HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-05-21, Page 44 IRE WINGI1AM rifillf.S. MAY 21. 1914 fits9:4.1iL4sit.mo TiE WIN61101 TIMES. LB.ict4litOrr, I'unr,tSnE3 AND Faommon THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1914 EDITORIAL NOTES Organized labor has decided to con- test every Toronto riding in the coming Provincial elections. The candidates will be known, however, as "working class" candidates, instead of using the label "Socielist" or "Labor," Conservative papers are greatly re- joicing because it would now appear that Sir James Whitney will be able to lead his party in the coming Provincial electioas. What the country will be most coneerned to know is whether, after the elections, he will continue to be Premier of Ontario or leave this Province to the tender mercies of • two party fraction.; and transfer himself to the Senate at Ottawa to "rest and be thankful." Simeoe Reformer. In the month of April, 1913, the total revenue of the Dominion amounted to $12,145,455. In April, 1914, the total revenue stood at $9,848,998, In other words, there was a decrease of $2,296,- 457 or more than eighteen per cent. The greater part of the decrease came in the falling off in custom's revenue, an indication of a continued drop in Canadian trade. For months past there bas been,a great and steady decline of Canadian trade and the April figures indicate that this accompaniment of Borden rule continues markedly evident, Hon. W. J. Hanna's ery that he. poor man, is persecuted by the wicked Grits, reminds us of the story of an old neigh- bor in Nichol township. With the hired man he was fixing a pump when the covering of the well gave way ad both were precipitated to the bottom. The water fortunately was only about waist deep. The hired man, being young and agile, managed to clamber out, but the farmer, after severs,1 ineffectual at- tempts, bawled out to his manservant; "I'm paralyzed, persecuted, perishing! Ropes and the neighbors!" Mr. Hanna's pletgof persecution is equally amusing, but he's in a hole, all right, and it's not a dry hole either.—Mount Forest Con- federa te, The political situation in South Huron, from a temperance standpoint, was thoroughly canvassed at a convention held in Hensall on Monday afternoon, and as a result a united effort will be made by the temperance people of South Huron to have one or both ponti- fical parties select candidates pledged to the abolition of the bar, and, failing satisfaction from one party or the other, to put an independent candidate into the field. The meeting was held in the Carmel Presbyterian Church and was presided over by Mr. John Scott of Exeter, and while the decision was un- animously reached, there were times when the convention developed evidences of unsacrificing partisanship. On the other hand, there were men of strong Conservative tendencies who did not hesitate to put their temperance prin- ciples first and openly declare that they would vote at the next election for the party that was pledged to give them the reform they: all so much desired. WORDY° E. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Doyle visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doyle on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. John Martin visited with Mr. and Mrs. P. McGlynn. We are glad to report that Mr. Champion is able to be around again after his illness. Quite a number attended the meeting of the Institute held at Bert Thompson's. Mr. Charlie Martin brought home a new buggy that looks pretty good. Misses Nellie and Victoria Champion spent an evening lately at the home of Mr. Peter Leaver. Mr. Mark Armstrong visited recently with Mr. M. Champion. Mr. Bob Hebben visited at Eordyce on Sunday. John McGee, jr. is assisting Mr. Leaver with his seeding. St wart McBurney and Wellington Dow sold some fine cattle lately. James Martin spent Sunday at Bert Thom pson 'a. John Boyle is working with William Gibbons. Christopher Foran is putting up s new fence. A greatly reduced cable rate for week -end messages, subject to slight delay, has been arranged between Can- ada and Australia and Now Zealand, 116 TO GET STRENGTH after any sickness is purely a matter of nourishment, whether the attack was an ordinary cold or severe illness; the weakened forces =not repulse disease germs, and this is why a relapse is so often fatel or why chronic weakness often follows sickness. Restorleg strength to inilliOnd Of people for forty years has proven the real need Lor taking* Scott's Emulsion after any sickness; nothing equals it— nothing compares with it. Ita pure, .medicituel nourishment, free from alcohol or opiates, pranspUy creates rich hi00(1, strengthens the erVeS 444 MORS to avert tuberculOils, BELGIC AV is The many old friends of Charles Barkley were delighted to see him once again but so sorry he could not stay longer. Come again Charlie, bring wife and family and stay awhile. A welcome awaits you. Mrs, W. H, Ferguson visited at Stratford last week going to see her son Irvin, who was laid up in the hospi- tal from blood poisoning in one of his limbs. He is a student at the Normal School and is able to resume his work there once more. We hope he will soon regain his former good health. Mrs. (Rev.) Boyle and Mrs. W. IT. Ferguson represent the Woman's Mis- sionary Society at the Annual Conven- tion at Toronto last week. The former is the local President and Mrs. Fergu. son represents Maitland Presbyterial and the "Tidings" department. • There passed away to her reward at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Little, of Detroit, on Saturday, May 9th, at 8.20 p.m, Lucy Barker, relict of the late Daniel Barkley, for many years residents of this locality, in her 83rd year. She had been a very smart, hearty woman up to about five weeks ago when she took ill and despite the best medical attendance and attentive nursing she answered the great Roll Call in confident trust in her Saviour whom she had faithfully followed from her girlhood. Mrs. Barkley was born at Mountain, Ont., and was married to Mr. Barkley in 1850 coming west to the 5th line of Morris township the follow- ing year and locating on what was after- wards known as the Hood farm. Mr. Barkley died 7.1 years ago at Belgrave and was buried at Sunshine. Three sons, Ira, of Climax, Mich.; Chas., of Moosomin, Sask.; and George, of Brus- sels, and four daughters, Mrs. Hartford, Toledo; Mrs. McConnell and Mrs. Little, Detroit; and Mrs. Shearer, London, sur- vive. Four children are deceased. The subject of this notice was for about 40 years a resident of Belgrave going to Detroit to live with her daughter %hen her life partner died. She came to London last February intending to visit with relatives and old friends in this locality but her health failing she was taken back to Detroit. The remains were brouilit here for burial, the fun- eral service taking place Tuesday, after- noon, May 12th, in the Methodist church, interment being made in Siinshine cemetery. Mrs. Joseph Clegg and Mrs. Wm. Clegg, of Morris township, are the surviving sisters of Mrs. Bark- ley, being daughters of the late C. M. Packer, one of the pioneers of Morris. While everything else is corne:ed by the trusts, remember that love, sun- shine and smiles are still left. HELD BACK BY DEADLY ANAEMIA. Thousands of Growing Girls Yearly Fall into a Hopeless Decline. Anaemia —the doctor's name for bloodlessness holds back many girls from the path to bright, healthy wom- anhood. At that f.;1 -ifrIpott mt.; time when their veins should be full of rich, red blood, anaemia, creeping on them stealthily, robs them of sparkling eyes and a clear skin. They become languid and exhausted at the least exertion, their backs ache, their hearts palpitate violently, appetite fails, and their com- plexion changes to a pasty yellow, or they become dealthly white. No medi- cine ever offered the public lids beatow- ed such important benefits upon , anae- mic girls as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They build up the body anew by mak- ing the rich, red blood that gives splen- did health, bright eyes, a clear Somplex- ion and womanly brightness./ 'Here is an instance out of many recoraed thous- ands. Miss Delina Arsenaujt, Urban - vine, P.E.1., says: "I su ered from an attack of anaemia whicl, my friends feared at one time would/prove fatal. I grew thinm r every dui/had dark cir- cles around my eyes, "uld not sleep well at night and gotip in the morn- ing feeling tired and epreseed. I suf- fered severely, fror� headaches and pains in the badkatl limbs. I had to leave school, arid as unable to do any work around th'e, ouse. I had no ap- petite and fregtiently vomited what I did eat. I was under a doctor's care for eight months, but was growing worse and worse, and was almost in de- spair, when a friend advised me to give Dr—Williams' Pink Pills a trial. An- xious to get well, I decided to do so. After taking a few boxes I found a a good imprevement, and I continued taking the Pills until 1 had used nine boxes, when I was again enjoying per- fect health, and I found on weighing myself that 1 had gained seventeen pounds. I have since enjoyed perfect Bealth, for which I have to thank Dr. Williams' Pink Pills , and strongly ad- vise all other ailing girls to give this medicine a fair trial." Every girl afflicted with anaemia, every woman who suffers from back- aches and sideaches, and the other mis- eries that afflict her sex can secure new health and strength through a fair use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or 6 boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Hon. F. D. Monk, former Minister of Public Works, died at his home in Mon- treal, after a lengthy illness. Judge Hugh McDonald Henry of Halifax was accidently drowned in the mill -race near Riverside Park, Guelph, Walter Renwick Ferguson, M.P.P. for East Kent, was nominated by ac- clamation by the Liberal convention -for that constituency as candidate in the forthcoming Provincial election. THE DOMINION BANK SIR EDMUND U. °SEER MM., PRESIDENT. W. P. MATTHEWS, VIOE•PRESIDENT, 0, A. BOGERT, General Manager._ Do Your Banking By Mail If you live at a distance from a branch of The Dominion Bank, Deposits may be made—cash withdrawn—or any other Banking BusIness may be transacted by mail, Just as easily as though one made a special trip to town for the purpose. A Savings Account may be opened in the name of two persons —man and wife, or two members of a family—so tha:t either one can deposit and withdraw money from the same account. WINGHAM BRANCH A. M. SCULLY, Manager. MASCOT No 92D8 Vol. 14, C. H A , Can No. 12,243, Vol. 26,0. S. of Great jTtain and • In land. Enrolment 1, o. 1328 -inspected d approved. J. W. KING, Pr. cietor. i Following route t ill b ' alten this season hy the above horse:--; Ion y will leave Geo. T. Robetrson's sale st 131 nd proceed. to Barn'l. Burchell', Culrosab ndary for noon; thence to his own stable, Wt1.igham, for night. Tues- day by way of gra el road to Robt Coultas', con 10, East Wawanosh for noon ; then to his own stable, Wingham, for night Weduesday to Jos Fmith's, con, 8, Turnberry, for x oon ; then to James McDougall's, Wylie farm, con 0, Turnberry, for r ight. Thursday to Thos. Mc - Michael's, Wroxeter gravel, for noon ; then to King Edward Hotel stables, Wroxeter, for night. Friday to John McNaughton's, con. 2, Turnberry, for noon; then to .1. W King's, Bluevale, for night.,Baturday to E. 14 Jen- kn.'s, Holey& e road, fOr noon; then to his own stable, Wingham, where he will remain until the following Monday morning: GOLDLINK:42 No. MO, C. H. A eau*: No, 11,035, 0. 0„ of Great Big *and Ireland Enrollment No. 1330 —Inepefhd end appmved. . J. W. ING n opetor. Following rou e wtfrbe taken this seas m by the above hoe—Monday—wilt leave his own stable. Blu'vale. to Thos A braham's, con. 1, Morris, for noon ; then to Geo, War- wick's, con. 2, Morris, for night. Tuesday—To Jos. hedden's, con, 4. hlorris, for noon; then to Geo. Farane's. con. 7, Grey, for night. Wednesday—Afternoon to Walter Fores eon. 2, Morris, for night. Thursday—To Benj, Eislop's, con. A., Turnbers y, for noon; then to King Edward Hotel stable, Wroxeter, for night. Friday—To David Miller's, con 1, Turnberry, for noon; then to his owner's stable, Bluevale, and remain until the follow- ing Monday mot ning. READ THE A.DVERT1SEMENTS. WALLPAPETI AND WINDOW SI IADF,S A straight cut in the prices of New Spring Wallpapers while they last. Regular 5c Paper for Regular 7c Paper for Regular 10c Paper for Regular 12,1c Paper for Regular 15c Paper for Regular 20c Paper for Regular 25c Paper for Regular 35c Paper for Regular 50c Paper for 4c Roll 5c Roll 7c Roll 9c Roll 11c Roll 15c Roll 20c Roll 25c Roll 35c Roll Also large stock of Win- dow Shades at cut prices A. M. KNOX 'Phone 6,0 Opposite National Hotel A -T TE SALE Kerr's Old it/tand OF THE ENTIRE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Ciothin Gent's Furnish- ings, Groceries, China, Boots and Shoes ALL TO BE SOLD AT REDUCED PRICES FOR 19 DAYS ONLY See our premiums we offer. Call and see us and you will buy. Produce taken as cash at this Sale. MINO/M0114•00111M11.M11.1••••• SALE BEGINS THURSDAY MORNING AT 8:30 SHARP, Be on hand and get the Bargains. Mark the Time and Date. 1100g0101•11.11111.11 JOS. H. BAKER A. J. ANDERSON, Sale Manager. (.!iZE3Z1ismEZAMSOMEZZI.--qt.A0:-.1r. WINGHAM - , 13ank of Hamilton Capital Authorized $5,000,000 Capital Paid-up, 3,000,000 . Surplus - - - 3,750,000 WHY A SAVINGS ACCOUNT It is best to put your money in a Savings Bank Account here because, first—it is safe; second—it is readily available in cash; third—the interest is certain and prompt. C. P. SMITH, Manager . Wingham, Ont _ ., * MASCOT No 92D8 Vol. 14, C. H A , Can No. 12,243, Vol. 26,0. S. of Great jTtain and • In land. Enrolment 1, o. 1328 -inspected d approved. J. W. KING, Pr. cietor. i Following route t ill b ' alten this season hy the above horse:--; Ion y will leave Geo. T. Robetrson's sale st 131 nd proceed. to Barn'l. Burchell', Culrosab ndary for noon; thence to his own stable, Wt1.igham, for night. Tues- day by way of gra el road to Robt Coultas', con 10, East Wawanosh for noon ; then to his own stable, Wingham, for night Weduesday to Jos Fmith's, con, 8, Turnberry, for x oon ; then to James McDougall's, Wylie farm, con 0, Turnberry, for r ight. Thursday to Thos. Mc - Michael's, Wroxeter gravel, for noon ; then to King Edward Hotel stables, Wroxeter, for night. Friday to John McNaughton's, con. 2, Turnberry, for noon; then to .1. W King's, Bluevale, for night.,Baturday to E. 14 Jen- kn.'s, Holey& e road, fOr noon; then to his own stable, Wingham, where he will remain until the following Monday morning: GOLDLINK:42 No. MO, C. H. A eau*: No, 11,035, 0. 0„ of Great Big *and Ireland Enrollment No. 1330 —Inepefhd end appmved. . J. W. ING n opetor. Following rou e wtfrbe taken this seas m by the above hoe—Monday—wilt leave his own stable. Blu'vale. to Thos A braham's, con. 1, Morris, for noon ; then to Geo, War- wick's, con. 2, Morris, for night. Tuesday—To Jos. hedden's, con, 4. hlorris, for noon; then to Geo. Farane's. con. 7, Grey, for night. Wednesday—Afternoon to Walter Fores eon. 2, Morris, for night. Thursday—To Benj, Eislop's, con. A., Turnbers y, for noon; then to King Edward Hotel stable, Wroxeter, for night. Friday—To David Miller's, con 1, Turnberry, for noon; then to his owner's stable, Bluevale, and remain until the follow- ing Monday mot ning. READ THE A.DVERT1SEMENTS. WALLPAPETI AND WINDOW SI IADF,S A straight cut in the prices of New Spring Wallpapers while they last. Regular 5c Paper for Regular 7c Paper for Regular 10c Paper for Regular 12,1c Paper for Regular 15c Paper for Regular 20c Paper for Regular 25c Paper for Regular 35c Paper for Regular 50c Paper for 4c Roll 5c Roll 7c Roll 9c Roll 11c Roll 15c Roll 20c Roll 25c Roll 35c Roll Also large stock of Win- dow Shades at cut prices A. M. KNOX 'Phone 6,0 Opposite National Hotel A -T TE SALE Kerr's Old it/tand OF THE ENTIRE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Ciothin Gent's Furnish- ings, Groceries, China, Boots and Shoes ALL TO BE SOLD AT REDUCED PRICES FOR 19 DAYS ONLY See our premiums we offer. Call and see us and you will buy. Produce taken as cash at this Sale. MINO/M0114•00111M11.M11.1••••• SALE BEGINS THURSDAY MORNING AT 8:30 SHARP, Be on hand and get the Bargains. Mark the Time and Date. 1100g0101•11.11111.11 JOS. H. BAKER A. J. ANDERSON, Sale Manager. (.!iZE3Z1ismEZAMSOMEZZI.--qt.A0:-.1r. WINGHAM -