good Luck Baby Chick feed for young Chicks. Bran, Shorts, Feed Flour and Chop. FLOURS Royal Household, Robin Hood, Purity, Univers- al and Golden City. Wheat and Oats taken in Exchange for any of the above, also Butter and Eggs at cost prices. J. AIMILLS Sueeestor to T. A. Mills PHON 89. WINGHAIVI, OT.